Media:VO_Lisa Hello.oggHi darling, are you going to be Lisa's little helper? What? Me, a grand mage? That was a long time ago, I'm just a humble librarian now. *chuckles* Don't worry darling, I'll take very good care of you. So...
Media:VO_Lisa When Thunder Strikes.oggWhen I practice my spells in weather like this, I can do half the work for double the impact. Haha, I'm just teasing.
Media:VO_Lisa About the Vision.oggVisions? Ah, they're a necessary device in controlling the elements — with you being the sole exception, of course. Hmm... As for why that is, perhaps... we can find the time to experiment a little?
Something to Share
Something to Share
Media:VO_Lisa Something to Share.oggFeel free to use the alchemist's upstairs from the library whenever you want. But make sure you knock first... we wouldn't want you seeing anything you're not supposed to, now would we?
Media:VO_Lisa About Amber.oggAmber was just a young girl when she joined the knights, and in the blink of an eye, she's turned into such a strong young lady. I'm curious to see what she'll be like a few years from now.
Media:VO_Lisa About Barbara.oggHave you heard Barbara sing before? Her angelic voice contains a magical healing energy. A different kind of magical energy from the one in my potions, of course. I wonder which one you prefer?
Media:VO_Lisa About Klee.oggLast time little Klee wanted to use my workshop for her experiments, I had to say no, and she was angry at me for the rest of the day. *sigh* What happened the next day, you ask? She went off happily to play outside of course.
Media:VO_Lisa About Mona.oggAs for Mona? She seems to be an excellent mage, but I'm not a part of their Hexenzirkel. The idea of Irminsul exploration and formal tea parties just leaves me cold.
Media:VO_Lisa About Albedo.oggAlbedo is quite the alchemist. Just say the word and he'll come up with a good solution. He's easy on the eyes too, just like you.
Media:VO_Lisa About Fischl.oggFischl, yes, she's always in the library looking to borrow fantasy novels. She always returns her books three days early and looks after them very well. She's a good kid.
Media:VO_Lisa About Noelle.oggEvery time I ask Noelle to dust off the bookshelves, I'm always left with the sense that the more exhausted I make her, the happier she becomes. Yes, who knows what's going on with her... *chuckles*
Media:VO_Lisa About Sucrose.oggTry not to bother Sucrose if you're at a loose end, you'll only startle the poor girl. She's gifted at interacting with all sorts of exotic creatures — just hopeless when it comes to humans.
Media:VO_Lisa About Cyno.oggI've barely kept in touch with anyone from the Akademiya since leaving Sumeru, except for the occasional letters to my teachers out of basic courtesy. Fortunately, not every promising student turned out as lazy as I am... I heard that one of my juniors, Cyno, now leads quite the action-packed life.
Media:VO_Lisa About Collei.oggAh, dear little Collei. Every time she writes to me, she tries out new words and expressions she's learned recently... Hehe, no wonder she's improving so quickly. That wonderful and warmhearted master of hers must have helped a lot too.
Media:VO_Lisa About Mika.oggI do rather envy Huffman for having such a caring little brother. Mika takes care of everything around the house and even looks after him when he's drunk... Ah, how nice it must be to lounge around all day without a care in the world... Hmm? What do you mean, I already do that? You're getting quite bold these days, aren't you, cutie?
Media:VO_Lisa More About Lisa - 02.oggMy past? So, you want to get to know me a little better, huh? *chuckles* That's a story for another day. But I'm touched that you asked.
More About Lisa: III
Friendship Lv. 4
More About Lisa: III
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Lisa More About Lisa - 03.oggWhen I taught Razor how to utilize Elemental Energy, I never expected him to master the technique so quickly. Come to think of it, you're talented too. Maybe I could teach you a few tricks...
More About Lisa: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
More About Lisa: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
Media:VO_Lisa More About Lisa - 04.oggWhat's that? You want to learn some Sumeru Akademiya magic? I'm afraid it might too much for you to handle right now... Hmm, though I suppose it can't hurt to teach you some of the basics. Here, start by reading the beginner's guide, it's only 800 pages or so.
More About Lisa: V
Friendship Lv. 6
More About Lisa: V
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Lisa More About Lisa - 05.oggA Vision may seem like a great tool, but one day, the power one accumulates always finds a way to turn back on you. Should such a day come for me, so long as you're around... Ah, never mind.
Lisa's Hobbies
Lisa's Hobbies
Media:VO_Lisa Hobbies.oggHey darling, would you like to try one of my magic potions? There's no knowing what it will do to you until you try it, though... Don't say I didn't warn you!
Lisa's Troubles
Lisa's Troubles
Media:VO_Lisa Troubles.oggThe interrogation room upstairs has sat there unused for two years now... It would be a much more lively place if Hertha would agree to let me use it as my private workshop... *sigh* She's such a spoilsport.
Favorite Food
Favorite Food
Media:VO_Lisa Favorite Food.oggI like making my own vegetable soup. I put a big bunch of vegetables into a cauldron and stir it with a long spoon. What does it taste like? Here, why don't you try it for yourself. Open wide!
Least Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Media:VO_Lisa Least Favorite Food.oggI suffer from extreme pumpkinphobia. The fall harvest is a difficult time of year for me, as you can imagine. I wonder if it would be worth the trouble to make all the pumpkins in the world disappear...
Media:VO_Lisa Birthday.oggHere, take this amulet, it will bring you good luck. It's my birthday gift to you. I spent a long time making it, so don't lose it now!
Media:VO_Lisa Feelings About Ascension - 04.oggI've already tried to persuade you every way possible... *sigh* Have it your way, cutie. I can no longer go on pretending at this point - Even a Hilichurl would see through the act. So be it, let me introduce you to the true Witch of Purple Rose.