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The towers built upon the sands may have long collapsed, but the tribes who have yet to forget the desert king's dream are still lost amidst the ruins, holding hatred toward those who prosper in the forests, and who slather scorpion venom on their blades.

Altar of Mirages is a One-Time Domain located in Hypostyle Desert Great Red Sand, Sumeru. It contains one level, Behind the Illusory Curtain.

Ley Line Disorder[]

The following Ley Line Disorder is applied in this domain:

Level Ley Line Disorder
I Greatly enhances the characters' jumping ability. Characters' Plunging Attacks generate a Cyclone at your position upon hitting opponents, attracting ones that are nearby. This effect can be triggered once every 8s.


Behind the Illusory Curtain
Defeat 18 opponent(s)
EnemiesWave 1:

Wave 2:

Wave 3:

Wave 4:

First Time Completion Rewards[]

Mora 30,000 Mora



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
58Smoldering GlowThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
59Ruins of Scorching MightThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
60Now and ThenThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
61Distant RetrospectionThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
62Reminiscences of RemnantsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
63Land of Hidden DepthsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
64Shade of Reticent ConundrumsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
65Past RepastThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
66Crumbled PledgeThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
67Stairway of NeterikhetThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
68Millennial SailsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
101Wrathful Streaming GoldThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay
102Across Dimming AsterismsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay

Video Guides[]

How To Unlock: Altar of Mirages Domain

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAltar of Mirages
Shèn Jǐng Jì-chǎng
Mirage Ceremonial Site
Shèn Jǐng Jì-chǎng
Miraaju Saijou
Mirage Ceremonial Site
Korean신기루 제단
Sin'giru Jedan
Mirage Altar
SpanishAltar de los espejismosAltar of Mirages
FrenchAutel des miragesAltar of Mirages
RussianАлтарь миражей
Altar' mirazhey
Altar of Mirages
Thaen-bu-cha haeng Phap-luang-ta
VietnameseTế Đàn Ảo Ảnh
GermanAltar der TrugbilderAltar of Mirages
IndonesianAltar of Mirages
PortugueseAltar das Miragens
TurkishSerap Sunağı
ItalianAltare dei miraggiAltar of Mirages

Change History[]

