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This ancient blessed altar is filled with monsters that fear the power of Electro.
You shall earn priceless Artifacts, if — and only if — you can pass the trial.

Domain of Guyun is a Domain located on the largest island in Guyun Stone Forest. Clearing this domain gives Artifacts. Challenge domains with higher levels to get better rewards.

Ley Line Disorder[]

The following Ley Line Disorders are applied in this domain:

Level Ley Line Disorder
I Electro-Charged DMG increased by 150%, and its AoE is increased by 100%.
II When Overloaded is triggered, an Energy Blast will occur, dealing DMG to surrounding opponents.
III When Superconduct is triggered, an Energy Blast will occur, dealing DMG to surrounding opponents.
IV Electro-Charged DMG increased by 150% and its AoE is increased by 100%.
V When Overloaded is triggered, an Energy Blast will occur, dealing DMG to surrounding opponents.
VI When Superconduct is triggered, an Energy Blast will occur, dealing DMG to surrounding opponents.


The Physical DMG dealt by Energy Blasts and powerful blasts is calculated as . This DMG is affected by the target Physical RES, but unaffected by DEF. The final result is rounded down.

Level Base Damage
II 1126.12
III 1885.72
V 3785.48
VI 4811.24

Challenge Features[]

Each level in this domain has the following Challenge Features:

Level Challenge Features
  • The Elemental Node in this challenge will apply a Pyro buff to nearby opponents at intervals. Electro attacks can remove this buff effectively through the Overloaded reaction and deal more DMG using the Ley Line Disorder here.
  • VI
  • When Cryo and Electro meet, it will trigger the Superconduct reaction and allow you to deal greater DMG through the Ley Line Disorder. As such, place Cryo and Electro characters into the party to defeat your opponents more effectively.
  • Rewards[]

    Domain of Guyun offers the following Artifact Sets.

    In order to enter the higher levels of the domain, you must have a certain Adventure Rank (AR). For more information regarding Artifact distribution, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution.

    Level AR Party
    Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Artifacts
    2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
    I 22 34 100 1,525 15 4 + 97% 2 + 13%
    II 25 47 100 1,700 15 2 + 41.4% 4 + 68.6%
    III 30 59 100 1,850 15 6 + 39% 71%
    IV 35 69 100 2,025 20 5 + 68% 1 + 42%
    V 40 80 100 2,200 20 4 + 97% 1 + 77.5% 35.5%
    VI 45 90 100 2,525 20 3 + 55% 2 + 48.5% 1 + 6.5%


    Spring I
    Defeat 28 enemies while protecting Domain Monolith
    EnemiesWave 1:

    Wave 2:
    Spring II
    Defeat 22 enemies while protecting Domain Monolith
    EnemiesWave 1:

    Wave 2:

    Wave 3:

    Wave 4:

    Wave 5:
    Spring III
    Defeat 20 enemies while protecting Domain Monolith
    Spring IV
    Defeat 20 enemies while protecting Domain Monolith
    Spring V[DN • 1]
    Defeat 1 opponent(s) within 120 seconds
    Spring VI
    Defeat 3 opponent(s) within 420 seconds
    EnemiesWave 1:

    Wave 2:
    1. Spring V:
      • There is a Pyro Elemental Node in the center that will periodically imbue enemies with Pyro, applying a massive resistance and attack buff until the Pyro status is removed.


    No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
    59Against All OddsCity of Winds and IdyllsBehind Enemy Lines, Call of the Abyss, Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern, Domain of Guyun, Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula, Midsummer Courtyard, Of Mysteries and Salt, Retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel, Ridge Watch, Spiral Abyss, The Reward for Courage is Flight, Valley of Remembrance, Ascend: Clear the Ruins
    Event Gameplay



    • The domains are named "Spring," which in the original Chinese text is Jingzhe (Chinese: 惊蛰 Jīngzhé), or the period when nature reawakens after winter ends. In traditional Chinese folklore, it is believed that thunderstorms will awaken hibernating insects — hence why the Ley Line Disorder favors the Superconduct reaction.

    Other Languages[]

    LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
    EnglishDomain of Guyun
    Gūyún Língxiāo zhī Chù
    Where Solitary Cloud Reaches the Sky
    Gūyún Língxiāo zhī Chù
    Ko'un Ryoushou no Tokoro‍[!][!]
    Where Solitary Cloud Reaches the Sky
    Korean하늘을 찌르는
    Haneul-eul Jjireuneun Ttang
    The Land Where Piercing the Sky
    SpanishDominio de GuyunDomain of Guyun
    FrenchAu-dessus des nuagesAbove the Clouds
    RussianВладения Гуюнь
    Vladeniya Guyun'
    Domains of Guyun
    Thaiดันเจี้ยนแห่ง Guyun
    Dungeon of Guyun
    VietnameseCô Vân Lăng TiêuCô Vân Lăng TiêuSolitary Cloud Reaches the Sky‍[※][※]
    GermanStätte der einsamen WolkenSite of Solitary Clouds
    IndonesianDomain of Guyun
    PortugueseDomínio de Guyun
    TurkishGuyun ZindanıGuyun Dungeon
    ItalianDominio di Guyun

    Change History[]

    Version 4.8

    Version 2.0

    • The domain description was updated:
      • Old description: [...] Its refuses to give up on its lofty ambitions [...]
      • New description: [...] It refuses to give up on its lofty ambitions [...]

    Version 1.4

    • The domain description was updated:
      • Old description: The once will-guiding wild dreams and disappointments of the humans gather here. However, the bigger the ego, the harder the fall: hence they dwell here, licking their wounds.
      • New description: Delusions and disappointments of an ancient ambition to lead humanity are gathered here. Its refuses to give up on its lofty ambitions, though it is for now consigned to fester in the cavernous depths of Guyun.

    Version 1.0

    • Domain of Guyun was released.

