Memories of Health and Efficiency and Lady Chatterly's Lover
When I was at Dauntseys School, West Lavington, Wiltshire, many, many, decades ago, copies of Health & Efficiency <> used to circulate. The guys (unisex now) used to rent copies out for a Mars bar, or similar, for a day or two.
Copies of Lady Chatterly were acquired, the bindings ripped apart and chapters were rented out individually!
I really can't understand the BANNED IN BRITAIN mentality. It doesn't and won't work.
My sister-in-law invited me to view her daughter's school play and I discretely took pictures, sans flash, with my high-end camera. As we were leaving some sanctimonious male said he would have to 'seize' my film as taking pictures of children was equated with paedophilia. I remarked I always travel thousands of miles to take pictures small children acting. Besides, there was no film - only memory chips.
What are the most popular pictures for Tourists to take in foreign climbs? Children with cherubic faces! Seems that UK people have a very strange attitude when it comes to children other than their own.
Of course, MPs are the very people who shouldn't be determining this, what with the Deputy Speaker on trial for grabbing at male youth. At least they were Tory male youth. Then there was the Tory who was found dead - dressed in women's clothing.
I would far rather have a socially challenged adult satisfying their cravings on-line than roaming the streets looking for the real thing.
Way back Channel 79, in Toronto, used to play Baby Blue featuring soft porn movies. The Cops were happy, they knew where the paedos were - hanging around TV retailers looking at Baby Blue! NOT ONLY THAT, sexual assaults actually DECREASED on Friday nights.
It's time that parents took on the responsibility for their children - THEY are the ones best positioned for determining what their children watch, not some MP who drags up this old chestnut every time there is an election pending.