* Posts by Aladdin Sane

2765 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jun 2015

Boss put chocolate cake on aircon controller, to stop people using it

Aladdin Sane

Re: Heating / Aircon

Set it to low. If people are cold, they can wear jumpers.

UK's NHS to pilot 'Airbnb'-style care service in homeowners' spare rooms

Aladdin Sane

Re: I have a cunning business plan.

Downvote because you called it a "children's sci-fi program".

UK.gov not quite done with e-cigs, announces launch of new inquiry

Aladdin Sane
Aladdin Sane

doesn't tally against the potential reduction in healthcare costs

Smokers are net contributors to the welfare state.

Family's legal battle over YouTube's role in Paris terror murders is paused

Aladdin Sane

terror bastards

I like it.

'Screaming' man fined $149 for singing 'Everybody Dance Now'

Aladdin Sane

Re: Tired driving

In the UK we have the lovely catch-all of "Driving without due care and attention".

Phone crypto shut FBI out of 7,000 devices, complains chief g-man

Aladdin Sane

Re: Let them have the password

Not posting as AC? Brave move.

Vodafone analysed evidence in case where it was alleged victim

Aladdin Sane

Re: gift of the gab and no morals

Isn't that most politicians?

NYC cops say they can't reveal figures on cash seized from people – the database is too shoddy

Aladdin Sane

Re: The NYPD Motto:

Works best on the root directory with admin access.

Aladdin Sane

Re: Lock them away...

State or federal police should do.

Aladdin Sane

Re: The NYPD Motto:

Nah, it' "sudo rm -rf".

Yes, British F-35 engines must be sent to Turkey for overhaul

Aladdin Sane

If you turn the aircraft upside down, the pilot invariable falls out.

GI Joe toys weren't very realistic.

Aladdin Sane

Re: The Starfighter to Germany, a role for which it was totally unsuited

Best ever use for a Starfighter.

Aladdin Sane

Localised airflow. For example, air flowing over the top of the wing flows faster than air flowing underneath, which generates lift.

ARM chip OG Steve Furber: Turing missed the mark on human intelligence

Aladdin Sane

This explains

Why the machines needed humans in The Matrix. Not for power, but for processing.

Please replace the sword, says owner of now-hollow stone

Aladdin Sane

The lake is reputedly home to an afanc

I for one welcome our new Old Ones overlords.

Hail Cthulhu.

NHS: Remember those patient records we didn't deliver? Well, we found another 162,000

Aladdin Sane

Re: "... so it must be phleb they're taking"

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.

Aladdin Sane

Maybe you're just awaiting the notification of the change in mortality status to arrive in the post?

Combinations? Permutations? Those words don't mean what you think they mean

Aladdin Sane

Re: I admit it...


No, the FCC can't shut down TV stations just because Donald Trump is mad at the news

Aladdin Sane

The Google Home Mini: Great, right up until you want to smash it in fury

Aladdin Sane

Re: With lots and lots of apathy.

Not a peak, just a false summit.

Elon Musk says Harry Potter and Bob the Builder will get SpaceX flying to Mars

Aladdin Sane

Re: 14 days long nights on the moon?

Nope. Same side always faces Earth (give or take a bit of wobble), but the far side of the moon will be illuminated when it is on the day side of Earth, and the near side will be illuminated when it is on the night side of Earth.

Aladdin Sane

Re: one girl Really wants to go to Venus.

Is that a nightflight?

Software update turned my display and mouse upside-down, says user

Aladdin Sane

Re: Mouse fun

Did you just assume the mouse's gender?

Aladdin Sane

Re: Mouse fun

I drove him absolutely wild by occasionally sticking my finger in the carefully hidden mouse and giving one of the rollers a little spin to send his pointer up


Beardy Branson chucks cash at His Muskiness' Hyperloop idea

Aladdin Sane

Re: one prick will lead to a catastrophic collapse

I think we need to have "The talk".

Scouse marketing scamps scalped £70k for 100,000+ nuisance calls

Aladdin Sane

Re: Piercing the corporate veil and nailing the directors

I'll bring the nail gun.

Aladdin Sane


Not enough.

OnePlus privacy shock: So, the cool Chinese smartphones slurp an alarming amount of data

Aladdin Sane

Re: To be honest

The one that's saucier than a direct hit on a Heinz factory.

Aladdin Sane

Re: To be honest

What's wrong with Bob?

UK Treasury Committee chairman calls on Equifax to answer for breach omnishambles

Aladdin Sane

GDPR is coming in, they may be starting to give a shit.

Aladdin Sane

Re: Will keep rising

By the looks of it, only people who have had an account with Equifax (signed up for free credit report etc.) have been hit by this.

Aladdin Sane

Because the ICO is toothless and therefore Equifax didn't give a shit.

Star Wars: Big Euro cinema group can't handle demand for tickets to new flick

Aladdin Sane

Re: Why is Professor Snape flying a TIE Fighter?

Broomstick's in for repairs.

Aladdin Sane

Re: it's up, but doesn't work

"Jar Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like fucking Shaft" - Tim Bisley

Aladdin Sane

Midnight tickets booked

No hassle. Saw the last 2 at midnight screenings as well.

Aladdin Sane


Your forgot to put "profit" at the end.

Footie ballsup: Petition kicks off to fix 'geometrically impossible' street signs

Aladdin Sane

Re: Further inaccuracies

That's what happens when you lie on the wrong side of a ruck.

European Patent Office staff rep blames prez for 'slipping quality'

Aladdin Sane

Re: Does anybody know who ...

Pretty sure it's Satan.

'There has never been a right to absolute privacy' – US Deputy AG slams 'warrant-proof' crypto

Aladdin Sane

if encryption is backdoored

then so are you.

Equifax: About those 400,000 UK records we lost? It's now 15.2M. Yes, M for MEELLLION

Aladdin Sane

I've said it before and I'll say it again

What the fucking fuck is wrong with these people?

Brit bank fined £75k over 1.5 million text and email spamhammer

Aladdin Sane


Are scum

Cortana, please finish my sentences in Skype texts for me

Aladdin Sane

Re: Redmond's AI assistant can now scan your messages and make your more eloquent

I'd like to think this was done with a deliberate sense of irony.

Like to.

Support team discovers 'official' vendor paper doesn't rob you blind

Aladdin Sane

Re: As the old, old saying goes...

If it moves and it shouldn't, use gaffer tape.

If it doesn't move and it should, use WD40.

Aladdin Sane

Re: Common English words with very different meanings.....

Router? I barely know her!

Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don't understand encryption. So what?

Aladdin Sane

Re: Stargatesg7

Anybody got any dried frog pills? The poor chap seems to have gone completely bursar.

Aladdin Sane

Re: most determinedly ignorant twit in the cabinet

There is a lot of competition for that one.

What does Elon Musk really need? A personal theme tune, of course!

Aladdin Sane

Re: Da feme tune

Its a funny old game, its getting better by the day...

Hollywood has savaged enough sci-fi classics – let's hope Dick would dig Blade Runner 2049

Aladdin Sane

ET is okay

The Dark Crystal is far superior.

BBC Telly Tax petition given new Parliament debate date

Aladdin Sane

Re: Telly Tax Is Value For Money

Personally, I think they should do the same as Ch4 and put their archive on iPlayer, not just stuff that's aired recently.