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Sayu can pull this skill off with her eyes closed. This technique was originally created for escaping, but now that she's got a Vision, might as well make her foes eat dirt while she's at it.

Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash is Sayu's Elemental Skill.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • If this skill is held, the cooldown does not start until the Fuufuu Windwheel state ends.
  • When in the Fuufuu Windwheel state, it can deal damage at most once every 0.5s.
  • When held, for every 0.5s that Sayu remains in the Fuufuu Windwheel state, the CD increases by 0.25s, up to a maximum of 11s.
  • This skill generates 2 elemental particles when pressed and with the final hit when hold, if it hits at least 1 target. Additionally, when held, 1 particle is generated when it hits an enemy, with a cooldown of 3s.
    • The hold version can generate up to 6 elemental particles (4*1 while rolling + 2 with the final hit).
  • The hold form of this skill can be canceled with a dash, with a jump, or by switching characters. These actions will start the skill's cooldown but will not trigger the ending Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick or the corresponding particle generation.
  • Sayu will not regenerate Stamina while in the Fuufuu Windwheel State. In addition, Stamina regeneration is delayed by twice as long after exiting Hold E (Stamina regeneration starts after 2 seconds, whereas it normally only takes 1 second).
  • Sayu is affected by Movement Speed increases while in the Fuufuu Windwheel state.
  • The skill key/button does not need to remain pressed once the hold version of this skill triggers (takes about 1 second).
  • The element that Sayu is affected with can also be used as a source of absorption.
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 2, Egress Prep Egress Prep: Increases the DMG of Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick by 3.3% to 66%, depending on how long Sayu spends rolling.
  • Constellation Level 5, Speed Comes First Speed Comes First: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Fuufuu Windwheel DMG1UElemental Skill Anemo2.5s/3 Hits25Light2000
Fuufuu Windwheel Absorbed Cryo1UElemental Skill Cryo2.5s/3 Hits0Light2000
Fuufuu Windwheel Absorbed Cryo (Against Water)2UNo ICD0Mute00
Fuufuu Windwheel Absorbed Electro1UElemental Skill Electro2.5s/3 Hits0Light2000
Fuufuu Windwheel Absorbed Hydro1UElemental Skill Hydro2.5s/3 Hits0Light2000
Fuufuu Windwheel Absorbed Pyro1UElemental Skill Pyro2.5s/3 Hits0Light2000
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick DMG1UNo ICD120Heavy2000
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick Hold DMG1UNo ICD200Heavy2000
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick Absorbed Element1UNo ICD0Heavy2000


Attribute Scaling[]

Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Skill Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.

Fuufuu Windwheel DMG (%)36.038.741.44547.750.45457.661.264.868.47276.5
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick Press DMG (%)158.4170.3182.2198209.88221.76237.6253.44269.28285.12300.96316.8336.6
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick Hold DMG (%)217.6233.9250.2272288.32304.64326.4348.16369.92391.68413.44435.2462.4
Fuufuu Windwheel Elemental DMG (%)16.818.119.32122.2623.5225.226.8828.5630.2431.9233.635.7
Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick Elemental DMG (%)76.281.987.695.2100.91106.62114.24121.86129.47137.09144.7152.32161.84

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Whopperflower Nectar 6[6]
Teachings of Light 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Shimmering Nectar 3[3]
Guide to Light 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Shimmering Nectar 4[7]
Guide to Light 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Shimmering Nectar 6[13]
Guide to Light 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Shimmering Nectar 9[22]
Guide to Light 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Energy Nectar 4[4]
Philosophies of Light 4[4]
Gilded Scale 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Energy Nectar 6[10]
Philosophies of Light 6[10]
Gilded Scale 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Energy Nectar 9[19]
Philosophies of Light 12[22]
Gilded Scale 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Energy Nectar 12[31]
Philosophies of Light 16[38]
Gilded Scale 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]



  • Yoohoo is from a word (Chinese: 呜呼 wūhū; Japanese: 嗚呼 aa/oko) that is an interjection to express sorrow, regret, compassion or grief, similar to "alas" or "alack".
  • Fuuin (Japanese: ふういん), also read kazagakure (Japanese: かざがくれ "wind-hiding"), is a term that means "sheltering from the wind".[1]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishYoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash
Wūhū-liú - Fēng Wěn Jí Jìn
Yoohoo Art - Stable Wind Hurrying Entrance
Wūhū-liú - Fēng Wěn Jí Jìn
Oko-ryuu - Fuuin Kyuushin[2]
Ah! Style - Wind-Hiding Dash
Korean유후류・풍은 돌진
Yuhu-ryu - Pung'eun Doljin
Yoohoo Art - Windlike-Hide Charge
SpanishTécnica “¡Yujuuu!: Colisión de viento"Yoohoo!" Technique: Wind Collision
FrenchÉcole Yoohoo : Course FuuinYoohoo School: Fuuin Race
RussianИскусство Юху: Рывок Фуин
Iskusstvo Yukhu: Ryvok Fuin
Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash
ThaiYoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash
VietnameseTrường Phái Yoohoo - Fuuin Lăn TrònYoohoo Art - Rolling Fuuin
GermanJuhu-Stil Fuuin-StoßYoohoo Style - Fuuin Thrust
IndonesianYoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash
PortugueseArte Yoohoo: Ataque FuuinYoohoo Art: Fuuin Attack
TurkishYoohoo Sanatı: Fuuin KoşusuYoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash
ItalianArte Yoohoo: Scatto FuuinYoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash

Change History[]

Version 3.0
  • Optimized movement through complex terrain while using Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash.

Version 2.0

  • Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash was released.


  1. Google Books: The Supplementary Japanese-English Dictionary (pg. 124)
  2. Eula's Japanese Voice-Over: Chat: Bladework

