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The advisory group will regularly review and receive community input on the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (PPDHRM) and the Policy on Prohibited Sexual Harassment Under Title IX (collectively, “the Policies”) and related procedures. The advisory group will provide feedback on current Policies and proposed policy revisions, considering evolving legal requirements, the supports and resources available to the parties, and the effectiveness of the resolution processes (including as to the fairness of the processes, the time needed to complete the processes, and the sanctions and remedies imposed). The Policy Advisory Group will provide opportunities for campus stakeholders, including employees who implement the Policies and individuals affected by the Policies, to offer feedback to assist in the advisory group’s evaluation of the Policies and resolution processes. The advisory group will provide recommendations to the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC).

To fulfill the charge, members of the Policy Advisory Group created a survey in February 2024 to elicit feedback from campus members about the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (PPDHRM), the accompanying procedures, communication pertaining to the policy and procedures, and campus resources. The Policy Advisory Group sent the survey to 26 groups of campus partners, including offices that frequently work with the EOC, EOC staff, and identity groups on campus. Thirty individuals representing 13 areas of campus participated in the survey.
  • Campus members want to learn about the policies and procedures from the EOC website, informational emails, and through trainings, information sessions and/or resource fairs.
  • Participants know our resources well; most knew about 11 or more of our campus resources.
  • Overall, participants find the Safe at UNC website helpful. A few participants didn’t know about the website; no participants stated the website was unhelpful.
  • Participants stated they can understand the language and terminology in the PPDHRM and procedures.
  • Participants overwhelmingly stated they are looking for definitions and steps in the process when they seek out the PPDHRM and procedures.
  • Multiple participants stated the information could be condensed and that several definitions could be expanded to include assessment criteria.
  • Multiple participants stated the process takes a long time.
  • Multiple participants stated notifications and case updates could be improved. Participants had several creative ideas on how to do this, but all underscored the need for improvement.

The Policy Advisory Group reviewed the feedback in March 2024 and made the following recommendations:

  • Update the PPDHRM in two phases. Phase 1 will include only non-substantive revisions; Phase 2 may include substantive revisions.
Phase 1 will:
  1. Remove resource lists and link out to resources
  2. Eliminate areas of duplication
  3. Absorb the Policy on Non-Discrimination in Student Organizations and the Policy on Non-Discrimination for Program Participants into the PPDHRM and retire the standalone policies
  4. Integrate, where appropriate, recommendations from the Ethics and Policy office Equity Audit
  • Tentative Phase 1 timeline: implement by start of Fall 2024 semester
Phase 2 will:
  1. Refine definitions of prohibited conduct to ensure they are still in line with regulations and contain assessment criteria as needed 
  2. Better organize information between the appendix and body of the PPDHRM 
  3. Eliminate areas of duplication between the PPDHRM and procedures
  4. Integrate, where appropriate, recommendations from the Ethics and Policy office Equity Audit into the accompanying procedures  
  • Explore improvements to EOC notification practices for reporting and responding parties, considering ways to minimize re-traumatization of parties and better inform them of what stage the case is in without overburdening EOC staff. Explore ways to increase support resources for responding parties who are going through EOC processes.  
  • Explore ways to increase support resources for responding parties who are going through EOC processes.  
  • Tentative Phase 2 timeline: implement by end of Spring 2025 semester 

The Policy Advisory Group will provide the EOC with complete data from the February 2024 feedback survey.  

2023-2024 Policy Advisory Group Members

Co-ChairHuman Resources and Equal Opportunity and ComplianceCassidy Johnson
Co-ChairHuman Resources and Equal Opportunity and ComplianceKatie Nolan
Office of the ChancellorChief of StaffChristi Hurt
University Office for Diversity and InclusionVice Provost of Equity and Inclusion/Chief Diversity OfficerLeah Cox
Office of University CounselAssociate Vice Chancellor and Senior University CounselKara Simmons
Ombuds OfficeDirectorDawn Osborne-Adams
Office of Human ResourcesSenior Employee and Management Relations ConsultantRobin Rudd
Academic Personnel OfficeSenior HR ConsultantTeresa Scaggs
Graduate SchoolDean; Distinguished Professor of Nutrition and Co-Director Nutrition Obesity Research CenterBeth Meyer-Davis
Employee ForumStudent Services Specialist, Communication DeptJonah Hodge
Dean of Students OfficeDean of StudentsDesiree Rieckenberg
Accessibility Resources and ServicesDirectorSimon Bloor
Violence Prevention and Advocacy ServicesGender Violence Services CoordinatorHolly Lovern
Carolina Women’s CenterAssistant DirectorShelley Kennedy
Office of Student ConductDirectorJenni Spengenberg
Undergraduate StudentAaron Stepp
Graduate StudentAshley Addison

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