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Chips Ahoy is a 1956 animated short starring Donald Duck and Chip and Dale. It was the last Chip 'n' Dale short to be released theatrically. It is the first and only Chip 'n' Dale short to be released in CinemaScope.


Chip and Dale are both hungry sitting in their tree, which has few acorns. After a squabble over their last acorn, which falls into a lake below, Chip sees a larger tree overflowing with acorns across the way from them. However, the lake stands between them and their potential gain.

Chip and Dale spot a ship in a bottle in Donald Duck's fishing shack and decide to use it to attempt to cross the lake. Later, as Donald is taking a stroll along the pier, he spots the chipmunks carrying the ship and salutes them. Donald doesn't realize until he returns to the shack that they have pilfered his ship, and he sets out to get it back from the "pirate" chipmunks.

He catches the ship with a fishing pole and reels it in. To get back at Chip and Dale, who have taken on the personas of the ship's captain and a seaman respectively, he torments them with the rudder, fills the cabin with water (forcing the chipmunks to pump it out), then puts on an imaginary series of stormy weather. The ruse seems to work, as Dale gets seasick. However, he spots Donald's feet on the ground and alerts Chip, and the two are able to escape into quarters before the duck can get them while slamming his finger in the door. Undeterred, Donald tricks Dale into getting captured. Chip counters by releasing the ship's anchor right on Donald's foot so that he drops both Dale and the ship.

Dale then ties up Donald and jumps back onto the ship, moments before Donald can free himself. As Chip sees this, he panics and tries to steer the ship away while Donald begins chasing them. However, Dale is a step ahead of Chip and has cut holes in Donald's boat sail, drilled holes in his canoe, unscrewed the bolts to dismantle his rowboat and tied his motorboat to the dock. Donald gets in his motorboat anyway despite that and pursues them with a harpoon in a mad attempt to catch the chipmunk duo and reclaim his sailboat. When his motorboat is pulled by the rope, Donald flies out of it and takes a header into the tree just as Chip and Dale reach it, spilling acorns in the boat. A furious Donald tries one more time to catch them, but falls and causes a wave to carry the ship back to the tree where Chip and Dale eat their haul of acorns. Undaunted, however, Donald chops down the tree and tries to build a dugout canoe.




Home video[]



  • The short's title would later be inspired by Nabisco's cookie company in 1963.[1]


v - e - d
Donald Duck Logo 2
The Wise Little HenDonald and PlutoDon DonaldModern InventionsDonald's OstrichSelf ControlDonald's Better SelfDonald's NephewsGood ScoutsDonald's Golf GameMother Goose Goes HollywoodDonald's Lucky DayThe Hockey ChampDonald's Cousin GusBeach PicnicSea ScoutsDonald's PenguinThe Autograph HoundOfficer DuckThe Fox Hunt (co-starring Goofy) • Polar Trappers (co-starring Goofy)
The RiveterDonald's Dog LaundryMr. Duck Steps OutPut-Put TroublesDonald's VacationThe Volunteer WorkerWindow CleanersThe Fire ChiefTimberGolden EggsA Good Time for a DimeEarly to BedTruant Officer DonaldOld MacDonald DuckDonald's CameraChef DonaldDonald's DecisionThe Village SmithyThe New SpiritDonald's Snow FightDonald Gets DraftedDonald's GardenDonald's Gold MineThe Vanishing PrivateSky TrooperBellboy DonaldDer Fuehrer's FaceThe Spirit of '43Donald's Tire TroubleLake TiticacaAquarela do BrazilThe Flying JalopyFall Out-Fall InThe Old Army GameHome DefenseTrombone TroubleDonald Duck and the GorillaContrary CondorCommando DuckThe Plastics InventorDonald's Off DayThe Clock WatcherThe Eyes Have ItDonald's CrimeDuck PimplesCured DuckOld SequoiaDonald's Double TroubleWet PaintDumbell of the YukonLighthouse KeepingStraight ShootersSleepy Time DonaldClown of the JungleDonald's DilemmaBootle BeetleWide Open SpacesChip an' DaleDrip Dippy DonaldDaddy DuckDonald's Dream VoiceBlame It on the SambaThe Trial of Donald DuckInferior DecoratorSoup's OnThree for BreakfastTea for Two HundredDonald's Happy BirthdaySea SaltsWinter StorageHoney HarvesterAll in a NutshellThe Greener YardSlide, Donald, SlideToy TinkersBillposters (co-starring Goofy) • No Sail (co-starring Goofy) • Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive (co-starring Goofy) • Crazy with the Heat (co-starring Goofy)
Lion AroundCrazy Over DaisyTrailer HornHook, Lion and SinkerBee at the BeachOut on a LimbDude DuckCorn ChipsTest Pilot DonaldLucky NumberOut of ScaleBee on GuardDonald ApplecoreLet's Stick TogetherUncle Donald's AntsTrick or TreatDon's Fountain of YouthThe New NeighborRugged BearWorking for PeanutsCanvas Back DuckSpare the RodDonald's DiaryDragon AroundGrin and Bear ItThe Flying SquirrelGrand CanyonscopeNo HuntingBearly AsleepBeezy BearUp a TreeChips Ahoy
The LitterbugD.I.Y. Duck
Educational Shorts
How to Have an Accident in the HomeHow to Have an Accident at WorkDonald in Mathmagic LandDonald and the WheelSteel and AmericaDonald's Fire Survival PlanFamily Planning
Donald Duck
See Also
DuckTales (1987 series)Donald's Quack AttackQuack PackPomp and CircumstanceDuckTales (2017 series)

v - e - d
Chip 'n' dale logo
Private PlutoSquatter's Rights Chip an' DaleThree for BreakfastWinter StorageAll in a NutshellToy Tinkers
Crazy Over DaisyTrailer HornFood for Feudin'Out on a LimbChicken in the RoughCorn ChipsTest Pilot DonaldOut of ScaleDonald ApplecoreTwo Chips and a MissPluto's Christmas TreeWorking for PeanutsThe Lone ChipmunksDragon AroundUp a TreeChips Ahoy
Park Life episodes
"Thou Shalt Nut Steal / The Baby Whisperer / It Takes Two to Tangle" • "The Whole Package / Bird Brains / Acorn In My Side" • "The Jungle / The Flight / Deep Dive" • "A Nut You Can't Refuse / Chipmunks Away / Ruff Justice" • "Dog in the House / Cone Alone / Highway to Hugs" • "The Hazelnut King / Egg Baby / Mega Muscle Chip" • "Struggling Duckling / Friends of the Family / Top Dog" • "The Ghost / The Imperfect Crime / Nut Soup" • "The Unusual Nutspects / An Evening With Clarice / Craft Craze" • "Too Late to Hibernate / Sorry Nut Sorry / Never Trust a Sausage" • "Night of the Pizza Moon / Who's Your Granny? / Summer Sidekick Syndrome" • "Delivery Duck / Dark in the Park / Choppin' Dale"
See Also
Chip 'n Dale Rescue RangersChip 'n' Dale: Park Life

