"Pond Emperors are highly territorial and powerful swimmers that will consume almost anything. Their striking coloration, aggressive nature, and rare appearances make them a prized and fotunate catch for anglers."
The Pond Emperor is a Legendary fish obtainable at Snowcap Pond. Due to its high rarity, it makes for a challenging catch, moving sporadically across the fishing bar. When catching, a -40% progress speed decrease is inflicted on the player.
When hooked, a will pop above the player's head, and a bell sound is played - as with all Legendary fish.
The Pond Emperor is a reference to the fish named King of the Pond from the Fishing minigame in Wii Play.
Catch Quips
- A Pond Emperor!
- WOAH! A Pond Emperor!!
- Pond Emperor!
- I caught a Pond Emperor!!