"A gistening Christmas present wrapped in magical gift paper. Maybe it has some great goodies inside!"
- Bestiary Entry
The Supreme Present is a Limited item obtainable during Fischmas 2024.
Clicking while equipping the item will open it, giving Fischmas 2024 fish or credits.
When hooked, a will pop above the player's head takes on a blue color, and a bell sound is played - as with all Limited fish.
Catch Quips[]
- It's my lucky day!
Possible Rewards[]
- 450-772 C$
- Enchant Relic
- Icicle
- Gingerbread Fish
- Santa Salmon
- Candy Cane Carp
- Santa Pufferfish
- Snowflake Flounder
- Olmdeer
- This is one of the items that can both be fished and opened
- This is one of the easiest methods of getting Enchant Relic, as when using the Magnet Rod, the chance of catching this item is around 25%
- It is recommended to use a Magnet Rod with Rapid Catchers (or other high Reel-Time baits), or any other rod using Magnet bait if you're fishing for Supreme Presents.