-1 for the subhed.
As normies arrive at the world's most middle-of-the-road festival today, by the end of the week Glastonbury will be awash with hundreds of thousands of gallons of chemical-laced urine. As with most years, the question is what to do with all that excreta. One project is harnessing host site Worthy Farm's cow slurry biomethane …
True facts. I used to like Coldplay, but these days they seem to churn out vaguely bland music of the like you might hear while on hold to an office-products supplier based in Slough. I usually can't even be bothered to turn it off when it comes on the radio. Looks like they're lucky enough not to have to sit through Ed Sheeran's latest soulless, highly derivative, genre-by-numbers, let's-make-sure-there's-a-track-on-the-album-for-literally-everybody-to-maximise-sales creations this year, though.
"Glasto" is now just an opportunity for middle aged metropolitan types to take some selfies and pretend they're roughing it on the edge, hanging out with the indy types and hearing breakthrough artists. Much like the same people think a trip in their Tesla to a well appointed Airbnb in St Ives involves exploring the ruggedness of Cornwall and enjoying a quaint, traditional village.
I bought the first Coldplay album and enjoyed it.
I bought the second and thought 'this sounds familiar'.
Fortunately, I stopped then. From what I can see, they've been releasing the same album over and over for 20 years+
I must admit, the first time I went to Paris it was via the airport. I have a keener than average nose and the reaction was.. interesting. A combination of BO, strong cologne and sweaty pork. I've never quite smelt anything like it since.
However, my nose quite quickly got used to the odd aroma and I stopped noticing it.
What novel technology is this that recycles urine and shite into fertiliser? Like humans have been doing simply by spreading it on the land for milennia?
Or just catching up with the last century, when settlement, oxidation and digestion processes operate at every sewage treatment works, and after the pathogen kill stage the digestate is wherever possible returned to farmland as, well, fertiliser. Now there's a shock for some people it would seem.
As an aside, the biggest problem with using properly processed human waste as fertiliser is in fact EU/UK limits on nitrogen use, due concerns about links between nitrates in drinking water and blue baby syndrome. As a result a huge amount of digestate is pressed and incinerated rather than used productively.
Nope, it's an option in British English, and I'm bored of pointing out that we were using "-ize" endings long before the colonies. We changed because of the French – you don't really want to be siding with the French, do you?
It is indeed relatively new to the language (that is, if you count a notable rise from about 1980 as recent, and barring a few blips from around 1830 onwards), but I'm afraid "bored with" appears to be on the way out in favour of "bored of", especially in British English. As to whether it's horrible, that's a matter of opinion. As strongly demonstrated by the fluctuations in preferred word endings – including "fertili[sz]e", languages change, for better or worserer.
The settlement I refer to is for urine, mixed with shit because that's the most sensible way to treat foul water. Even if there were no shit in the mix, the organisms that degrade urine still produce organic detritus, and it would still be necessary to use some form of oxidation tank and settlement in any location where you've got competent sewage treatment to high standards.
In Days Of Yore....
"Urine was collected and accumulated"
for the small income the poor living near a tannery could receive for collecting and selling their urine as it can be used to tan leather (Hence "piss poor" & do poor we didn't have a pot to piss in (for collection\resale).
Human dung was used as fertiliser for strawberry growing.
Also male urine can be used as a accelerant in composting (Estrogen inhibits it apparently).
I could've married a hippy dippy girl outside the long drop having fallen in love with her with a single act of kindness and pure genius. She was going around sticking incense sticks in the doors, she was everyone's hero at that point.
Luckily she did light them BEFORE entering the potential fireball of shit.
By The Sunday, the process is usually at the halfway point....
Having been on a train many times packed with Glasto attendees on the Friday (Praying to get to Castle Cary as quick as possible for their great disembark) & dreading Sunday, picking up (Even a Weekend First upgrade didn't save me) from the walking compost heaps.