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A mighty race of vishaps that dwell within the deep seas.
That they hate light is not due to an overly fragile sense of sight. Instead, it is because they have had the selfless sunlight and the surface world taken from them that they refuse to countenance man-made light.

Bathysmal Vishaps, also known as Dragonheirs of the Depths or Hydro Vishaps, are a race of Vishaps found in Enkanomiya. After the reinstatement of Neuvillette as Hydro Dragon, they can also be seen in Fontaine.

They are described as pure, primordial elemental creatures, wild spirits who never bent the knee to any god or worldly power.[1]

Bathysmal Vishaps have a special attack known as "Cleansing Shower", which drains a set amount of Energy if the attack hits. If the hit target does not have sufficient energy, they will lose HP.[2][3] This HP loss ignores shields, but can be negated using Elemental Burst i-frames. A purple HP bar indicates HP loss by a Bathysmal Vishap.


Elite Enemies[]

Normal Bosses[]


Primordial Bathysmal Vishap[]

For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+600605 + 25.26%1 + 40.06%35.02%

Bathysmal Vishap Hatchlings[]

For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+200605 + 25.26%1 + 40.06%35.02%

Coral Defenders[]

Dragonheir's False FinQuality 4 WL 0+
Shivada Jade SliverQuality 2 WL 0+
Shivada Jade FragmentQuality 3 WL 2+
Shivada Jade ChunkQuality 4 WL 4+
Shivada Jade GemstoneQuality 5 WL 6+
Vajrada Amethyst SliverQuality 2 WL 0+
Vajrada Amethyst FragmentQuality 3 WL 2+
Vajrada Amethyst ChunkQuality 4 WL 4+
Vajrada Amethyst GemstoneQuality 5 WL 6+
Lucky DogArtifact set Set
The ExileArtifact set Set
BerserkerArtifact set Set
Prayers to SpringtimeArtifact set Set
Gladiator's FinaleArtifact set Set
Wanderer's TroupeArtifact set Set


The Bathysmal Vishaps are an intelligent and extremely adaptable race, capable of rapid evolution to survive in their environment. They are able to freely choose which genetic traits to pass on to their offspring, and can even spontaneously create new traits, including elemental affinities. This allows them to adapt within as little as one generation. For instance, if a heat-resistant vishap matures in a cold environment, its offspring will have high body fat, greater predilection towards sleep, and may express the Cryo element.[4] Some vishaps can even wield multiple elements.[5]

Prior to maturation, Bathysmal Vishaps can also choose which traits to "activate." For example, a vishap with both heat-resistant and cold-resistant traits can selectively express heat resistance if it matures in hot conditions, or cold resistance if it matures in cold conditions. One researcher remarked that they "had already stored a veritable armory within their bodies" before meeting the people of Enkanomiya.[4]

Bathysmal Vishaps have their own methods of communicating with each other, but also demonstrate an astonishing ability to learn human language. Within four generations, their linguistic capabilities can match that of a 12-year-old human student. It was in fear of this potential that the Vishap Research Lab halted their experimentation.[4]

They are very aggressive towards humans, possibly due to their past treatment in Enkanomiya. They are also, like all vishaps, elemental creatures of the Light Realm, making them fundamentally at odds with the Human Realm, which Gods and mortals inhabit, and the Void Realm.[1]

The Bathysmal Vishaps obey and follow their Dragon Sovereigns, whom they see as the peak of their kind.[4] One such figure is the Hydro Dragon, who would've been born from their kind had it not been for their impure evolutions. Instead, the new Hydro Dragon was reborn as Neuvillette, who lost most of his memories and took on a human form.[6] After Neuvillette's Authority was restored, some Bathysmal Vishaps began venturing to the surface. Before the tree in Erinnyes Forest is restored, one Primordial Bathysmal Vishap can be found residing at Loch Urania. Afterwards, another group of appears in the same area. Currently, most Fontainians are not aware of their presence.[7]


The people of Byakuyakoku traditionally referred to them as the "Dragonheirs of the Depths." It wasn't until after their experiments were observed by Orobashi that their name was changed to "Bathysmal Vishaps."[4]

During olden times, for thousands of years, the Dragonheirs of the Depths terrorized the people of Enkanomiya (formerly Byakuyakoku). In order to survive the sharpened claws of the dragons, the people of Enkanomiya learned that the Dragonheirs loved the dark and the light scared them away, thus they[8] used thousands of lanterns to ward them off.[9] But these efforts were not particularly effective and so the people prayed and lamented until one of the Heavenly Principles's Four Shades, Istaroth, answered their prayers and gave Abrax the knowledge to create the Dainichi Mikoshi.[9] The people of Enkanomiya relied on the light of the Dainichi Mikoshi for an untold amount of years until the Watatsumi Omikami came several thousand years ago and defeated the Dragonheirs of the Depths, suppressing them under the sea with its jade corals. Soon after, Watatsumi Omikami brought the people of Enkanomiya to the surface and created Watatsumi Island for them to live on.[10]


The spirit of Watatsumi Island constantly feels the calls of Enkanomiya, down in the depths. As a result, its soil is slowly bleaching, becoming Holy Soil. If this continues, Watatsumi Island will one day become a desert as pale as the moonlight.

According to tradition, every several centuries, the shrine maidens of Sangonomiya Shrine must take advantage of the moment when the spirit veins flow smoothly in order to break the barrier between Enkanomiya and Sangonomiya, to retrieve a Jade Coral Branch, left behind by the Watatsumi Omikami to suppress the Dragonheirs of the Depths, and perform the Watatsumi Goryou Matsuri ritual in order for the sunken "spirit" to return, which will stop the erosion of the Holy Soil.

However, though there are many Jade Coral Branches, as this tradition continues, the Dragonheirs of the Depths may one day break through its barrier and invade Watatsumi Island.[10]


  • Bathysmal Vishaps lose all visual acuity after they mature, apparently "because of their great hatred for humanity." It is unclear exactly what this means; perhaps they just don't want to see humans.[11]




Other Languages[]

Bathysmal Vishap

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBathysmal Vishap
Shēnhǎi Lóngxī
Deep Sea VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap
Shēnhǎi Lóngxī
Abisaru Vishappu
Abyssal Vishap[• 1]
Korean심해심해 도마뱀
Simhae Yong Domabaem
Deep Sea VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap
SpanishDragarto de las ProfundidadesVishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap of the Depths
FrenchÉlémentosaure abyssalAbyssal VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap
RussianВишап глубин
Vishap glubin
Vishap of the Depths
ThaiBathysmal Vishap
VietnameseRồng Biển SâuDeep Sea VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap
GermanTiefsee-DrachenechseDeep Sea VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap
IndonesianBathysmal Vishap
PortugueseDragarto das ProfundezasVishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap of the Depths
TurkishSu Ejderi
ItalianElementosauro abissale

Dragonheir of the Depths

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDragonheir of the Depths
Shēnhǎi Lóngsì
Deep Sea Dragonheir
Shēnhǎi Lóngsì
Abisaru Doragoea
Abyssal Drago-heir
Korean심해심해 자손자손
Simhae Yong-ui Jason
Deep Sea Dragon's Offspring
SpanishDragón de las profundidadesDragon of the Depths
FrenchHéritier du dragon abyssalHeir of the Abyssal Dragon
RussianГлубинный дракон
Glubinnyy drakon
Abyssal Dragon
Thayat Mangkon Thale
Sea Dragonheir
VietnameseRồng Biển SâuDeep Sea Dragon
GermanDrachenerbe des AbgrundsDragonheir of the Abyss
IndonesianAbyssal Dragonheir
PortugueseDragão do OceanoDragon of the Ocean
TurkishDerinliklerin Ejdervarisi
ItalianErede dei draghi delle Profondità
  1. Japanese: They were also called 深海ヴィシャップ Shinkai Vishappu, "Deep Sea Vishap" in the "Three Realms Gateway Offering" event.

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 2.1 • Released in Version 2.4
Version 2.4
  • Bathysmal Vishaps were released as enemies.

Version 2.1

  • Dragonheir of the Depths was mentioned in quest dialogue.


  1. 1.0 1.1 World Quest, From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku: The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent
  2. YouTube:: Version 2.4 Special Program
  3. HoYoLAB: The Inazuma Diaries: Enkanomiya Vol. 2 — New Living Beings
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 4 - Bathysmal Vishap Experimental Records
  5. Adventurer Handbook: Bathysmal Vishap Herd
  6. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, Mystical Beasts: Bolteater Bathysmal Vishap Hatchling
  7. Point of Interest, Café Lutece Message Board: The topic of the lecture at Salon Caritat this week
  8. Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 1 - The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku
  9. 9.0 9.1 Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 2 - Before Sun and Moon
  10. 10.0 10.1 World Quest, The Moon-Bathed Deep: The Moon-Bathed Deep
  11. Character Level-Up Material: Dragonheir's False Fin

