Re: Surely...
Mega Maid reporting in!
161 publicly visible posts • joined 30 May 2014
Same load of old guff as the last bunch and the lot before and before etc etc.
I swear, it seems as though the home office is stuffed with wormtongues who whisper into the ministers ears and they dutifully plod out and spout forth this nonsense and rightly get mocked for it. Far better to find out who keeps telling these hapless ministers that encryption needs weakening and then drum them out of the place before someone actually tries to push it through
"Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it? You lose your keys, it's aliens. A picture falls off the wall, it's aliens. That time we used up a whole bog roll in a day, you thought that was aliens as well. "
"Well we didn't use it all, Lister. Who did? "
"Rimmer, Aliens used our bog roll? "
To be fair, the US just don't take tea seriously and everytime I've had US tea, I've had to use 2-3 teabags. I recommend that, should you visit, you should try builders tea.
Indeed, they even developed and fired an atomic artillery cannon. Also, and I bet you thought the Fatboy was a funny fictional device? Think again, here's the M65 Nuclear Rifle. Madness...
Excuse the mini rant, but.
This popular celeb obsession is a poor reflection on our society in general. Instead of venerating and celebrating true success and enrichment to humanity, endless attention is given to these vapid non-entities. Gravity wave detection confirmed? A new amazing Hubble UDF release? A brief murmour goes through the press. Kardashian does something insignificant (I'm not even going to waste time googling to see what they've been up to) and enormous amounts of effort are given over to programmes, gossip rags and other pointless outlets to discuss it.
It makes one weep...
Agreed. I broke out the old Mountfield over the weekend, first time since November, in order to give some errant grass a damn good cutting. I really could have done with a can of Wynn's Start You Bastard. Eventually got it going after a lot of shouting...
That laugh was worthy of Murray!
"I think the Brits need to be pissed off also, since their shiny, new carriers will have nothing to carry for a few more years."
Well, to be fair, it's our own fault for flogging off the Harrier fleet until the replacement is ready. Hopefully, we won't get involved in something that requires too much force projection and carrier support...
No, I understood what he was saying, and that brings us back to the original point in question in that, should the UK choose Leave and should it choose to repeal unwanted EU legislation, then the regulatory burden for businesses wanting to do business with non EU nations is lower and then it does have the potential to make them more agile and competitive.
For example, a company in the UK free of EU rules, not wanting to deal with the EU nations because of the expense of adhering to said rules, would potentially have an easier time competing in the international markets simply because the burden to their business from regulation would be lower.
I don't think you've read my comment properly.
Lets use a simple example shall we: if a UK company operates in the UK it doesn't have to abide by SOX. However, should it wish to operate in the US, then it does have to abide by SOX. The UK Gov doesn't need to enact SOX, just the company needs to follow it.
Same for the EU. If a company operates in the UK but wishes to do business in the EU, they'll need to follow the rules laid down. Again, why would the UK Government enact those rules unless otherwise forced or agreed through some trade agreement? As for the company itself, if it is operating in multiple countries, the company would enact the rules needed within its own structure to ensure compliance in the most cost effective manner. If they want to produce a widget, they'll produce it to a standard that meets all rules required. They could go bonkers and try to create different versions of the same widget to meet different rules, but that'd be madness, unless there's a saving to be had...
I'm torn with the BBC. On one hand, it is a venerable institution with lots of decent programming that it has made and continues to make. On the other hand, you've got this (subjectively) biased organisation that lacks accountability and fights tooth and nail against any attempt at transparency. With a private outfit (Sky, for example) if they feck you off, you just stop buying. No such luck with the BBC. So, I cautiously welcome an external regulator, but am concerned over how much government meddling this could entail.
Tough one to figure out where I stand on this...
Can I suggest that the Dimwit who opened the dodgy attachment (probably with an e-mail of [email protected] (sic) ) has their wages deducted to pay the ransom.
I think it's more a long the lines of "It is highly probable that you will offend in the future. Thus, for your safety, please wear these tags so that we can monitor you. What? Pay no attention to that CCTV camera outside your home and that tracker in your car"
Austerity? What austerity. See, if Labour had some sort of a clue between them, shredding the current government would be a piece of piss. Just focus on the mess Osbourne is making with the country's finances and hammer home his continued hamfisted attempts at running the exchequer. Instead you end up with that dinosaur Corbyn and his entryist Militant Momentum cronies focusing on trivia, obsessions with the spare room subsidy, and generally trying to "Draw lines" whatever that means.
In related news, HMRC hopes to rake in a few million in grabbing the odd person making a tiny income on fleabay. As they say, it's not what you know, it's who you know (and can bribe)...
For some reason, I find this intensely hilarious! Poetic justice as they say. Are they sure they want to weaken encryption? Stuff like this will happen all the time. In fact, hats of all colours will be scrambling to force open the backdoor permanently which would probably be within a week of the backdoor being added and then the Claps e-mails will never be private again.
"They don't like it up 'em!"
Aye, and many games could probably generate endless false positives:
"Lets nuke the city!" (C&C Generals)
"Right, lets go be terrorists!" (Counterstrike)
etc etc
Heaven forbid anyone discuss the end of the original C&C Nod campaign "Blow the white house/Eiffel Tower/Houses of Parliament/Brandenburg Gate". They'd run out of fuel constantly scrambling the black helicopters.
And that's before they start reading the dross and bile that some individuals spew onto the chat and speech channels.