Bruger:Byrial/Interwiki til en: for artikler
Possible problems with interlanguage links in articles
Found 72355 pages in da: with language links to en:
- da:.hack (spilserie) links to en:.hack but that page links back to da:.hack
- da:3-D-computergrafik links to en:3D modeling with no link back
- da:3XN links to en:3XN with no link back
- da:AM og PM links to en:12-hour clock with no link back
- da:A Milli links to en:A Milli with no link back
- da:A Nightmare On Elm Street links to a redirect page en:A Nightmare on Elm Street (series)
- da:Aabenraa Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Aabenraa Municipality but that page links back to da:Aabenraa Kommune
- da:Aabybro Kommune links to en:Aabybro but that page links back to da:Aabybro
- da:Aaron Seltzer links to en:Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer but that page links back to da:Jason Friedberg
- da:Aars Kommune links to en:Aars but that page links back to da:Aars
- da:Abbedi links to en:Abbey (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Abbedy
- da:Abbie links to a redirect page en:Abbie (The Simpsons)
- da:Abdallah links to en:‘Abdullah (Timurid) with no link back
- da:Aboriginer links to en:Aborigine with no link back
- da:Abrikos (frugt) links to en:Apricot but that page links back to da:Abrikos (træ)
- da:Abstrakt (begreb) links to en:Abstract object with no link back
- da:Abyssinien links to en:Abyssinia with no link back
- da:Académica Coimbra links to en:Associação Académica de Coimbra - O.A.F. with no link back
- da:Accent (udtale) links to a redirect page en:Accent (linguistics)
- da:Acetylsalicylsyre links to en:Aspirin but that page links back to da:Aspirin
- da:Ada eller Ardor links to en:Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle but that page links back to da:Ada eller Ardor (roman)
- da:Adam Scott links to a redirect page en:Adam Scott
- da:Adamello links to en:Adamello-Presanella with no link back
- da:Adiabatisk links to en:Adiabatic process but that page links back to da:Adiabatisk proces
- da:Aerologi links to a redirect page en:Aerology
- da:Agnatisk-kognatisk primogenitur links to en:Primogeniture but that page links back to da:Førstefødselsret
- da:Ahasverus links to en:Ahasuerus with no link back
- da:Ahl al-kitab links to en:People of the Book but that page links back to da:Bogens folk
- da:Aias links to a redirect page en:Aias
- da:Aiea links to a redirect page en:ʻAiea, Hawaii
- da:Ajdabiya links to en:Ajdabiya with no link back
- da:Akademia links to en:Academia but that page links back to da:Akademiker
- da:Akira links to en:Akira (film) but that page links back to da:AKIRA
- da:Akkommodation links to en:Accommodation with no link back
- da:Akkreditiv links to en:Letter of credit with no link back
- da:Aksial links to en:Axial with no link back
- da:Aktivist links to en:Activism but that page links back to da:Aktivisme
- da:Aktør links to en:Actor but that page links back to da:Skuespiller
- da:Akustisk guitar links to en:Guitar but that page links back to da:Guitar
- da:Alan Moore (trommeslager) links to a redirect page en:Alan Moore (drummer)
- da:Alawitter links to a redirect page en:Alawite
- da:Alba (Skotland) links to en:Alba with no link back
- da:Alberte (pigenavn) links to en:Albertine with no link back
- da:Albertslund Kommune links to en:Albertslund but that page links back to da:Albertslund
- da:Albertslund Station links to en:Albertslund station but that page links back to da:Sorgenfri Station
- da:Albo Herred links to a redirect page en:Albo Hundred
- da:Alcazar links to en:Alcázar with no link back
- da:Alden (månekrater) links to en:Alden (crater) but that page links back to da:Alder (månekrater)
- da:Alex Munday links to a redirect page en:Alex Munday
- da:Ali Taziyev links to a redirect page en:Ali Taziyev
- da:Alice Evans links to en:Alice Evans with no link back
- da:Alif links to en:Alif with no link back
- da:Aljona Bondarenko links to a redirect page en:Alyona Bondarenko
- da:Alkohol links to en:Alcoholic beverage but that page links back to da:Alkoholiske drikkevarer
- da:All-Star Game links to en:All-star game with no link back
- da:Allergisk astma links to en:Asthma but that page links back to da:Astma
- da:Allinge-Sandvig links to a redirect page en:Allinge-Gudhjem
- da:Almindelig Benbræk links to en:Narthecium ossifragum but that page links back to da:Benbræk
- da:Almindelig Bomuld links to en:Cotton but that page links back to da:Bomuld
- da:Almindelig Fjergræs links to en:Stipa pennata with no link back
- da:Almindelig Følfod links to a redirect page en:Coltsfoot
- da:Almindelig Havtorn links to en:Sea-buckthorn but that page links back to da:Havtorn
- da:Almindelig Hirse links to en:Proso millet but that page links back to da:Ægte Hirse
- da:Almindelig Jordbærtræ links to a redirect page en:Arbutus unedo
- da:Almindelig Judasøre links to en:Auricularia auricula-judae but that page links back to da:Judasøre
- da:Almindelig Ranunkelbusk links to en:Kerria with no link back
- da:Almindelig Skovstjerne links to en:Trientalis europaea but that page links back to da:Skovstjerne
- da:Almindelig Strandkål links to a redirect page en:Seakale
- da:Almindelig Strudsvinge links to en:Ostrich fern but that page links back to da:Strudsvinge
- da:Almindelig Svalerod links to en:Vincetoxicum hirundinaria but that page links back to da:Svalerod
- da:Almindelig Tranebær links to en:Cranberry with no link back
- da:Almindelig strandsnegl links to a redirect page en:Common Periwinkle
- da:Alpes Poenninae links to a redirect page en:Alpes Poenninae
- da:Alstærk links to a redirect page en:Arvak and Alsvid
- da:Alsvin links to a redirect page en:Arvak
- da:Altair (rumfartøj) links to en:Ares I but that page links back to da:Ares I
- da:Amalgam links to en:Amalgam (dentistry) with no link back
- da:Amazonområdet links to en:Amazon Basin with no link back
- da:Ambulancebehandler links to en:Emergency medical technician but that page links back to da:Ambulanceassistent
- da:Ambulancemand links to en:Emergency medical technician but that page links back to da:Ambulanceassistent
- da:Amerikanske sprog links to en:Indigenous languages of the Americas but that page links back to da:Indianersprog
- da:Amortisering links to en:Amortization with no link back
- da:Amt links to a redirect page en:Amt (country subdivision)
- da:Amt (Tyskland) links to a redirect page en:Amt (country subdivision)
- da:Amt Eggebek links to en:Eggebek but that page links back to da:Eggebæk
- da:Amøbe links to en:Amoeba with no link back
- da:Anchiano links to a redirect page en:Anchiano
- da:Andelssamfundet i Hjortshøj links to no-existing en:Andelssamfundet i Hjortshøj
- da:Andengenerationsdatamat links to a redirect page en:Second generation computer
- da:Andrea von And links to en:List of members of the Clan McDuck with no link back
- da:Anima og animus links to en:Animus with no link back
- da:Animationsfilm links to en:Animation but that page links back to da:Animation
- da:Ankel links to en:Ankle with no link back
- da:Anlægsgartner links to en:Landscape architecture with no link back
- da:Annuitet links to a redirect page en:Annuity (financial contracts)
- da:Anomaly links to en:Anomaly but that page links back to da:Anomali
- da:Anpartsselskab links to en:Limited liability company with no link back
- da:Ansigt links to en:Face with no link back
- da:Anthocyanin links to a redirect page en:Anthocyanins
- da:Anthony Trucks links to no-existing en:Anthony Trucks
- da:Antikva links to a redirect page en:Antiqua script
- da:Apfelstrudel links to a redirect page en:Apfelstrudel
- da:Apoteker links to en:Apothecary with no link back
- da:Apotemnofili links to en:Body integrity identity disorder with no link back
- da:Apparat links to en:Device with no link back
- da:Arabiske verden links to en:Arab World with no link back
- da:Arbejde (samfundsvidenskab) links to a redirect page en:Labour (economics)
- da:Arbejderparti links to en:Labour Party with no link back
- da:Arbejdsbænk links to en:Workbench but that page links back to da:Høvlebænk
- da:Arbejdsmedicin links to a redirect page en:Occupational medicine
- da:Arbil links to a redirect page en:Arbil
- da:Are You True? links to no-existing en:Are You True?
- da:Arendsee links to en:Arendsee but that page links back to da:Arendsee (Altmark)
- da:Argentinas præsidenter links to en:List of heads of state of Argentina with no link back
- da:Ariadnetråd links to a redirect page en:Ariadne's thread
- da:Ariosofi links to a redirect page en:Nazi occultism
- da:Aristokrati links to a redirect page en:Aristocracy
- da:Arkitekt links to en:Architect with no link back
- da:Arktisk Fjeldpryd links to en:Diapensia but that page links back to da:Fjeldpryd-slægten
- da:Armada links to en:Spanish Armada but that page links back to da:Spanske armada
- da:Army of Mississippi links to en:Army of Mississippi with no link back
- da:Army of the Mississippi links to no-existing en:Army of the Missisippi
- da:Artefakt links to en:Artifact with no link back
- da:Artemis Fowl links to en:Artemis Fowl (series) but that page links back to da:Artemis Fowl (serie)
- da:Arthur links to en:Arthur (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Artvin links to en:Artvin with no link back
- da:Arv (genetisk) links to a redirect page en:Biological inheritance
- da:Asfyksi links to en:Asphyxia but that page links back to da:Kvælning
- da:Ashton Gate Stadium links to en:Ashton Gate stadium with no link back
- da:Asiavision Song Contest 2009 links to a redirect page en:Asiavision Song Contest 2009
- da:Asmodeus links to en:Asmodeus with no link back
- da:Assasinerne links to en:Hashshashin but that page links back to da:Assassinersekten
- da:Assens Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Assens municipality
- da:Assistens Kirkegård (Odense) links to en:Assistens Cemetery but that page links back to da:Assistens Kirkegård (flertydig)
- da:Assistens Kirkegård (flertydig) links to a redirect page en:Assistants Cemetery
- da:Astabil multivibrator links to en:Multivibrator with no link back
- da:Asters (Eurybia) links to a redirect page en:Eurybia (genus)
- da:At-Tajammu` al-Waṭaniyy ad-Dīmuqrāṭiyy links to en:National Rally for Democracy with no link back
- da:Atapuerca links to a redirect page en:Atapuerca
- da:Ateistisk Selskab links to no-existing en:Danish Atheist Society
- da:Atelier links to en:Studio but that page links back to da:Studio
- da:Atommasseenhed links to en:Atomic mass unit but that page links back to da:Dalton (kemisk enhed)
- da:Atommodel (bølge) links to en:Schrödinger equation but that page links back to da:Schrödingers ligning
- da:Atypisk pneumoni links to en:Atypical pneumonia with no link back
- da:Audi R8 links to en:Audi R8 but that page links back to da:Audi R8 (gadebil)
- da:Augustenborg links to en:Augustenborg with no link back
- da:Augustenborg Kommune links to en:Augustenborg with no link back
- da:AustinMUD links to no-existing en:AustinMUD
- da:Australiens geografi links to en:Geography of Australia with no link back
- da:Autistiske spektrum links to a redirect page en:Autistic spectrum
- da:Autornavn links to no-existing en:Author (biology)
- da:Autrotrof links to en:Autotroph but that page links back to da:Autotrof
- da:Avatar (svensk band) links to no-existing en:Avatar (Swedish band)
- da:Aïn Témouchent (provins) links to en:Aïn Témouchent Province with no link back
- da:BBC Knowledge (International) links to en:BBC Knowledge (Worldwide) with no link back
- da:BMW E30 links to a redirect page en:BMW E30
- da:Babelfish links to en:Babel fish with no link back
- da:Baby Spice links to a redirect page en:Baby Spice
- da:Bachelor links to en:First professional degree but that page links back to da:Bachelor#Professionsbachelor
- da:Backpacker links to en:Backpacking (travel) but that page links back to da:Backpacking
- da:Bacon links to en:Bacon but that page links back to da:Flæsk
- da:Bagdad Universitet links to a redirect page en:Baghdad University
- da:Bager links to en:Baker with no link back
- da:Bahnhof Berlin Alexanderplatz links to a redirect page en:Berlin Alexanderplatz railway station
- da:Bairds næbhval links to en:Giant beaked whale with no link back
- da:Balarbugten links to a redirect page en:Bay of Balar
- da:Balsatræ-slægten links to en:Balsa with no link back
- da:Bando links to en:Bando with no link back
- da:Bani Walid links to a redirect page en:Bani Walid
- da:Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships 2009 links to en:2009 Dubai Tennis Championships with no link back
- da:Bare Herred links to a redirect page en:Bara Hundred
- da:Bareback links to a redirect page en:Bronc riding
- da:Barney Clark links to en:Artificial heart with no link back
- da:Basra Universitet links to en:University of Basrah but that page links back to da:Basra universitet
- da:Bathory links to en:Báthory with no link back
- da:Bavianer links to en:Cercopithecinae with no link back
- da:Beautiful (film) links to a redirect page en:Beautiful (film)
- da:Beef or Chicken? links to a redirect page en:Beef or Chicken?
- da:Beerware links to a redirect page en:Beerware
- da:Beffroi links to a redirect page en:Belfry (architecture)
- da:Begærets butik links to en:Needful Things with no link back
- da:Beholder links to a redirect page en:Container class
- da:Beitar Jerusalem (flertydig) links to en:Beitar Jerusalem F.C. but that page links back to da:Beitar Jerusalem F.C.
- da:Belejringen af Vicksburg links to en:Siege of Vicksburg but that page links back to da:Vicksburg-kampagnen
- da:Bengaluru International Airport links to en:Bengaluru International Airport but that page links back to da:New Bangalore International Airport
- da:Berceuse links to a redirect page en:Lullaby
- da:Bergamot links to en:Bergamot orange with no link back
- da:Berlin Straßenbahn links to en:Berlin Straßenbahn but that page links back to da:Berlins sporvogne
- da:Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe links to en:Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe with no link back
- da:Beskyttet krydser links to en:Protected cruiser with no link back
- da:Beskyttet oprindelsesbetegnelse links to a redirect page en:Protected designation of origin
- da:Bestand links to en:Population but that page links back to da:Befolkning
- da:Bestine links to en:Bestine with no link back
- da:Betaversion links to a redirect page en:Development stage
- da:Betydende skakstormestre links to a redirect page en:List of notable chess players
- da:Beşiktaş JK links to en:Beşiktaş J.K. but that page links back to da:Beşiktaş J.K.
- da:Bharati links to a redirect page en:Bharati
- da:Bias (elektronik) links to en:Bias but that page links back to da:Bias (psykologi)
- da:Biavler links to en:Beekeeping but that page links back to da:Biavl
- da:Biblioteks- og informationsvidenskab links to en:Library science with no link back
- da:Bielsko-Biała links to en:Bielsko-Biała with no link back
- da:Biennale links to en:Biennale with no link back
- da:Bikube links to en:Beehive but that page links back to da:Bistade
- da:Billedmanipulation links to en:Photo manipulation but that page links back to da:Billedediting
- da:Billion links to a redirect page en:Billion (word)
- da:Billund Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Billund with no link back
- da:Bilsyn links to en:Vehicle inspection with no link back
- da:Biltog links to en:Motorail with no link back
- da:Biltyveri links to en:Motor vehicle theft with no link back
- da:Bio95 links to a redirect page en:E5 fuel
- da:Biomagnifikation links to en:Bioaccumulation with no link back
- da:Biometrisk information links to en:Biometrics but that page links back to da:Biometri
- da:Bispedømmet København links to en:Roman Catholic Diocese of Copenhagen with no link back
- da:Bjerg-Elm links to en:Ulmus glabra but that page links back to da:Skov-Elm
- da:Bjerg-ulvefod links to no-existing en:Diphasiastrum alpinum
- da:Bjergtropper links to a redirect page en:Mountain troops
- da:Bjerre Herred (Skåne) links to a redirect page en:Bjäre Hundred
- da:Black Daisy links to en:Black Daisy with no link back
- da:Black metal-mode links to no-existing en:Black metal fashion
- da:Bladhovedtidsel links to en:Cirsium with no link back
- da:Bladmosser links to en:Bryopsida with no link back
- da:Blegepulver links to en:Bleach with no link back
- da:Blended Learning links to en:Electronic learning but that page links back to da:E-learning
- da:Blinded by Rainbows links to a redirect page en:Blinded by Rainbows
- da:Blink (teknik) links to a redirect page en:Light bar
- da:Blinky links to en:Blinky with no link back
- da:Blokhus FC links to en:Blokhus FC but that page links back to da:Jetsmark Idrætsforening
- da:Blomme (frugt) links to en:Plum but that page links back to da:Blommetræ
- da:Blood Red links to a redirect page en:Blood Red
- da:Blyfri benzin links to a redirect page en:Unleaded Gasoline
- da:Blåbær links to en:Bilberry but that page links back to da:Almindelig Blåbær
- da:Blåstjerne links to en:Sherardia but that page links back to da:Almindelig Blåstjerne
- da:Blåvandshuk Kommune links to en:Blåvandshuk but that page links back to da:Blåvands Huk
- da:Blærenød links to a redirect page en:Staphylea
- da:Bo Madsen links to a redirect page en:Bo Madsen
- da:Bob Bishop links to a redirect page en:Bob Bishop
- da:Bob Bryar links to a redirect page en:Bob Bryar
- da:Bobby (film) links to a redirect page en:Bobby (film)
- da:Bobslæde links to en:Bobsleigh but that page links back to da:Bobslæde (sportsgren)
- da:Boddhisattva-løftet links to en:Bodhisattva vows with no link back
- da:Bogense Kommune links to a redirect page en:Bogense municipality
- da:Bogholder links to a redirect page en:Double-entry accounting system
- da:Bohrs atommodel links to a redirect page en:Bohr model
- da:Boiotien links to en:Boeotia Prefecture with no link back
- da:Bon voyage (2003) links to en:Bon Voyage (2003 film) but that page links back to da:Bon voyage
- da:Borat Sagdiyev links to a redirect page en:Borat
- da:Bordrollespil links to a redirect page en:Tabletop role-playing game
- da:Boremaskine links to en:Drill with no link back
- da:Borgerne fra Holstebro links to en:Category:Arts but that page links back to da:Kategori:Kunst
- da:Borkou (departement) links to en:Borkou Department but that page links back to da:Borkou
- da:Born to Run links to en:Born to Run (Lost) but that page links back to da:Born to Run (Lost)
- da:Boss links to en:Boss with no link back
- da:Botanisk Have (Århus) links to a redirect page en:Botanisk Have
- da:Bov Kommune links to a redirect page en:Bov municipality
- da:Bowditch (månekrater) links to en:Bowditch (crater) with no link back
- da:Bowmore (Whiskydestilleri) links to a redirect page en:Bowmore Single Malt
- da:Boßeln links to en:Klootschieten with no link back
- da:Bragg (månekrater) links to en:Brackett (crater) but that page links back to da:Brackett (månekrater)
- da:Brahman links to en:Brahmanism with no link back
- da:Brain freeze links to a redirect page en:Brain freeze
- da:Brandmand (job) links to en:Firefighter but that page links back to da:Brandvæsen
- da:Brasenføde-klassen links to en:Isoetopsida but that page links back to da:Isoetopsida
- da:Brasiltræ-slægten links to en:Brazilwood but that page links back to da:Brasiltræ
- da:Breton (hund) links to en:Brittany (dog) but that page links back to da:Breton
- da:Brian Nielsen (bokser) links to en:Brian Nielsen but that page links back to da:Brian Nielsen (flertydig)
- da:Brigham Young links to en:Brigham Young with no link back
- da:Brisant sprængstof links to en:Brisance but that page links back to da:Brisant
- da:Britannia links to en:Britannia with no link back
- da:Britannien links to en:Britain with no link back
- da:Britisk Indien links to a redirect page en:British India
- da:Broager links to en:Broager but that page links back to da:Broager Kommune
- da:Brudelys-familien links to en:Butomus but that page links back to da:Brudelys
- da:Brudelys-slægten links to en:Butomus but that page links back to da:Brudelys
- da:Brundtlandrapporten links to en:Our Common Future with no link back
- da:Brunsnegl links to en:Arion fuscus with no link back
- da:Brussels Affair links to no-existing en:Brussels Affair
- da:Bruttonationalindkomst links to a redirect page en:Gross National Income
- da:Bryggeriet Skands links to no-existing en:Bryggeriet Skands
- da:Brønderslev Kommune links to a redirect page en:Brønderslev municipality
- da:Brønderslev Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Brønderslev but that page links back to da:Brønderslev
- da:Buckminsterfulleren links to en:Fullerene but that page links back to da:Fulleren
- da:Budding links to en:Pudding with no link back
- da:Bukkeblad links to en:Menyanthes but that page links back to da:Almindelig Bukkeblad
- da:Buste af Christian IX links to en:Category:Arts but that page links back to da:Kategori:Kunst
- da:Busterminal links to en:Bus terminus with no link back
- da:Butik links to en:Shop with no link back
- da:Butler links to en:Domestic worker with no link back
- da:Bx (S-tog) links to a redirect page en:Bx (S-train)
- da:By links to en:Town with no link back
- da:Bycykel links to a redirect page en:Community bicycle program
- da:Bydesign links to en:Urban design but that page links back to da:Bybygning
- da:Byge links to en:Precipitation (meteorology) but that page links back to da:Nedbør
- da:Bygningsfredning links to en:Historic preservation with no link back
- da:Byområde links to en:Agglomeration with no link back
- da:Byport links to en:City gate with no link back
- da:Bystatus links to en:City status with no link back
- da:Båd links to en:Boat but that page links back to da:Bov (skibsterminologi)
- da:Båndbredde (datakommunikation) links to en:Bit rate but that page links back to da:Bitrate
- da:Bærmispel links to a redirect page en:Serviceberry
- da:Béchar (provins) links to en:Béchar Province with no link back
- da:Béjaïa (provins) links to en:Béjaïa Province with no link back
- da:Bøffel links to en:Buffalo with no link back
- da:CFC-gas links to en:Haloalkane with no link back
- da:CNC-maskine links to a redirect page en:Computer numerical control
- da:CO2-kvote links to en:Carbon credit with no link back
- da:Caisse d'Epargne links to a redirect page en:Caisse d'Epargne
- da:Cajun (musikgenre) links to en:Cajun but that page links back to da:Cajun (etnisk)
- da:Callao links to en:Callao with no link back
- da:Camp Century links to en:Project Iceworm but that page links back to da:Iceworm
- da:Camp de Les Corts links to en:Camp de Les Corts with no link back
- da:Camp de l'Hotel Casanovas links to en:Category:Barcelona but that page links back to da:Kategori:Barcelona
- da:Camp de la carretera d'Horta links to en:Category:Barcelona but that page links back to da:Kategori:Barcelona
- da:Camp del Carrer Muntaner links to en:Category:Barcelona but that page links back to da:Kategori:Barcelona
- da:Camp del Velòdrom de la Bonanova links to en:Category:Barcelona but that page links back to da:Kategori:Barcelona
- da:Canadisk Blodurt links to en:Bloodroot but that page links back to da:Blodurt
- da:Carlos Garcia links to en:Carlos P. Garcia with no link back
- da:Carnaubavoks-Palme links to en:Copernicia but that page links back to da:Copernicia
- da:Caroline links to en:Caroline with no link back
- da:Carpathia links to en:RMS Carpathia with no link back
- da:Carte blanche links to en:Carte blanche with no link back
- da:Cartoon Network links to a redirect page en:Cartoon Network (US)
- da:Cartoon Network, Norden links to a redirect page en:Cartoon Network (US)
- da:Caserta links to en:Caserta with no link back
- da:Casper Peter Rothe links to no-existing en:Rothe, Casper Peter
- da:Castellers de Vilafranca links to no-existing en:Castellers de Vilafranca
- da:Casuals links to a redirect page en:Casuals (subculture)
- da:Catena Abulfeda links to no-existing en:Catena Albufeda
- da:Catullus 3 links to en:Poetry of Catullus but that page links back to da:Catullus 13
- da:Catullus 8 links to en:Poetry of Catullus but that page links back to da:Catullus 13
- da:Cave links to en:Cave (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Cecilie links to en:Cecile with no link back
- da:Cellestofskifte links to a redirect page en:Cell metabolism
- da:Centralafrikanske krig links to en:Central African Republic Bush War with no link back
- da:Centralasiatisk Selskab links to no-existing en:Danish Society for Central Asia
- da:Centralasien links to en:Central Asia with no link back
- da:Ceres (gudinde) links to en:Ceres (mythology) with no link back
- da:Charles Hedger links to a redirect page en:Charles Hedger
- da:Chassis links to en:Chassis with no link back
- da:Cherokee (flertydig) links to en:Cherokee (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Cherokee
- da:Chihuahua links to en:Chihuahua but that page links back to da:Chihuahua (delstat)
- da:Chimaphila links to en:Chimaphila with no link back
- da:Chop Suey! links to a redirect page en:Chop Suey!
- da:Christian Andersen (fodboldtræner) links to en:Christian Andersen but that page links back to da:Christian Andersen (fodbold)
- da:Christian Kier links to no-existing en:Christian Kier
- da:Christian Wolff links to en:Christian Wolff (philosopher) but that page links back to da:Christian Wolff (filosof)
- da:Christiansfeld Kommune links to en:Christiansfeld but that page links back to da:Christiansfeld
- da:Churchill-klubben links to a redirect page en:Churchill-klubben
- da:Cikorie links to en:Chicory but that page links back to da:Almindelig Cikorie
- da:Citron-Melisse links to en:Lemon balm but that page links back to da:Citronmelisse
- da:Citrongræs links to en:Cymbopogon with no link back
- da:Citronsommerfugl links to a redirect page en:Brimstone (butterfly)
- da:Civilization links to a redirect page en:Civilization (computer game)
- da:Clawhammer links to en:Clawhammer but that page links back to da:Clawhammer banjo
- da:Clemens links to en:Clemens with no link back
- da:Clone Wars links to a redirect page en:Star Wars: Clone Wars
- da:Cloud City links to a redirect page en:Cloud City
- da:Club Atlético River Plate links to en:Club Atlético River Plate with no link back
- da:Coenzym links to a redirect page en:Coenzyme
- da:Coke (flertydig) links to en:Coke but that page links back to da:The Coca Cola Company#Coca-Cola-drikken
- da:Collapsed (album) links to no-existing en:Collapsed (album)
- da:Computer aided manufacturing links to en:Computer-aided manufacturing with no link back
- da:Computer supported collaborative learning links to a redirect page en:Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- da:Computerspiludvikler links to en:Video game developer but that page links back to da:Computerspilsudvikler
- da:Conan the Barbarian links to en:Conan the Barbarian with no link back
- da:Connétable de France links to en:Constable of France with no link back
- da:Content management systemer links to en:List of content management systems with no link back
- da:Conwy links to en:Conwy with no link back
- da:Corfits Ulfeldt links to a redirect page en:Corfitz Ulfeldt
- da:Corioliskraft links to a redirect page en:Coriolis force
- da:Corum links to en:Çorum with no link back
- da:County links to en:County but that page links back to da:Fylke
- da:Cracker links to en:Black hat with no link back
- da:Crash Bandicoot links to a redirect page en:Crash Bandicoot (series)
- da:Crash Bandicoot (spil) links to en:Crash Bandicoot but that page links back to da:Crash Bandicoot 1
- da:Crash Into You links to no-existing en:Crash Into You
- da:Crowz links to a redirect page en:Slipknot (Crowz)
- da:Cursed to Tour links to no-existing en:Cursed to Tour
- da:Curtis Stigers links to en:Curtis Stigers but that page links back to da:Curtis stigers
- da:Cykeltaxi links to a redirect page en:Pedicab
- da:Cypres-ulvefod links to no-existing en:Diphasiastrum tristachyum
- da:Cæcilie Lassen links to no-existing en:Cæcilie Lassen
- da:D-dag (militært udtryk) links to a redirect page en:D-Day
- da:DAMP links to a redirect page en:Deficits in Attention, Motor control and Perception
- da:DB Schenker Rail links to a redirect page en:Railion
- da:DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia links to a redirect page en:Railion
- da:DIF (flertydig) links to en:DIF but that page links back to da:DIF
- da:DJ Danger Mouse links to en:Gnarls Barkley but that page links back to da:Gnarls Barkley
- da:Dacia links to en:Roman Dacia with no link back
- da:Dagaktiv links to en:Diurnality with no link back
- da:Dahuk links to en:Dahuk with no link back
- da:Dahuk (provins) links to en:Dahuk Governorate with no link back
- da:Daimon (Det Gyldne Kompas) links to no-existing en:Dæmon (His Dark Materals)
- da:Dain, Dvalin, Dunør og Duratro links to a redirect page en:Four stags of Yggdrasill
- da:Dakosaurus andiniensis links to a redirect page en:Dakosaurus andiniensis
- da:Dakota-bygningen links to en:The Dakota but that page links back to da:Dakota bygningen
- da:Dalap-Uliga-Darrit links to en:Majuro with no link back
- da:Daltons lov links to en:Dalton's law with no link back
- da:Dam links to en:Pond with no link back
- da:Daniel (drengenavn) links to en:Daniel (name) with no link back
- da:Danmarksmesterskab (fodbold) links to a redirect page en:Danish football champions
- da:Dansk spillemandsmusik links to en:Music of Denmark but that page links back to da:Musikken i Danmark
- da:Danske besiddelser links to en:Danish colonial empire but that page links back to da:Danmarks kolonitid
- da:Danske model links to en:Nordic model but that page links back to da:Skandinaviske velfærdsmodel
- da:Danske undervisningsministre links to en:Education Minister of Denmark but that page links back to da:Undervisningsminister
- da:Das Modell links to a redirect page en:Das Modell (single)
- da:Dash Rendar links to a redirect page en:Dash Rendar
- da:Datalingvistik links to a redirect page en:Computational Linguistics
- da:David Garibaldi links to en:David Garibaldi with no link back
- da:David Gray links to a redirect page en:David Gray (footballer)
- da:David Mercer links to en:David Mercer with no link back
- da:Day of Defeat: Source links to en:Day of Defeat: Source with no link back
- da:De Frisiske Øer links to en:Frisian Islands with no link back
- da:De Stijl links to en:De Stijl with no link back
- da:De indiske fyrstestater links to en:Princely state with no link back
- da:De skrigende halse links to no-existing en:De skrigende halse
- da:De utilgivelige forbandelser links to a redirect page en:Unforgivable Curses
- da:Deep Core links to en:Star Wars galaxy but that page links back to da:Star Wars-galaksen
- da:Degeneration links to en:Senescence with no link back
- da:Delebil links to en:Carsharing with no link back
- da:Demo (computerspil) links to en:Game demo with no link back
- da:Demokratisk-liberale Parti (Rumænien) links to en:Democratic Liberal Party (Romania) with no link back
- da:Demokratiske Republik Congos præsidenter links to a redirect page en:List of presidents and prime ministers of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- da:Den Danske Forening links to no-existing en:Den Danske Forening
- da:Den Katolske Liga (Tyskland) links to en:Catholic League (German) with no link back
- da:Den Preussiske Syvårskrig links to en:Seven Years' War but that page links back to da:Syvårskrigen (1756–1763)
- da:Den Svenske Rumfartsorganisation links to en:Swedish National Space Board but that page links back to da:Svensk Rumfartsbestyrelse
- da:Den amerikanske revolution links to en:American Revolution with no link back
- da:Den engelske kirke links to en:Church of England but that page links back to da:Den anglikanske kirke
- da:Den flyvende hollænder links to en:Flying Dutchman but that page links back to da:Den flyvende Hollænder
- da:Den flyvende hollænder (opera) links to en:The Flying Dutchman (opera) but that page links back to da:Den flyvende Hollænder (opera)
- da:Den historiske Jesus links to en:Historical Jesus with no link back
- da:Den sidste nadver links to a redirect page en:The Last Supper
- da:Den Øverste Sovjet links to a redirect page en:Supreme Soviet
- da:Denice Klarskov links to no-existing en:Denice Klarskov
- da:Design for manufacture links to en:Design for manufacturability with no link back
- da:Destilleret vand links to a redirect page en:Distilled water
- da:Destroyerboy links to no-existing en:Destroyerboy
- da:Det Europæiske Råd links to en:European Council but that page links back to da:Europarådet
- da:Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler links to a redirect page en:Royal Danish Academy of Art
- da:Det Nordiske Cochrane Center links to en:Cochrane Collaboration with no link back
- da:Det delte Tyskland links to en:History of Germany since 1945 with no link back
- da:Det indiske subkontinent links to a redirect page en:Indian subcontinent
- da:Det mosaiske Troessamfund links to en:History of the Jews in Denmark but that page links back to da:Jøder i Danmark
- da:Detailsalg links to a redirect page en:Retailer
- da:Detonation links to en:Detonation with no link back
- da:Deva links to en:Deva (Hinduism) but that page links back to da:Deva (hinduisme)
- da:Diablo links to a redirect page en:Diablo (computer game)
- da:Dialog links to en:Dialogue with no link back
- da:Diana (pigenavn) links to en:Diana but that page links back to da:Diana
- da:Dianetik links to en:Dianetics with no link back
- da:Die Linkspartei links to a redirect page en:The Left Party.PDS
- da:Differentiabel links to en:Differential with no link back
- da:Difonbaseret syntese links to a redirect page en:Diphone synthesis
- da:Dige links to a redirect page en:Dike (construction)
- da:Digital Imaging Websites Association links to no-existing en:Digital Imaging Websites Association
- da:Digt links to en:Poetry with no link back
- da:Diogo Dias links to en:Diogo Dias but that page links back to da:Diego Dias
- da:Dioxin links to a redirect page en:Dioxin
- da:Diplomatisk mission links to en:Diplomatic mission but that page links back to da:Ambassade
- da:Dipol links to en:Dipole with no link back
- da:Direktoriet links to en:French Directory but that page links back to da:Directoire
- da:Dirigent (musik) links to a redirect page en:Conductor (music)
- da:Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Australien) links to a redirect page en:Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Australian album)
- da:Disjunkt links to en:Disjoint sets with no link back
- da:Diskussion links to en:Debate but that page links back to da:Debat
- da:Disney Channel (USA) links to en:Disney Channel but that page links back to da:Disney Channel
- da:Disneyland (forlystelsespark) links to a redirect page en:Disneyland
- da:Disputats links to a redirect page en:Thesis
- da:Diversitet links to en:Diversity with no link back
- da:Djurgårdens IF Fotbollförening links to en:Djurgårdens IF Fotboll but that page links back to da:Djurgårdens IF
- da:Dobbeltbinding links to en:Covalent bond but that page links back to da:Kovalent binding
- da:Doktor Zhivago links to a redirect page en:Dr. Zhivago
- da:Doktorgrad links to en:Habilitation with no link back
- da:Dokumentationscenter links to en:Records management but that page links back to da:Dokumentstyring
- da:Dolmer links to en:Dolma with no link back
- da:Dominansforhold links to a redirect page en:Dominance relationship
- da:Dommedag links to en:Last Judgment with no link back
- da:Don't Stop links to a redirect page en:Don't Stop (album)
- da:Donation links to en:Donation with no link back
- da:Donnie Brasco links to en:Joseph D. Pistone with no link back
- da:Donte Whitner links to en:Donte Whitner with no link back
- da:Dorotealilje links to a redirect page en:Snowflake (plant)
- da:Douglas (Arizona) links to en:Douglas, Arizona but that page links back to da:Douglas
- da:Drag queen links to en:Drag queen with no link back
- da:Drage (fantasy) links to en:Dragon but that page links back to da:Drage (fabeldyr)
- da:Drageløberen links to en:The Kite Runner (film) with no link back
- da:Dragør links to en:Dragør with no link back
- da:Dreadnought links to en:Dreadnought with no link back
- da:Drejestige links to a redirect page en:Turntable ladder
- da:Dresscode links to en:Dress code with no link back
- da:Dronninglund links to en:Dronninglund but that page links back to da:Dronninglund Kommune
- da:Drost links to a redirect page en:Drost
- da:Druebregne links to en:Sensitive fern with no link back
- da:Drypsten links to en:Stalactite but that page links back to da:Stalaktit
- da:Drænrør links to en:Drainage but that page links back to da:Dræning
- da:Duetræ-slægten links to en:Dove tree but that page links back to da:Duetræ
- da:Duke Nukem (computerspil) links to a redirect page en:Duke Nukem (computer game)
- da:Duke Nukem (flertydig) links to en:Duke Nukem with no link back
- da:Dunhammer-familien links to en:Typha but that page links back to da:Dunhammer
- da:Duo links to en:Duo with no link back
- da:Durskalaen links to en:Major scale but that page links back to da:Dur
- da:Dværg (mytologi) links to en:Dwarf but that page links back to da:Dværg
- da:Dværgulvefodsplanter links to a redirect page en:Spikemoss
- da:Dylan Sanders links to a redirect page en:Dylan Sanders
- da:Dødsriget links to en:Underworld with no link back
- da:EU's terminologiske database links to en:Inter-Active Terminology for Europe but that page links back to da:IATE
- da:Earls Court links to a redirect page en:Earl's Court Exhibition Center
- da:Eastern Time Zone links to a redirect page en:Eastern Time Zone (North America)
- da:Ebeltoft Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ebeltoft municipality
- da:Ecstasy links to a redirect page en:Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
- da:Ectotherm links to en:Cold-blooded with no link back
- da:Eddie Johnson (fodboldspiller fra England) links to en:Eddie Johnson (English footballer) but that page links back to da:Eddie Johnson
- da:Ediacarium links to en:Ediacaran but that page links back to da:Ediacara
- da:Edinburgh-aftalen links to en:Edinburgh Agreement but that page links back to da:Det Nationale Kompromis
- da:Eerste divisie links to en:Eerste Divisie but that page links back to da:Eerste divisie (fodbold)
- da:Effektforstærker links to a redirect page en:Power amplifier
- da:Effektivitet links to en:Efficiency with no link back
- da:Efor links to en:Ephor with no link back
- da:Efterretning links to en:Intelligence (information gathering) with no link back
- da:Egennavn links to a redirect page en:Proper name
- da:Egentlige spætter links to en:Woodpecker but that page links back to da:Spætter
- da:Egoisme links to en:Selfishness with no link back
- da:Egtved links to en:Egtved but that page links back to da:Egtved Kommune
- da:Egtved Kommune links to a redirect page en:Egtved municipality
- da:Egyptens præsidenter links to en:President of Egypt but that page links back to da:Ægyptens præsidenter
- da:Egyptisk hieroglyf links to en:Egyptian hieroglyphs but that page links back to da:Ægyptisk hieroglyf
- da:Egyptisk religion links to en:Ancient Egyptian religion but that page links back to da:Ægyptisk religion
- da:Eir links to a redirect page en:Eir
- da:Ejendomsret links to en:Property with no link back
- da:Ejerlejlighed links to en:Condominium but that page links back to da:Andelsbolig
- da:Ekranoplan links to a redirect page en:Ekranoplan
- da:Eksegese links to a redirect page en:Biblical exegesis
- da:Eksistens links to en:Existence with no link back
- da:Eksisterende monarkier links to en:List of current monarchs with no link back
- da:Eksplosion links to en:Explosion with no link back
- da:Ekspropriation links to en:Expropriation with no link back
- da:Ektoplasma (parapsykologi) links to a redirect page en:Ectoplasm (parapsychology)
- da:Elazığ links to a redirect page en:Elazığ
- da:Election Day links to en:Democracy Day (United States) with no link back
- da:Elektrisk løbehjul links to a redirect page en:Electric scooter
- da:Elektrisk modstand links to en:Resistance but that page links back to da:Modstand
- da:Elektronisk selektiv links to en:Selectivity but that page links back to da:Selektiv
- da:Elementarånder links to en:Elemental with no link back
- da:Elgiganten links to en:Elgiganten with no link back
- da:Eliksir links to en:Elixir with no link back
- da:Elitisme links to en:Elitism with no link back
- da:Elizabeth "Ellie" Harp links to a redirect page en:Ellie Harp
- da:Elizabeth Mitchell links to a redirect page en:Elizabeth Mitchell
- da:Elkøretøj links to en:Electric vehicle but that page links back to da:Elbil
- da:Ellen links to en:Ellen but that page links back to da:Ellen Lidholm
- da:Ellipse (sprog) links to en:Ellipsis but that page links back to da:Udeladelsesprikker
- da:Else links to en:Elsa with no link back
- da:Ely links to en:Ely with no link back
- da:Embargo links to en:Embargo with no link back
- da:Emne links to a redirect page en:Subject (discourse)
- da:Empiri links to en:Empiricism but that page links back to da:Empirisme
- da:Emulgator links to a redirect page en:Emulsifier
- da:Enblomstret vintergrøn links to en:Moneses uniflora with no link back
- da:Encefaleringskvotient links to a redirect page en:Brain to body mass ratio
- da:Encyclopaedia Metallum links to no-existing en:Encyclopaedia Metallum
- da:Energidrik links to en:Energy drink with no link back
- da:Enfeebled Earth links to no-existing en:Enfeebled Earth
- da:Engelsk bulldog links to en:Bulldog but that page links back to da:Bulldog
- da:Engriflet Hvidtjørn links to a redirect page en:Common Hawthorn
- da:Enhed links to en:Unit but that page links back to da:Enhed (flertydig)
- da:Enhåndsfløjte og tromme links to en:Pipe and Tabor but that page links back to da:Enhåndsfløjte & tromme
- da:Enkeltnukleotidpolymorfi links to en:Single-nucleotide polymorphism but that page links back to da:SNP / enkelnukleotid-polymorfisme
- da:Enkemand links to en:Widow but that page links back to da:Enke (kvinde)
- da:Enneagram links to en:Enneagram with no link back
- da:Ensemble links to en:Musical ensemble but that page links back to da:Band
- da:Ensidig Vintergrøn links to en:Orthilia with no link back
- da:Entropi (økologi) links to en:Entropy but that page links back to da:Entropi
- da:Entusiasme links to en:Enthusiasm with no link back
- da:Epik links to en:Epic poetry but that page links back to da:Epos
- da:Ergative sprog links to a redirect page en:Ergative-absolutive language
- da:Erhvervsøkonomi links to en:Managerial economics with no link back
- da:Erik Fiehn links to no-existing en:Erik Fiehn
- da:Ernst Zeuthen links to no-existing en:Zeuthen, Ernst
- da:Escudo links to en:Escudo with no link back
- da:Eskadrille links to en:Squadron but that page links back to da:Eskadron
- da:Esplanade de La Défense (metrostation) links to en:La Défense (Paris Métro, RER and Transilien) with no link back
- da:Essing (by) links to en:Essing but that page links back to da:Essing
- da:Etage links to en:Floor but that page links back to da:Gulv
- da:Etårsskud links to en:Shoot but that page links back to da:Skud (botanik)
- da:Eucommiaceae links to en:Eucommia but that page links back to da:Eucommia
- da:Euklidisk rum links to a redirect page en:Euclidian space
- da:Europa-Parlamentsvalg 2004 links to en:European Parliament election, 2004 with no link back
- da:Europæisk pindsvin links to en:West European Hedgehog but that page links back to da:Pindsvin
- da:Europæisk vildkat links to a redirect page en:Wild cat
- da:Europæiske symboler links to a redirect page en:European Symbols
- da:Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab links to en:European Economic Community with no link back
- da:Eurosymbol links to en:Euro sign with no link back
- da:Eurovision Song Contest 1968 links to en:Eurovision Song Contest 1968 with no link back
- da:Eurovision Song Contest 1969 links to en:Eurovision Song Contest 1969 with no link back
- da:Eurovision Song Contest 1971 links to en:Eurovision Song Contest 1971 with no link back
- da:Eurovision Song Contest 1975 links to en:Eurovision Song Contest 1975 with no link back
- da:Eurovision Song Contest 1983 links to en:Eurovision Song Contest 1983 with no link back
- da:Evangelikalisme links to en:Evangelicalism with no link back
- da:Eventyrdrage links to en:European dragon but that page links back to da:Drage (fabeldyr)
- da:Every Man for Himself (Lost) links to en:Every Man for Himself (Lost) but that page links back to da:Every Man for Himself
- da:Every Night is Another Story links to no-existing en:Every Night is Another Story
- da:Evolution (term) links to en:Evolution but that page links back to da:Evolution (biologi)
- da:Exposition Universelle (1855) links to en:Exposition Universelle (1855) with no link back
- da:Extra-sensorisk perception links to a redirect page en:Extra-sensory perception
- da:Extreme Championship Wrestling links to en:Extreme Championship Wrestling but that page links back to da:ECW
- da:Extreme Championship Wrestling (WWE) links to a redirect page en:Extreme Championship Wrestling (WWE)
- da:Eä links to a redirect page en:Eä
- da:F104 starfighter links to en:F-104 Starfighter but that page links back to da:F-104 Starfighter
- da:FLY (digtergruppe) links to en:Lyric poetry but that page links back to da:Lyrik
- da:FN-sekretariatet links to en:United Nations Secretariat with no link back
- da:FSV Frankfurt links to en:FSV Frankfurt with no link back
- da:Faaborg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Faaborg municipality
- da:Factotum (film) links to en:Factotum (film) with no link back
- da:Fagforbund links to en:Trade union but that page links back to da:Syndikat
- da:Fakse Kommune links to a redirect page en:Fakse
- da:Faldskærm (BDSM) links to a redirect page en:Parachute (BDSM)
- da:Fallout links to a redirect page en:Fallout (computer game)
- da:Fallout (serie) links to en:Fallout (series) with no link back
- da:Familien Flanders links to en:Flanders family but that page links back to da:Todd Flanders
- da:Fane links to en:Banner with no link back
- da:Fanerofyt links to a redirect page en:Phanerophyte
- da:Fantomsmerte links to en:Phantom pain with no link back
- da:Faraas Herred links to a redirect page en:Faurås Hundred
- da:Farligt affald links to en:Hazardous waste with no link back
- da:Farvand links to en:Waterway but that page links back to da:Vandvej
- da:Fast ejendom links to en:Real estate with no link back
- da:Faste omkostninger links to en:Fixed cost with no link back
- da:Fasti links to en:Fasti with no link back
- da:Faststoffysik links to a redirect page en:Condensed matter physics
- da:Fatah-Hamas konflikten 2006-07 links to en:Fatah–Hamas conflict but that page links back to da:Palæstinensiske borgerkrig
- da:Faun links to en:Faun but that page links back to da:Faunus
- da:Faust I links to en:Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy with no link back
- da:Faxe Kommune links to a redirect page en:Faxe municipality
- da:Fedora (Linux-distribution) links to en:Fedora (operating system) but that page links back to da:Fedora (Linux distribution)
- da:Fedora (beklædning) links to a redirect page en:Fedora (hat)
- da:Feedforward links to en:Feed-forward with no link back
- da:Femfingret Akebia links to en:Akebia quinata with no link back
- da:Ferrari Challenge (spil) links to a redirect page en:Ferrari Challenge (video game)
- da:Fers Herred links to a redirect page en:Färs Hundred
- da:Fiat Ulysse links to a redirect page en:Fiat Ulysse
- da:Figurer fra Casper og Mandrilaftalen links to en:Casper & Mandrilaftalen but that page links back to da:Casper og Mandrilaftalen
- da:Figurer fra Crash Bandicoot links to en:Characters of Crash Bandicoot but that page links back to da:Crash: Mind over Mutant
- da:Fiksstjerne links to a redirect page en:Fixed star
- da:Fil links to en:File with no link back
- da:Film (flertydig) links to en:Film (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Filter (procesteknik) links to en:Filter (chemistry) with no link back
- da:Finanskrisen 2007-2008 links to a redirect page en:Financial crisis of 2007–2008
- da:Finbladet Bjørnerod links to en:Meum athamanticum but that page links back to da:Bjørnerod
- da:Finlandia links to en:Finlandia with no link back
- da:Finlandia (vodka) links to en:Finlandia Vodka but that page links back to da:Finlandia
- da:Finlands rigsdagsvalg 2003 links to en:Politics of Finland but that page links back to da:Finlands politik
- da:Finskytte links to en:Sniper but that page links back to da:Finskytte#Snigskytte
- da:Fisk (kortspil) links to a redirect page en:Go Fish
- da:Fiskene (stjernetegn) links to en:Pisces with no link back
- da:Fiskeri links to en:Fishing with no link back
- da:Five by Five links to a redirect page en:Five by Five (Rolling Stones EP)
- da:Fjerre Herred links to a redirect page en:Fjäre Hundred
- da:Fjerritslev Kommune links to en:Fjerritslev but that page links back to da:Fjerritslev
- da:Flagdag links to en:Flag Day with no link back
- da:Flammehav links to en:Backdraft (film) with no link back
- da:Flamsk (sprog) links to a redirect page en:Flemish (linguistics)
- da:Flare links to en:Flare (pyrotechnic) but that page links back to da:Nødblus
- da:Flea links to en:Flea (musician) but that page links back to da:Michael Balzary
- da:Flemming Hansen links to en:Flemming Hansen with no link back
- da:Flikflak links to en:Handspring (gymnastics) with no link back
- da:Fliptricks links to a redirect page en:Flip tricks (skateboarding)
- da:Flitsbue links to en:Bow (weapon) but that page links back to da:Bue (våben)
- da:Floating storage and offloading unit links to a redirect page en:Floating storage and offloading unit
- da:Flora (gudinde) links to en:Flora (mythology) but that page links back to da:Flora (gud)
- da:Floraprovins links to en:Phytochorion but that page links back to da:Florarige
- da:Flores links to en:Flores (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Flotilleadmiral links to a redirect page en:Commodore (RN)
- da:Flue links to en:Fly but that page links back to da:Tovinger
- da:Fly ball links to a redirect page en:Types of batted balls in baseball
- da:Flyspotter links to en:Aircraft spotting with no link back
- da:Flytoget links to a redirect page en:Flytoget
- da:Flyvemaskine links to a redirect page en:Airplane
- da:Flyvevåbnets Officersskole links to no-existing en:Royal Danish Air Force Academy
- da:Fod links to en:Foot (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Fodbolddommer links to a redirect page en:Referee (football)
- da:Folkeafstemningen om Amsterdam-traktaten links to en:Danish Amsterdam Treaty referendum, 1998 with no link back
- da:Folkeafstemningen om Maastricht-traktaten links to en:Danish Maastricht Treaty referendum, 1992 but that page links back to da:2. juni folkeafstemningen
- da:Folkebog links to en:Chapbook with no link back
- da:Fontæne ved Regionshospital Holstebro links to en:Category:Arts but that page links back to da:Kategori:Kunst
- da:Foo links to a redirect page en:Foo quest
- da:Forbrændingsanlæg links to en:Incineration but that page links back to da:Affaldsforbrænding
- da:Ford Escort links to en:Ford Escort (Europe) with no link back
- da:Fordøjelsessystem links to en:Gastrointestinal tract with no link back
- da:Forenklet kinesisk links to a redirect page en:Simplified Chinese character
- da:Forest Stewardship Council links to en:Forest Stewardship Council with no link back
- da:Forhandling links to en:Negotiation with no link back
- da:Forhistorisk liv links to a redirect page en:Prehistoric life
- da:Forlag links to a redirect page en:Publisher
- da:Forrest Gump (film) links to en:Forrest Gump but that page links back to da:Forrest Gump
- da:Forretningsproces links to a redirect page en:Business Process Management
- da:Forræderi links to en:Treason but that page links back to da:Landsforræderi
- da:Forside links to no-existing en:
- da:Forstvæsen links to en:Forestry but that page links back to da:Skovbrug
- da:Forstærkertrin links to a redirect page en:Amplifier stage
- da:Forsvaret links to a redirect page en:Military of Denmark
- da:Fort Eben-Emael links to en:Fort Eben-Emael but that page links back to da:Fort Eben Emael
- da:Fortolkning links to en:Interpretation with no link back
- da:Fortælling (storytelling) links to en:Storytelling with no link back
- da:Fortøjning links to a redirect page en:Mooring (anchoring)
- da:Forum links to en:Forum (legal) with no link back
- da:Forventning links to en:Expectation with no link back
- da:Forårs-Løg links to a redirect page en:Spring onion
- da:Foursome links to a redirect page en:Golf glossary
- da:Fox Broadcasting Company links to en:Fox Broadcasting Company but that page links back to da:FOX
- da:Frank Hansen links to en:Frank Hansen with no link back
- da:Frankrigs premierministre links to en:List of Prime Ministers of France with no link back
- da:Frankrigs præsidenter links to en:President of France with no link back
- da:Franky Lee links to no-existing en:Franky Lee
- da:Frans Kannik links to no-existing en:Frans Kannik
- da:Fransk horeunge links to a redirect page en:Orphan (typesetting)
- da:Française des Jeux links to en:Française des Jeux with no link back
- da:Freden i Stettin links to en:Treaty of Stettin with no link back
- da:Fredensborg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Fredensborg municipality
- da:Frederik von And links to a redirect page en:Fergus McDuck
- da:Frederiksberg links to a redirect page en:Frederiksberg
- da:Frederiksberg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Frederiksberg
- da:Frederiksberg Ældre Kirkegård links to no-existing en:Frederiksberg Old Cemetery
- da:Frederikshavn Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Frederikshavn but that page links back to da:Frederikshavn
- da:Frederikssund links to a redirect page en:Frederikssund
- da:Frederikssund Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Frederikssund
- da:Fredsaftalen i Stralsund links to en:Treaty of Stralsund with no link back
- da:Fremmedlegion links to en:Foreign legion with no link back
- da:Fremskridtspartiets Ungdom links to en:Youth of the Progress Party with no link back
- da:Fremtid (futurum) links to en:Future but that page links back to da:Fremtiden
- da:Freya Møller-Sørensen links to no-existing en:Freya Møller-Sørensen
- da:Friedrichsruh (Lauenburg) links to en:Friedrichsruh but that page links back to da:Friedrichsruh
- da:Froste Herred links to a redirect page en:Frosta Hundred
- da:Frugtplantage links to en:Orchard with no link back
- da:Frygt links to en:Fear with no link back
- da:Frøken April links to en:Miss April with no link back
- da:Frøken Rappesen links to a redirect page en:Emily Quackfaster
- da:Fugleedderkop links to en:Lycosa tarantula but that page links back to da:Tarantel
- da:Fuji-Servetto links to en:Fuji-Servetto but that page links back to da:Scott-American Beef
- da:Fumbling Towards Ecstasy links to en:Fumbling Towards Ecstasy but that page links back to da:Fumbling Towards Ecsatsy
- da:Funktionsanalyse links to en:Functional analysis but that page links back to da:Funktionalanalyse
- da:Fusionsreaktor links to a redirect page en:Fusion reactor
- da:Fyrbøder links to a redirect page en:Boilerman
- da:Fysioterapeut links to en:Physical therapy but that page links back to da:Fysioterapi
- da:Fysisk pendul links to en:Pendulum but that page links back to da:Matematisk pendul
- da:Fændrik links to en:Ensign (rank) with no link back
- da:Fætter og kusine links to en:Cousin but that page links back to da:Fætter
- da:Fédération Luxembourgoise de Football links to en:Luxembourg Football Federation but that page links back to da:Makedoniens fodboldforbund
- da:Fødenet links to a redirect page en:Food web
- da:Føljeton links to en:Serial with no link back
- da:Før-romersk jernalder links to no-existing en:Pre-Roman Iron Age of Northern Europe
- da:Føroya Banki links to no-existing en:Føroya Banki
- da:Førstedame links to en:First Lady but that page links back to da:Præsidentfrue
- da:Førstegenerationsdatamat links to a redirect page en:First generation computer
- da:GBU links to en:Laser-guided bomb but that page links back to da:LGB
- da:GNU/Linux links to a redirect page en:GNU/Linux
- da:Gadekær links to en:Village green with no link back
- da:Gallipoli (by) links to en:Gallipoli but that page links back to da:Gallipoli (halvø)
- da:Gamle Major (Kammerat Napoleon) links to a redirect page en:Old Major
- da:Garrottering links to en:Garrote but that page links back to da:Garrotte
- da:Gartner links to a redirect page en:Gardener
- da:Gashouse Garden links to no-existing en:Gashouse Garden
- da:Gasolin' (UK-udgave) links to en:Gasolin' (album) but that page links back to da:Gasolin' (album)
- da:Gedved Kommune links to en:Gedved but that page links back to da:Gedved
- da:Geiger-Müller-rør links to a redirect page en:Geiger-Müller tube
- da:Gekko links to en:Gecko with no link back
- da:Generalist links to en:Generalist but that page links back to da:Generalist (flertydig)
- da:Geneviève (pigenavn) links to en:Juniper (given name) with no link back
- da:Gennemsnit links to en:Arithmetic mean with no link back
- da:Gentofte links to a redirect page en:Gentofte
- da:Gentofte Kommune links to a redirect page en:Gentofte
- da:Geocoin links to en:Geocoin with no link back
- da:Georg links to en:Georg with no link back
- da:Gestik links to en:Body language but that page links back to da:Kropssprog
- da:Ghat (kommune) links to a redirect page en:Ghat Municipality
- da:Gilde links to en:Guild but that page links back to da:Lav (organisation)
- da:Gisela (datter af Pipin den lille) links to en:Gisela but that page links back to da:Gisela
- da:Giurtelecu Şimleului links to a redirect page en:Giurtelecu Şimleului
- da:Gjalp links to a redirect page en:Gjalp
- da:Glamsbjerg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Glamsbjerg municipality
- da:Glengarry Glen Ross links to en:Glengarry Glen Ross with no link back
- da:Gliacelle links to no-existing en:Glia cell
- da:Glidetal links to a redirect page en:Glide ratio
- da:Global 200 links to en:Global 200 but that page links back to da:Økoregioner i Global 200
- da:Global Navigation Satellite System links to en:Global navigation satellite system but that page links back to da:Gnss
- da:Gloria Patri links to en:Glory Be to the Father with no link back
- da:Glæde links to en:Happiness but that page links back to da:Lykke (følelse)
- da:Glødetråd links to a redirect page en:Electrical filament
- da:Gobelin links to a redirect page en:Gobelins manufactory
- da:Godhed (filosofi) links to en:Good and evil with no link back
- da:Golf Cup links to en:Gulf Cup of Nations but that page links back to da:Persiske Golf Cup
- da:Gonzojournalistik links to en:Gonzo journalism but that page links back to da:Gonzo-journalistik
- da:Gorilla Angreb links to no-existing en:Gorilla Angreb
- da:Gorizia links to en:Gorizia and Gradisca with no link back
- da:Gorkij links to en:Gorki with no link back
- da:Gossip Girl links to en:Gossip Girl (TV series) with no link back
- da:Gossip Girls links to en:Gossip Girl with no link back
- da:Gothien links to en:Gothia with no link back
- da:Gotlandsk Pelsfår links to a redirect page en:Gotland sheep
- da:Grafik (teknik) links to en:Printmaking with no link back
- da:Grammy Award for Best Disco Recording links to en:Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance but that page links back to da:Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance
- da:Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video links to en:Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video but that page links back to da:Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video
- da:Gran Sasso raid links to en:Gran Sasso raid but that page links back to da:Grand Sasso raid
- da:Granat (våben) links to en:Grenade (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Granat
- da:Grand Theft Auto (spil) links to a redirect page en:Grand Theft Auto (game)
- da:Grandmaster Flash links to en:Grandmaster Flash but that page links back to da:Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
- da:Gravsænkning links to en:Oceanic trench but that page links back to da:Oceangrav
- da:Gregory Johnson links to en:Gregory H. Johnson but that page links back to da:Bob Behnken
- da:Greip links to a redirect page en:Greip
- da:Grenaa Kommune links to en:Grenå but that page links back to da:Grenaa
- da:Gribskov Kommune links to a redirect page en:Gribskov municipality
- da:Grill links to a redirect page en:Grill (cooking)
- da:Grindsted Kommune links to a redirect page en:Grindsted municipality
- da:Grotesk (typografi) links to en:Sans-serif with no link back
- da:Grotte links to en:Grotto with no link back
- da:Ground ball links to a redirect page en:Ground ball
- da:Grunddal Sjallung links to no-existing en:Grunddal Sjallung
- da:Grundsten links to a redirect page en:Foundation stone
- da:Grundtal links to en:Radix with no link back
- da:Grunnskole links to en:Primary education with no link back
- da:Grækenlands konger links to en:List of heads of state of Greece but that page links back to da:Grækenlands præsidenter
- da:Grænse links to en:Border with no link back
- da:Græshoppe links to en:Grasshopper with no link back
- da:Grøn Douglasgran links to a redirect page en:Pseudotsuga menziesii
- da:Grøn Mynte links to a redirect page en:Spearmint
- da:Gud links to en:God but that page links back to da:Gud (egennavn)
- da:Gudme Kommune links to a redirect page en:Gudme municipality
- da:Guds hånd af Carl Milles links to en:Category:Arts but that page links back to da:Kategori:Kunst
- da:Guillermo Billinghurst links to en:Guillermo Billinghurst Angulo with no link back
- da:Guitar Hero links to en:Guitar Hero (video game) with no link back
- da:Guldalder links to a redirect page en:Golden Age (metaphor)
- da:Guldborgsund Kommune links to a redirect page en:Guldborgsund municipality
- da:Gulerod-slægten links to en:Daucus carota but that page links back to da:Vild Gulerod
- da:Gustav Schäfer links to en:Gustav Schäfer with no link back
- da:Gyula links to en:Gyula with no link back
- da:Gådefuld Forsvinden links to en:Gone for Good with no link back
- da:Gås links to en:Goose with no link back
- da:Gørlev Kommune links to en:Gørlev but that page links back to da:Gørlev
- da:Gülcin Ergül links to en:Gülçin Ergül but that page links back to da:Gülçin Ergül
- da:HCI links to a redirect page en:Human-computer interaction
- da:Haarby Kommune links to a redirect page en:Haarby municipality
- da:Habakuk (Bibelen) links to en:Habakkuk with no link back
- da:Haderslev Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Haderslev but that page links back to da:Haderslev
- da:Hadsten links to en:Hadsten but that page links back to da:Hadsten Kommune
- da:Hadsund links to en:Hadsund but that page links back to da:Hadsund Kommune
- da:Hagl (våben) links to en:Pellet (air gun) with no link back
- da:Halfdan links to en:Halfdan but that page links back to da:Kong Halvdan
- da:Hals (by) links to en:Hals, Denmark with no link back
- da:Hamp links to en:Cannabis but that page links back to da:Cannabis
- da:Hana-Kimi links to en:Hana-Kimi with no link back
- da:Handling (virke) links to en:Action (philosophy) with no link back
- da:Hans Baur links to en:Hans Baur with no link back
- da:Hans af Danmark links to a redirect page en:John of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
- da:Hanso Foundation links to en:Hanso Foundation with no link back
- da:Hanstholm Kommune links to a redirect page en:Hanstholm municipality
- da:Hardanger links to en:Hardanger with no link back
- da:Harde-Knud/Gudfred/Gudrød links to en:Harthacnut of Denmark but that page links back to da:Knud 1. Hardeknud
- da:Hardware links to a redirect page en:Computer hardware
- da:Harmoniorkester links to a redirect page en:Concert Band
- da:Haroon Nabi links to en:Template:Love table but that page links back to da:Skabelon:Kærlighed
- da:Harriager Herred links to a redirect page en:Harjager Hundred
- da:Hash brown links to a redirect page en:Hash brown
- da:Haslev Kommune links to a redirect page en:Haslev municipality
- da:Have-Erantis links to en:Eranthis but that page links back to da:Erantis
- da:Have-Gulerod links to en:Carrot but that page links back to da:Gulerod
- da:Have-Jordbær links to a redirect page en:Garden Strawberry
- da:Havedam links to en:Water garden with no link back
- da:Havregrød links to en:Oatmeal but that page links back to da:Havregryn
- da:Head-fi links to no-existing en:Head-Fi
- da:Headcrab links to en:Headcrab with no link back
- da:Heaven On Earth links to a redirect page en:Heaven On Earth
- da:Hedelyng-slægten links to en:Calluna but that page links back to da:Hedelyng
- da:Hedensted Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Hedensted municipality
- da:Heidi, Del 2 (Langt fra Las Vegas) links to en:List of Langt fra Las Vegas episodes but that page links back to da:Heidi, Del 1 (Langt fra Las Vegas)
- da:Hejk links to en:Hiking with no link back
- da:Heks links to en:Witchcraft with no link back
- da:Helle (navn) links to en:Helle but that page links back to da:Helle
- da:Hellsing links to a redirect page en:Hellsing (manga)
- da:Helsinge links to en:Helsinge but that page links back to da:Helsinge Kommune
- da:Helsingør Kommune links to a redirect page en:Helsingør municipality
- da:Hemikryptofyt links to a redirect page en:Hemicryptophyte
- da:Henrik H. Hansen links to en:Henrik Hansen with no link back
- da:Henrik Jensen (fodboldspiller) links to en:Henrik Jensen with no link back
- da:Henrik Krogsgaard links to no-existing en:Henrik Krogsgaard
- da:Henrik af Livland links to a redirect page en:Henricus Lettus
- da:Henry links to en:Henry with no link back
- da:Henry Darcy links to en:Henry Darcy with no link back
- da:Hero links to en:Hero but that page links back to da:Helt
- da:Herren links to en:Lord but that page links back to da:Lord
- da:Herrested Herred links to a redirect page en:Herrestad Hundred
- da:Herskere i Bretagne links to a redirect page en:Duke of Brittany
- da:Hessens flag links to en:Flag of Hesse with no link back
- da:Hestebremse links to en:Gasterophilus with no link back
- da:Hestesport links to en:Equestrianism but that page links back to da:Ridning
- da:Hestevogn links to en:Carriage with no link back
- da:Hestevæddeløb links to en:Horse racing with no link back
- da:Hieroglyf links to en:Hieroglyph with no link back
- da:High school links to en:High school with no link back
- da:Highway in the Sky links to a redirect page en:Highway in the sky
- da:Hillerød Kommune links to a redirect page en:Hillerød municipality
- da:Himalaya-Havtorn links to no-existing en:Hippophaë salicifolia
- da:Himmelbjerget (nordisk mytologi) links to a redirect page en:Himinbjorg
- da:Hippo links to en:Hippo Regius with no link back
- da:Hjemmeside links to en:Main Page with no link back
- da:Hjemmestyre links to en:Home rule with no link back
- da:Hjerneblødning links to en:Cerebral hemorrhage with no link back
- da:Hjerterfri links to a redirect page en:Hearts (game)
- da:Hobro Kommune links to en:Hobro but that page links back to da:Hobro
- da:Hockey-familien links to en:Hockey but that page links back to da:Hockey
- da:Holbæk Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Holbæk but that page links back to da:Holbæk
- da:Hold links to en:Team with no link back
- da:Holdingselskab links to en:Holding company with no link back
- da:Holdning links to en:Human position but that page links back to da:Kropsholdning
- da:Holeby Kommune links to en:Holeby but that page links back to da:Holeby
- da:Hollandsk auktion links to en:Dutch auction with no link back
- da:Holly Body links to a redirect page en:Holly Body
- da:Holtet links to en:Holtet with no link back
- da:Homer's Enemy links to en:Homer's Enemy but that page links back to da:Frank Grimes
- da:Homonym links to en:Homonym with no link back
- da:Hoppe links to a redirect page en:Mare (horse)
- da:Horeunge (typografi) links to a redirect page en:Widow (typesetting)
- da:Hornblad-familien links to en:Ceratophyllum but that page links back to da:Hornblad
- da:Hornblad-ordenen links to a redirect page en:Ceratophyllales
- da:Hornnød-familien links to a redirect page en:Trapaceae
- da:Horns Rev links to en:Horns Rev but that page links back to da:Horns Rev Havmøllepark
- da:Hound Dogs links to en:Hound with no link back
- da:Hovedspring links to en:Diving but that page links back to da:Udspring
- da:Hovvarpner links to a redirect page en:Hófvarpnir
- da:Hundested Kommune links to en:Hundested but that page links back to da:Hundested
- da:Husarrest links to en:House arrest but that page links back to da:Elektronisk fodlænke
- da:Husflid links to en:Handicraft with no link back
- da:Husqvarna links to en:Husqvarna Motorcycles with no link back
- da:Hussvamp links to en:Dry rot but that page links back to da:Brunmuld
- da:Hvalarter links to en:List of cetaceans with no link back
- da:Hverdag links to a redirect page en:Weekday
- da:Hvid (flertydig) links to en:White (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Hvid Diktam links to a redirect page en:Dictamnus albus
- da:Hvid elefant links to en:White elephant with no link back
- da:Hvidevare links to a redirect page en:Whitegoods
- da:Hvidovre Kommune links to en:Hvidovre but that page links back to da:Hvidovre
- da:Hvidstengruppen links to a redirect page en:Hvidstengruppen
- da:Hyderabad (Indien) links to a redirect page en:Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
- da:Hydraulisk despoti links to a redirect page en:Hydraulic despotism
- da:Hydrofob links to en:Hydrophobe with no link back
- da:Hydrotermisk væld links to en:Hydrothermal vent but that page links back to da:Hydrotermiske væld
- da:Hypnofobi links to no-existing en:Clinophobia
- da:Hyrde links to en:Herder with no link back
- da:Håndværk links to a redirect page en:Trade (profession)
- da:Hæresi links to en:Heresy but that page links back to da:Kætteri
- da:Hærofficer links to en:Royal Danish Army Officers Academy but that page links back to da:Hærens Officersskole
- da:Hôtel de Ville (Paris) links to en:Hôtel de Ville, Paris with no link back
- da:Høgs Herred links to a redirect page en:Höks Hundred
- da:Høje-Taastrup links to a redirect page en:Høje-Taastrup
- da:Højland links to en:Highland (geography) with no link back
- da:Højmiddelalder links to en:High Middle Ages but that page links back to da:Hojmiddelalder
- da:Højre og venstre links to en:Relative direction with no link back
- da:Højreby Kommune links to en:Højreby but that page links back to da:Højreby
- da:Højtryksrenser links to en:Pressure washer with no link back
- da:Høng Kommune links to en:Høng but that page links back to da:Høng
- da:Hørsholm Kommune links to en:Hørsholm but that page links back to da:Hørsholm
- da:ICD-10 links to en:ICD-10 with no link back
- da:IEEE 802.3at links to a redirect page en:IEEE 802.3at
- da:IP-telefoni links to en:Voice over Internet Protocol but that page links back to da:VoIP
- da:IRC-klienter links to no-existing en:List of Internet Relay Chat clients
- da:IT Factory links to a redirect page en:IT Factory
- da:IT Phone Home (Langt fra Las Vegas) links to en:List of Langt fra Las Vegas episodes but that page links back to da:Heidi, Del 1 (Langt fra Las Vegas)
- da:IUPAC nomenklatur links to a redirect page en:International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry nomenclature
- da:Ibis (fugl) links to en:Ibis with no link back
- da:Ifakara Community Group links to no-existing en:Ifakara Community Group
- da:Ifigenia i Tauris links to a redirect page en:Iphigeneia in Tauris
- da:Ikke-vedvarende ressource links to a redirect page en:Non-renewable resources
- da:Ild-Løn links to a redirect page en:Amur Maple
- da:Illegal (udtryk) links to en:Illegal but that page links back to da:Illegal
- da:Illuminati (konspirationsteorier) links to a redirect page en:Illuminati Scare
- da:Iltning links to a redirect page en:Oxidation
- da:In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida links to a redirect page en:In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
- da:In absentia links to en:In absentia with no link back
- da:Indhold links to en:Content (media and publishing) with no link back
- da:Indie (musik) links to a redirect page en:Indie (music)
- da:Indiens nationale sprog links to a redirect page en:Official languages of India
- da:Indiens premierministre links to en:Prime Minister of India with no link back
- da:Indo-arierne links to en:Indo-Aryan languages but that page links back to da:Indoariske sprog
- da:Industri links to en:Industry with no link back
- da:Industritekniker-maskin links to en:Machinist with no link back
- da:Infantilisme links to en:Diaper fetishism with no link back
- da:Inferens links to en:Inference with no link back
- da:Infinite LP links to a redirect page en:Infinite
- da:Infra links to no-existing en:Infra
- da:Infralapsarisme links to a redirect page en:Supralapsarianism and Infralapsarianism
- da:Inge-Marie Nielsen links to no-existing en:Inge-Marie Nielsen
- da:Ingelsted Herred links to a redirect page en:Ingelstad Hundred
- da:Ingermanland links to en:Ingria with no link back
- da:Initiation links to en:Initiation but that page links back to da:Rite
- da:Instruktør links to en:Director with no link back
- da:Instrumentbygger links to en:Instrument maker with no link back
- da:Intermezzo (flertydig) links to en:Intermezzo (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Intermezzo
- da:International (flertydig) links to en:International (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Internationale
- da:International Baccalaureate links to a redirect page en:International Baccalaureate
- da:International Tennis Federation links to en:International Tennis Federation with no link back
- da:International mil links to en:Mile but that page links back to da:Mil
- da:Internationale børnedag links to en:Children's Day with no link back
- da:Internering links to en:Internment but that page links back to da:Koncentrationslejr
- da:Internetadresse links to a redirect page en:Internet address
- da:Internettets sidste side links to no-existing en:The last page of the Internet
- da:Interview (researchteknik) links to en:Interview but that page links back to da:Interview (journalistisk genre)
- da:Invasionen af Irak 2003 links to a redirect page en:2003 Invasion of Iraq
- da:Invasionen af Island links to en:Invasion of Iceland with no link back
- da:Investeringsforening links to en:Collective investment scheme with no link back
- da:Ioniske Øer links to en:Ionian Islands but that page links back to da:Ioniske øer
- da:Ionkanal links to en:Ion channel with no link back
- da:Ishøj links to a redirect page en:Ishøj
- da:Ishøj Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ishøj
- da:Islam and Terrorism: What the Qur'an Really Teaches About Christianity, Violence and the Goals of the Islamic Jihad links to no-existing en:Islam and Terrorism: What the Quran Really Teaches About Christianity, Violence and the Goals of the Islamic Jihad
- da:Islam i Polen links to en:Islam in Poland with no link back
- da:Israel-Gaza-konflikten 2008-2009 links to a redirect page en:2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict
- da:Israel Military Industries links to en:Israel Weapon Industries with no link back
- da:Israels historie links to a redirect page en:History of the State of Israel
- da:Italienske og franske musikudtryk links to a redirect page en:List of musical terminology
- da:Iudaea links to a redirect page en:Iudaea (Roman province)
- da:Jack Johnson (flertydig) links to a redirect page en:Bob Price
- da:Jagtriffelpatron links to a redirect page en:Casing (ammunition)
- da:Jakkesæt links to en:Suit (clothing) with no link back
- da:Jakob Riis links to no-existing en:Jakob Riis
- da:Jambol links to a redirect page en:Jambol
- da:James McNeill Whistler links to a redirect page en:James McNeill Whistler
- da:Jane links to en:Jane with no link back
- da:Janne Heiskanen links to a redirect page en:Janne Heiskanen
- da:Janus Magnussen links to no-existing en:Janus Magnussen
- da:Jedi Knight links to en:Star Wars: Dark Forces but that page links back to da:Dark Forces
- da:Jelling Kommune links to a redirect page en:Jelling municipality
- da:Jenny links to en:Jennifer with no link back
- da:Jens Smedegaard links to no-existing en:Jens Smedegaard
- da:Jerrested Herred links to a redirect page en:Järrestad Hundred
- da:Jesper Kenn Olsen links to no-existing en:Jesper Kenn Olsen
- da:Jesper Rask links to no-existing en:Jesper Rask
- da:Jesu historicitet links to en:Historicity of Jesus with no link back
- da:Jesus Saves links to no-existing en:Jesus Saves
- da:Jimmy Johnsen links to no-existing en:Jimmy Johnsen
- da:Jinx links to en:Jinx with no link back
- da:Johan Clemens Tode links to no-existing en:Johann Clemens Tode
- da:Johann Maria Farina gegenüber dem Jülichs-Platz links to en:Farina gegenüber but that page links back to da:Farina gegenüber
- da:John links to a redirect page en:John (name)
- da:John Anthony Collins links to en:Anthony Collins but that page links back to da:Anthony Collins
- da:John Green links to no-existing en:John Green (musician)
- da:John Hinch links to a redirect page en:John Hinch (musician)
- da:John Norcross links to no-existing en:Norcross, John Nicholas
- da:John Rennie links to a redirect page en:John Rennie (father)
- da:Johnny (sang) links to a redirect page en:Johnny (song)
- da:Jokeren (rapper) links to en:Jokeren but that page links back to da:Jokeren
- da:Jon (drengenavn) links to en:Jon with no link back
- da:Jonas Gülstorff links to no-existing en:Jonas Gülstorff
- da:Jonathan links to en:Jonathan with no link back
- da:Jonglør links to a redirect page en:Juggler
- da:Jordbrug links to en:Agriculture but that page links back to da:Landbrug
- da:Jordbundsforhold links to en:Soil but that page links back to da:Jord
- da:Josef (søn af patriarken Jakob) links to en:Joseph (Hebrew Bible) with no link back
- da:Juan Carlos af Spanien links to en:Juan Carlos I of Spain with no link back
- da:Junkfood links to en:Junk food but that page links back to da:Junk food
- da:Jurij Suvarov links to a redirect page en:Yuri Suvarov
- da:Jus talionis links to en:Eye for an eye with no link back
- da:Justitsminister links to a redirect page en:Justice minister
- da:Jæger links to a redirect page en:Hunter
- da:Jönköping (by) links to en:Jönköping but that page links back to da:Jönköping
- da:Kabinet links to a redirect page en:Cabinet (disambiguation)
- da:Kabinet (regering) links to en:Cabinet but that page links back to da:Kabinet
- da:Kaffemaskine links to en:Coffee percolator with no link back
- da:Kaffer links to en:Kaffir (ethnic slur) with no link back
- da:Kailua links to a redirect page en:Kailua
- da:Kala Azar links to en:Visceral leishmaniasis with no link back
- da:Kalatj links to en:Kalach (town) with no link back
- da:Kalevala (by) links to en:Kalevala but that page links back to da:Kalevala
- da:Kali (gudinde) links to a redirect page en:Kali
- da:Kalifatets teori links to en:Caliphate but that page links back to da:Kalifat
- da:Kalkmaleri links to en:Fresco but that page links back to da:Fresko
- da:Kallun links to en:Tripe with no link back
- da:Kalundborg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Kalundborg municipality
- da:Kalundborg Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Kalundborg but that page links back to da:Kalundborg
- da:Kalvebæreren (Moschophoros) links to en:Kriophoros with no link back
- da:Kame-Sennin links to a redirect page en:Master Roshi
- da:Kammerater i krig links to en:Band of Brothers with no link back
- da:Kanariegræs links to en:Phalaris (grass) with no link back
- da:Kancelli links to en:Chancellery with no link back
- da:Kantine links to en:Canteen with no link back
- da:Kanton Sankt Gallen links to en:Canton of St. Gallen with no link back
- da:Kaolinit links to en:Kaolinite with no link back
- da:KaosPiloterne links to no-existing en:Kaospilot
- da:Kapitalfond links to en:Private equity with no link back
- da:Kapitel (bog) links to en:Chapter (books) with no link back
- da:Karabin M/96 links to a redirect page en:C8 carbine
- da:Karakulfår links to en:Karakul with no link back
- da:Karavel links to en:Caravel with no link back
- da:Karbala (provins) links to en:Karbala Governorate with no link back
- da:Kardæsk (våben) links to en:Shrapnel with no link back
- da:Karen (pigenavn) links to a redirect page en:Karen (name)
- da:Karina links to en:Karina (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Karton links to en:Cardboard with no link back
- da:Karton (papir) links to en:Cardboard with no link back
- da:Kartvelske sprog links to en:South Caucasian languages but that page links back to da:Kartvelsk
- da:Katalog links to en:Catalog but that page links back to da:Katalog (flertydig)
- da:Katalysator (kemi) links to en:Catalysis but that page links back to da:Katalysator (udstødning)
- da:Kate Warner links to a redirect page en:Kate Warner
- da:Kaya links to no-existing en:Kaya (Burkina Faso)
- da:Keglesnitsflade links to en:Quadric with no link back
- da:Keith Scott (One Tree Hill) links to en:Keith Scott (One Tree Hill) but that page links back to da:Keith Scott
- da:Kelme links to en:Kelme (cycling team) but that page links back to da:Communautè de valence
- da:Kemikalie links to en:Chemical substance with no link back
- da:Kemiker links to en:Chemist with no link back
- da:Kemisk stof links to en:Chemical substance with no link back
- da:Kendis links to en:Celebrity with no link back
- da:Kendsgerning links to en:Fact but that page links back to da:Kendsgerning (videnskab)
- da:Kendte fysikere links to en:List of physicists with no link back
- da:Kerneløs DC-motor links to a redirect page en:Coreless dc motor
- da:Kerteminde Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Kerteminde municipality
- da:Ketobemidon links to en:Ketobemidone but that page links back to da:Ketogan
- da:Kevin Richardson links to en:Kevin Richardson with no link back
- da:Khemed links to no-existing en:Khemed
- da:Kia Shuma links to a redirect page en:Kia Shuma
- da:Kida links to a redirect page en:Kida
- da:Kiks links to en:Biscuit with no link back
- da:Kildekritik links to en:Source criticism but that page links back to da:Kildekritik (tværfaglig)
- da:Kilometertæller links to en:Odometer but that page links back to da:Hodometer
- da:Kim (navn) links to en:Kim but that page links back to da:Kim
- da:Kinas administrative regioner links to a redirect page en:Political divisions of China
- da:Kinas administrative regioner efter BNI per indbygger links to a redirect page en:List of China administrative divisions by GDP
- da:Kinesertræ-slægten links to a redirect page en:Goldenrain tree
- da:Kirke links to a redirect page en:Church (disambiguation)
- da:Kirke (trosretning) links to en:Religious denomination with no link back
- da:Kirkehistorie links to en:History of Christianity with no link back
- da:Kirken links to en:Invisible church with no link back
- da:Kirketoneart links to en:Musical mode with no link back
- da:Klassificering links to en:Classification with no link back
- da:Klassisk hebraisk links to en:Biblical Hebrew but that page links back to da:Klassisk Hebraisk
- da:Klassisk japansk (sprog) links to en:Late Old Japanese with no link back
- da:Klassisk liberalisme links to en:Classical liberalism with no link back
- da:Klipfisk links to a redirect page en:Clipfish
- da:Klokkeren fra Notre Dame (film) links to en:The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film) but that page links back to da:Klokkeren fra Notre Dame (1996)
- da:Klon links to en:Clone with no link back
- da:Klovnen Buggy links to no-existing en:List of One Piece pirate crews
- da:Kléberson links to en:José Kléberson with no link back
- da:Kløver-Læderkrone links to a redirect page en:Ptelea trifoliata
- da:Knarr (kølbåd) links to en:Knarr but that page links back to da:Knarr
- da:Knob (fart) links to a redirect page en:Knot (speed)
- da:Knogle (materiale) links to en:Bone but that page links back to da:Knogle (anatomi)
- da:Knowledge management links to a redirect page en:Knowledge Management
- da:Kobber(I)sulfat links to no-existing en:Copper(I) sulfate
- da:Kokleare links to a redirect page en:Scurvy-grass
- da:Kola-slægten links to a redirect page en:Cola nut
- da:Kollektiv trafik links to en:Public transport but that page links back to da:Offentlig transport
- da:Kolomenskoje links to en:Kolomenskoye but that page links back to da:Kolomenskoye
- da:Kolonihaveområde links to en:Allotment (gardening) with no link back
- da:Kolos links to en:Colossus with no link back
- da:Kommandør links to en:Captain (naval) with no link back
- da:Kommiteret links to en:Commissioner with no link back
- da:Kommunistisk Samling links to en:Communist Party (Denmark) but that page links back to da:Kommunistisk Parti
- da:Komparativ politik links to en:Comparative government with no link back
- da:Konfessionskundskab links to en:Christian denomination with no link back
- da:Kong Lear links to en:King Lear but that page links back to da:Kong Lear (tragedie)
- da:Kongelig hofleverandør links to en:Royal Warrant but that page links back to da:Hofleverandør
- da:Konger af East Anglia links to a redirect page en:Kings of East Anglia
- da:Kongeriget Bayern links to en:Kingdom of Bavaria with no link back
- da:Kongregationalisterne links to en:Congregational church with no link back
- da:Kongres links to en:Congress with no link back
- da:Konkurrence links to en:Competition with no link back
- da:Konstabel (flertydig) links to en:Constable but that page links back to da:Konstabel
- da:Konsulent links to en:Consultant with no link back
- da:Kontakt (elektrisk) links to en:Switch but that page links back to da:Omskifter (elektrisk)
- da:Kontreadmiral links to a redirect page en:Rear Admiral
- da:Kontrol links to en:Control with no link back
- da:Koralharmonisering links to en:Harmony but that page links back to da:Harmonilære
- da:Korn-Valmue links to a redirect page en:Corn poppy
- da:Kornel (Cornus) i Danmark links to no-existing en:Cornus of Denmark
- da:Koronis links to a redirect page en:Coronis (Greek mythology)
- da:Korsettering links to en:History of corsets but that page links back to da:Edwardiansk korset
- da:Korsør Kommune links to en:Korsør but that page links back to da:Korsør
- da:Kortbaneløb på skøjter links to en:Short track speed skating with no link back
- da:Kosel links to en:Kosel, Germany with no link back
- da:Kosmogoni links to en:Cosmogony with no link back
- da:Krampe (biologi) links to en:Cramp with no link back
- da:Krap links to a redirect page en:Madder
- da:Krigsbytte links to en:Looted art with no link back
- da:Kritisk psykiatri links to en:Psychiatry but that page links back to da:Psykiatri
- da:Krog links to en:Hook with no link back
- da:Krone (plantedel) links to a redirect page en:Canopy (forest)
- da:Kronkoloni links to en:Crown colony with no link back
- da:Kronofili links to en:Chronophilia with no link back
- da:Krybbespil links to en:Nativity scene but that page links back to da:Julekrybbe
- da:Krypteringsalgoritme links to en:Cipher with no link back
- da:Kryptisk æra links to en:Cryptic era with no link back
- da:Kryptografisk algoritme links to en:Cipher with no link back
- da:Kryptologi links to a redirect page en:Cryptology
- da:Kulstof-nanorør links to en:Carbon nanotube with no link back
- da:Kulsukker links to en:Comfrey with no link back
- da:Kulsvier links to en:Collier with no link back
- da:Kunst ved de olympiske lege links to en:Art competitions at the Olympic Games but that page links back to da:Kunstkonkurrencer ved OL
- da:Kunsten at græde i kor (film) links to en:The Art of Crying but that page links back to da:Kunsten at græde i kor
- da:Kunstmuseum links to a redirect page en:Art gallery
- da:Kunststof links to en:Plastic but that page links back to da:Plastic
- da:Kunstværk links to en:Work of art with no link back
- da:Kvalitet links to en:Quality with no link back
- da:Kvark (mælkeprodukt) links to no-existing en:Quark (chesse)
- da:Kvæde-slægten links to en:Quince but that page links back to da:Kvæde
- da:Kyle Christener links to a redirect page en:Kyle Christener
- da:Kyle Spratt links to no-existing en:Kyle Spratt
- da:Kylling links to en:Chicken but that page links back to da:Høns
- da:Kårde links to a redirect page en:Épée (fencing)
- da:Kæmpe-Jernurt links to en:Verbena bonariensis with no link back
- da:Kær Herred Frisisk links to en:Wiedingharde Frisian but that page links back to da:Vidding Herred Frisisk
- da:Köping links to en:Köping but that page links back to da:Flække
- da:Københavns belejring links to en:The assault on Copenhagen but that page links back to da:Stormen på København 1659
- da:Kølbåd links to en:Keelboat with no link back
- da:Kølle (musikinstrument) links to en:Mallet with no link back
- da:Kønscelle links to en:Gamete but that page links back to da:Gamet
- da:Køreskole links to a redirect page en:Driver's Education
- da:Kørestolsfodbold links to no-existing en:Powerchair Football
- da:L links to en:L with no link back
- da:LAPD (flertydig) links to a redirect page en:LAPD (disambiguation)
- da:LH links to en:LH with no link back
- da:LNG links to a redirect page en:LNG
- da:La Défense (metrostation) links to en:La Défense (Paris Métro, RER and Transilien) with no link back
- da:Ladino (sprog) links to a redirect page en:Ladino language
- da:Ladt Tilbage links to en:Left Behind (series) with no link back
- da:Lak links to en:Lacquer with no link back
- da:Lakune links to en:Lacuna with no link back
- da:Lamaisme links to en:Tibetan Buddhism but that page links back to da:Tibetansk buddhisme
- da:Lancia Delta links to en:Lancia Delta with no link back
- da:Landgangsbro links to en:Gangway but that page links back to da:Gangway
- da:Landinspektør links to a redirect page en:Surveyor (surveying)
- da:Landskabet Ejdersted links to en:Eiderstedt but that page links back to da:Ejdersted
- da:Landvinding links to en:Land reclamation with no link back
- da:Langeskov Kommune links to a redirect page en:Langeskov municipality
- da:Langsøen links to en:Langsee with no link back
- da:Langå Kommune links to en:Langå but that page links back to da:Langå
- da:Lapland links to en:Lapland with no link back
- da:Laplands len links to a redirect page en:Lapland, Finland
- da:Lappland links to a redirect page en:Swedish Lapland
- da:Lara Weller links to no-existing en:Lara Weller
- da:Lasse Sørensen links to en:Niels Lodberg but that page links back to da:Niels Lodberg
- da:Lav links to en:Lichen but that page links back to da:Lav (symbiotisk organisme)
- da:Lean links to en:Lean manufacturing with no link back
- da:Ledris links to en:Ephedra but that page links back to da:Efedrin
- da:Ledris-ordenen links to a redirect page en:Ephedrales
- da:Lee Robert Martin links to en:Lee Robert Martin but that page links back to da:Lee Martin
- da:Legeme (algebra) links to en:Field (mathematics) but that page links back to da:Legeme (matematik)
- da:Legeme (geometri) links to en:Solid geometry but that page links back to da:Rumgeometri
- da:Legoklods links to en:Lego but that page links back to da:LEGO
- da:Leje links to en:Bearing (mechanical) with no link back
- da:Lejemorder links to en:Hitman with no link back
- da:Lejre Kommune links to en:Lejre but that page links back to da:Lejre
- da:Lejre Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Lejre but that page links back to da:Lejre
- da:Leksikon links to en:Lexicon with no link back
- da:Lemvig Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Lemvig but that page links back to da:Lemvig
- da:Let 'Em Know links to a redirect page en:Let 'Em Know
- da:Let There Be Rock (Australien) links to a redirect page en:Let There Be Rock (Australian album)
- da:Letvægt (boksning) links to en:Lightweight with no link back
- da:Levi links to en:Levi with no link back
- da:Leviathan (album) links to en:Leviathan (album) with no link back
- da:Lexington links to en:Lexington, Massachusetts but that page links back to da:Lexington (Massachusetts)
- da:Liberty Seguros (cykelhold) links to a redirect page en:Liberty Seguros-Würth team
- da:Liderlig links to en:Sexual arousal but that page links back to da:Liderlighed
- da:Life in a Glass House links to en:Life in a Glasshouse with no link back
- da:Lighedstegn links to en:Equals sign with no link back
- da:Lille Hjælper links to a redirect page en:Little Helper (Disney)
- da:Lilo & Stitch 2 links to en:Lilo & Stitch but that page links back to da:Lilo & Stitch
- da:Lima (provins) links to en:Lima Province with no link back
- da:Lindau (Bodensee) links to en:Lindau with no link back
- da:Lis links to en:Liz with no link back
- da:Lise (navn) links to en:Lise with no link back
- da:Lister Herred links to a redirect page en:Lister Hundred
- da:Litchi-slægten links to en:Lychee but that page links back to da:Litchi
- da:Litchi (frugt) links to en:Lychee but that page links back to da:Litchi
- da:Liturgiske bøger links to en:Category:Christian prayer books with no link back
- da:Liv (nordisk mytologi) links to a redirect page en:Lif and Lifthrasir
- da:Livegenskab links to en:Serfdom but that page links back to da:Livegenskabet
- da:Livshjulet links to a redirect page en:Wheel of life
- da:Livsstrategi links to no-existing en:Life strategy
- da:Livstræ-slægten links to en:Platycladus but that page links back to da:Livstræ
- da:Livsvarigt fængsel links to en:Life imprisonment with no link back
- da:Livvagt links to en:Bodyguard with no link back
- da:Logbog links to en:Logbook with no link back
- da:Logopædi links to a redirect page en:Speech therapy
- da:Lokomotivfører links to en:Railroad engineer but that page links back to da:Togfører
- da:London Tipton links to en:Zack Martin but that page links back to da:Zack Martin
- da:Lotto links to en:Lottery with no link back
- da:Lotus-familien links to a redirect page en:Nelumbonaceae
- da:Lucas-Lehmer links to a redirect page en:Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers
- da:Lucifugum links to no-existing en:Lucifugum
- da:Ludvig-Filip af Frankrig links to a redirect page en:Louis-Philippe of France
- da:Luggude Herred links to a redirect page en:Luggude Hundred
- da:Lupus Thunder links to a redirect page en:Lüpüs Thünder
- da:Luvisk (sprog) links to a redirect page en:Luwian
- da:Lykke (efternavn) links to en:Jensen (surname) but that page links back to da:Jensen
- da:Lyn Z links to en:Mindless Self Indulgence but that page links back to da:Mindless Self Indulgence
- da:Lynids Herred links to a redirect page en:Ljunit Hundred
- da:Lysminut links to a redirect page en:Light-minute
- da:Læderkrone links to a redirect page en:Ptelea
- da:Læderløv links to en:Chamaedaphne but that page links back to da:Læderløv-slægten
- da:Læge-Aloe links to en:Aloe vera with no link back
- da:Lægemiddel links to a redirect page en:Medication
- da:Læk links to en:Leck with no link back
- da:Lærkespore (Pseudofumaria) links to en:Corydalis but that page links back to da:Lærkespore
- da:Læskedrik links to en:Soft drink but that page links back to da:Sodavand
- da:Læsning links to en:Reading but that page links back to da:Reading (flertydig)
- da:Læsø Kommune links to en:Læsø but that page links back to da:Læsø
- da:Løbebånd links to en:Treadmill with no link back
- da:Løbeseddel links to en:Flyer (pamphlet) with no link back
- da:Løgumkloster Kommune links to en:Løgumkloster with no link back
- da:Løkke links to en:Hangman's knot with no link back
- da:Lørdag links to en:Saturday with no link back
- da:MA links to en:Master of Arts with no link back
- da:MGP links to en:Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2003 but that page links back to da:Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2003
- da:MSN Messenger links to a redirect page en:MSN Messenger
- da:Maas links to en:Meuse River but that page links back to da:Meuse
- da:Macadamianød links to en:Macadamia but that page links back to da:Macadamia-slægten
- da:Macauley Chrisantus links to no-existing en:Macauley Chrisantus
- da:Machine vision links to en:Machine vision with no link back
- da:Mads Tunebjerg links to a redirect page en:Mads Tunebjerg
- da:Maghreb links to en:Maghreb with no link back
- da:Magiker links to en:Magician with no link back
- da:Magister links to en:Magister (degree) but that page links back to da:Magisterkonferens
- da:Magnesia (Grækenland) links to en:Magnesia with no link back
- da:Magtens ringe links to en:Three Rings but that page links back to da:De 3 Ringe
- da:Maitreya links to en:Maitreya with no link back
- da:Makedonien (flertydig) links to en:Macedonia but that page links back to da:Makedonien
- da:Makhnobevægelse links to en:Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine with no link back
- da:Makkabæiske oprør links to no-existing en:Makkabees
- da:Makrel links to en:Atlantic mackerel with no link back
- da:Manasse links to en:Manasseh with no link back
- da:Mandal links to a redirect page en:Mandal
- da:Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) links to en:Mandarin orange but that page links back to da:Mandarin (frugt)
- da:Mandarin (sprog) links to a redirect page en:Mandarin (linguistics)
- da:Mandatory Suicide links to a redirect page en:Mandatory Suicide
- da:Mansardtag links to en:Mansard roof with no link back
- da:Manuskriptforfatter links to en:Scriptwriter with no link back
- da:Marcha Orientalis links to en:Ostmark with no link back
- da:Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir) links to en:Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir) but that page links back to da:Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
- da:Marcus Tracy links to en:Marcus Tracy with no link back
- da:Mariager Kommune links to en:Mariager but that page links back to da:Mariager
- da:Maribo Kommune links to en:Maribo but that page links back to da:Maribo
- da:Mariæ bebudelsesdag links to en:Annunciation with no link back
- da:Mark Stoermer links to a redirect page en:Mark Stoermer
- da:Marked links to en:Market with no link back
- da:Marketender links to en:Vivandière with no link back
- da:Markgrevskab links to en:Marches with no link back
- da:Markgræshoppe links to en:Acrididae with no link back
- da:Marsha Ambrosius links to en:Marsha Ambrosius with no link back
- da:Marstal Kommune links to a redirect page en:Marstal municipality
- da:Martha links to en:Martha (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Martha (film) links to en:Martha (film) with no link back
- da:Martha von Bülow links to a redirect page en:Martha von Bülow
- da:Martin Jørgensen (fotograf) links to no-existing en:Martin Joergensen
- da:Martine Carol links to en:Martine Carol with no link back
- da:Maske (flertydig) links to en:Mask (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Massespektrometri links to en:Mass spectrometry but that page links back to da:Massespektrometer
- da:Mastercard links to en:MasterCard but that page links back to da:MasterCard
- da:Materie links to en:Pus with no link back
- da:Mathias links to a redirect page en:Matthias (given name)
- da:Matutin links to en:Matins but that page links back to da:Matutine
- da:Max (navn) links to en:Maximilian with no link back
- da:Max Havelaar Fonden links to a redirect page en:Fairtrade labelling
- da:Mazda5 links to en:Mazda Premacy but that page links back to da:Mazda Premacy
- da:Mazda Premacy links to a redirect page en:Mazda Premacy and Mazda5
- da:McDonnell Douglas MD-80 links to en:McDonnell Douglas MD-80 with no link back
- da:Meccano links to en:Meccano with no link back
- da:Mede links to en:Runner with no link back
- da:Medelsted Herred links to a redirect page en:Medelstad Hundred
- da:Mediatisering links to en:Mediatization with no link back
- da:Medibank International 2009 links to en:2009 Medibank International Sydney with no link back
- da:Meet Your Meat links to no-existing en:Meet Your Meat
- da:Megacenter links to en:Megamall with no link back
- da:Mellemistid links to a redirect page en:Glaciation
- da:Melodisk sortmetal links to no-existing en:Melodic black metal
- da:Menighed links to a redirect page en:Congregation (worship)
- da:Menneskeaberettighedserklæringen links to a redirect page en:Declaration on Great Apes
- da:Menneskehår links to en:Hair but that page links back to da:Hår
- da:Menneskeskabt drivhuseffekt links to en:Greenhouse effect but that page links back to da:Drivhuseffekt
- da:Mercedes-Benz Vito links to en:Mercedes-Benz Vito with no link back
- da:Mercedes-Benz W168 links to a redirect page en:Mercedes-Benz W168
- da:Mercedes (pigenavn) links to en:Mercedes but that page links back to da:Mercedes (flertydig)
- da:Mesosfære links to en:Mesosphere (mantle) with no link back
- da:Mesosfære (atmosfære) links to en:Mesosphere with no link back
- da:Metal Gear Solid links to en:Metal Gear Solid with no link back
- da:Metal Militia links to en:Metal Militia with no link back
- da:Meteormanden links to en:List of characters in The Powerpuff Girls but that page links back to da:De brutale bisser
- da:Methamfetamin links to en:Methamphetamine but that page links back to da:Metamfetamin
- da:Metodisme links to en:Methodism with no link back
- da:Metrik (relativitetsteori) links to en:Metric but that page links back to da:Metrik
- da:MetroXpress links to en:Metro International but that page links back to da:Metro International
- da:Metroidserien links to a redirect page en:Metroid series
- da:Mexicos Føderale Distrikt links to a redirect page en:Mexican Federal District
- da:Mexicos præsidenter links to en:List of Presidents of Mexico with no link back
- da:Mezmerize links to a redirect page en:Mezmerize
- da:Miami-patruljen links to en:Miami Vice but that page links back to da:Miami Vice
- da:Mid Rim links to en:Star Wars galaxy but that page links back to da:Star Wars-galaksen
- da:Middag (måltid) links to en:Dinner with no link back
- da:Middelfart Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Middelfart municipality
- da:Middelværdi links to en:Mean but that page links back to da:Gennemsnit
- da:Midjan links to a redirect page en:Midian (son of Abraham)
- da:Miguel Indurain links to en:Miguel Indurain but that page links back to da:Miguel Induráin
- da:Mike Lorello links to no-existing en:Mike Lorello
- da:Mike Sanders links to en:Mike Sanders with no link back
- da:Mikey Way links to a redirect page en:Mikey Way
- da:Mikkel Meyer links to no-existing en:Mikkel Meyer
- da:Mikko Viljami Lindström links to en:Mikko Lindström but that page links back to da:Mikko Viljami "Linde" Lindström
- da:Milf Hunter links to no-existing en:MILF Hunter
- da:Miljøfremmede stoffer links to en:Pollutant with no link back
- da:Millenarisme links to en:Millenarianism with no link back
- da:Millitærdiktatur links to en:Military dictatorship but that page links back to da:Militærdiktatur
- da:Milo Thatch links to no-existing en:Milo James Thatch
- da:Mimers brønd links to a redirect page en:Mímir's Well
- da:Miniature links to en:Miniature with no link back
- da:Misery links to en:Misery with no link back
- da:Misforståede sangtekster links to en:Mondegreen with no link back
- da:Międzyzdroje links to en:Międzyzdroje but that page links back to da:Międzydroje
- da:Moab (Utah) links to en:Moab, Utah with no link back
- da:Mobile Suit Gundam Wing links to a redirect page en:Gundam Wing
- da:Modulvogntog links to en:Road train with no link back
- da:Moldavien links to en:Moldavia but that page links back to da:Moldavien (Rumænien)
- da:Moler links to en:Diatomaceous earth but that page links back to da:Diatomit
- da:Montegat links to no-existing en:Montegat
- da:Moralsk Oprustning links to en:Moral Re-Armament with no link back
- da:Morfarparadokset links to en:Grandfather paradox with no link back
- da:Mortal Kombat (arkadespil) links to en:Mortal Kombat (video game) with no link back
- da:Morten Okbo links to no-existing en:Morten Okbo
- da:Mosebøgerne links to a redirect page en:Pentateuch
- da:Mother Earth version 2 links to en:Mother Earth (album) but that page links back to da:Mother Earth
- da:Motorveje i Tyskland links to a redirect page en:Autobahns of Germany
- da:Mott Armory links to no-existing en:Mott armory
- da:Mourvèdre links to en:Mourvèdre with no link back
- da:Movement for Democratic Change links to en:Movement for Democratic Change with no link back
- da:Mozia links to en:Motya with no link back
- da:Mulholland Drive (film) links to en:Mulholland Drive (film) with no link back
- da:Munkebo Kommune links to a redirect page en:Munkebo municipality
- da:Murcia (region) links to en:Region of Murcia but that page links back to da:Murcia
- da:Murer links to en:Bricklayer with no link back
- da:Musikalbum links to en:Album but that page links back to da:Album
- da:Musikstykke links to en:Musical composition but that page links back to da:Komposition
- da:Musikudtryk links to en:Glossary of musical terminology with no link back
- da:Muskatnød-slægten links to en:Nutmeg but that page links back to da:Muskatnød
- da:Muspel links to a redirect page en:Muspel
- da:Mustansiriya Universitet links to a redirect page en:Mustansiriya University
- da:My Friend of Misery links to a redirect page en:My Friend of Misery
- da:Mynde links to a redirect page en:Sight hound
- da:Myremobberen links to en:The Ant Bully with no link back
- da:Myte links to a redirect page en:Myth
- da:Måling links to en:Measurement with no link back
- da:Måltid links to en:Meal with no link back
- da:Måne (flertydig) links to en:Moon (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Møntunion links to a redirect page en:Monetary union
- da:Mørke links to en:Darkness with no link back
- da:Mørkets hjerte (roman) links to en:Heart of Darkness but that page links back to da:Mørkets hjerte
- da:München-massakren links to a redirect page en:Munich massacre
- da:NATO's fonetiske alfabet links to en:NATO phonetic alphabet but that page links back to da:NATOs fonetiske alfabet
- da:NB links to en:NB with no link back
- da:NBC (flertydig) links to en:NBC (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:NBC
- da:NMR-spektroskopi links to en:NMR spectroscopy but that page links back to da:NMR spektroskopi
- da:NV-lande links to en:Newly industrialized country but that page links back to da:NIC-lande
- da:Nagelfar links to en:Naglfar but that page links back to da:Nagelfar (nordisk mytologi)
- da:Naima links to en:Naima (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Nakba links to en:Nakba Day with no link back
- da:Nakskov Kommune links to en:Nakskov but that page links back to da:Nakskov
- da:Nam-myoho-renge-kyo links to en:Daimoku with no link back
- da:Nansen-pas links to en:Nansen passport with no link back
- da:Napa Valley links to en:Napa County, California with no link back
- da:Natalie Cook links to a redirect page en:Natalie Cook (Charlie's Angels)
- da:Nation of Islam links to en:Nation of Islam with no link back
- da:Nationalpark Nedre Odertal links to en:Lower Oder Valley National Park with no link back
- da:Nationaløkonomi links to en:Economics but that page links back to da:Økonomi
- da:Naturgødning links to en:Manure but that page links back to da:Møg
- da:Natursprogsbehandling links to en:Natural language processing but that page links back to da:Sprogteknologi
- da:Naturvidenskabelig metode links to en:Scientific method but that page links back to da:Videnskabelig metode
- da:Navajo-reservatet links to en:Navajo Nation but that page links back to da:Navajo
- da:Navarones kanoner (film) links to en:The Guns of Navarone (film) but that page links back to da:Navarones Kanoner (film)
- da:Naver (håndværker) links to en:Journeyman with no link back
- da:Navn links to en:Name with no link back
- da:Nazisternes bogbrænding links to en:Nazi book burnings with no link back
- da:Nederlandene (historisk område) links to en:Low Countries but that page links back to da:Nederlandene
- da:Nederlandske regenter links to en:Monarchy of the Netherlands with no link back
- da:Nepals kommunistiske parti (maoistisk) links to a redirect page en:Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
- da:Nepthys links to en:Nephthys but that page links back to da:Nephthys
- da:Nesa links to a redirect page en:Nesa (utility company)
- da:Neurofysiologi links to en:Neurophysiology with no link back
- da:Neustadt (Østholsten) links to en:Neustadt in Holstein with no link back
- da:New Forest-pony links to en:New Forest pony but that page links back to da:New Forest-Pony
- da:New Wave (konkurrence) links to en:New Wave (competition) with no link back
- da:Newtons anden lov links to a redirect page en:Newton's second law
- da:Newtons første lov links to a redirect page en:Newton's first law
- da:Newtons tredje lov links to a redirect page en:Newton's third law
- da:Nibe Kommune links to en:Nibe but that page links back to da:Nibe
- da:Nicholas links to en:Nicholas with no link back
- da:Nick links to en:Nick with no link back
- da:Nickelodeon links to a redirect page en:Nickelodeon (TV channel)
- da:Nicolai Stokholm links to no-existing en:Nikolai Stokholm
- da:Niels Grøn links to no-existing en:Niels Gron (athlete)
- da:Niels Ramberg links to no-existing en:Niels Ramberg
- da:Niels Rønsholdt links to no-existing en:Niels Rønsholdt
- da:Niger-kordofanske sprog links to a redirect page en:Niger-Kordofanian
- da:Nikolaj links to a redirect page en:Nikolai
- da:Nikolaj Steen links to no-existing en:Nikolaj Steen
- da:Ninian Smarts syv dimensioner links to en:Ninian Smart with no link back
- da:Ninpo links to a redirect page en:Ninpo
- da:Nintendo DS-spil links to en:List of Nintendo DS games with no link back
- da:Nm links to en:Nanometre with no link back
- da:No Hope for the Kids links to no-existing en:No Hope for the Kids
- da:Nomade links to en:Nomad with no link back
- da:Nord-Hålogaland Stift links to no-existing en:Diocese of Nord-Hålogoland
- da:Nordea Kredit links to no-existing en:Nordea Kredit
- da:Nordfrislands Kreds links to en:Nordfriesland but that page links back to da:Kreis Nordfrisland
- da:Norges statsministre links to a redirect page en:Heads of government of Norway
- da:Nositel-1 links to a redirect page en:N1 rocket
- da:Not links to a redirect page en:Seine (fishing)
- da:Novemberrevolutionen links to a redirect page en:German Revolution of 1918-19
- da:Numerisk tastatur links to en:Keypad with no link back
- da:Nyborg Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Nyborg municipality
- da:Nydambåden links to en:Nydam Mose but that page links back to da:Nydam Mose
- da:Nyhed links to en:News with no link back
- da:Nyhedsudsendelse links to en:News with no link back
- da:Nykøbing Falster Kommune links to en:Nykøbing Falster but that page links back to da:Nykøbing Falster
- da:Nyligt afdøde links to en:Deaths in 2009 but that page links back to da:Afdøde i 2009
- da:Nysted Kommune links to en:Nysted but that page links back to da:Nysted
- da:Nådegave links to en:Spiritual gift with no link back
- da:Næringsfrihed links to en:Category:Danish law but that page links back to da:Kategori:Danmarks love
- da:Nærjords-asteroide links to a redirect page en:Near-Earth asteroid
- da:Næs (halvø) links to en:Isthmus but that page links back to da:Tange
- da:Næsebjørne links to en:Coati but that page links back to da:Næsebjørn
- da:Næsehornsbille links to en:Rhinoceros beetle with no link back
- da:Næsehornsfugl links to en:Rhinoceros Hornbill with no link back
- da:Næstekærlighed links to en:Charity with no link back
- da:Nævningeting links to en:Jury with no link back
- da:Nødværge links to a redirect page en:Self-defense (theory)
- da:Nørre-Snede Kommune links to a redirect page en:Nørre-Snede municipality
- da:Nørre Alslev Kommune links to en:Nørre Alslev but that page links back to da:Nørre Alslev
- da:Nørre Asbo Herred links to a redirect page en:Åsbo Northern Hundred
- da:OCD links to a redirect page en:Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- da:ODF links to a redirect page en:ODF
- da:Obadias' Bog links to en:Book of Obadiah with no link back
- da:Objektorientering links to en:Object-oriented programming but that page links back to da:Objektorienteret programmering
- da:Oceanien (1984) links to a redirect page en:Oceania (Nineteen Eighty-Four)
- da:Odder Kommune links to a redirect page en:Odder municipality
- da:Odsherred Kommune links to a redirect page en:Odsherred municipality
- da:Offside links to a redirect page en:Offside (football)
- da:Ofotbanen links to a redirect page en:Ofotbanen
- da:Ogetsu-no-hime links to a redirect page en:Ogetsu-hime-no-kami
- da:Okklusion links to en:Occlusion with no link back
- da:Olaf links to en:Olav with no link back
- da:Oland links to a redirect page en:Oland
- da:Olav Harald Ulstein links to no-existing en:Olav Harald Ulstein
- da:Ole Holmgaard links to no-existing en:Ole Holmgaard
- da:Ole Klæstrup Christensen links to en:Ole Christensen but that page links back to da:Ole Christensen
- da:Ole Lukøje links to en:Ole Lukøje with no link back
- da:Oliekrise links to en:Energy crisis but that page links back to da:Energikrise
- da:Oliereserver links to en:Oil reserves but that page links back to da:Beviste oliereserver
- da:Omformer (elektrisk energi) links to en:Motor-generator with no link back
- da:Omlyd links to en:Umlaut with no link back
- da:On demand links to en:On-demand with no link back
- da:One Piece-figurer uden større rolle links to a redirect page en:List of minor One Piece characters
- da:One Piece-steder links to no-existing en:List of One Piece locations
- da:Online links to a redirect page en:Online
- da:Onlinespil links to a redirect page en:Online games
- da:Onsø Herred links to a redirect page en:Onsjö Hundred
- da:Opera buffa links to en:Opera buffa with no link back
- da:Operation Dynamo links to a redirect page en:Operation Dynamo
- da:Operation Restore Hope links to a redirect page en:Operation Restore Hope
- da:Operation Roundup links to en:Operation Roundup with no link back
- da:Opret Kobjælde links to en:Pulsatilla vulgaris but that page links back to da:Kobjælde
- da:Optakt links to en:Anacrusis but that page links back to da:Anakrusis
- da:Optog links to en:Parade but that page links back to da:Parade
- da:Opvaskemiddel links to en:Dishwashing liquid with no link back
- da:Orange (teleselskab) links to a redirect page en:Orange SA
- da:Ordener og dekorationer links to en:Order of Merit with no link back
- da:Ordspil links to en:Word play with no link back
- da:Organisk (oprindelse) links to en:Organic but that page links back to da:Organisk
- da:Orion (Metallica) links to en:Orion (song) with no link back
- da:Orkide links to en:Orchidaceae but that page links back to da:Gøgeurt-familien
- da:Orlogsflag links to en:Ensign with no link back
- da:Orm (flertydig) links to en:Worm (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Ornat links to en:Robe with no link back
- da:Osman Larussi links to no-existing en:Osman Larussi
- da:Ossiacher See links to en:Lake Ossiach with no link back
- da:Otterup Kommune links to a redirect page en:Otterup municipality
- da:Otto Braun links to en:Otto Braun with no link back
- da:Overdrive (musik) links to a redirect page en:Overdrive (music)
- da:PH-papir links to en:PH indicator but that page links back to da:PH-indikator
- da:PKU links to a redirect page en:PKU
- da:Palæstinensiske eksodus 1948 links to en:1948 Palestinian exodus but that page links back to da:Nakba
- da:Pamiat Azova (panserkrydser) links to no-existing en:Russian armoured cruiser Pamiat Azova
- da:Panasonic links to a redirect page en:Panasonic
- da:Pandekage links to en:Pancake with no link back
- da:Panokrati links to no-existing en:Panocracy
- da:Panokrati (John Talbut) links to no-existing en:Panocracy
- da:Panorama (foto) links to en:Panorama with no link back
- da:Panserbrydende granat links to en:Armor-piercing shot and shell with no link back
- da:Pantomime links to en:Pantomime with no link back
- da:Panzer Armee Afrika links to en:Panzer Army Africa with no link back
- da:Pap links to en:Cardboard with no link back
- da:Papegøjenæb links to en:Category:Tools but that page links back to da:Kategori:Værktøj
- da:Parallelepipedum links to en:Parallelepiped but that page links back to da:Kasse (geometri)
- da:Parasoltræ-slægten links to en:Sciadopitys but that page links back to da:Parasoltræ
- da:Paritet links to en:Parity bit but that page links back to da:Paritetsbit
- da:Parringsvalg links to en:Sexual selection but that page links back to da:Seksuel selektion
- da:Parsisme links to en:Parsi with no link back
- da:Partherriget links to en:Parthia with no link back
- da:Partitiv links to en:Partitive with no link back
- da:Paternostertræ links to a redirect page en:Chinaberry
- da:Patois links to en:Jamaican (language) with no link back
- da:Patriarken af Konstantinopel links to a redirect page en:Patriarch of Constantinople
- da:Patruljesystemet links to en:Patrol with no link back
- da:Paul Scott links to en:Paul Mark Scott with no link back
- da:Paulus (drengenavn) links to en:Paulus with no link back
- da:Pave Simplicius 1. links to en:Pope Simplicius but that page links back to da:Simplicius
- da:Pedal steel guitar links to en:Steel guitar but that page links back to da:Hawaiiguitar
- da:Peder Møller (violinist) links to en:Peder Møller with no link back
- da:Peel Sessions links to a redirect page en:Peel Sessions (Smashing Pumpkins EP)
- da:Pengeautomat links to en:Automated teller machine with no link back
- da:Per Vers links to no-existing en:Per Vers
- da:Pergamon links to a redirect page en:Pergamum
- da:Periode (geologi) links to a redirect page en:Period (geology)
- da:Perler for svin links to en:Pearls Before Swine with no link back
- da:Perm links to en:Perm (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Perm (flertydig)
- da:Personlighedsmodel links to a redirect page en:Ego, super-ego, and id
- da:Pervomajskoje links to a redirect page en:Pervomayskoye
- da:Peter André links to a redirect page en:Peter André
- da:Peter Benjaminsen links to no-existing en:Peter Benjaminsen
- da:Peter Nielsen (fodboldtræner) links to en:Peter Nielsen (footballer) but that page links back to da:Peter Nielsen (fodboldspiller)
- da:Peter Plys (tegnefilm) links to en:The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh but that page links back to da:Klassikeren Peter Plys
- da:Peter Spies links to no-existing en:Peter Spies
- da:Petra Marathon links to no-existing en:Petra Marathon
- da:Piazza dei Miracoli links to a redirect page en:Campo dei Miracoli
- da:Pie links to en:Pie with no link back
- da:Pileurt (Polygonum) links to en:Polygonum but that page links back to da:Pileurt
- da:Pillars of Hercules links to en:Pillars of Hercules (pub) with no link back
- da:Placeboeffekt links to a redirect page en:Placebo effect
- da:Planeter foreslået i religion og ufologi links to a redirect page en:Planets proposed in religion and ufology
- da:Planlagt by links to en:New town but that page links back to da:New Town
- da:Planteskole links to a redirect page en:Nursery (horticulture)
- da:Platan links to en:Platanus but that page links back to da:Platan-familien
- da:Platy links to en:Southern platyfish with no link back
- da:Plejebørn links to en:Foster care with no link back
- da:Plesiosaurus links to en:Plesiosauria with no link back
- da:Pliosaurus links to en:Pliosaur with no link back
- da:Podzol links to en:Podsol but that page links back to da:Morr
- da:Pokémon Ruby og Sapphire links to en:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire with no link back
- da:Polydactyli links to en:Polydactyly with no link back
- da:Polymorfisme links to en:Polymorph with no link back
- da:Popomundo links to no-existing en:Popmundo
- da:Population links to en:Population but that page links back to da:Befolkning
- da:Porphyra umbilicalis links to en:Nori with no link back
- da:Portefølje links to en:Portfolio with no link back
- da:Posh Spice links to a redirect page en:Posh Spice
- da:Positivisme links to en:Positivism with no link back
- da:Potatoes for Christmas links to a redirect page en:Potatoes for Christmas
- da:Poul Sommer links to no-existing en:Paul Sommer
- da:Powertumbling links to en:Power tumbling but that page links back to da:Power tumbling
- da:Pressefrihedsindex links to en:Reporters Without Borders but that page links back to da:Journalister uden grænser
- da:Prim (interval) links to en:Unison but that page links back to da:Italienske og franske musikudtryk#U
- da:Primitiv religion links to en:Folk religion but that page links back to da:Folketro
- da:Primærproduktion links to en:Primary production but that page links back to da:Nettoprimærproduktion
- da:Prince of Persia links to en:Prince of Persia with no link back
- da:Prinsesse Marie af Orleans links to a redirect page en:Princess Marie of Orléans
- da:Procedure links to en:Procedure with no link back
- da:Produktion links to a redirect page en:Production, costs, and pricing
- da:Prokrastinering links to en:Procrastination but that page links back to da:Overspringshandling
- da:Proletarkæden (Langt fra Las Vegas) links to en:List of Langt fra Las Vegas episodes but that page links back to da:Heidi, Del 1 (Langt fra Las Vegas)
- da:Proselyt links to en:Proselyte but that page links back to da:Noah-lovene
- da:Prostetisk gruppe links to a redirect page en:Prosthetic group
- da:Proveniens (museumsgenstande) links to en:Provenance but that page links back to da:Proveniens
- da:Provokeret abort links to en:Abortion but that page links back to da:Abort
- da:Prut links to en:Fart with no link back
- da:Præ-Nectarian links to en:Pre-Nectarian but that page links back to da:Bassingruppe
- da:Præcedens links to en:Precedent with no link back
- da:Prædikatlogik links to en:Predicate logic with no link back
- da:Præmis links to no-existing en:Premise (argument)
- da:Prærie-Hirse links to a redirect page en:Switchgrass
- da:Præstesigningen links to en:Priestly Blessing but that page links back to da:Aronitiske velsignelse
- da:Præstø Kommune links to en:Præstø but that page links back to da:Præstø
- da:Pseudo- links to a redirect page en:Pseudo-
- da:Psilophyta links to en:Psilophyta with no link back
- da:Psilotaceae links to en:Psilotaceae with no link back
- da:Psilotum links to en:Psilotum with no link back
- da:Psykofysisk problem links to en:Mind-body dichotomy with no link back
- da:Puerto Limón links to en:Limón with no link back
- da:Puf links to en:Puff with no link back
- da:Pund links to a redirect page en:Pound (disambiguation)
- da:Pure Fucking Armageddon links to a redirect page en:Pure Fucking Armageddon
- da:Purple Cow links to en:Purple Cow with no link back
- da:Pusher 2 links to en:Pusher II but that page links back to da:Pusher
- da:Påklædningsdukke links to en:Paper doll with no link back
- da:Pædagog links to a redirect page en:Pedagogue
- da:Pæon links to en:Peony but that page links back to da:Pæon-familien
- da:Pøbel links to a redirect page en:Mob
- da:Qiyâmah links to en:Islamic view of the Last Judgment with no link back
- da:Quadriga links to en:Quadriga but that page links back to da:Quadriga (firspand)
- da:R. Thórhallsson links to no-existing en:R. Thórhallsson
- da:Rabobank (cykelhold) links to a redirect page en:Rabobank (cycling)
- da:Race links to en:Race with no link back
- da:Racismeparagraffen links to en:Hate speech with no link back
- da:Radbrækning links to en:Breaking wheel but that page links back to da:Hjul og stejle
- da:Radeløv-ordenen links to en:Aspleniaceae but that page links back to da:Radeløv-familien
- da:Radioforsats links to en:Tuner (radio) with no link back
- da:Radiokanal links to a redirect page en:Radio channel
- da:Rael links to a redirect page en:Raël
- da:Raimundo Pereira links to en:Raimundo Pereira with no link back
- da:Raison d'Être (band) links to en:Raison d'être (band) with no link back
- da:Raki links to a redirect page en:Raki (alcoholic beverage)
- da:Randy Marsh links to a redirect page en:Randy Marsh (South Park)
- da:Ranunkelbusk links to en:Kerria (plant) but that page links back to da:Almindelig Ranunkelbusk
- da:Rapmus And links to a redirect page en:Quackmore Duck
- da:Ras Mohammed links to a redirect page en:Ras Mohammed
- da:Rasmus Frankenau links to no-existing en:Rasmus Frankenau
- da:Rasmus Lyberth links to no-existing en:Rasmus Lyberth
- da:Rasteplads (vej) links to en:Rest area but that page links back to da:Motorvejsrasteplads
- da:Ratio links to en:Ratio but that page links back to da:Forhold
- da:Raunkiærske system links to a redirect page en:Raunkiær system
- da:Ravkikkerten (bog) links to en:The Amber Spyglass with no link back
- da:Reaktionsstyrke links to no-existing en:Quick Reaction Force
- da:Realfilm links to a redirect page en:Live action
- da:Realisme (kunst) links to en:Realism but that page links back to da:Realisme
- da:Rebild Kommune links to a redirect page en:Rebild municipality
- da:Redskab links to en:Device with no link back
- da:Reed-relæ links to en:Reed switch but that page links back to da:Reed-kontakt
- da:Reform (flertydig) links to en:Reform but that page links back to da:Reform
- da:Regeringen Barack Obama links to en:United States Cabinet with no link back
- da:Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe links to en:Karlsruhe (region) but that page links back to da:Karlsruhe (region)
- da:Register (toneleje) links to en:Register (music) with no link back
- da:Reje links to en:Prawn but that page links back to da:Dendrobranchiata
- da:Relation (matematik) links to a redirect page en:Relation (mathematics)
- da:Rene Land Skolen links to en:Pure Land Buddhism with no link back
- da:Rensningsanlæg links to en:Wastewater treatment plant with no link back
- da:Rente links to en:Interest with no link back
- da:René Evald links to no-existing en:René Evald
- da:Repertoireteater links to en:Repertory but that page links back to da:Repertoireplanlægning
- da:Replicant links to en:Replicant with no link back
- da:Reportage links to a redirect page en:Reportage
- da:Repression links to en:Repression with no link back
- da:Reseda links to en:Mignonette but that page links back to da:Farve-Reseda
- da:Resonans links to en:Resonance but that page links back to da:Resonans (fysik)
- da:Rettigheder links to a redirect page en:Right
- da:Revolution links to en:Revolution but that page links back to da:Revolution (politik)
- da:Revolutionskrigene links to en:French Revolutionary Wars with no link back
- da:Rhea (mytologi) links to en:Rhea (mythology) with no link back
- da:Rhodotypos-slægten links to en:Rhodotypos but that page links back to da:Klatrende Rhodotypos
- da:Ribe Kommune links to en:Ribe but that page links back to da:Ribe
- da:Ribs (bær) links to en:Redcurrant but that page links back to da:Have-Ribs
- da:Rick Miah links to no-existing en:Rick Miah
- da:Rigsdag links to en:Rigsdag with no link back
- da:Rigsret links to en:Impeachment with no link back
- da:Ringe Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ringe municipality
- da:Ringenes Herre - Kongen vender tilbage (film) links to en:The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King but that page links back to da:Ringenes Herre - Kongen Vender Tilbage (film)
- da:Ringens broderskab links to a redirect page en:Fellowship of the Ring (characters)
- da:Ringkøbing Kommune links to en:Ringkøbing but that page links back to da:Ringkøbing
- da:Ringsted Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ringsted municipality
- da:Rio de Janeiro (delstat) links to en:Rio de Janeiro (state) with no link back
- da:Ris-slægten links to en:Oryza with no link back
- da:Rist links to en:Grate with no link back
- da:Ritalin links to en:Methylphenidate with no link back
- da:Rite links to en:Rite but that page links back to da:Ritus
- da:Ritualmord links to a redirect page en:Ritual killing
- da:Robert (drengenavn) links to en:Robert with no link back
- da:Robert Millar (musiker) links to en:Robert Millar (musician) but that page links back to da:Robert Millar
- da:Rock links to en:Rock music with no link back
- da:Rocket Propelled Grenade links to a redirect page en:Rocket Propelled Grenade
- da:Rodney Anoai links to en:Rodney Anoa'i but that page links back to da:Yokozuna
- da:Roji links to en:Japanese garden but that page links back to da:Japansk have
- da:RollerCoaster Tycoon links to en:RollerCoaster Tycoon with no link back
- da:Rom (flertydig) links to en:Rome (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Roma
- da:Roman om en forbrydelse links to en:Martin Beck but that page links back to da:Martin Beck
- da:Romance links to en:Romanza (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Romantisk kærlighed links to a redirect page en:Romantic love
- da:Romersk kultur links to en:Culture of ancient Rome with no link back
- da:Ron McGovney's '82 Garage Demo links to a redirect page en:Ron McGovney's '82 Garage Demo
- da:Ronnie Vannucci links to a redirect page en:Ronnie Vannucci Jr.
- da:Roses Are Red links to en:Roses Are Red (song) but that page links back to da:My Oh My
- da:Rosmarinlyng links to en:Bog-rosemary but that page links back to da:Almindelig Rosmarinlyng
- da:Rovdyr links to a redirect page en:Predator
- da:Rover (bilmærke) links to en:Rover Company but that page links back to da:Rover
- da:Royal Copenhagen links to en:Royal Copenhagen but that page links back to da:Bing & Grøndahl
- da:Rozenkreuzere links to en:Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis with no link back
- da:Rucola links to a redirect page en:Arugula
- da:Rude Awakening links to en:Rude Awakening (Megadeth album) with no link back
- da:Rudkøbing Kommune links to a redirect page en:Rudkøbing municipality
- da:Rudolph Wurlitzer Company links to en:Wurlitzer with no link back
- da:Rufferi links to en:Procuring (prostitution) but that page links back to da:Alfons (prostitution)
- da:Rufus (Kim Possible) links to a redirect page en:Rufus (Kim Possible)
- da:Ruhr links to a redirect page en:Ruhr
- da:Rumforskning links to en:Space exploration but that page links back to da:Rumfart
- da:Run (ø) links to en:Run (island) but that page links back to da:Run
- da:Rundforbi Stadion links to no-existing en:Rundforbi Stadion
- da:Runegalderet links to a redirect page en:Rúnatal
- da:Runtime links to en:Runtime but that page links back to da:Kørsel (datalogi)
- da:Ruse links to en:Fish trap with no link back
- da:Ruslands præsidenter links to en:President of Russia but that page links back to da:Russiske præsidenter
- da:Russisk fjernøsten links to en:Russian Far East with no link back
- da:Ry Kommune links to en:Ry, Denmark but that page links back to da:Ry
- da:Ryslinge Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ryslinge municipality
- da:Rådhus-Vin links to en:Parthenocissus but that page links back to da:Vildvin
- da:Rækkemotor-6 links to en:Straight-6 with no link back
- da:Rætoromanere links to a redirect page en:Romansh people
- da:Rætoromansk links to en:Romansh with no link back
- da:Rævekage (plante) links to en:Strychnine tree but that page links back to da:Rævekage
- da:Rød Svingel links to a redirect page en:Red Fescue
- da:Rød Tørvemos links to no-existing en:Sphagnum magellanicum
- da:Rød skovsnegl links to a redirect page en:Red Slug
- da:Rødby Kommune links to en:Rødby but that page links back to da:Rødby
- da:Rødtræ-slægten links to en:Sequoia but that page links back to da:Rødtræ
- da:Røgbøje links to en:Marker buoy with no link back
- da:Rømme links to en:Smetana (dairy product) with no link back
- da:Rønde Kommune links to en:Rønde but that page links back to da:Rønde
- da:Rønnebjerg Herred links to a redirect page en:Rönneberg Hundred
- da:Rørklokker links to a redirect page en:Tubular bells
- da:Rørsukker links to en:Sugarcane but that page links back to da:Sukkerrør
- da:Røveri links to en:Robbery but that page links back to da:Ran (kriminalitet)
- da:S-61 links to en:Sikorsky S-61 but that page links back to da:S-61 Sea King
- da:S-Bahn Wien links to en:Vienna U-Bahn but that page links back to da:Wiener U-Bahn
- da:SBS TV links to en:SBS Broadcasting Group but that page links back to da:SBS Broadcasting
- da:SUSE links to a redirect page en:SUSE Linux
- da:Saab links to en:Saab but that page links back to da:SAAB
- da:Sabha links to en:Sabha with no link back
- da:Sacrifice (Black Widow-album) links to a redirect page en:Sacrifice (Black Widow album)
- da:Saga (asynje) links to a redirect page en:Sága
- da:Saint Martin links to en:Saint Martin with no link back
- da:Sakskøbing Kommune links to en:Sakskøbing but that page links back to da:Sakskøbing
- da:Salah ad Din links to en:Salah ad Din Governorate with no link back
- da:Salme links to en:Hymn but that page links back to da:Hymne
- da:Saltkraft links to a redirect page en:Salinity gradient
- da:Saltvand links to en:Salt water with no link back
- da:Samba (dans) links to a redirect page en:Samba (dance)
- da:Samisk (sprog) links to en:Sami languages but that page links back to da:Samiske sprog
- da:Sammenligning af torrent-software links to a redirect page en:BitTorrent client
- da:Sand-Hjælme links to a redirect page en:Marram grass
- da:Sandbox links to en:Sandbox with no link back
- da:Sandhedens Time links to a redirect page en:The Moment of Truth (U.S. game show)
- da:Sandstøbning links to a redirect page en:Sand molded casting
- da:Sanitetsgast links to en:Combat medic with no link back
- da:Sankt Paul links to en:Saint Paul but that page links back to da:Paulus (Bibelen)
- da:Sankt Villehad af Danmark links to a redirect page en:Willehad of Denmark
- da:Santa Monika links to en:Santa Monica (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Santa Monica
- da:Sar links to a redirect page en:Savory (herb)
- da:Sara Petersen links to no-existing en:Sara Petersen (athlete)
- da:Sarfannguaq links to en:Sarfannguit but that page links back to da:Sarfannguit
- da:Sari links to no-existing en:Sari (disambiguation)
- da:Savannakhet links to a redirect page en:Savannakhet (city)
- da:Savant-syndrom links to en:Savant syndrome but that page links back to da:Savant syndrom
- da:Saw (filmserie) links to a redirect page en:Saw (film series)
- da:Saz links to en:Saz with no link back
- da:Scary Spice links to a redirect page en:Scary Spice
- da:Scenario links to en:Scenario with no link back
- da:Schwaben (stammehertugdømme) links to en:Duke of Swabia with no link back
- da:Scotch Cup 1960 links to no-existing en:1960 Scotch Cup
- da:Scudetto links to a redirect page en:Italian football champions
- da:Sears Roebuck links to en:Sears, Roebuck and Company with no link back
- da:Seasons in the Abyss (sang) links to a redirect page en:Seasons in the Abyss (song)
- da:Securitas links to en:Securitas with no link back
- da:Selenologi links to en:Geology of the Moon but that page links back to da:Månens geologi
- da:Seniorsergent links to en:Warrant Officer but that page links back to da:Chefsergent
- da:Sensitivitet og specificitet links to en:Sensitivity and specificity with no link back
- da:Septima Vector links to a redirect page en:Septima Vector
- da:Sexarbejde links to en:Sex worker with no link back
- da:Sexfreak (Langt fra Las Vegas) links to en:List of Langt fra Las Vegas episodes but that page links back to da:Heidi, Del 1 (Langt fra Las Vegas)
- da:Seán Kelly links to a redirect page en:Seán Kelly (cyclist)
- da:Shahrukh Khan links to a redirect page en:Shah Rukh Khan
- da:Shanks den røde links to a redirect page en:Red Haired Pirate Crew
- da:Shawarma links to en:Shawarma with no link back
- da:Si links to en:Si but that page links back to da:SI
- da:Sicherheitsdienst links to en:Sicherheitsdienst with no link back
- da:Siciliansk vesper (opera) links to en:Les vêpres siciliennes with no link back
- da:Sidste Dages Hellig links to a redirect page en:Latter-day Saint
- da:Signe (pigenavn) links to a redirect page en:Signe
- da:Sigurd Toresson links to no-existing en:Sigurd Toresson
- da:Sigvej links to no-existing en:Sigvej
- da:Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen links to no-existing en:Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen
- da:Sildekongefamilien links to a redirect page en:Regalecidae
- da:Silkeborg Kommune links to a redirect page en:Silkeborg municipality
- da:Silkeborg Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Silkeborg but that page links back to da:Silkeborg
- da:Silketryk links to en:Screen-printing but that page links back to da:Serigrafi
- da:Silvester links to en:Sylvester but that page links back to da:Sylvester
- da:Simon P. Henningsen links to en:Poul Henningsen but that page links back to da:Poul Henningsen
- da:Simpleks links to no-existing en:Simplex communiation
- da:Sindal Kommune links to en:Sindal but that page links back to da:Sindal
- da:Singer-songwriter links to a redirect page en:Singer-songwriter
- da:Single malt links to a redirect page en:Single malt whiskey
- da:Sirene (akkustik) links to en:Siren (noisemaker) with no link back
- da:Sistan og Baluchistan (provins) links to en:Sistan and Baluchestan Province with no link back
- da:Sjældne jordarter links to en:Rare earth element with no link back
- da:Ska-Core links to a redirect page en:Ska-Core
- da:Skabelon links to en:Template with no link back
- da:Skagen Kommune links to en:Skagen but that page links back to da:Skagen
- da:Skala (musik) links to a redirect page en:Scale (music)
- da:Skandinaviske sprog links to a redirect page en:Scandinavian languages
- da:Skandinaviske velfærdsmodel links to a redirect page en:Scandinavian welfare model
- da:Skanner links to en:Scanner with no link back
- da:Skeletformel links to en:Skeletal formula with no link back
- da:Skelpæl links to en:Boundary marker but that page links back to da:Grænsesten
- da:Skive (by) links to a redirect page en:Skive (Denmark)
- da:Skive Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Skive municipality
- da:Skjaldekunst links to a redirect page en:Scaldic poetry
- da:Skjern Kommune links to en:Skjern with no link back
- da:Skorpionen (stjernetegn) links to en:Scorpius but that page links back to da:Skorpionen
- da:Skotlands kommuner links to en:Subdivisions of Scotland with no link back
- da:Skotske regioner links to a redirect page en:Regions and districts of Scotland
- da:Skraldemand links to en:Waste collector but that page links back to da:Natmand
- da:Skriftkloge links to a redirect page en:Sofer (scribe)
- da:Skrivekridt links to a redirect page en:Chalk Formation
- da:Skuddag links to a redirect page en:Leap Day
- da:Skunk links to en:Skunk with no link back
- da:Skyds Herred links to a redirect page en:Skytt Hundred
- da:Skylab Music links to no-existing en:Skylab Music
- da:Skyttegrav links to en:Trench warfare with no link back
- da:Skyttehul links to en:Defensive fighting position with no link back
- da:Skæbne links to en:Destiny with no link back
- da:Skælskør Kommune links to a redirect page en:Skælskør municipality
- da:Skærmopløsninger links to en:Display resolution but that page links back to da:Opløsning (billede)
- da:Skøjteløber (insekt) links to a redirect page en:Water strider
- da:Slagelse Kommune links to a redirect page en:Slagelse municipality
- da:Slagelse Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Slagelse municipality
- da:Slaget ved Dien Bien Phu links to en:Dien Bien Phu but that page links back to da:Dien Bien Phu
- da:Slaget ved Kostalden (Kammerat Napoleon) links to a redirect page en:Battle of the Cowshed
- da:Slaget ved Wien links to en:Battle of Vienna but that page links back to da:Anden tyrkiske belejring af Wien
- da:Slaget ved Yavin links to a redirect page en:Battle of Yavin
- da:Slangerup Kommune links to en:Slangerup but that page links back to da:Slangerup
- da:Slap af, Frede! links to en:Relax Freddie but that page links back to da:Slap af, Frede
- da:Slavia Sofia links to en:PFC Slavia Sofia with no link back
- da:Slesvig (område) links to a redirect page en:Schleswig
- da:Slette links to en:Plain with no link back
- da:Slægt links to en:Family but that page links back to da:Familie (menneske)
- da:Smørfisk links to en:Stromateidae with no link back
- da:SnakeNet links to no-existing en:Snakenet Metal Radio
- da:Snefnug links to en:Snowflake with no link back
- da:Sneglebor links to en:Auger but that page links back to da:Naver (værktøj)
- da:Snorkel links to a redirect page en:Snorkel
- da:Snøreliv links to en:Stay with no link back
- da:Social links to en:Social with no link back
- da:Socialistiske Republik Rumænien links to a redirect page en:Socialist Republic of Romania
- da:Sodomi links to en:Sodomy with no link back
- da:Sofist links to en:Sophism but that page links back to da:Sofisme
- da:Softimage XSI links to a redirect page en:Softimage XSI
- da:Sohag links to en:Suhag with no link back
- da:Sokkedukke links to en:Sock puppet with no link back
- da:Solarium links to a redirect page en:Sunbed
- da:Solbjerg Parkkirkegård links to no-existing en:Solbjerg Park Cemetery
- da:Solbær links to en:Blackcurrant but that page links back to da:Solbær-busk
- da:Solindstråling links to a redirect page en:Solar radiation
- da:Solmisation links to a redirect page en:Solfege
- da:Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum links to en:Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum with no link back
- da:Some Kind of Monster links to en:Some Kind of Monster (EP) with no link back
- da:Some Kind of Monster (ep) links to en:Some Kind of Monster (EP) with no link back
- da:Some You Give Away links to no-existing en:Some You Give Away (One Tree Hill)
- da:Sommerhus links to en:Cottage with no link back
- da:Songhai links to en:Songhai with no link back
- da:Sony Ericsson T630 links to no-existing en:Sony Ericsson T637
- da:Sordin links to en:Mute (music) with no link back
- da:Sorø Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Sorø municipality
- da:Sosie Bacon links to no-existing en:Sosie Bacon
- da:Soteriologi links to en:Salvation but that page links back to da:Frelse
- da:Soul Music links to a redirect page en:Soul Music
- da:Sovjetunionens besættelse af de baltiske lande links to en:Occupation of the Baltic states with no link back
- da:Spanske Nederlande links to en:Southern Netherlands with no link back
- da:Spanskgrønt links to no-existing en:Spanish green
- da:Spartakusbund links to a redirect page en:Spartacist League
- da:Specielle One Piece-udtryk links to no-existing en:One Piece terms
- da:Spektralanalyse links to en:Spectrum analysis with no link back
- da:Spettekaka links to en:Spettekaka but that page links back to da:Spiddekage
- da:Spil links to en:Game (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Spilfigur links to a redirect page en:Fictional character
- da:Spilmuseet links to no-existing en:The Game Museum
- da:Spin̈al Tap links to en:This Is Spinal Tap but that page links back to da:Spinal Tap
- da:Spiritus links to en:Alcoholic beverage but that page links back to da:Alkoholiske drikkevarer
- da:Spiseske links to en:Tablespoon with no link back
- da:Spontanismen links to en:Action painting but that page links back to da:Action painting
- da:Sporstof links to en:Micronutrient with no link back
- da:Sporty Spice links to a redirect page en:Sporty Spice
- da:Sporvej links to en:Tram but that page links back to da:Sporvogn
- da:Sproglyd links to a redirect page en:Phone
- da:Spyro (serie) links to a redirect page en:Spyro the Dragon (series)
- da:Spyro the Dragon links to a redirect page en:Spyro the Dragon (series)
- da:Spænding (mekanik) links to en:Stress with no link back
- da:Spætter links to a redirect page en:Picidae
- da:Square Co. links to en:Square Co. but that page links back to da:Square Co., Ltd.
- da:Squash (flertydig) links to en:Squash but that page links back to da:Squash
- da:St Peter's College, Auckland links to en:St Peter's College, Auckland but that page links back to da:St Peter's College (Auckland)
- da:Stadio Giuseppe Meazza links to en:San Siro but that page links back to da:San Siro
- da:Stadio Olimpico links to en:Stadio Olimpico di Torino but that page links back to da:Stadio Olimpico (Torino)
- da:Stammen links to en:Stuttering with no link back
- da:Standardista links to no-existing en:Standardista
- da:Stanley August Miesegaes links to a redirect page en:Stanley August Miesegaes
- da:Star links to en:Star (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Stjerne (flertydig)
- da:Star Wars-tidslinje links to a redirect page en:Dates in Star Wars
- da:Statik links to en:Statics but that page links back to da:Statisk
- da:Steinerpædagogik links to en:Waldorf education but that page links back to da:Rudolf Steiner-skole
- da:Stellae Trajectio links to no-existing en:Stellae Trajectio (album)
- da:Stemmejern links to a redirect page en:Woodworking chisel
- da:Stemmeleje links to en:Vocal range with no link back
- da:Sten-Eg links to en:Quercus ilex with no link back
- da:Stenbræk links to a redirect page en:Saxifrage
- da:Stenfisk links to a redirect page en:Stonefishes
- da:Stenlille Kommune links to a redirect page en:Stenlille municipality
- da:Steppe links to en:Steppe but that page links back to da:Steppe (biotop)
- da:Steril links to en:Sterilization (microbiology) with no link back
- da:Stikkelsbær links to en:Gooseberry but that page links back to da:Stikkelsbær-busk
- da:Stiksav links to en:Jigsaw with no link back
- da:Stimulus links to en:Stimulus (physiology) with no link back
- da:Stjerneanis (plante) links to en:Star anise but that page links back to da:Stjerneanis
- da:Stjernetegn links to en:Zodiac but that page links back to da:Dyrekreds
- da:Stofmisbrug links to en:Drug addiction but that page links back to da:Narkoman
- da:Stokrose links to a redirect page en:Hollyhock
- da:Storfrugtet Blåbær links to en:Northern highbush blueberry but that page links back to da:Amerikansk Blåbær
- da:Stormagasin links to en:Department store with no link back
- da:Strandbred links to en:Beach but that page links back to da:Strand
- da:Straszewo links to en:Straszewo, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship but that page links back to da:Straszewo (województwo kujawsko-pomorskie)
- da:Stratificering (botanik) links to en:Stratification (botany) but that page links back to da:Stratificering
- da:Streetskating links to en:Road skating with no link back
- da:Striden om almenbegreberne links to en:Problem of universals but that page links back to da:Universalieproblemet
- da:Stripped (Christina Aguilera-album) links to en:Stripped (Christina Aguilera album) but that page links back to da:Stripped (Christina Aguilera album)
- da:Strudsvinge-slægten links to en:Ostrich fern but that page links back to da:Strudsvinge
- da:Strålebehandling links to en:Radiation therapy but that page links back to da:Radioterapi
- da:Strømlinede system for translitteration af bulgarsk links to a redirect page en:Streamlined System for the Romanization of Bulgarian
- da:Stubbekøbing Kommune links to en:Stubbekøbing but that page links back to da:Stubbekøbing
- da:Stændermøde links to en:Estate with no link back
- da:Stød (fysik) links to en:Collision but that page links back to da:Kollision
- da:Støkiometri links to en:Stoichiometry with no link back
- da:Størrelsesforhold links to a redirect page en:Scale (measurement)
- da:Substitution (kryptologi) links to no-existing en:Substitution Cipher
- da:Substrat (enzym) links to a redirect page en:Substrate (biochemistry)
- da:Sudan Liberation Movement/Army links to en:Sudan Liberation Movement/Army with no link back
- da:Sukkerrør-slægten links to a redirect page en:Saccharum
- da:Sultaner i det osmanniske rige links to a redirect page en:List of Sultans of the Ottoman Empire
- da:Sundeved Kommune links to en:Sundeved but that page links back to da:Sundeved
- da:Sundsøre Kommune links to a redirect page en:Sundsøre municipality
- da:Supranaturalisme links to en:Supernatural but that page links back to da:Overnaturlig
- da:Suså links to en:Suså River with no link back
- da:Svage verber links to en:Weak verb with no link back
- da:Svamp (redskab) links to a redirect page en:Sponge (tool)
- da:Svanholm Gods links to en:Svanholm but that page links back to da:Svanholm Storkollektiv
- da:Svendborg Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Svendborg municipality
- da:Svendebrev links to en:Vocational education but that page links back to da:Erhvervsuddannelser
- da:Sveriges helligdage links to en:Category:Holidays but that page links back to da:Kategori:Helligdage
- da:Sveriges jernbaner links to en:Rail transport in Sweden with no link back
- da:Svetlana Koroleva links to en:Svetlana Koroleva with no link back
- da:Sværdet i stenen links to en:The Sword in the Stone with no link back
- da:Svævefly links to a redirect page en:Glider
- da:Sweet Home Alabama links to en:Sweet Home Alabama but that page links back to da:Sweet Home Alabama (sang)
- da:Sydafrikas premierministre links to en:Prime Minister of South Africa but that page links back to da:Statsminister i Sydafrika
- da:Sydals Kommune links to a redirect page en:Sydals
- da:Sydlig døgling links to en:Bottlenose whale but that page links back to da:Nordlig døgling
- da:Sydlige føderale distrikt links to en:Southern Federal District with no link back
- da:Syndikering links to en:Web syndication with no link back
- da:Synopsis links to en:Synopsis with no link back
- da:Syntese links to en:Synthesis with no link back
- da:São Paulo (delstat) links to en:São Paulo (state) with no link back
- da:Sæby Kommune links to en:Sæby but that page links back to da:Sæby
- da:Sættevognstrækker links to en:Semi-trailer but that page links back to da:Sættevogn
- da:Sócrates links to en:Sócrates with no link back
- da:Södermalm links to en:Södermalm with no link back
- da:Søgerkamera links to en:Rangefinder camera with no link back
- da:Søkkvabek links to a redirect page en:Sökkvabekkr
- da:Sønder Åsbo Herred links to a redirect page en:Åsbo Southern Hundred
- da:Sønderjylland links to a redirect page en:Sønderjylland
- da:Søndermark Kirkegård links to no-existing en:Sondermark Cemetery
- da:Søndersø Kommune links to a redirect page en:Søndersø municipality
- da:Søren Jensen links to en:Søren Jensen with no link back
- da:T-Rex links to a redirect page en:T. rex
- da:T.a.T.u links to en:T.A.T.u. but that page links back to da:T.A.T.u.
- da:TDI (motor) links to en:TDI but that page links back to da:TDI
- da:T Rex links to a redirect page en:T-Rex
- da:Tabernaklet links to a redirect page en:Tabernacle (Judaism)
- da:Table Tennis links to en:Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis with no link back
- da:Tabloid links to en:Tabloid with no link back
- da:Tabula Rasa (Lost) links to en:Tabula Rasa (Lost) with no link back
- da:Taffelklaver links to en:Square piano but that page links back to da:Hammerklaver
- da:Tags (metadata) links to a redirect page en:Tags
- da:Takt (moral) links to en:Tact with no link back
- da:Tandlæge links to a redirect page en:Dentist
- da:Tangaroa links to en:Tangaroa with no link back
- da:Tanktop links to en:Sleeveless shirt with no link back
- da:Tatar links to en:Tatar (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Tatarerne (tyrkisk folk) links to a redirect page en:Tatar (people)
- da:Tater links to en:Norwegian and Swedish Travellers but that page links back to da:Tatere
- da:Teaktræ links to en:Teak but that page links back to da:Teaktræ-slægten
- da:Team Columbia-High Road links to a redirect page en:Team High Road
- da:Teaterchef links to en:Artistic director with no link back
- da:Teglstensgotik links to en:Brick Gothic with no link back
- da:Tegn (sprog) links to en:Grapheme but that page links back to da:Grafem
- da:Tegnefilm links to en:Animated cartoon with no link back
- da:Tegner links to en:Cartoonist with no link back
- da:Tegnsætning links to en:Punctuation with no link back
- da:Tekken 6 links to en:Tekken 6 with no link back
- da:Tekstbehandlingsprogram links to en:Word processor but that page links back to da:Tekstbehandling
- da:Telefonboks links to en:Telephone booth with no link back
- da:Telia links to en:TeliaSonera with no link back
- da:Tellerminen links to no-existing en:Teller Mine
- da:Teodor links to en:Theodore with no link back
- da:Terapi links to a redirect page en:Therapy
- da:Termisk energi links to en:Heat but that page links back to da:Varme
- da:Territorium (suverænitet) links to a redirect page en:Territory (country subdivision)
- da:Tetraodon nigroviridis links to en:Tetraodon nigroviridis with no link back
- da:Thannhausen links to en:Stadion-Thannhausen with no link back
- da:The Blues Brothers links to en:The Blues Brothers with no link back
- da:The Dance links to a redirect page en:The Dance
- da:The Dark Elf Trilogy links to en:The Dark Elf Trilogy but that page links back to da:Dark Elf
- da:The Glimmer Twins links to a redirect page en:The Glimmer Twins
- da:The Last Jim (Uk-udgave) links to en:Gasolin' (album) but that page links back to da:Gasolin' (album)
- da:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages links to a redirect page en:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
- da:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons links to a redirect page en:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
- da:The Lost Tapes 2 links to a redirect page en:The Lost Tapes 2
- da:The Metal Observer links to no-existing en:The Metal Observer
- da:The Office links to en:The Office with no link back
- da:The Pentagram Burns links to en:K.I.N.G. but that page links back to da:K.I.N.G.
- da:The Pioneers of Tomorrow links to en:Tomorrow's Pioneers with no link back
- da:The Power Metal Demo links to a redirect page en:Power Metal (Metallica album)
- da:The Prestige links to en:The Prestige with no link back
- da:The Search for Something More links to no-existing en:The Search for Something More
- da:The Simpsons (sæson 18) links to en:The Simpsons (season 18) but that page links back to da:The Simpsons Sæson 18
- da:The Struggle Within links to no-existing en:The Struggle Within
- da:The Valley links to a redirect page en:The Valley (stadium)
- da:The Visitors links to a redirect page en:The Visitors (album)
- da:Thisted Kommune links to a redirect page en:Thisted municipality
- da:Thisted Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Thisted but that page links back to da:Thisted
- da:Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen links to no-existing en:Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen
- da:Thomas Grace (alias) links to en:Thomas Grace (Alias) but that page links back to da:Thomas Grace
- da:Thomas Kortegaard links to en:Mads Rieper but that page links back to da:Mads Rieper
- da:Thomas af Erfurt links to a redirect page en:Thomas of Erfurt
- da:Thule (mytologisk ø) links to en:Thule but that page links back to da:Thule
- da:Tidlig middelalder links to en:Early Middle Ages with no link back
- da:Tidskontrol links to en:Time control with no link back
- da:Tillid links to a redirect page en:Trust (sociology)
- da:Tim Mullally links to no-existing en:Tim Mullally
- da:Titus (flertydig) links to en:Titus (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Tivedens Nationalpark links to en:Tiveden but that page links back to da:Tiveden
- da:Tjørne-persillelus links to no-existing en:Dysaphis apiifolia
- da:Toast links to en:Toast with no link back
- da:Tobin Esperance links to a redirect page en:Tobin Esperance
- da:Togsæt links to en:Multiple unit but that page links back to da:Motorvogn
- da:Tolvfingertarmen links to en:Duodenum but that page links back to da:Tolvfingertarm
- da:Tolvtone-teknik links to en:Twelve-tone technique but that page links back to da:Tolvtonemusik
- da:Tomat-slægten links to en:Tomato but that page links back to da:Tomat
- da:Tommerup Kommune links to a redirect page en:Tommerup municipality
- da:Top Model links to en:America's Next Top Model but that page links back to da:America's Next Top Model
- da:Tormentil links to a redirect page en:Tormentil
- da:Torne Herred links to a redirect page en:Torna Hundred
- da:Totalvægt links to a redirect page en:Gross weight
- da:Touch links to a redirect page en:Touch (album)
- da:Touch (Sarah McLachlan Album) links to en:Touch (Sarah McLachlan album) but that page links back to da:Touch (Sarah Mclachlan Album)
- da:Touch Me I'm Going To Scream, Part 1 links to no-existing en:Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1 (One Tree Hill)
- da:Tovangsbrug links to en:Crop rotation but that page links back to da:Dyrkningssystem
- da:Tove links to en:Tove with no link back
- da:Tragtspinder links to a redirect page en:Australasian funnel-web spider
- da:Tramway de Nice links to en:Tramway de Nice but that page links back to da:Nice tramway
- da:Transceiver links to en:Transceiver with no link back
- da:Transposition (matematik) links to en:Transposition (mathematics) but that page links back to da:Transposition
- links to no-existing
- da:Travis Bacon links to no-existing en:Travis Bacon
- da:Trawl links to en:Trawling with no link back
- da:Tre mand søger guld links to en:The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with no link back
- da:Tredjegenerationsdatamat links to a redirect page en:Third generation computer
- da:Tredjegradsligning links to a redirect page en:Cubic equation
- da:Trekking links to en:Backpacking (wilderness) with no link back
- da:Tremolo (Guitar) links to en:Tremolo but that page links back to da:Tremolo
- da:Triangel links to en:Triangle but that page links back to da:Trekant
- da:Trikster links to no-existing en:Trikster – Nordic Queer Journal
- da:Trim links to en:Trim, County Meath but that page links back to da:Trim (Irland)
- da:Triops links to en:Notostraca but that page links back to da:Damrokker
- da:Tripelententen links to en:Triple Entente but that page links back to da:Ententemagterne
- da:Tropisk links to en:Tropics with no link back
- da:Tropæolum-familien links to a redirect page en:Tropaeolaceae
- da:Trussel links to en:Threat with no link back
- da:Trykkammer links to en:Recompression chamber with no link back
- da:Trådløst datanet links to en:Wireless network but that page links back to da:Radionet
- da:Træasters links to no-existing en:Olearia nummularia
- da:Træbiologi links to en:Tree but that page links back to da:Træ (organisme)
- da:Trækfugl links to a redirect page en:Migratory bird
- da:Træsko links to en:Clog (shoe) with no link back
- da:Trójmiasto links to a redirect page en:Tricity
- da:Tsukubai links to en:Japanese garden but that page links back to da:Japansk have
- da:Tuilerierne links to en:Tuileries Palace with no link back
- da:Tunfisk links to en:Thunnus with no link back
- da:Turnering links to en:Tournament with no link back
- da:Tv-serie links to en:Television program with no link back
- da:Tvillingerne (stjernetegn) links to en:Gemini with no link back
- da:Twilight links to en:Twilight (novel) but that page links back to da:Tusmørke (bog)
- da:Twilight Incident links to a redirect page en:Twilight Incident
- da:Tykmælk links to en:Filmjölk with no link back
- da:Tyngdepunkt links to en:Center of mass with no link back
- da:Tyr links to en:Bull with no link back
- da:Tyranni links to en:Tyrant with no link back
- da:Tyrkisk kaffe links to en:Turkish coffee with no link back
- da:Tyrol (delstat) links to en:Tyrol (state) with no link back
- da:Tysk-romerske kejsere links to a redirect page en:List of German Kings and Emperors
- da:Tysk kolonisering i middelalderen links to a redirect page en:East Colonisation
- da:Tyske østområder links to en:Former eastern territories of Germany with no link back
- da:Tyskland efter genforeningen links to en:History of Germany since 1945 with no link back
- da:Tysklands historie (1814–1871) links to en:German Confederation but that page links back to da:Tyske forbund
- da:Tyttebær (frugt) links to en:Vaccinium vitis-idaea but that page links back to da:Tyttebær
- da:Tækkemand links to a redirect page en:Thatcher (profession)
- da:Tøjning links to a redirect page en:Strain (materials science)
- da:Tømrer links to a redirect page en:Carpenter
- da:Tønde olie links to en:Barrel (volume) but that page links back to da:Tønde (rummål)
- da:Tørst links to en:Buckthorn but that page links back to da:Korsved
- da:Tørvemos-ordenen links to en:Sphagnum but that page links back to da:Tørvemos
- da:Tørvemosser links to en:Sphagnum but that page links back to da:Tørvemos
- da:UMP links to en:Union for a Popular Movement but that page links back to da:UMP (parti)
- da:UNESCOs Verdensarvsliste (Asien-Australasien) links to en:List of World Heritage Sites in Asia and Australasia but that page links back to da:UNESCO's Verdensarvsliste (Asien-Australasien)
- da:USA's delstater efter areal links to a redirect page en:List of U.S. states by area
- da:Uafhængighed (matematik) links to en:Independence (disambiguation) with no link back
- da:Uafhængighedsdag links to en:Independence Day with no link back
- da:Ulcus links to a redirect page en:Ulcer
- da:Ulla links to en:Ulla with no link back
- da:Ulvefod-ordenen links to en:Lycopodiopsida but that page links back to da:Ulvefod-klassen
- da:Unbrako links to en:Hex key with no link back
- da:Underground links to en:Underground culture with no link back
- da:Undertal links to a redirect page en:Lower bound
- da:Undervisning links to en:Teacher but that page links back to da:Lærer
- links to a redirect page
- Cycling Team links to a redirect page Cycling Team
- da:Unipay links to no-existing en:Unipay
- da:United DJ's Radio links to no-existing en:United Djs Radio
- da:United Methodist Church links to en:United Methodist Church with no link back
- da:Universitetshospital links to a redirect page en:University hospital
- da:Universität Mozarteum links to en:Mozarteum University of Salzburg with no link back
- da:Untitled links to a redirect page en:Untitled (song)
- da:Up in the Sky links to a redirect page en:Up in the Sky
- da:Upload og download links to en:Uploading and downloading but that page links back to da:Downloade
- da:Upper Street links to en:Upper Street with no link back
- da:Urban Crew links to no-existing en:Urban Crew
- da:Urinsex links to en:Urolagnia with no link back
- da:Urnordisk links to a redirect page en:Proto-Norse language
- da:Urt (ingrediens) links to a redirect page en:Wort (brewing)
- da:V-motor links to en:Engine configuration with no link back
- da:V.42bis links to en:ITU-T V-Series Recommendations but that page links back to da:V.34
- da:V10-motor links to en:V10 engine with no link back
- da:VC-25 links to en:Boeing VC-25 but that page links back to da:Air Force One
- da:VMC links to en:Visual meteorological conditions but that page links back to da:VMC-minima
- da:VM i banecykling links to en:UCI Track Cycling World Championships with no link back
- da:VM i curling 2006 (mænd) links to no-existing en:2006 Ford World Men's Curling Championship
- da:VM i curling 2008 (kvinder) links to en:2008 Ford World Women's Curling Championship with no link back
- da:VM i curling 2009 (kvinder) links to a redirect page en:2009 World Women's Curling Championship
- da:VM i håndbold 1938 (mænd) links to en:1938 World Men's Handball Championship with no link back
- da:VM i ishockey 2013 links to a redirect page en:2013 IIHF World Championships
- da:VM i skak 1910 (Lasker-Schlechter) links to en:World Chess Championship 1910 (Lasker-Janowski) but that page links back to da:VM i skak 1910 (Lasker-Janowski)
- da:VM i skak 2006 (partier) links to a redirect page en:FIDE World Chess Championship 2006
- da:VU København links to en:Venstres Ungdom but that page links back to da:Venstres Ungdom
- da:Vagn links to en:Vagn with no link back
- da:Vajd links to a redirect page en:Woad
- da:Vaks links to en:Scamp with no link back
- da:Valgkreds links to en:Constituency with no link back
- da:Vallensbæk Kommune links to en:Vallensbæk with no link back
- da:Van Helsing (film) links to a redirect page en:Van Helsing
- da:Vancouver Whitecaps links to a redirect page en:Vancouver Whitecaps (USL)
- da:Vandkraftværk links to en:Hydroelectricity with no link back
- da:Vandløb med Aa links to en:Aa River with no link back
- da:Vandmanden (stjernetegn) links to en:Aquarius (astrology) with no link back
- da:Varde Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Varde but that page links back to da:Varde
- da:Varmfront links to en:Warm front with no link back
- da:Ved links to en:Wood but that page links back to da:Træ (materiale)
- da:Vedfolner links to a redirect page en:Veðrfölnir
- da:Veiovis links to a redirect page en:Veiovis
- da:Vejen Kommune links to en:Vejen but that page links back to da:Vejen
- da:Vejen Kommune (1970-2006) links to en:Vejen but that page links back to da:Vejen
- da:Vejle Kommune links to a redirect page en:Vejle municipality
- da:Vekselvarm links to en:Cold-blooded with no link back
- da:Velfærd links to en:Social welfare provision with no link back
- da:Velfærdsmodel links to en:Welfare state with no link back
- da:Velkommen til Hebron links to no-existing en:Welcome to Hebron
- da:Vemmenhøj Herred links to a redirect page en:Vemmenhög Hundred
- da:Verdensbillede links to en:World view with no link back
- da:Verdenshovedstad links to no-existing en:Capital of the World
- da:Verdensudstillinger links to en:List of world's fairs with no link back
- da:Vers links to en:Verse with no link back
- da:Vester Gønge Herred links to a redirect page en:Göinge Western Hundred
- da:Vestfirðir links to en:Westfjords with no link back
- da:Vestfyen links to no-existing en:Bryggeriet Vestfyen
- da:Vestre Katolske Kirkegård links to no-existing en:Vestre Catholic Cemetery
- da:Veteran links to en:Veteran with no link back
- da:Veterinærsygehjælper links to en:Veterinary technician but that page links back to da:Veterinærsygeplejerske
- da:Veterinærtekniker links to en:Veterinary technician but that page links back to da:Veterinærsygeplejerske
- da:Viborg Kommune (1970-2006) links to a redirect page en:Viborg municipality
- da:Vicinity of Obscenity links to a redirect page en:Vicinity of Obscenity
- da:Victor Bremer links to en:Wilhelm Meyer (physician) but that page links back to da:Wilhelm Meyer
- da:Vidde links to no-existing en:Vidde
- da:Videnskabeligt tidsskrift links to en:Academic journal with no link back
- da:Videnstyring links to a redirect page en:Knowledge Management
- da:Videregående uddannelser links to en:Higher education but that page links back to da:Videregående uddannelser i Danmark
- da:Vielse links to en:Marriage but that page links back to da:Ægteskab
- da:Viggo Madsen links to no-existing en:Viggo Madsen
- da:Viktor Krum links to a redirect page en:Viktor Krum
- da:Vilje til magt links to en:Will to power with no link back
- da:Villand Herred links to a redirect page en:Villand Hundred
- da:Vindrue links to en:Grape but that page links back to da:Vinstok
- da:Vingevalnød links to en:Wingnut with no link back
- da:Vinter-OL 2022 links to en:2022 Winter Olympics with no link back
- da:Vinter-Sar links to a redirect page en:Savory (herb)
- da:Vintergrøn-slægten links to en:Pyrola with no link back
- da:Violinist links to en:Violinist with no link back
- da:Vissenbjerg Kommune links to en:Vissenbjerg but that page links back to da:Vissenbjerg
- da:Visualisering links to en:Visualization with no link back
- da:Visuel perception links to en:Visual perception but that page links back to da:Synssans
- da:Vogn links to en:Car (disambiguation) but that page links back to da:Bil (flertydig)
- da:Voldanlæg links to en:Moat with no link back
- da:Voldtimian links to en:Acinos but that page links back to da:Voldtimian-slægten
- da:Volkswagen Golf II links to en:Volkswagen Golf Mk2 but that page links back to da:VW Golf
- da:Volkswagen Golf III links to en:Volkswagen Golf Mk3 with no link back
- da:Volkswagen Golf V links to en:Volkswagen Golf Mk5 but that page links back to da:VW Golf
- da:Volkswagen Golf VI links to en:Volkswagen Golf Mk6 with no link back
- da:Volvo S40 links to en:Volvo S40 with no link back
- da:Volvo S40/V40 links to en:Volvo S40 with no link back
- da:Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensiven links to en:Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive with no link back
- da:Vålerengen Idrettsforening links to a redirect page en:Vålerenga I.F. Fotball
- da:Vægtklasse links to a redirect page en:Boxing weight classes
- da:Væksthus links to a redirect page en:Green house
- da:Værdi links to en:Value with no link back
- da:Værdimængde links to en:Range (mathematics) with no link back
- da:Værnemager links to en:Collaborationism but that page links back to da:Kollaboratør
- da:Væsen links to en:Being with no link back
- da:Vígdis Sigmundsdóttir links to en:Vigdis Sigmundsdóttir but that page links back to da:Vigdis Sigmundsdóttir
- da:Vølund links to a redirect page en:Weyland
- da:Vølund Smed links to a redirect page en:Wayland Smith
- da:Wannsee links to en:Wannsee but that page links back to da:Großer Wannsee
- da:Webanalyse links to a redirect page en:Web analytics software
- da:Webhotel links to en:Web hosting service but that page links back to da:Webhosting
- da:Websted links to en:Website with no link back
- da:Week-End links to a redirect page en:Week-end
- da:Weichsel-istiden links to a redirect page en:Wisconsin glaciation
- da:Welwitschia-ordenen links to a redirect page en:Welwitschiales
- da:Wen Qimei links to a redirect page en:Wen Qimei
- da:Westminster-modellen links to en:Westminster system with no link back
- da:What A Lemon (UK/USA-udgave) links to en:Gasolin' but that page links back to da:Gasolin'
- da:Wienerklassikken links to en:Classical period (music) but that page links back to da:Wienerklassicismen
- da:Will James links to no-existing en:Will James
- da:William E. Watson links to no-existing en:William E. Watson
- da:William Gamble links to en:William Gamble with no link back
- da:William Gay links to a redirect page en:William Gay (defensive end)
- da:Willie Colón (amerikansk fodboldspiller) links to en:Willie Colon (American football) but that page links back to da:Willie Colón
- da:Wimbledon (by) links to en:Wimbledon, London but that page links back to da:Wimbledon
- da:Windows 3.0 links to en:Windows 3.0 with no link back
- da:Windows 3.1 links to en:Windows 3.1x with no link back
- da:Wing (luftvåben) links to a redirect page en:Wing (air force unit)
- da:Wing Tsun links to a redirect page en:WingTsun
- da:Witchfinder General links to a redirect page en:Witchfinder General
- da:With Arms Outstretched links to no-existing en:With Arms Outstretched
- da:Wrock links to a redirect page en:Wrock
- da:Wushu links to en:Wushu with no link back
- da:X2 links to a redirect page en:X2 (protocol)
- da:XOXO links to a redirect page en:Hugs and Kisses
- da:X Factor (tv-show) links to en:The X Factor (TV series) but that page links back to da:X Factor
- da:Y2K links to a redirect page en:Y2K
- da:Yankee Stadium links to en:Yankee Stadium with no link back
- da:Yazd (provins) links to en:Yazd Province with no link back
- da:Ylang-Ylang links to a redirect page en:Cananga odorata
- da:You Only Live Twice (bog) links to en:You Only Live Twice with no link back
- da:Yurth links to en:Yurt but that page links back to da:Jurte
- da:Zacapa links to en:Zacapa with no link back
- da:Zacharias links to a redirect page en:Zachariah
- da:Zack og Codys Søde Hotelliv-afsnit links to en:List of American Dragon: Jake Long episodes but that page links back to da:Den amerikanske drage: Jake Long-afsnit
- da:Zehlendorf links to en:Zehlendorf (Berlin) with no link back
- da:Zeigarnik-effekten links to a redirect page en:Zeigarnik effect
- da:Zittauer Gebirge links to en:Lusatian Mountains but that page links back to da:Lausitzer Gebirge
- da:Zócalo links to a redirect page en:Zocalo
- da:Å links to a redirect page en:Creek (stream)
- da:Ånd links to en:Spirit with no link back
- da:Årslev Kommune links to a redirect page en:Årslev municipality
- da:Ås links to a redirect page en:Ås (disambiguation)
- da:Ægte Isop links to en:Hyssop but that page links back to da:Isop
- da:Ægte Linse links to a redirect page en:Lens culinaris
- da:Ægtefælle links to en:Spouse with no link back
- da:Ælle bælle mig fortælle links to en:Eeny, meeny, miny, moe but that page links back to da:Ene mene ming mang
- da:Æra links to en:Era with no link back
- da:Æra (geologi) links to a redirect page en:Era (geology)
- da:Ærespromenade links to en:Walk of fame with no link back
- da:Ærlighed links to en:Honesty with no link back
- da:Ærøskøbing Kommune links to a redirect page en:Ærøskøbing municipality
- da:Æter (fysikhistorie) links to en:Luminiferous aether with no link back
- da:École Polytechnique links to en:Institute of technology with no link back
- da:École Polytechnique (Frankrig) links to a redirect page en:École polytechnique
- da:Énårig links to a redirect page en:Therophyte
- da:Økonomisk krise i 2008 links to a redirect page en:Economic crisis of 2008
- da:Ørnebregne links to a redirect page en:Pteridium aquilinum
- da:Ørnebregne-slægten links to a redirect page en:Pteridium
- da:Øsel-Wiek bispedømme links to en:Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek with no link back
- da:Øster Gønge Herred links to a redirect page en:Göinge Eastern Hundred
- da:Østfronten links to en:Eastern Front with no link back
- da:Øverstkommanderende links to a redirect page en:Commander-in-Chief
- da:Øvre Schlesien links to en:Upper Silesia but that page links back to da:Oberschlesien
Total: 689 links to redirect pages, 844 links to pages with no link back, 681 links to pages which link back to another page, and 166 links to no-existing pages.