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Ruin Graders are Elite Enemies that are part of the Humanoid Ruin Machines enemy group and the Automatons family.



For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+600605 + 25.26%1 + 40.06%35.02%


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Non-Elemental75%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
50%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
25%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
0%Orb ×1


Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
70% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.

Weak Point Location[]

  • Weak points are not exposed when the Ruin Grader is paralyzed.


Most ability names are unofficial.

Performs a clapping motion dealing 50% ATK as Physical DMG to nearby players, then fires a laser beam in front of it at a fixed angle which deals 80% ATK as Physical DMG. The core in its head is exposed for as long as it fires the beam.

The clap can be dodged by moving to the side, while the laser beam can be dodged by remaining in close range.

Stomps one of their feet, dealing 40% ATK as Physical DMG to close by players. This is then followed up with a shockwave from the same foot, dealing 70% ATK as Physical DMG in a larger area. The cores in both feet are briefly exposed before the follow-up shockwave attack.
Spins the upper half of its body and marches towards the player, rapidly dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG over a period of time. The cores in both feet are briefly exposed right before and after the attack.
If the player stays too far, the Ruin Grader will charge in one direction towards the player, dealing 30% ATK as Physical DMG on hit. At the end of the charge, performs a shoulder ram to deal 40% ATK as Physical DMG in a slightly larger AoE. This briefly exposes the cores in both feet right before and after the attack.
Focused Laser
Fires a laser beam directly at the current character, rapidly dealing 40% ATK as Physical DMG. It will adjust the firing angle if its current target moves and will preemptively cancel the attack if the target is outside of its firing arc. The core in its head is exposed before the attack and for as long as if fires the beam. Additionally, it may perform this attack if the cores both feet are disabled, but not the core in its head.

The focused laser beam is unable to be aimed in melee range. Moving close to the Ruin Grader will effectively end this attack.

Ruin Mines
Fires three orbs which will try to land in a triangle formation around the player. These orbs stay on the ground for about 9 seconds and deal 16% ATK as Physical DMG on contact. This exposes the core in its head for the duration of this attack.
Extends both arms out toward the ground and energizes its laser beam, quickly spinning and firing its beam in a moderate AoE around itself, dealing 100% ATK as Physical DMG. This attack is only performed after all cores are recovered after being disabled simultaneously.
When performing certain attacks, some of its weak points will be exposed at its legs or its eye. Attacking exposed weak points will interrupt the Ruin Grader's current attack. Successfully damaging a weak point twice will temporarily disable that weak point for around 20 seconds, after which it will become operational again. Additionally, the Ruin Grader cannot perform certain attacks if the associated weak point it exposes for those attacks are down. If both weak points are disabled, the Ruin Grader will enter a fully-disabled state.

AI Logic[]

  • An ability will only be used if all of the following conditions have been met:
    • The ability is not on cooldown
    • The target is within the range and angle required by the ability
    • The ability has the highest priority out of all that meet the previous 2 conditions
      • A lower priority number indicates a higher priority.
      • If multiple abilities share the highest priority, one will be chosen at random.
State Ability Range Req. (m) Angle Req. (°) Priority CD (s) Initial CD (s) Action Interval (s) Triggers Act. Int.
Both Weak Points Intact Clap 0–6 0–90 5 5–10 3
Focused Laser 8–22 0–90 5 10–20 5–10
Orb Attack 4–50 0–90 5 10–20
Feet Weak Point Intact Stomp 0–7 0–45 5 6–12 6
Charge 8–25 0–90 5 15–30
Spin 0–15 5 30–60 30–60
Feet Weak Point Destroyed, Eye Weak Point Intact Focused Laser (Front) 0–22 0–30 5 5
Focused Laser (Back) 0–22 0–30 5 5

Anomalous Model Ruin Grader[]


The Ruin Grader can be found in several places throughout Teyvat:


There is 1 Achievement obtainable from Ruin Grader:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
David and Goliath Challenger: Series III Challenger: Series III Paralyze a Ruin Grader by attacking its weak point. 5


Ruin Grader
Tutorial Enemies Ruin Grader
While performing certain attacks, the Ruin Grader will expose the cores on its head and feet. If you can take advantage of that and promptly attack its cores, defeating it should be much easier.


An ancient humanoid war machine.
Their form is similar to that of Ruin Guards, but is more distorted and more powerful. Energy cores have been installed in both its legs, as though to power its overly heavy form.


  • Ruin Graders sometimes go by titles like Ra-41816, beginning with the prefix Ra and ending in a numeric code. This is demonstrated in certain boss fights like the ones around Starglow Cavern.
    • Possible titles include Ra-11235, Ra-25844, Ra-33377, Ra-34558, Ra-36875, Ra-41816, Ra-61098, Ra-65746, Ra-71128, Ra-71597, Ra-76510, Ra-81321, Ra-91142, and Ra-94617.
  • The Ruin Grader in Dragonspine and Araumi look out towards each other when dormant.
  • Prior to the release of the Chasm, respawnable Ruin Graders were always found in a dormant state. Unlike other Ruin machines, the grader can be attacked during its waking animation.


Video Guides[]

Strategy Guide - How to easily beat

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRuin Grader
Yíjì Zhòngjī
Ruin Heavy Machine
Yíjī Zhòngjī
Iseki Juuki
Ruin Heavy Machinery
Korean파멸파멸 유적유적 가디언
Pamyeol-ui Yujeok Gadieon
Ruin Guardian of Destruction
SpanishDemoledor de las RuinasDemolisher of the Ruins
FrenchColosse des ruinesRuin Colossus
RussianРуинный молотильщик
Ruinnyy molotil'shchik
Ruin Thrasher
ThaiRuin Grader
VietnameseCần Cẩu Di TíchRuin Crane
GermanRuinenkolossRuin Colossus
IndonesianRuin Grader
PortugueseColosso das RuínasColossus of the Ruins
TurkishHarabe EzicisiRuin Crusher
ItalianColosso delle rovineRuin Colossus

Change History[]

Version 4.2
  • Fixes an issue whereby the enemy "Ruin Grader" continues to attack character(s) despite being defeated in certain situations.

Version 1.2

  • Ruin Grader was released.

