Re: Freedom awaits you
"Cheap and reliable" Hmm, cheap yes, reliable, not for me. As always YMMV.
1175 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Mar 2012
I looked on the EndlessOS forums and found they are quiet and a number of questions go unsolved. A beginner friendly OS needs more effort going into solving new user problems. Failing that users will be put off Linux in general: "Oh, I tried Linux but it doesn't work".
When you review a distro, also give a little attention to the community, especially the forum. FOSS software lives and dies by it's self help community. Are questions actually being answered? Are the answers of the form 'Read the man page newb' or genuine help. I know from my experience that the forums at Mint ( are exemplary. The same ins't true elsewhere (I'm looking at you FreeBSD). my humble and possibly not very well informed opinion, distro reviews should include some perusal of the community. Forum? 'Yes' or 'No' but also 'Questions actually being answered? Friendly community or 'RTFM' community (for examples of each see and ). One of the key strengths of FOSS is community support.
4. Announce a migration to Linux and enjoy all kinds of Microsoft largess, including opening 'local offices' and taking decision makers to exotic locations for conferences and so on, with a large notional discount for Microsoft services at the end. Great Success! Trebles all round...
...before you punish me with down votes, let me explain. All this is doing is legitimising RHEL as some sort of perfect, un-corruptable standard. This actually helps Blue Hat, both by enhancing the reputation of RHEL as some sort of perfect product AND training people to use RHEL. All this effort should, in my view, go into development of an equivalent product, outside the control of predatory corporations. Right, that's it, feel free to put the boot in.
... I've come to trust Clem's decision making. I tip my head wear to the Mint team. Also the community. The forum is an invaluable resource where no question is too stupid to get a measured and helpful response. I'd like to name-check Altair 4 for his/her tireless effort to sort out peoples difficulties getting Samba sorted out.
Really, the community is an integral part of any Linux distro and the Mint community is super helpful however stupid your question. Compare this with the community at, for example FreeBSD, the difference is chalk and cheese.