European Technical Approval ETA-03-0041 - Studs

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European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041

English translation prepared by DIBt - Original version in German language

Handelsbezeichnung Nelson-Kopfbolzen
Trade name Nelson Headed Studs

Zulassungsinhaber Nelson Bolzenschweiß-Technik

Holder of approval GmbH & Co. KG
Flurstraße 7-19
58285 Gevelsberg

Zulassungsgegenstand Stahlplatte mit einbetonierten Nelson-Kopfbolzen aus Stahl und

und Verwendungszweck aus nichtrostendem Stahl
Generic type and use Steel plate with cast-in Nelson-headed studs made of steel and of stainless
of construction product steel

Geltungsdauer: vom 18 November 2008

Validity: from
bis 18 November 2013

Herstellwerke Herstellwerk 1
Manufacturing plants Herstellwerk 2

Diese Zulassung umfasst 30 Seiten einschließlich 7 Anhänge

This Approval contains 30 pages including 7 annexes

Diese Zulassung ersetzt ETA-03/0041 mit Geltungsdauer vom 13.11.2003 bis 13.11.2008
This Approval replaces ETA-03/0041 with validity from 13.11.2003 to 13.11.2008

Europäische Organisation für Technische Zulassungen

European Organisation for Technical Approvals
Page 2 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)


1 This European technical approval is issued by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik in

accordance with:
- Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws,
regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction
products1, modified by Council Directive 93/68/EEC2 and Regulation (EC) N° 1882/2003
of the European Parliament and of the Council3;
- Gesetz über das In-Verkehr-Bringen von und den freien Warenverkehr mit Bauprodukten
zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 89/106/EWG des Rates vom 21. Dezember 1988 zur
Angleichung der Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über
Bauprodukte und anderer Rechtsakte der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
(Bauproduktengesetz - BauPG) vom 28. April 19984, zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom
- Common Procedural Rules for Requesting, Preparing and the Granting of European
technical approvals set out in the Annex to Commission Decision 94/23/EC6.
2 Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik is authorized to check whether the provisions of this
European technical approval are met. Checking may take place in the manufacturing plant.
Nevertheless, the responsibility for the conformity of the products to the European technical
approval and for their fitness for the intended use remains with the holder of the European
technical approval.
3 This European technical approval is not to be transferred to manufacturers or agents of
manufacturers other than those indicated on page 1, or manufacturing plants other than
those indicated on page 1 of this European technical approval.
4 This European technical approval may be withdrawn by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, in
particular pursuant to information by the Commission according to Article 5(1) of Council
Directive 89/106/EEC.
5 Reproduction of this European technical approval including transmission by electronic means
shall be in full. However, partial reproduction can be made with the written consent of
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik. In this case partial reproduction has to be designated as
such. Texts and drawings of advertising brochures shall not contradict or misuse the
European technical approval.
6 The European technical approval is issued by the approval body in its official language. This
version corresponds fully to the version circulated within EOTA. Translations into other
languages have to be designated as such.

1 Official Journal of the European Communities L 40, 11.02.1989, p. 12

2 Official Journal of the European Communities L 220, 30.08.1993, p. 1
3 Official Journal of the European Union L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 25
4 Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 812
5 Bundesgesetzblatt I, p.2, 15
6 Official Journal of the European Communities L 17, 20.01.1994, p. 34

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Page 3 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)


1 Definition of product and intended use

1.1 Definition of product

The steel plate with cast-in Nelson-headed studs consists of one or more headed studs
which are welded-on to a steel plate. The headed studs and the plate consist of steel or
stainless steel. The headed studs have a diameter of the shaft of 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 and 25
mm. At the one end a head is formed by upsetting. The other end is prepared for drawn arc
stud welding with ceramic ferrule or shielding gas (method 783 according to
EN ISO 4063:2002-02).
The product is surface-flush anchored in the concrete.
For the installed product see figure given in Annex 1.
1.2 Intended use
The steel plate with welded-on headed studs is intended for uses where requirements
concerning mechanical resistance and stability as well as safety in use in the sense of the
Essential Requirements ER1 and ER4 of the Directive 89/106/EEC shall be satisfied and
where failure of the anchorage may cause risk to human life and health and/or lead to
considerable economic consequences.
Regarding the requirements concerning safety in case of fire (ER 2) it is assumed that the
construction product meets the requirements of class A1 in relation to reaction to fire in
accordance with the stipulations of the Commission decision 96/603/EC, amended by
If the fire resistance is relevant then the fire resistance of the concrete member in which the
construction product is anchored is to be tested according to test method provided in order to
be classified according to EN 13501-2.
The steel plate with welded-on headed studs is to be used for the anchorage under static or
quasi static actions as well as under not predominantly static actions (fatigue actions) in
reinforced normal concrete of the minimum strength class C 20/25 according to
EN 206-1:2000-07. The construction product may be anchored in cracked and non-cracked
concrete. The anchorage is admissible with single studs or groups of studs, which consist of
two up to nine headed studs. The construction product can be stressed by a tensile load,
shear load or a combination of tensile and shear loads.
The steel plate with the welded-on headed studs is anchored in the concrete surface-flush.
Other steel components may be welded-on to the steel plate.
The steel plate made of steel according to EN 10025 with welded-on headed studs made of
steel S235J2+C450 according to EN 10025 may only be used in concrete subject to dry
internal conditions.
The steel plate made of stainless steel (1.4571; 1.4401) with welded-on headed studs made
of stainless steel (1.4301; 1.4303) may be used in concrete components subject to dry
internal conditions and in concrete components subject to external atmospheric exposure
(including industrial and marine environment) or exposure in permanently damp internal
conditions, if no particular aggressive conditions exist. Such particular aggressive conditions
are, e.g. permanent, alternating immersion in seawater or the splash zone of seawater,
chloride atmosphere of indoor swimming pools or atmosphere with extreme chemical
pollution (e.g. in desulphurization plants or road tunnels where de-icing material is used).
The provisions made in this European technical approval are based on an assumed intended
working life of the product of 50 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be
interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for
choosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life
of the works.

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Page 4 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

2 Characteristics of the product and method of verification

2.1 Characteristics of the product

2.1.1 General
The characteristic material values, dimensions and tolerances of the product not indicated in
the Annexes shall correspond to respective values laid down in the technical documentation7
of this European technical approval.
The characteristic values for the design calculation of the anchorage are given in Annexes 4
to 6.
2.1.2 Headed stud
The headed studs made from steel according to EN ISO 13918:2008 "Studs and ceramic
ferrules for arc stud welding" shall correspond to the materials, mechanical properties and
dimensions given in Table 1, 2 and 3, Annex 3.
It is also permissible to use two headed studs welded one on top of the other by arc stud
welding (see Annex 2). A padded ring is to be placed under the head of the first stud. The
padded ring is to be secured in its position to make a permanent compression of ≥ 5 mm
possible. The padded ring can be made, for example, of technical felt or cellular rubber. The
external diameter of the padded ring shall exceed the head diameter and the inside diameter
shall be less than the shaft diameter. The padded ring shall prevent a contact of the lower
head at the concrete and a transmission of loads by the lower stud head.
2.1.3 Steel plate
The steel plates, on which headed studs of steel S235J2+C450 according to Table 2,
Annex 3 will be welded, shall consist of the materials S235JR, S235JO, S235J2, S355JO or
S355J2 according to Table 2, Annex 3.
The steel plates, on which headed studs of stainless steel (1.4301; 1.4303) according to
Table 3, Annex 3 will be welded, shall consist of the stainless steel 1.4571 or 1.4401
according to Table 3, Annex 3.
Because of the stress of the steel plate in the direction of the thickness a possibly not
homogeneous structure of the steel plate in this direction shall be taken into account. At the
same time the risk of lamellar tearing as well as lamellar imperfections in the steel plate shall
be paid attention to.
For not predominantly static loads ultrasonic tested steel plates shall be used.
2.1.4 Welded joint
The headed studs shall be welded to the steel plate by means of drawn arc stud welding with
ceramic ferrules or shielding gas in accordance with EN ISO 14555:2006. Welding of the
headed studs via arc stud welding may be performed in the manufacturing plant or on the
construction site
For the safeguarding of the quality assurance of the welded connection the provisions of
EN ISO 14555:2006 "Welding – Arc stud welding of metallic materials" and
EN ISO 3834:2005 "Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials" shall apply
for the executing company.
2.1.5 Marking
Each headed stud is marked with the identifying mark of the producer and the material
according to Annex 3.

7 The technical documentation for this European technical approval is deposited at Deutsches Institut für
Bautechnik and, as far as relevant for the tasks of the approved bodies involved in the attestation of conformity
procedure, is handed over to the approved bodies.

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Page 5 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

2.2 Methods of verification

2.2.1 General
The assessment of the fitness of the product for the intended use with regard to the
requirements of mechanical resistance and stability as well as safety in use in the sense of
the Essential Requirements 1 and 4 was performed based on the ETAG 001 "Guideline for
European technical approval of Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete" and the tests carried out.
2.2.2 Tests carried out
The following tests were carried out for determination the characteristic resistance of the
headed stud under different conditions:
1. Tests for determination of the steel resistance under tension load,
2. Concrete cone failure, centric tension tests with single fastening without influence of
spacing and edge distance,
3. Blow-out failure, centric tension tests with single fastening; member edge c1 = 60 mm.
2.2.3 Calculated verifications Basic values for the characteristic resistance under tension load
(1) Steel failure
The characteristic resistance NRk,s for the cross section of the shaft is determined according
to Annex C, clause of ETAG 001 and proved by the test series 1, clause 2.2.2. The
characteristic resistance in case of steel failure is given in Table 5, Annex 5.
(2) Pull-out failure
The characteristic resistance NRk,p in case of failure by pull-out is given in Table 5, Annex 5.
(3) Concrete cone failure
The test values (mean values) resulting from test series 2 of clause 2.2.2 prove the
calculation values with reference to ETAG 001. The characteristic resistance NRk,c in case of
concrete cone failure is determined according to Annex 7, clause 3.3.
(4) Blow out failure
The test values (mean values) resulting from test series 3 of clause 2.2.2 prove the
calculation values with reference to ETAG 001. The characteristic resistance NRk,cb in case of
blow out failure is determined according to Annex 7, clause 3.4.
(5) Splitting failure due to loading
The required cross section of the minimum reinforcement shall be determined according to
Annex 7, clause 3.5.
(6) Characteristic resistance of hanger reinforcement under tension load
The characteristic resistance NRk,h of a bar of the hanger reinforcement depending on the
nominal length of the headed stud (hn) and the anchorage length (lV,R) of the hanger
reinforcement is given in Table 6, Annex 5. Basic values for the characteristic resistance under shear load
(1) Steel failure without lever arm
The characteristic resistance VRk,s for the cross section of the shaft was determined with
reference to Annex C of ETAG 001. The α-value is 0.6.
The characteristic resistance in case of steel failure is given in Table 8, Annex 6.
(2) Pry-out failure
The characteristic resistance VRk,cp shall be determined with reference to Annex C clause of ETAG 001 and according to Annex 7, clause 4.2.

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Page 6 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

(3) Concrete edge failure

The characteristic resistance VRk,c in case of concrete edge failure under shear load is
determined with reference to Annex C clause of ETAG 001 and according to
Annex 7, clause 4.3.
(4) Characteristic resistance of hanger reinforcement under shear load
The characteristic resistance VRk,h of a bar of the hanger reinforcement with the
corresponding anchorage length IV,R is given in Table 9, Annex 6.

3 Attestation of conformity of the product and CE marking

3.1 System of attestation of conformity

According to the Decision 96/582/EEC of the European Commission8 system 2(i) (referred to
as System 1) of the attestation of conformity applies.
This system of attestation of conformity is defined as follows:
System 1: Certification of the conformity of the product by an approved certification body on
the basis of:
(a) Tasks for the manufacturer:
(1) factory production control;
(2) further testing of samples taken at the factory by the manufacturer in accordance
with a prescribed test plan;
(b) Tasks for the approved body:
(3) initial type–testing of the product;
(4) initial inspection of factory and of factory production control;
(5) continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control.
Note: Approved bodies are also referred to as "notified bodies".

3.2 Responsibility
3.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer Factory production control
The manufacturer shall exercise permanent internal control of production. All the elements,
requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a
systematic manner in the form of written policies and procedures, including records of results
performed. This production control system shall insure that the product is in conformity with
this European technical approval.
The manufacturer may only use initial/raw/constituent materials stated in the technical
documentation of this European technical approval.
The factory production control shall be in accordance with the control plan of November 2008
relating to this European technical approval which is part of the technical documentation of
this European technical approval. The control plan is laid down in the context of the factory
production control system operated by the manufacturer and deposited with Deutsches
Institut für Bautechnik.9
The results of factory production control shall be recorded and evaluated in accordance with
the provisions of the control plan. Other tasks for the manufacturer
The manufacturer shall, on the basis of a contract, involve a body which is approved for the
tasks referred to in section 3.1 in the field of anchors in order to undertake the actions laid

8 Official Journal of the European Communities L 254 of 08.10.1996.

9 The "control plan" is a confidential part of the European technical approval and only handed over to the approved
body involved in the procedure of attestation of conformity. See section 3.2.2.

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Page 7 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

down in section 3.2.2 For this purpose, the control plan referred to in sections and
3.2.2 shall be handed over by the manufacturer to the approved body involved.
The manufacturer shall make a declaration of conformity, stating that the construction
product is in conformity with the provisions of this European technical approval.
3.2.2 Tasks for the approved bodies
The approved body shall perform the
- initial type-testing of the product,
- initial inspection of factory and of factory production control,
- continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control
in accordance with the provisions laid down in the control plan.
The approved body shall retain the essential points of its actions referred to above and state
the results obtained and conclusions drawn in a written report.
The approved certification body involved by the manufacturer shall issue an EC certificate of
conformity of the product stating the conformity with the provisions of this European technical
In cases where the provisions of the European technical approval and its control plan are no
longer fulfilled the certification body shall withdraw the certificate of conformity and inform
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik without delay.

3.3 CE marking
The CE marking shall be affixed on the packaging. The letters "CE" shall be followed by the
identification number of the approved certification body, where relevant, and be accompanied
by the following additional information:
- the name and address of the producer (legal entity responsible for the manufacture),
- the last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed,
- number of the EC certificate of conformity for the product,
- number of the European technical approval,
- name of the product.
4 Assumptions under which the fitness of the product for the intended use was
favourably assessed
4.1 Manufacturing
The European technical approval is issued for the product on the basis of agreed
data/information, deposited with Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, which identifies the
product that has been assessed and judged. Changes to the product or production process,
which could result in this deposited data/information being incorrect, should be notified to
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik before the changes are introduced. Deutsches Institut für
Bautechnik will decide whether or not such changes affect the approval and consequently
the validity of the CE marking on the basis of the approval and if so whether further
assessment or alterations to the approval shall be necessary.
4.2 Installation
4.2.1 Design of anchorages
The fitness of the construction product for the intended use is given under the following
The design of the anchorage is based on the design method in Annex 7 under the
responsibility of an engineer experienced in anchorages and concrete building.
Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the loads to be
anchored. The transfer of the loads to be anchored in the concrete member is verified.
Single studs or groups of studs consisting of two to nine headed studs according to Annex 4
are used. Headed studs of the same diameter and length are used only in a group of headed

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Page 8 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

Non-cracked concrete may be assumed in special cases if in each case it is proved that
under service conditions the anchor with its entire anchorage depth is located in non-cracked
concrete. For the structural analysis stresses in the concrete shall be taken into account
which are induced by external loads, including anchors loads, and due to restraint of
instrinsic (e.g. shrinkage of concrete) or extrinsic imposed deformations (e.g. due to
displacement of support or temperature variations).
The position of the product is indicated on the design drawings (e.g. position of the headed
studs towards the reinforcement or the supports).
Because of the stress of the steel plate in the direction of the thickness a possibly not
homogeneous structure of the steel plate in this direction shall be taken into account. At the
same time the risk of lamellar tearing as well as lamellar imperfections in the steel plate shall
be paid attention to.
For not predominantly static loads ultrasonic tested steel plates shall be used.
On the anchorage of not predominantly static action the following characteristic range of
steel stresses may not be exceeded:
- tensile load Δσ = 100 N/mm²
- shear load Δτ = 35 N/mm²
- hanger reinforcement Δσ = 60 N/mm²
The partial safety factor for fatigue strength may be taken with γMf = 1.35.
4.2.2 Installation
The fitness for use of the anchor can only be assumed if the anchor is installed as follows:
- Installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervision
of the person responsible for technical matters on site.
- Use of the product only as supplied by the manufacturer without exchanging the
- Installation in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the design
drawings with exact position, dimensions of the steel plate and size and length of the
headed studs.
- The anchorage shall be fixed to the formwork or auxiliary constructions in a way that no
movement of the product will occur during placing of reinforcement or during placing
and compacting of the concrete.
- The concrete under the head of the headed stud shall be properly compacted (no
cavities). For large fixtures (steel plate > 400 mm x 400 mm) vent openings shall be
provided. These shall be specified in the installation instructions.
- Observation of the prescribed values of installations.
Welding-on of the intended and designed steel components to the cast-in construction
product may only be performed by companies meeting the corresponding quality
requirements for welding according to EN ISO 3834 "Quality requirements for fusion welding
of metallic materials ".

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Page 9 of ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008
English translation by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt)

4.2.3 Responsibility of the manufacturer

It is in the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the information on the specific
conditions according to 1 and 2 including Annexes referred to and 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 is given to
those who are concerned. This information may be made by reproduction of the respective
parts of the European technical approval. In addition all installation data shall be shown
clearly on the package and/or on an enclosed instruction sheet, preferably using
The minimum data required are:
- Dimensions of the steel plate,
- diameter of the headed studs,
- length of the headed studs,
- number of the headed studs,
- material of the steel plate,
- material of the headed studs and
- details on the installation of procedure, preferably by using illustrations.
All data shall be presented in a clear and explicit form.

Dipl.-Ing. E. Jasch beglaubigt:

President of Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Müller
Berlin, 18 November 2008

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Page 10 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

headed stud

concrete member

steel plate

hef = effective anchorage depth

h = thickness of concrete member

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 1
of the European
Product and intended use Technical Approval
Page 11 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

hef = hn – k +t
1 headed stud α

2 steel plate

1 headed studs
hef = hn1 + hn2 - k2 + t

padded ring

2 steel plate

hef = hn – k
(if the theoretic cone
meets the steel plate at
angle of ~ 30°)

d1 = diameter of shaft
d2 = diameter of head
hef = effective anchorage depth
hn = nominal length of the headed stud (after welding)
k = thickness of the head
t = thickness of the steel plate
α = 90°

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 2
of the European
Details of the construction product Technical Approval
Page 12 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008


Form A Form B

Manufacturer = Nelson or N
Steel S235J2 = St37-3K
alternatively: steel = without

Stainless steel

Manufacturer = Nelson
Stainless steel = 1.4301/1.4303
or A2

Table 1: Dimensions

Headed stud Shaft ∅ Head ∅ Nominal length thickness of

type d1-0,4 d2 min hn max hn the head
mm mm mm mm k
10 10 19 50 200 7.1
13 13 25 50 400 8
16 16 32 50 525 8
19 19 32 75 525 10
22 22 35 75 525 10
251) 25 40 75 525 12
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 3
of the European
Technical Approval
Page 13 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 2: Materials steel

Part Denomination Material Mechanical properties

1 Headed stud S235J2+C450 EN10025:2005 fuk ≥ 450 N/mm²,
according to Conforms to material group 1
ISO/TR 15608 within the limits: fyk ≥ 350 N/mm²
EN ISO 13918:2008,
Type: SD1 C ≤ 0,2% AL≥ 0,02%

2 Steel plate Steel S235JR; S235JO; S235J2 fuk = 340-470 N/mm²,

according to EN 10025:2005 fyk = 225 N/mm²
S355JO; S355J2 fuk = 510-680 N/mm²,
according to EN 10025:2005 fyk = 345 N/mm²

Table 3: Materials stainless steel

1 Headed stud Stainless steel fuk ≥ 540-780 N/mm²,

according to 1.4301; 1.4303 fyk ≥ 350 N/mm²
EN ISO 13918:2008, according to EN 10088:2005
2 Steel plate Stainless steel fuk = 530-680 N/mm²,
1.4571; 1.4401 fyk = 220 N/mm²
according to EN 10088:2005

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 3.1
of the European
Technical Approval
Page 14 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 4: Installation indices for headed studs made of steel and stainless steel

Nominal size (mm) 10 13 16 19 22 251)

anchorage depth min hef[mm] 50 50 50 75 75 75
minimum spacing smin [mm] 50 70 80 100 100 100
minimum edge distance cmin [mm] 50 50 50 70 70 100
characteristic spacing scr [mm] 3 hef
characteristic edge distance ccr [mm] 1.5 hef
minimum thickness of hmin [mm] hef + k + cnom2)
concrete member
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2
cnom = required concrete cover according to national regulations

Arrangement of the headed studs

steel plate
headed stud

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 4
of the European
Technical Approval
Arrangement of the headed studs
Page 15 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 5: Characteristic values of resistance to tensile load for the design

according to Annex 7

Headed stud – nominal size 10 13 16 19 22 251)

Steel failure for headed studs made of steel S235 J2
Characteristic resistance NRk,s [kN] 32 56 86 122 164 213
Partial safety factor γMs x) 1.54

Steel failure for headed studs made of stainless steel

Characteristic resistance NRk,s [kN] 39 67 103 146 197 --
Partial safety factor γMs x)
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2

Pull-out failure
Characteristic resistance NRk,p [kN] 30 50 90 75 85 115
Increasing factors ψ for the C25/30 1.10
characteristic resistance C30/37 1.22
C35/45 1.34
C40/50 1.41
C45/55 1.48
C50/60 1.55
Partial safety factor γMp x) 1.5

Concrete cone failure

Effective anchorage depth hef [mm] hn – k + t
Characteristic spacing scr,N [mm] 3hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1.5hef
Partial safety factor γMc x) 1.5

Blow-out failure
Partial safety factor γMcb x) 1.5
In absence of other national regulations.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 5
of the European
Characteristic values of resistance to tensile load Technical Approval
Page 16 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 6: Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement bar to tensile load

and anchorage length of the hanger reinforcement

Hanger reinforcement concrete reinforcing steel B 500B ∅ 12 ∅ 14 ∅ 16

hn 1) ≥ 150 mm 27 36 45
Characteristic resistance of a hn 1)
≥ 200 mm 31 40 50
NRk,h [kN]
hanger reinforcement bar hn 1)
≥ 300 mm 35 44 55
hn 1)
≥ 350 mm 37 47 59
Anchorage length of the hanger
reinforcement IVR [mm] 660 770 880
Partial safety factor γMh x)
hn = Nominal length of the headed stud

In absence of other national regulations.

Table 7: Displacement under tensile load

Headed stud – nominal size 10 13 16 19 22 252)

Displacements1) to 0.7 mm under

following loads in [kN] 14 20 25 30 35 45
The indicated displacements are valid for short term loading, the displacements can be increased under long term
loading to 1.8 mm.
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 5.1
of the European
Characteristic values of resistance under tensile loads, Technical Approval
Displacements ETA-03/0041
Page 17 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 8: Characteristic values of resistance to shear load for the design

according to Annex 7

Headed stud – nominal size 10 13 16 19 22 251

Steel failure for headed studs made of steel S235J2
Characteristic resistance VRk,s [kN] 19 33 51 73 99 128
Partial safety factor γMs x) 1.28

Steel failure for headed studs made of stainless steel

Characteristic resistance VRk,s [kN] 23 40 62 88 118 --
Partial safety factor γMs x)
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2
Concrete pry-out failure
Factor in equation (5.6) to Annex C
section of ETAG 001, k 2.0
NRk,c according to Annex 7, section 3.3
Partial safety factor γMcp x) 1.5

Concrete edge failure

Effective length of the headed stud lf = hef hn – k + t
Effective outside diameter dnom = d1 10 13 16 19 22 25
Partial safety factor γMc x) 1.5

In absence of other national regulations.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 6
of the European
Characteristic values of resistance to shear load Technical Approval
Page 18 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Table 9: Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement bar at shear load

and anchorage length of the hanger reinforcement

Hanger reinforcement concrete reinforcing steel B 500B ∅8 ∅ 10 ∅ 12 ∅ 14 ∅ 16

Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement bar
VRk,h [kN] 12 19 28 38 50

Anchorage length of the hanger reinforcement

lVR [mm] 440 550 660 770 880

Partial safety factor γMh x)


In absence of other national regulations.

Table 10: Displacements under shear load

Headed stud – nominal size 10 13 16 19 22 25²

Displacements1) to 1.5 mm under
following loads in [kN] 15 20 30 45 60 75
The indicated displacements are valid for short term loading, the displacements can be increased under long term
loading to 2.0 mm.
2) .
Headed stud type 25 only steel S235J2

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 6.1
of the European
Characteristic values of resistance to shear loads, Technical Approval
Displacements ETA-03/0041
Page 19 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete

Table of contents

1 General

2 Required verifications

3 Characteristic resistance under tension load

3.1 Steel failure
3.2 Pull-out failure
3.3 Concrete cone failure
3.4 Blow-out failure
3.5 Splitting failure
3.6 Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement under tension load

4 Characteristic resistance under shear load

4.1 Steel failure
4.2 Concrete pry-out failure
4.3 Concrete edge failure
4.4 Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement under shear load

5 Resistance of concrete member

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 20 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008


1 General

The design method is used for the design of the anchorage of headed studs in
concrete. It is based on the assumption that sufficient experiences are available from
tests with headed bolts and metal anchors, since the design method for metal anchors
(Annex C of ETAG 001) has also been derived from these tests.
The proposed design for headed studs shall be considered as transitional solution until
the design method being prepared in CEN/TC250/SC2/WG2 will be available.
The design of the headed stud is based on Annex C of ETAG 001.
Anchorage is admissible only by using single headed studs or several headed studs
(groups), see Annex 4. Other arrangements e.g. in a triangular or circular pattern are
also allowed; however, the provisions of this design method should be applied with
engineering judgement.
The anchorage may be designed as a group only, if the acting loads are transmitted via
the sufficiently stiff steel plate into the individual headed studs of the group. It is only
allowed to use the same diameter and length in a group.
The action-effects of the headed studs on the concrete surface shall be calculated from
the forces and moments acting at the steel plate according to the theory of elasticity
with the following assumptions:
− The steel plate remains plane under the action-effects.
− The stiffness of all headed studs is identical. It corresponds to the stiffness of the
steel cross-section.
− The module of elasticity of the concrete shall be taken with Ec = 30.000 N/mm2.
For anchorages at the member edge subjected to shear loading only the headed studs
near the edge may be used for bearing the load.
The concrete member shall be of normal weight concrete of at least strength class
Terminology and symbols for actions, resistances and indices shall be applied
according to clause 2 of Annex C of ETAG 001.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.1
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 21 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

2 Required verifications
The design of the headed studs shall be based on the safety concept with partial safety
factors according to Annex C, ETAG 001.
The required verifications of the resistances are shown in Table 2.1 and 2.2.

Table 2.1: Required verifications for resistance to tension loading

Failure mode Single anchorage Groups

Steel failure (head stud) NSd ≤ NRk,s / γMs NSdh ≤ NRk,s / γMs
Pull-out failure NSd ≤ NRk,p / γMc NSdh ≤ NRk,p / γMc
Concrete cone failure without hanger NSd ≤ NRk,c / γMc NSdg ≤ NRk,c / γMc
Blow-out failure NSd ≤ NRk,cb / γMc NSdg ≤ NRk,cb / γMc
Concrete cone failure Hanger NSd ≤ NRk,h / γMh NSdh ≤ NRk,h / γMh
with hanger reinforcement
Concrete cone NSk ≤ NRk,c / 1.3 NSkg ≤ NRk,c / 1.3

Splitting failure Minimum reinforcement acc. to 3.5

Table 2.2: Required verifications for resistance to shear loading

Failure mode Single anchorage Groups

Steel failure (head stud)
VSd ≤ VRk,s / γMs VSdh ≤ VRk,s / γMs
Concrete pry-out failure
VSd ≤ VRk,cp / γMc VSdg ≤ VRk,cp / γMc
Concrete edge failure 1)
VSd ≤ VRk,c / γMc VSdg ≤ VRk,c / γMc
Resistance of hanger reinforcement with
VSd ≤ VRk,h / γMh VSdh ≤ VRk,h / γMh
anchorages near the edge
This verification is not required, if there is a hanger reinforcement (see section 4.4).
maximum loaded headed stud of a group
total load of a group
In the case of a combined tension and shear loading the following Equation shall be
(NSd/NRd)α + (VSd/VRd)α < 1 (1)

The ratios NSd/NRd and VSd/VRd shall each be given the maximum value from the
individual failure modes.
For the anchorages without hanger reinforcement or for anchorages with hanger
reinforcement for tension load and shear load the α-value in Equation (1) shall be
taken with 1.5. Where either a hanger reinforcement for tension load (section 3.6) or a
hanger reinforcement for shear loading at the edge (section 4.4) is taken into account
for the design, the α-value shall be taken with 2/3.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.2
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 22 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

3 Characteristic resistance under tension load

3.1 Steel failure

The characteristic resistance NRk,s of a headed stud made of steel and of stainless steel
is determined in Table 5, Annex 5.

3.2 Pull-out failure

The characteristic resistance NRk,p of a headed stud made of steel and of stainless
steel is determined in Table 5, Annex 5.

3.3 Concrete cone failure

With reference to Annex C of ETAG 001 the characteristic resistance to tension load
of a headed stud or a group of headed studs in case of concrete cone failure shall be
determined as follows:
A c,N
NRk,c = o
N Rk ,c • o
• Ψs,N • Ψre,N • Ψec,N Ψucr,N [N] (2)
A c ,N
The different factors of equation (2) are given below:

a) The initial value of the characteristic resistance of a headed stud in concrete is

obtained by:

N Rk ,c = 8.0 f ck ,cube • h 1ef.5 [N] (2a)
- fck,cube [N/mm²]; with fck,cube maximum 60 N/mm².
- hef [mm] is given in Table 5 according to Annex 5.

b) The geometric effect of spacing and the edge distances on the characteristic
resistance is taken into account by the ratio Ac,N / A oc,N .

A oc,N = area of concrete cone of a single headed stud with large spacing and
edge distance at the concrete surface, idealized the concrete cone as
a pyramid with a height equal to hef and a basic length equal to 3hef
(see Figure 1).

Ac,N = actual area of concrete cone of the anchorage at the concrete surface.
It is limited by overlapping concrete cones of adjoining anchors
(s ≤ 3hef) as well as by the concrete member (c ≤ 1.5hef).
Example for the calculation of Ac,N see Figure 2.

The influencing factors (Ψs,N , Ψre,N , Ψec,N, Ψucr,N) shall be determined according to sub-
sections c), d), e) and f) of Annex C section and 4.1 ETAG 001. scr,N shall be
taken with 3hef, and ccr,N with 1.5hef.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.3
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 23 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

concrete cone

Figure 1: Idealized concrete cone failure and area A c0,N of

concrete cone

Ac,N = (c1+s1+1.5hef)(c2+s2+1.5hef)
if : c1 ; c2 ≤ 1.5hef
s1 ; s2 ≤ 3hef

Figure 2: Example of actual areas Ac,N of the idealized concrete cones

of headed stud in the case of axial tension load

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.4
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 24 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

3.4 Blow-out failure

The characteristic resistance NRk,cb of a headed stud in case of local concrete blow-out
failure at the edge shall be determined with reference to Annex C, ETAG 001 as
Ac , Nb
N Rk ,cb = N Rk
,cb ⋅ 0 ⋅ψ s , Nb ⋅ψ ec, N [N] (3)
Ac , Nb
The verification against local concrete blow out failure at the member edge shall be
made always, where the edge distance is c ≤ 0.5 hef in one direction.
In the following the individual factors of equation (3) are given:
a) The initial value of the characteristic resistance of a headed stud is

,cb = 8.5 ⋅ c1 ⋅ d1 ⋅
N Rk f ck ,cube [N] (3a)
for fck,cube = 60 N/mm² as maximum.
fck,cube = characteristic concrete compression strength [N/mm²]
c1 = edge distance [mm]
d1 = shank diameter [mm]

b) The influence of spacing and edge distances on the characteristic resistance is

taken into account by the ratio Ac,Nb / A oc,Nb :
A oc,Nb = 36 c12; projected area of an individual headed stud (on the lateral
surface of the concrete), assuming the concrete cone as a pyramid with
the peak in the middle of the head, with a height equal to c1 and a base
length equal to 6 c1 (see Figure 3).
Ac,Nb = existing projected area (on the lateral surface of the concrete).
For the calculation the concrete cone shall be idealized as above and
the overlapping of the projected areas of adjoining headed studs shall
be noted. An example for the calculation of the projected area is shown
in Figure 4.
c) The influence factor Ψs,Nb takes account of the disturbance of stress in the
concrete at the corner of the concrete member.

Ψs,Nb = 0.7 + 0.3 • ≤1 (3b)
For securing the member corner it is necessary to provide a corner
d) The factor Ψec,Nb takes account of an eccentric tension loading of the row of
headed studs.

Ψec,Nb = ≤1 (3c)
1 + 2e / ( 6c1 )
e = "internal" eccentricity of the tensioned headed stud

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.5
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval

Page 25 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Section Side view

Figure 3 : Idealized concrete cone of the headed stud in the case of local
concrete blow-out failure at the edge of an individual headed stud

Plan view Section

Ac,Nb = (3c1 + hn) (3c1 + 2s2 + c2)

Figure 4 : Idealized concrete cone of the headed stud in the case of local
concrete blow-out failure at the edge

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.6
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 26 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

3.5 Splitting failure

A minimum reinforcement with the following section AS shall exist in order to prevent a
splitting of the concrete member:
∑ N Sd
AS erf = 0.5 • [mm²] (4)
f yk / γ Mh

∑NSd = Sum of the tensile forces of the headed studs in tension under the design
value of the actions [N]
fyk = Yield strength of reinforcement [N/mm²]
γMh = Partial safety factor for the reinforcement according to national rules; in the
absence of such rules, the partial safety factor can be taken with 1.15 from
EC 2.
This minimum reinforcement can be omitted, if there is at least one cross-wise
reinforcement (B 500 B) ∅ 8/15 in the zone of the headed studs.
For slab- and plate-like members the reinforcement against splitting must be provided in
both directions, i.e. in the case of members subjected mainly to tension the reinforcement
shall be provided on both cross-sectional surfaces and in the case of members subjected
mainly to bending on the side exposed to tension. It shall consist of at least three bars
with a bar distance ≤ 150 mm and shall be anchored, outside the anchorage, with an
anchorage depth according to national rules.
For linear structures the splitting reinforcement needs to be provided in one direction only.
In the case of anchorages near the edge of members this reinforcement must be also
provided as edge reinforcement with corresponding hanger reinforcement.

3.6 Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement under tension load

An additional hanger reinforcement may be taken into account for resistance to the
tension load, if the length of the headed stud in the concrete is at least 150 mm and the
edge distance is c ≥ 1.5 hef.
The reinforcement shall consist of reinforcing steel B 500 B with a diameter of ≤ 16 mm.
The characteristic resistance NRk,h of a bar of the hanger reinforcement is given in Table 6,
Annex 5.1 depending on the nominal length of the headed stud (hn) in concrete and the
length of the anchorage (lV,R) of the hanger reinforcement.
Where a hanger reinforcement is provided at the headed stud according to Figure 5,
Annex 7.8 verification against concrete cone failure needs to be performed only for the
limit state of serviceability with γG = γQ = 1.0 and γMc = 1.3. The edge distance is c ≥ 1.5 hef.
The hanger reinforcement shall be anchored at the side opposite to the load direction in
the concrete.
For eccentric tension loading all headed studs shall be provided with the reinforcement
determined for the maximum loaded headed stud.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.7
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 27 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Minimum diameter of
bending roll

Hanger reinforcement of a
reinforcing steel B500B

cnom = required concrete cover

hn = nominal length of the headed stud (after welding)
lV,R = anchorage length of the hanger reinforcement
t = thickness of the steel plate

For the hanger reinforcement only ties or loops may be used, which rest directly
on the headed stud.

Figure 5: Hanger reinforcement under tension load

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.8
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 28 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

4 Characteristic resistance under shear load

4.1 Steel failure
The characteristic resistance VRk,s is given in Table 8, Annex 6.

4.2 Pry-out failure

The characteristic resistance VRk,cp shall be determined with reference to Annex C section of ETAG 001.
The k-value is given in Table 8, Annex 6.
NRk,c shall be determined according to equation (2), Annex 7.3 for the headed studs
stressed by shear loads.

4.3 Concrete edge failure

For the verification and determination of the characteristic resistance VRk,c in case of
concrete edge failure the specifications given in Annex C section of ETAG 001
shall apply. In equation (5.7a) of ETAG 001 for dnom = d1 and for lf = hef shall be used.

4.4 Characteristic resistance of a hanger reinforcement under shear load

The characteristic resistance VRk,h of the hanger reinforcement to take up the shear load
and the necessary anchorage length lVR of the hanger reinforcement is given in Table 9,
Annex 6.1.
The verification against concrete edge failure according to section 4.3 can be omitted, if a
hanger reinforcement is provided according to Figures 6 and 6a of Annex 7.10.
The hanger reinforcement shall be anchored on the side not exposed to the loading with
an anchorage length lV,R which is given in Table 9, Annex 6.1.
For eccentric shear loading the reinforcement determined for the maximum loaded
headed stud shall be used for all headed studs.
For the hanger reinforcement only ties or loops may be used, which rest directly on the
headed studs.

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.9
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 29 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

Hanger reinforcement of a
reinforcing steel B500B

Figure 6: Hanger reinforcement

under shear load

Minimum diameter of
bending roll

headed studs

Figure 6a : Example of a hanger reinforcement under shear load

cnom = required concrete cover (cnom ≥ t)

lV,R = anchorage length of the hanger reinforcement

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.10
of the European
Design of anchorage of the headed studs in concrete Technical Approval
Page 30 of European Technical Approval ETA-03/0041, issued on 18 November 2008

5 Resistance of concrete member

The shear resistance of the concrete member shall be verified according to section 7.2 of
Annex C, ETAG 001 with the following modifications:

- The distance < hef given in section 7.2 c) of the hanger reinforcement from the
outermost anchors of a group shall be 0.5 hef ≤ 50 mm for headed studs.

- The checks required in Table 7.1 for ensuring the shear resistance of the concrete
member are modified for headed studs as follows:

Calculated value of shear Spacing between Nsk Proof of calculated

force of the concrete single headed studs [kN] shear force resulting
member under due and groups of from headed studs
consideration of the headed studs loads
headed studs
VSd ≤ 0,8 • VRd,ct a ≥ 3 hef ≤ 60 not required

a ≥ 3 hef und
≤ 30 not required
a ≥ 200 • Nsk

0,8 • VRd,ct ≤ VSd ≤1,0 • VRd,ct required:

≤ 60 VSd,a ≤ 0.4 VRd,ct or
a ≥ 3 hef hanger reinforcement

> 60 not required , but

hanger reinforcement

Steel plate with cast-in Nelson headed studs

made of steel and stainless steel Annex 7.11
of the European
Design of the anchorage of headed studs in concrete Technical Approval

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