テキスト圧縮はこれ一冊でOK!?な優良書籍「The Burrows-Wheeler Transform」を読んだ
以前より気になっていた書籍「The Burrows-Wheeler Transform Data Compression, Suffix Arrays, and Pattern matching」を読む機会を得ることができた。それなりに高額な本だったので購入が躊躇っていたのだけど、これは自分用に購入してもいいかも。というくらいの良書だったので紹介しておく。
本書はタイトルのとおりBWT(Burrows-Wheeler変換)に関する書籍。サブタイトルにあるようにデータ圧縮やSuffixArrayによる全文検索についても充実した内容になっている。最後のPattern matchingはテキストから検索キーとexactにマッチした、もしくは類似した箇所を取り出すよ、という話。2008年の本なので比較的新しい話題も扱っていて満足度が高い。
1 Introduction 1.1 An example of a Burrows-Wheeler Transform 1.2 Genesis of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 1.3 Transformation 1.4 Permutation 1.5 Recency 1.6 Pattern matching 1.7 Organization of this book 1.8 Further reading 2 How the Burrows-Wheeler Transform works 2.1 The forward Burrows-Wheeler Transform 2.2 The reverse Burrows-Wheeler Transform 2.3 Special cases 2.4 Further reading 3 Coders for the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 3.1 Entropy coding 3.2 Run-length and arithmetic coder 3.3 Move-to-front lists 3.4 Frequency counting methods 3.5 Inversion Frequencies (IF) 3.6 Distance coding 3.7 Wavelet trees 3.8 Other permutations 3.9 Block size 3.10 Further reading 4 Suffix trees and suffix arrays 4.1 Suffix Trees 4.2 Suffix arrays 4.3 Space issues in suffix trees and suffix arrays 4.4 Further reading 5 Analysis of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 5.1 The BWT, suffix trees and suffix arrays 5.2 Computational complexity 5.3 BWT context clustering property 5.4 Analysis of BWT output 5.5 Analysis of BWT compression performance 5.6 Relationship with other compression schemes 5.7 Further reading 6 Variants of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 6.1 The sort transform 6.2 Lexical permutation sorting 6.3 The extended BWT 6.4 Sort-based context similarity measurement 6.5 Word-based compression 6.6 Further reading 7 Exact and approximate pattern matching 7.1 Exact pattern matching algorithms 7.2 Pattern matching using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 7.3 Performance of BWT-based exact pattern matching 7.4 Approximate pattern matching 7.5 Hardware algorithms for pattern matching 7.6 Conclusion 7.7 Further reading 8 Other applications of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform 8.1 Compressed suffix trees and compressed suffix arrays 8.2 Compressed full-text indexing 8.3 Bioinformatics and computational biology 8.4 Test data compression 8.5 Image compression, computer vision and machine translation 8.6 Joint source-channel coding 8.7 Prediction and entropy estimation 8.8 Further reading 9 Conclusion A Notation B Ongoing work on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform B.1 BWT-related web sites B.2 Ph.D. theses relating to the Burrows-Wheeler Transform References Index