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Ominous, alien beasts with dull colors that travel in packs much as wolves do.
It is said that they have the power to dissolve the world's borders.

Riftwolves, also known as Wolves of the Rift[1] or Rifthounds, are an elite enemy group hailing from the Abyss. They are mainly found in Tsurumi Island, Inazuma but can also be found in The Chasm, Enkanomiya, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Wolvendom (after completing Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I).

In combat, Riftwolves use elemental attacks, and any attacks that make contact (including those absorbed by shields) will apply a party-wide corrosion debuff, which continuously drains HP from all party members while active. Riftwolves also utilize a fury system, which accumulates when they are hit by Elemental DMG of their own type. When this bar fills, the Riftwolf enters an Elemental Devour state, which increases the ferocity of its attacks, but also decreases the Elemental RES of their own type.


Elite Enemies[]

Normal Bosses[]



For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+400605 + 25.26%1 + 40.06%35.02%

Rifthound Whelps[]

For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+200602 + 62.63%70.03%17.51%

Golden Wolflord[]

Riftborn RegaliaQuality 4 WL 0+
Prithiva Topaz SliverQuality 2 WL 0+
Prithiva Topaz FragmentQuality 3 WL 2+
Prithiva Topaz ChunkQuality 4 WL 4+
Prithiva Topaz GemstoneQuality 5 WL 6+
Traveling DoctorArtifact set Set
InstructorArtifact set Set
The ExileArtifact set Set
Gladiator's FinaleArtifact set Set
Wanderer's TroupeArtifact set Set


Riftwolves are monsters from the Abyss that are said to be able to erode the boundaries of the world. They were created by the alchemist Gold who classified them as "Alfisol,"[2][3] however the Golden Wolflord was an unintentional creation.[4] Riftwolves were once prevalent throughout Teyvat during the cataclysm, where they were the advance guard for the other monsters that were behind them.[5] They are said to behave biologically similar to wolves.[6]

After the cataclysm, the riftwolves were driven to low numbers by numerous hunts and resistances, but have started to re-emerge once more, initially on Tsurumi Island.[2] A group of riftwolves also appeared in Wolvendom and began to cause havoc to the surrounding area.[7]

In the World Quest Series Khvarena of Good and Evil, Riftwolves are described as "echoes left from the battles fought so many years ago," remnants of the disasters that plagued the Sumeru Desert at the time of the cataclysm. Small pockets of riftwolves can be found across Sumeru.

Small pockets of riftwolves can also be found in Fontaine, appearing through Beastly Rifts that were present on Elynas until they were removed by the Traveler. A large riftwolf nest had also inhabited the Roots of Erinnyes; coupled with a Root-Consuming Tumor, their presence caused the tree to become sickened, turning from bright blue to a dark yellow color. This nest and the tumor was exterminated by the Traveler and a Primordial Bathysmal Vishap.

Due to the instability of the Ley Lines in Natlan, several riftwolves prowl the lands. Some riftwolves have also appeared in attacks from the Abyss, summoned by pylons ripped into the land.


  • According to USDA soil taxonomy, Alfisols are a soil order for soils that contain aluminium and iron. They also contain a clay-enriched subsoil and are typically very fertile.




Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRiftwolf[8] / Wolf of the Rift[1]
兽境群狼[8] / 兽境之狼[1]
Shòujìng Qúnláng / Shòujìng zhī Láng
Beast-Realm Wolfpack / Wolf of the Beast-Realm
獸境群狼[8] / 獸境之狼[1]
Shòujìng Qúnláng / Shòujìng zhī Láng
Juuiki Urubuzu
Beast-Realm Wolf
Korean수계수계 늑대 무리[8] / 수계수계 늑대[1]
Sugye Neukdae Muri / Sugye-ui Neukdae
Beast-Realm Wolf Pack / Wolf of the Beast-Realm
FrenchCanidé de faille[8] / Loup de faille[1]Rift Canine / Rift Wolf
RussianВолк Разрыва
Volk Razryva
Rift Wolf
ThaiRiftwolf[8] / Wolf of the Rift[1]
VietnameseBầy Sói Ma VậtMa Vật[8] / Sói Ma VậtMa Vật[1]Beast Wolf
GermanGarmwolfGarmr Wolf
IndonesianRiftwolf[8] / Wolf of the Rift[1]
PortugueseCão da Fenda[8] / Canino da Fenda[1]
TurkishHiçlik Kurdu[8] / Hiçliğin Kurdu[1]
ItalianLupo della Faglia

Change History[]

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

  • Distance traveled by the Rifthound when knocked back reduced.

Version 2.2

  • Riftwolves were released.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Adventurer Handbook, Enemy Description: Wolves of the Rift
  2. 2.0 2.1 Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, The Abyss: Thundercraven Rifthound Whelp
  3. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, The Abyss: Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
  4. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, The Abyss: Golden Wolflord
  5. Story Quest, Raiden Shogun, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams, Part 1: Cleansing Light
  6. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, The Abyss: Rockfond Rifthound
  7. Story Quest Act, Razor, Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I: The Meaning of Lupical
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Adventurer Handbook, Enemy Description: Golden Wolflord

