oh, boy ...
To begin with, the Internet was, initially, and for about 25 years, a Federal Government program.
ARPANET is remembered by those of us who actually know that the Internet didn't start with Windows95 or AppleTalk and the late 90's dot.com bullshit. ARPANET was started, and funded, by US DOD, and it remained a Government-sponsored entity until well into the mid-90's.
US Senator Al Gore sponsored a bill named The High Performance Computing Act of 1991, which passed in December of that year. The enactment of that bill was the foundation of the creation of the private-industry Internet, which did not really happen until the mid-90's.
There was also BITNET, which was a purely academic research network, and had nothing to do with the private industry, and everything to do with government research grants to universities.
So, yeah. See? All that useless crap that you don't really need but buy from Amazon, the only reason you can do that today is because a bunch of pinkos working for DARPA and DOD - two well-known and militant bastions of Marxist Socialism - imagined that computers could actually talk to each other over a phone line, came up with packet-switching protocols and TCP/IP, decided to fund research for these ideas, made them real, and kept everything going for about 25 years.
What was the private industry's response to ARPANET, once they were given the reins, USD $BEEEEEEELIONS in tax breaks, and left to their own devices to run it as a free-market, for-profit enterprise? Answer: Comcast or Time Warner Cable.
Never mind the facts. Repeat after me:
Government: BAD.
Free-market, for-profit: GOOD.
Makes things simple to understand.