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The Ritou Harbor Bulletin Board is a message board located near the entrance of Ritou, next to Kageyama. The messages randomly cycle through every time it is interacted with. The first set of messages is replaced after completing Sangonomiya Kokomi's Story Quest, Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act I - Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing.

The Ritou Bulletin Board is a different message board also located in Ritou. Several messages are shared between these two message boards, particularly Arrest Warrants and notices from the Tri-Commission.

Messages (Set 1)[]


Ritou Harbor Bulletin Board: This Ritou Harbor bulletin board was set up by the Shogunate. Notices regarding all kinds of matters will be posted here. Do not post without authorization.

Arataki Itto vs. Kujou Tengu I[]

Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto: "Kujou Tengu! I'm still in Ritou! Did you flee again?"
Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto: "You must've fled in the night after hearing my name, eh?"
Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto: "Haha, is my name scarier than the battlefield?"
Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto: "That's fine! I'll wait for your return here at the harbor!"
Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto: "Don't you dare die on the battlefield, Kujou Tengu! You still owe me a duel!"
Reply: Shut it. Are you done yet?
Reply: If this is some kind of blessing before I set out for war, then I will accept it.
Reply: You don't get yourself killed either, you idiotic Crimson Oni.

Arrest Warrant: Midorikawa Shirou[]

Arrest Warrant: Bounty: Midorikawa Shirou
Arrest Warrant: Crimes committed: Absconding, riotous assembly, piracy, robbing officials, ambushing samurai, holding family members as hostages in an attempt to rebel against the Shogunate.
Arrest Warrant: This person and his accomplices are wanted dead or alive with a generous bounty!

Arrest Warrant: The Yoshinos[]

Arrest Warrant: Bounty: Yoshino Koheiji, Yoshino Koheita
Arrest Warrant: Crimes committed: Absconding, robbery, night-time assaults, conspiring against officials, distributing belongings to innocent villagers to incite rebellion.
Arrest Warrant: Wanted dead or alive with a generous bounty!

The Crux Fleet in Ritou Harbor[]

Message: "I've heard that a large fleet has arrived from Liyue, but I don't know where they are docked."
Message: "Their flagship is especially large. As long as the other outlander ships follow its mast and stay with the fleet, they won't have to worry about pirates..."
Message: "It's a shame. I've only heard about this fleet, but I have never seen it."
Message: "I've heard people say that this is supposedly the famous Crux Fleet."
Message: "It's just weird when I think about it: there isn't much business to be had during the Sakoku Decree, so why are they still coming here?"

Grand Narukami Shrine Notice[]

Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: With the permission of Guuji Yae Miko, the Grand Narukami Shrine will provide help to those businesses and families affected by the war in the form of aid loans and food aid.
Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: We ask that those in need of help visit the Kamisato Clan to file the required paperwork.
Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: (Outlanders with valid documentation will also receive some form of subsidy.)
Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: As the war continues and public funds become more tight, food aid will be reduced by half. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Message: "I arrived at the Kamisato Clan estate but was told to keep out. What subsidy are you blabbering about?"
Message: "My merchant friends also did not receive any benefits either... How strange."
Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: We apologize, but did you perhaps come late? Once all the daily subsidies have been given out, we will no longer register new applicants.
Message: "Oh, so that's why everyone got up so early..."

Hiratsuka's Message[]

Hiratsuka, Yae Publishing House: "Though this is not a serious matter, I still hope that it will become more common knowledge."
Hiratsuka, Yae Publishing House: "The other day, I accidentally lost the only extant copy of the famous 'Toki Alley Tales,' written by Takizawa Kyouden."
Hiratsuka, Yae Publishing House: "Though it's nothing major, Lady Yae still insisted that I post a lost book notice to look for it. Ah, what a headache..."
Hiratsuka, Yae Publishing House: "That poor book has probably had its pages scattered to the winds by now... I don't suppose it would be possible to find it at this point."
Hiratsuka, Yae Publishing House: "It really is nothing of note, but if anyone could help recover it, you will have the Yae Publishing House's thanks."

How to Leave Ritou[]

Message: "The Ritou Harbor is too cautious in guarding against outlanders but too lenient with Inazumans."
Message: "As such, all you need to travel freely in and out of territories controlled by the Shogunate is a forged local document."
Message: "And it's not as if this is a difficult task."
Reply: What kind of idiot would post this sort of information on a bulletin board...

International Trade Association Notice[]

International Trade Association Notice: "Outlander merchants, if you are facing any issues or difficulties in Ritou"
International Trade Association Notice: "Come find Mr. Kurisu at the International Trade Association. We will do our best to help you!"
International Trade Association Notice: "If there is anything that you don't understand or that troubles you, come look for us."
International Trade Association Notice: "The International Trade Association's doors are always open to outlanders from any nation."

Kanjou Notice: Docking Fees[]

Kanjou Notice Board: To avoid congestion at the harbor because of the war, docking fees for outlander commercial ships have been increased fourfold.
Kanjou Notice: Please submit any feedback to the Kanjou Commission.
Kanjou Notice: Docking fees for commercial ships will be collected by the International Trade Association as per normal. No exceptions.
Message: "What do you mean, 'congestion at the harbor'? It's the soldiers who are occupying the harbor! And yet we have to pay for it..."
Reply: I am sorry, but leaving the harbor is free.

Kanjou Notice: Outlander Documents[]

Kanjou Notice: All outlanders seeking to enter Ritou while the Sakoku Decree is in effect must provide valid documentation or they will be prohibited from landing.
Kanjou Notice: Prohibited items are not allowed in Ritou. Weapons, camping gear and foreign specialties must be registered for taxation.
Kanjou Notice: Please take care of your documentation and personal identification. They will not be replaced if lost!
Kanjou Notice: Anyone who has been in contact with the Sangonomiya must be put under surveillance in Ritou for one year and will not be allowed to leave.

Kanjou Notice: Snezhnayan Ships[]

Kanjou Notice: There might be another round of merchant ships arriving in Ritou from Snezhnaya soon. Everyone at the harbor, please prepare for their arrival.
Kanjou Notice: As a gesture of support, merchants from Snezhnaya may enjoy partial tariff reduction or exemptions.
Kanjou Notice: As for Snezhnayan merchants currently residing in Ritou, please renew your certification at the Kanjou Commission headquarters at your first convenience,
Kanjou Notice: So as to avoid any inconvenience in your residential, travel, or business affairs.

Outlander's Message[]

Message: "Kiyoko, I like you."
Message: "I am an outlander who has just arrived and thus knows nothing, but it's okay."
Message: "As long as you pay the guards Mora, their eyes and mouths are shut. We can go on dates wherever we want."
Message: "And I have no shortage of Mora..."
Message: "Well, my father has no shortage of Mora, to be precise. Haha."

Piracy in Ritou Harbor[]

Message: "Piracy is becoming more rampant lately. I've heard that soldiers from both sides of the war have fallen into banditry..."
Message: "Since outlander cargo ships are not protected by the Shogunate, they often become targets of opportunity. It's despicable..."
Message: "To our mariner friends who see this message, please stock up on supplies when leaving Ritou Harbor."
Message: "Weapons, fresh water, repair tools, spare materials, please do not hold back on the procurement of these items."


Message: "I wander like the autumn leaves that float to the mountains and seas afar."
Another message: "We're back! Come on, kid, give us another poem!"
Reply: This a bulletin board, not some kind of poetry forum!

Shogunate Notice: Suspicious Outlanders[]

Shogunate Notice: A number of suspicious outlanders have entered Inazuma lately, wandering around with seemingly sinister motives.
Shogunate Notice: The Shogunate hereby notifies everyone: those who report suspicious persons will be rewarded, while those who harbor them will be punished!
Shogunate Notice: Glory to the Shogun and her everlasting reign!

Tenryou Notice: Vision Hunt Decree[]

Tenryou Notice: The Vision Hunt Decree operation is coming to an end, but those who conceal their Visions still remain.
Tenryou Notice: Following the orders of the Tenryou Commissioner, and in compliance with the command of Madam Kujou Sara, pursuit operations will avoid using force or disrupting the public as much as possible.
Tenryou Notice: Please don't worry. The Tenryou Commission will not use its public duties as an excuse to intrude on your daily lives.
Tenryou Notice: The Tenryou Commissioner guarantees this in his own name, and that of the Kujou Clan.

Messages (Set 2)[]


Ritou Harbor Bulletin Board: This Ritou Harbor bulletin board was set up by the Shogunate. Notices regarding all kinds of matters will be posted here. Do not post without authorization.

Arataki Itto vs. Kujou Tengu II[]

Arataki "A Vision Returned" Itto: "Ahahaha! Ever since I got my Vision back, I've been super motivated! Guess who's back? That's right! I'm back!"
Arataki "A Vision Returned" Itto: "C'mon, Kujou Tengu! So I heard that you got a hiding and had to flee all the way back here. I'm practically laughing myself silly over here, you know? Ahahaha!"
Arataki "A Vision Returned" Itto: "I'll be waiting for you at the port just for an extra laugh! And don't forget about our duel!"
Reply: Would you shut up already? I heard you the first time!
Kanjou Notice: This message has been left specifically by Madam Sara and may not be removed.
Reply: I did not leave that there! Have it removed at once! Do your jobs, you people of the Outlander Affairs Agency, will you!?

Grand Narukami Shrine Notice II[]

Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: With Lady Miko's permission, the Grand Shrine will soon host a large-scale event.
Grand Narukami Shrine Notice: This is a rare opportunity, so we encourage all shrine maidens, clergy, and commission staff to make preparations soon!

Jakotsu Mine[]

Port Affairs Announcement: Yashiori Island's Jakotsu Mine has been closed temporarily, with representatives from the Shogunate and Sangonomiya discussing future development. It will be reopened soon after an agreement has been reached.
Port Affairs Announcement: Former miners from Jakotsu may claim job loss compensation from the Yashiro Commission estates and may also take the occasion to indicate preferred avenues of future employment.

Kanjou Notice: Commissioner Detainment[]

Kanjou Notice: Former Kanjou Commissioner Hiiragi Shinsuke now awaits the Almighty Shogun's judgment regarding his crimes of high treason. Owing to his age and in acknowledgment of his past contributions, he is presently indefinitely detained without bail.
Kanjou Notice: However, should he commit any more acts of treason during this detention, he will be branded a public enemy of the Inazuman state and his judgment shall be enacted with extreme prejudice and without any mercy.
Kanjou Notice: While the Kanjou Commission debates the matter of his successor, the Commission's duties shall be performed by a personal deputy of Her Excellency.
Kanjou Notice: The duties of Kanjou Commission staff will not be adjusted. We urge all staff to remain calm and follow any arrangements sent from your superiors.

Kanjou Notice: Snezhnayan Merchants[]

Kanjou Notice: The special privileges granted to Snezhnayan merchants in trade and in port affairs have been revoked. Any accumulated arrears must be paid within 2 weeks, or Ritou will not extend further protection to your goods and cargo.
Kanjou Notice: We ask all shipments of military equipment and materiel to leave the borders of Inazuma and Sangonomiya immediately. The Fatui and all related personnel are included in this order.
Message: "I am but a humble leather goods contractor for the Shogun's Army and have nothing to do with the Fatui. I only knew of the war through the financial statements I went through..."
Message: "I have also only just gotten my permanent business permit from the Kanjou Commission. Am I still to be chased out nonetheless...?"
Reply: We apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you, but please do leave within the allotted time.

Missing Person Poster[]

Missing Person Poster: I'm searching for my husband, Inaba Tousaburou Kyuuzou. He is a tall man without any facial hair and has a scar on the side of his forehead. He has yet to return home despite the ceasefire.
Missing Person Poster: If any returning samurai or old friends and acquaintances know of his whereabouts, please inform me. You will be duly thanked for your help!
Missing Person Poster: Yours Respectfully, Inaba Shizuko.

Shogunate Announcement[]

Shogunate Announcement: Their Excellencies, the Almighty Ogosho and Watatsumi's Divine Priestess, both express their deep grief at the many tragedies that occurred at Tatarasuna and on Yashiori Island.
Shogunate Announcement: From this day forth, the Shogunate and Sangonomiya will begin reconstruction and redevelopment work in these lands in partnership with one another.
Shogunate Announcement: Together, we will pacify this war-torn land, bring the guilty to justice, and restore Inazuma's prosperity.
Shogunate Announcement: All the more must we follow the divine wisdom of Her Excellency the Shogun, acting as one to accomplish the great cause of Eternity.

Watatsumi Imports[]

Port Affairs Announcement: As we are presently in a state of ceasefire and peace, imports to Watatsumi Island will resume.
Port Affairs Announcement: Once the matter of trade route security is agreed upon by both the Shogunate and Sangonomiya, the commercial port to Watatsumi Island will be opened shortly.

People from Watatsumi[]

Message: "I was often stuck doing lots of rear echelon work, so I never got to see the grand sights of Inazuma City. But today, I finally got my wish."
Message: "The locals here in Ritou were pretty restrained. I guess it's because not too long ago, we were still at each others' throats..."
Message: "But we were welcomed very warmly by the outlanders. Couldn't find one of their stores without discounts for us Watatsumi folk anywhere you looked."
Message: "Looks like our actions did have a positive impact on their lives after all... I'm glad that all the unfortunate things that happened so far were not meaningless after all."


Message: "Watching these 'traitors' who so often had to give back before us saunter and shop their way through Ritou..."
Message: "And thinking back on all the losses and pain that we suffered during this war... bitterness wells up within me unbidden."
Message: "Still, I suppose that surviving and being able to reunite with my family was a good thing in the end... This war has just taken so much out of us all."
Another Person's Message: "I'm not sure if I get to say this, considering that we were enemies..."
Another Person's Message: "But we've been given a new opportunity by this peace, haven't we? I hear that Uyuu Restaurant is pretty famous around these parts. Let's go get a drink there some time."
Message: "...Don't you act so familiar with me."

Duel with Tenryou Samurai[]

Message: "I came here to Ritou specifically to look for a Tenryou samurai who once gave me a sword wound on the battlefield."
Message: "I was going to thank him for not striking a fatal blow then and ask him for another duel."
Another Person's Message: "I hate to break it to you, but now that we are at peace, Her Excellency the Shogun has banned all duels with real swords save for duels before the throne."
Message: "Agh, come on! That's so boring! ... Ah, whatever. Let's just go get a drink or something, eh?"
Another Person's Message: "Speaking of drinking, I do know a good spot. Meet me at the docks later?"
Message: "Alright, that'd be great!"

Returned Friend[]

Message: "A friend who used to go out fishing together with me has returned. His time in the war seems to have left him very melancholy indeed."
Message: "Our neighbors have some reservations about him due to his having joined the resistance army, and have kept their distance for the most part..."
Message: "But it doesn't matter much to me. He's my friend and that's what counts!"

Sangonomiya Ship[]

Message: "The very next day after the ceasefire came into effect, a ship from Sangonomiya arrived, claiming to want to purchase some lifestyle goods from Yae Publishing House."
Message: "I mean, that's what I heard, at least."
Message: "That said, I've got no clue what lifestyle goods they thought they'd get at a bookstore..."

Business Turned Around[]

(Before completing Radiant Sakura)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Message: "The war is finally over. But rather than feeling joy, I think I feel something more akin to liberation, like a heavy burden was lifted off my back."
Message: "The supervisors that the Yashiro Commissioner sent have done their duties admirably, decreasing the merchants' burden by a fair amount..."
Message: "And while the Sakoku Decree has not yet been repealed, it seems that business has turned around... There's hope for the future now, and no mistake."

Business Booming[]

(After completing Radiant Sakura)
Message: "Thanks to the efforts of various big shots, we can finally do business freely once again."
Message: "Many of our friends who'd lost confidence have gained it again, and those who went bankrupt have hope of regaining their liquidity."
Message: "I'd love to say more, but things are so busy..."
Message: "Whatever the case may be, to anyone who reads this message, I wish you luck in the coming days!"

Pirates Infesting Waters[]

(Before completing Radiant Sakura)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Message: "While the war has finally ended, pirates still infest our waters, so be on your guard when you travel afar, friends."
Message: "I have heard that the authorities are presently in negotiations and that they might resume a cooperative security arrangement with Sangonomiya."
Another Person's Message: "That would certainly be for the best."

Pirate Activity Coming to Life[]

(After completing Radiant Sakura)
Message: "After the Sakoku Decree was abolished, trade activities have come to life — as has pirate activity."
Message: "Please remember to keep safe as you sail, and if you are attacked by pirates, please report it to the Tenryou Commission as soon as possible."

Trade Routes Restored Partially[]

(Before completing Radiant Sakura)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Message: "The Kanjou Commission has restored a few trade routes on a limited basis, even though this only brings in a meager income even for larger shops..."
Message: "On the other hand, the hard work of the supervisors from the Yashiro Commission has seen many exorbitant taxes canceled."
Message: "For our outlanders, our purse-strings will probably remain tight for a while yet, but at least we've got some room to breathe..."
Message: "Regardless, these changes are certainly for the better."

Trade Needs Increased[]

(After completing Radiant Sakura)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Message: "To help deal with increased trade needs, I suggest that everyone arrange to meet at the International Trade Association to exchange information and ascertain the situation."
Message: "Let's avoid any unnecessary competition and convert our business opportunities into the greatest profits possible."
Another Person's Message: "I'm all for it! Mora, here I come!"

Change History[]

