The Penguins of Madagascar was an American CGI animated television series that has aired on Nickelodeon, and the first show to be from a franchise. It stars nine characters from the DreamWorks Animation animated film Madagascar: The penguins Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private; the lemurs King Julien, Maurice, and Mort; and Mason and Phil the chimpanzees. Characters new to the series include Marlene the otter and a zookeeper named Alice. It is the first Nicktoon produced with DreamWorks Animation.
The pilot episode "Gone in a Flash", aired as part of "Superstuffed Nicktoons Weekend" on November 29, 2008, and The Penguins of Madagascar became a regular series on March 28, 2009. The series premiere drew 6.1 million viewers, setting a new record as the most-watched premiere.
Although the series occasionally alludes to the rest of the franchise, The Penguins of Madagascar does not take place at a precise time within it. McGrath, who is also the co-creator of the film characters, has said that the series takes place "not specifically before or after the movie, I just wanted them all back at the zoo. I think of it as taking place in a parallel universe."
The show finished 2010 as the number two animated program among kids age 2-11 and in basic cable total viewers.
Voice actor John DiMaggio stated that the show has ended production. A feature film starring the penguins (albeit with different voice actors, aside from Tom McGrath as Skipper) and featuring other characters voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Jeong, and John Malkovich, among others, was released on November 26, 2014.
The series follows the adventures of the four penguin protagonists: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private, who perform various paramilitary missions to protect their home in the Central Park Zoo. The penguins often have to deal with problems caused (or made worse) by King Julien , Maurice, and Mort.
Voice Cast[]
- Tom McGrath as Skipper
- Jeff Bennett as Kowalski
- John DiMaggio as Rico
- James Patrick Stuart as Private
- Danny Jacobs as King Julien XIII
- Kevin Michael Richardson as Maurice
- Andy Richter as Mort
- Nicole Sullivan as Marlene
- Conrad Vernon as Mason
See full cast at IMDB here
Episode guide[]
Some of the actors who played the characters in the films didn't return for the series. Chris Miller is replaced by Jeff Bennett as Kowalski, Christopher Knights is replaced by James Patrick Stuart as Private, Sacha Baron Cohen is replaced by voice actor Danny Jacobs as King Julien, and Cedric the Entertainer's character is now voiced by the popular Kevin Michael Richardson.
External links[]
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