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No Sail is a 1945 animated short starring Donald and Goofy.


Donald and Goofy are at a marina where they hire a "U-Drive Sail Boat". After Donald boards, Goofy follows but stops partway along to untie the boat. After Goofy gets on board, Donald inspects the sail mechanism.

It states you must deposit five cents for the sail. Upon depositing a nickel, the mast shoots out and the sail folds into place, hitting Donald on the head in the process. The boat begins to sail out to the open ocean on its own, only for the sail and mast to go right back into the mechanism after a few minutes. Donald deposits another nickel, which once again causes the mast and sail to come out of the mechanism and hit Donald on the head again, much to his chagrin. The boat continues to sail, but the sail and mast go right back down again after a few minutes. Donald deposits another nickel, but not before moving quickly to the other side. However, the mast and sail shoot out and fold into place on the opposite side, hitting Donald on the head for the third time. Furious, Donald kicks the sail, causing it and the mast back into the mechanism (complete with the word “Tilt” on display). To make matters worse, it’s revealed that Donald has run out of nickels forcing him and Goofy to spend the night on the boat, stranded in the middle of the sea on a completely immobilized boat.

The next day, Donald begins to feel dehydrated, but Goofy manages to scoop seawater into an empty cup and drink it with ice cubes. Despite Donald warning him not to drink it, Goofy starts to enjoy it after adding more salt, much to Donald’s surprise. Soon afterwards, Donald spots a ship arriving in the distance. As both of them start hailing it, a nickel falls out of Goofy’s shirt. A frantic Donald tries to grab it, but it falls overboard, and Goofy waves goodbye to the now leaving ship forgetting he was supposed to signal for help, both of which upset Donald greatly.

Several days pass by with Donald and Goofy growing hungry, until a fish jumps aboard. As the two argue over it, a seagull flies by and eats it before landing on Donald’s head. This causes Goofy to bring out a club to hit the seagull. Aware of Goofy's intentions, the seagull migrates from Donald's head to Goofy's just as Goofy brings the club down on Donald's head. Upon realizing where the bird is now, Goofy hands a dazed and angry Donald the club and is promptly hit on the head when the seagull changes sides again. Donald then grabs the club and begins repeatedly hitting Goofy on the head, however Goofy is distracted by the bird flying away. Donald stops to inspect the damage but is surprised when he sees his beating Goofy has left lumps on the club.

Once Donald sits down, he starts to notice shark fins circling around the boat. He tries to tell Goofy, who pulls out of the water a fin that’s attached to nothing. Curious, Donald tries to pull out a fin that IS attached to a shark, scaring him. Goofy decides to pull out a fishing pole to catch one of the sharks. As the hook swings past Donald it hooks itself onto his shirt, sending Donald circling over an oblivious Goofy's head. Goofy then casts the line far out from the boat, and as Donald sails over the water he is followed by two sharks. After falling underwater, Donald finds himself face-to-face with a shark, but after frantically swimming away from it he finds himself in the mouth of another shark, which he promptly swims out of and away from. But while Donald is fighting the sharks, Goofy is busy trying to untangle his fishing line but is getting it progressively even more tangled. Donald is only rescued when the sharks he is holding take off, spinning Goofy around the boat several times and prompting him to reel in, only to find instead of a fish at the end of his line, Donald, who furiously tells Goofy to put him down, and Goofy complies. However he accidentally drops him bill-first into the sail's coin slot, which sends the mast shooting out and the sail folding into place. The film ends with Goofy relaxing on the sailing boat singing "A Life on the Ocean Wave", with Donald's bill still stuck in the coin slot, trying to get it out.






  • Goofy said the same thing to Donald Duck in the ending of On Ice, which was "Ah-hyuk! Gosh. I thought you was a fish."
  • It was shown in theaters with Isle of the Dead in its original release.


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Donald Duck Logo 2
The Wise Little HenDonald and PlutoDon DonaldModern InventionsDonald's OstrichSelf ControlDonald's Better SelfDonald's NephewsGood ScoutsDonald's Golf GameMother Goose Goes HollywoodDonald's Lucky DayThe Hockey ChampDonald's Cousin GusBeach PicnicSea ScoutsDonald's PenguinThe Autograph HoundOfficer DuckThe Fox Hunt (co-starring Goofy) • Polar Trappers (co-starring Goofy)
The RiveterDonald's Dog LaundryMr. Duck Steps OutPut-Put TroublesDonald's VacationThe Volunteer WorkerWindow CleanersThe Fire ChiefTimberGolden EggsA Good Time for a DimeEarly to BedTruant Officer DonaldOld MacDonald DuckDonald's CameraChef DonaldDonald's DecisionThe Village SmithyThe New SpiritDonald's Snow FightDonald Gets DraftedDonald's GardenDonald's Gold MineThe Vanishing PrivateSky TrooperBellboy DonaldDer Fuehrer's FaceThe Spirit of '43Donald's Tire TroubleLake TiticacaAquarela do BrazilThe Flying JalopyFall Out-Fall InThe Old Army GameHome DefenseTrombone TroubleDonald Duck and the GorillaContrary CondorCommando DuckThe Plastics InventorDonald's Off DayThe Clock WatcherThe Eyes Have ItDonald's CrimeDuck PimplesCured DuckOld SequoiaDonald's Double TroubleWet PaintDumbell of the YukonLighthouse KeepingStraight ShootersSleepy Time DonaldClown of the JungleDonald's DilemmaBootle BeetleWide Open SpacesChip an' DaleDrip Dippy DonaldDaddy DuckDonald's Dream VoiceBlame It on the SambaThe Trial of Donald DuckInferior DecoratorSoup's OnThree for BreakfastTea for Two HundredDonald's Happy BirthdaySea SaltsWinter StorageHoney HarvesterAll in a NutshellThe Greener YardSlide, Donald, SlideToy TinkersBillposters (co-starring Goofy) • No Sail (co-starring Goofy) • Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive (co-starring Goofy) • Crazy with the Heat (co-starring Goofy)
Lion AroundCrazy Over DaisyTrailer HornHook, Lion and SinkerBee at the BeachOut on a LimbDude DuckCorn ChipsTest Pilot DonaldLucky NumberOut of ScaleBee on GuardDonald ApplecoreLet's Stick TogetherUncle Donald's AntsTrick or TreatDon's Fountain of YouthThe New NeighborRugged BearWorking for PeanutsCanvas Back DuckSpare the RodDonald's DiaryDragon AroundGrin and Bear ItThe Flying SquirrelGrand CanyonscopeNo HuntingBearly AsleepBeezy BearUp a TreeChips Ahoy
The LitterbugD.I.Y. Duck
Educational Shorts
How to Have an Accident in the HomeHow to Have an Accident at WorkDonald in Mathmagic LandDonald and the WheelSteel and AmericaDonald's Fire Survival PlanFamily Planning
Donald Duck
See Also
DuckTales (1987 series)Donald's Quack AttackQuack PackPomp and CircumstanceDuckTales (2017 series)

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Goofy Logo 2
Polar Trappers (co-starring Donald Duck) • The Fox Hunt (co-starring Donald Duck) • Goofy and Wilbur
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Educational Shorts
FreewayphobiaGoofy's Freeway Troubles
The World Owes Me a LivingThe GoofThe Roots of Goofy
See Also
Goof TroopA Goofy MovieAn Extremely Goofy MovieHow to Stay at Home