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an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black  - 日本語WordNet


their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind  - 日本語WordNet


The material is usually hard woods (such as box, yew, and ebony) and ivory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To obtain products dyed in dark blue or black which excel in a variety of fastness such as fastness to light, fastness to sublimation, and fastness to water after post-processing treatment not only in normal polyester fibers but also in superfine polyester fibers. - 特許庁



smut fungus attacking heads of corn or sorghum and causing a covered smut  - 日本語WordNet



a hard grey-black mineral consisting of corundum and either hematite or magnetite  - 日本語WordNet


To obtain a black dye excellent in color strength, brightness, light- resistance, water resistance, abrasion resistance usable for an ink-jet printing process by comprising a compound having specific structure. - 特許庁


To provide a hair dye composition causing no deterioration in its dyeing affinity and having a color fastness during preservation even under basic pH, capable of dying the hair to deep natural color tone from brown to black, and excellent in light fastness, shampooing fastness and subbing fastness. - 特許庁

田 長(くろだ ながかた、1770年(明和7年)-1784年3月30日(天明4年2月10日(旧暦)))は、筑前国福岡藩秋月藩の第7代藩主。例文帳に追加

Nagakata KURODA (1770 - March 30, 1784) was the seventh lord of Fukuoka Domain and Akizuki Domain in Chikuzen Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a reactive dye composition which is suitable for dyeing wool fibers, etc., in greenish black with excellent wet fastness. - 特許庁



To provide a black ink composition having excellent light resistance and bronzing resistance and giving a recorded matter having good printed letter quality and image fastness. - 特許庁


In Haguro-yama (Yamagata Prefecture), an applicant can wear a white costume and enter the mountain to experience Yamabushi's ascetic practices such as fasting, Takiuchi (standing under a waterfall), walking over fire, (Zen sitting meditation), Ninku no Gyo (Nanban Ibushi, or being smoked), and so on, in September of every year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a new compound or a dyestuff excellent in light fastness, dark heat fastness, ozone resistance and the like and exhibiting high concentration black, and to provide an ink composition and the like containing the dyestuff. - 特許庁


To remove growing black liquor lees and prevent inconvenience of blockage, etc., by blowing pressurized steam having wetness into an opening part of a black liquor-injecting nozzle arranged on furnace wall of a black liquor-recovering boiler. - 特許庁


To provide a black ink composition which enables excellent black type printings in high concentrations, is excellent in image fastness, and is used for ink jets, to provide an ink set containing the same, and to provide an ink jet recording method using them. - 特許庁


To obtain a black mordant dye composition capable of achieving good black color and excellent wet fastness without accompanying yellow bleeding in wool dyeing. - 特許庁


To provide a black ink composition which contains a dyestuff for color correction which does not need to be added at a large amount, does not require other dyestuffs for color correction, enables printing with an excellent black color tone and a high density and is excellent in color development, fixability and fastness. - 特許庁


To provide a dark brown color to black color hair dye composition which can easily be compounded with black color hair dyes, has an excellent dyeing property, has more excellent shampoo fastness than those of compositions containing cationic dyes which are conventional dyes for dyeing hair, and can prevent unnatural colors when faded. - 特許庁


The to black color hair dye composition which has an excellent dyeing property for keratin fibers especially contained in human hair and the like, includes a more excellent hair-dyeing property than hair dye compositions compounded with conventional black color cationic dyes, has improved shampoo fastness, and little changes in hue is found. - 特許庁


any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black  - 日本語WordNet


The most common material used was Japanese zelkova for its hardness, and hibachi with a rim of kuro gaki (striped ebony from one of the hundreds of varieties of persimmon trees) were especially preferred.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A rebellion against the law banning the wearing of swords, started on October 24, 1876 by the "Keishin-to" party, which was formed by about 170 people including Tomoo OTAGURO, Harukata KAYA and Kyuzaburo SAITO from the warrior class in the former Higo Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a fluorescent coloring agent having high fluorescence exceeding the absorbency of black color, various excellent properties including fastness and capable of forming a record readable with ultraviolet ray. - 特許庁


To obtain a mixed-dyed article of a disperse dye-dyeable fiber and a polyurethane fiber, which has high deep color in black, no grin-through and excellent color fastness to dyeing. - 特許庁


To impart a wide range of hues which involve colors ranging from light color to very dark color including black by pretreating a textile structure containing polyester-based fibers with a swelling agent in advance and then performing atmospheric exhaustion dyeing. - 特許庁


To obtain a deeply black dye mixture highly soluble in cold water and favorable in the wash-out tendency or the like of unfixed dye portion thereof by including each specific two kinds of disazo dyes and a specific monoazo dye. - 特許庁


To provide an azo compound for black ink that has high solubility in a medium mainly composed of water, is stable even after long-term storage of a highly concentrated aqueous solution or ink thereof, is excellent in fastness of a recorded image, particularly excellent in light resistance and ozone gas resistance and gives a colorless and high-grade black recorded image and to provide an ink composition containing the compound. - 特許庁


On the other hand, with the assistance of priests of Enryaku-ji Temple in Kyoto, he was running a money-lending business during Bunei Era; in 1271, he violated the Bakufu's kinzei (prohibition) by seizing ships of the Ninna-ji Temple to transport tribute at Katata-no-ura, Omi Province, and therefore was sued by zassho (a person in charge of miscellaneous tasks) of the territory of the Daigo-ji Temple in Yamadago Ishigurosho, Etchu Province  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a dye composition for chrome mordanting, decreasing use of chromic acid and amount of remaining chrome in wastewater without decreasing fastness of dyed article in dyeing natural protein fiber or its blend and, especially, in black or navy blue deep color dyeing, and to provide a method for dyeing. - 特許庁


Due to the above operations, it was written in 'Kansei-jushu-shokefu' that the reason why he could not see any one was that 'though Nagakata had grown up, he was seriously sick and, as a result, he could not walk and could not give audience' and that his application for permission to 'select some one to succeed his family who could bear the serving as' a guard in Nagasaki instead of Naritaka KURODA who was from the main family and was young was permitted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Higo Domain was divided into three factions according to their education policies, namely, the Gakko-to party (school party) focusing on education based on the doctrines of Zhu Xi in domain schools, the Jitsugaku-to party (practical learning party) emphasizing the relation between education and politics, advocated by Shonan YOKOI and others, and the Kinno-to party (pro-Imperial party with Gensai KAWAKAMI, Tomoo OGURODA, Harukata KAYA and others) emphasizing education based on the study of Japanese literature and culture and Shintoism, founded by Oen HAYASHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This ink jet ink composition comprises a chemically modified carbon black dispersion in the presence or absence of a black dye, a polymer such as an ethoxylated polyethyleneimine in combination with N- methylpyrrolidone and other commonly used additives to improve water fastness on coated substrates to greater than 90%. - 特許庁


Behind this imbalance is Japan’s policy thus far of putting emphasis on securing a trade surplus through robust exports centering on the manufacturing industry, while not stressing the importance of securing comprehensive finances in the overall international balance of payments by improving the balance on services through strengthening international competitiveness in the service sector, including the tourism industry. - 経済産業省


The characteristics of Kyo-shikki is "Honkataji," the most basic process of manufacturing lacquer craftworks in which thin wood grain is reinforced with hemp attached to it by using lacquer and starch glue, layers of foundation called "Jisabiurushi" and "Sabiurushi," which is a kind of paste made from "Yamashina Jinoko" and "Yamashina Tonoko"both produced in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City and mixed together with lacquer, are applied onto the reinforced wood grain, and, after a process called "Kukurisabi" in which the corners of the artifact are reinforced for the purpose of strengthening and making the sharp edge sharper, black and red lacquer is applied onto it layer by layer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Euro Area members will foster intra Euro Area adjustment through structural reforms to strengthen competitiveness in deficit countries and to promote demand and growth in surplus countries.The European Union members of the G20 are determined to move forward expeditiously on measures to support growth including through completing the European Single Market and making better use of European financial means, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), pilot project bonds, and structural and cohesion funds, for more targeted investment, employment, growth and competitiveness, while maintaining the firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis.  - 財務省


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