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Fisch Wiki
Fisch Wiki

"A nice christmas present wrapped in white and teal gift paper. Maybe it has some better goodies inside!"

- Bestiary Entry


The Unique Present is a Limited item obtainable during Fischmas 2024.

Clicking while equipping the item will open it, giving Fischmas 2024 fish or credits.

When hooked, a Exclamation limited NEWUSETHIS will pop above the player's head takes on a blue color, and a bell sound is played - as with all Limited fish.

Catch Quips[]


Possible Rewards[]


  • This is one of the items that can both be fished and opened.
  • This is one of the easiest methods of getting an Enchant Relic, as when using the Magnet Rod, the chance of catching this item is around 30%
    • It is recommended to use a Magnet Rod or any other rod using Magnet bait if you're fishing for Unique Presents since it has a higher chance to catch said presents.

