Eleceed Wiki

Episode 01 is the first episode of the Eleceed webtoon.


A mysterious light crashes onto an empty alleyway in Korea and a man revealed to be Kayden Break is heavily injured from being ganged up upon by unknown assailants. He turns himself into a cat in order to erase his tracks and hide completely in order to recover.

Another teen named Jiwoo Seo is seen perusing a shop and gullibly spends most of his allowance on cat food and toys. He notices a little boy dropping his soccer ball in traffic and

Jiwoo super speed

Kayden saves a little boy.

attempting to cross the busy street to go after it. As the boy is about to be mauled by an incoming car, Jiwoo uses his super speed to save the boy. Jiwoo quickly leaves the scene as to not be discovered while people passing by discuss the anomaly. Jiwoo is glad that he hasn't exposed his powers to the general public and continues his day. Later in the evening, Jiwoo feeds the stray cats near his house when they lead him to another unconscious cat.

Jiwoo Seo brings in the cat to his home to treat him, not knowing the cat’s true identity. The cat (actually Kayden) wakes up and remembers that he had transformed himself into a cat in order to hide his
Kayden transforms

Kayden turns into a cat.

tracks. Jiwoo attempts to feed Kayden cat food, who recoils away in disgust and indignation. Just as Kayden is about to convince himself that he needs to eat cat food, Jiwoo picks up Kayden in order to figure out the cat's gender. Kayden quickly rebukes him by talking in a deep male voice, much to Jiwoo's surprise and fear. As Kayden is about to explain his situation to Jiwoo, he realizes that he is fat cat and yells out loud in surprise.

Character Appearances[]

Location Appearances[]

Abilities Used[]



