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Paimon (Support Card) -
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Tenacity of the Millelith (Equipment Card) -
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Shadow of the Sand King (Equipment Card) -
Undivided Heart (Equipment Card)
All items (535)
- A Cold Blade Like a Shadow (Equipment Card)
- A Subordinate's Skills (Equipment Card)
- A Summation of Interest (Equipment Card)
- A Thousand Floating Dreams (Equipment Card)
- A Thousand Young
- Absorbing Prism
- Abundant Phlogiston
- Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrospout (Equipment Card)
- Abyssal Summons
- Adeptus' Temptation (Event Card)
- Adventurer's Bandana (Equipment Card)
- All Reprisals and Arrears, Mine to Bear (Equipment Card)
- All Things Are of the Earth (Equipment Card)
- Amethyst Crown (Equipment Card)
- Amos' Bow (Equipment Card)
- Ancient Courtyard
- Aquila Favonia (Equipment Card)
- Arataki Ichiban (Equipment Card)
- Archaic Petra (Equipment Card)
- Atea (Support Card)
- Awaken, My Kindred
- Awakening (Equipment Card)
- Calx's Arts
- Canotila's Support
- Capricious Visage (Equipment Card)
- Cashflow Supervision (Equipment Card)
- Central Laboratory Ruins (Support Card)
- Chain Lightning Cascade
- Chang the Ninth (Support Card)
- Changing Shifts
- Chaotic Entropy (Equipment Card)
- Chef Mao (Support Card)
- Chinju Forest (Support Card)
- Cicin's Cold Glare
- Cold-Blooded Strike (Equipment Card)
- Conclusive Ovation (Equipment Card)
- Conductor's Top Hat (Equipment Card)
- Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha (Equipment Card)
- Controlled Directional Blast
- Cosanzeana's Support
- Countdown to the Show: 1
- Countdown to the Show: 2
- Countdown to the Show: 3
- Countless Sights to See (Equipment Card)
- Covenant of Rock
- Crimson Witch of Flames (Equipment Card)
- Crossfire (Equipment Card)
- Crown of Watatsumi (Equipment Card)
- Crystal Shrapnel
- Dark-Shattering Flame (Equipment Card)
- Dawn Winery (Support Card)
- Day of Resistance: Moment of Shattered Dreams
- Deathly Cyclone
- Decorous Harmony (Equipment Card)
- Deepwood Memories (Equipment Card)
- Demon-Warrior's Feather Mask (Equipment Card)
- Descent of Divinity (Equipment Card)
- Discretionary Supplement (Equipment Card)
- Divine Retribution (Equipment Card)
- Dominance of Earth (Equipment Card)
- Dunyarzad (Support Card)
- Echoes of an Offering (Equipment Card)
- Edict of Absolution
- Electro Cicin's Gleam
- Elegy for the End (Equipment Card)
- Elemental Orb: Dissipated
- Elemental Orb: Enduring
- Elemental Orb: Plentiful
- Elemental Resonance: Enduring Rock
- Elemental Resonance: Fervent Flames
- Elemental Resonance: High Voltage
- Elemental Resonance: Impetuous Winds
- Elemental Resonance: Shattering Ice
- Elemental Resonance: Soothing Water
- Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Flames
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Ice
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Stone
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Waters
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Weeds
- Elemental Resonance: Woven Winds
- Ellin (Support Card)
- Embers Rekindled
- Emblem of Severed Fate (Equipment Card)
- Embrace of Winds (Equipment Card)
- End of the Line (Equipment Card)
- Engulfing Lightning (Equipment Card)
- Eremite Teatime
- Exile's Circlet (Equipment Card)
- Falls and Fortune
- Fatal Fulmination
- Fatui Conspiracy
- Favonius Cathedral (Support Card)
- Favonius Sword (Equipment Card)
- Featherfall Judgment (Equipment Card)
- Featherweight Foam
- Fish and Chips (Event Card)
- Flames of War
- Flickering Four-Leaf Sigil
- Floral Sidewinder (Equipment Card)
- Flower of Paradise Lost (Equipment Card)
- Flowing Flame (Equipment Card)
- Flowing Purity (Equipment Card)
- Flowing Rings (Equipment Card)
- Forbidden Knowledge (Event Card)
- Forest Regalia (Equipment Card)
- Fortress of Meropide (Support Card)
- Fresh Wind of Freedom
- Friendship Eternal
- Fruit of Fulfillment (Equipment Card)
- Gales of Reverie (Equipment Card)
- Gambler's Earrings (Equipment Card)
- Game of Wits: Enduring Victory
- Game of Wits: Hot Pod Mechanism
- Game of Wits: Unrelenting Assault
- Gandharva Ville (Support Card)
- General's Ancient Helm (Equipment Card)
- Gilded Dreams (Equipment Card)
- Gladiator's Triumphus (Equipment Card)
- Glittering Gemstones (Event Card)
- Glorious Season (Equipment Card)
- Golden House (Support Card)
- Golden Troupe (Equipment Card)
- Golden Troupe's Reward (Equipment Card)
- Grand Expectation (Equipment Card)
- Grand Narukami Shrine (Support Card)
- Grieving Echo
- Guardian's Oath
- I Got Your Back (Equipment Card)
- I Haven't Lost Yet!
- Iktomisaurus (Equipment Card)
- In Every House a Stove
- In Five Colors Dyed (Equipment Card)
- Ingenious Engineering: Harnessing Annihilation
- Ingenious Engineering: Pneuma Re-Creation
- Ingenious Engineering: Pneuma-Ousia Conversion
- Instructor's Cap (Equipment Card)
- Iron Tongue Tian (Support Card)
- Lands of Dandelion (Equipment Card)
- Large Bolstering Bubblebalm
- Laume's Support
- Laurel Coronet (Equipment Card)
- Leave It to Me!
- Ley Line Disorder: Aegis of the Abyss
- Ley Line Disorder: Armored Warfare
- Ley Line Disorder: Arrogant Bluster
- Ley Line Disorder: Attrition Posture - Encouragement
- Ley Line Disorder: Attrition Posture - Inspiration
- Ley Line Disorder: Belligerence Unfettered
- Ley Line Disorder: Bitter Belligerence - Advanced
- Ley Line Disorder: Bitter Belligerence - Basic
- Ley Line Disorder: Bitter Belligerence - Intermediate
- Ley Line Disorder: Blazing Will
- Ley Line Disorder: Compensatory Onslaught
- Ley Line Disorder: Critical Cost
- Ley Line Disorder: Cunning Command
- Ley Line Disorder: Cunning Leadership
- Ley Line Disorder: Damage Concatenation - Advanced
- Ley Line Disorder: Damage Concatenation - Basic
- Ley Line Disorder: Damage Concatenation - Intermediate