Like everyone I know, I am horrified and numb about the US election results. They came as a surprise to me; I know, I know, I should have been more cynical, but I honestly didn't expect so many people to be that malicious and stupid. The almost certain gutting of Social Security and Medicare (selfishly) freaks me out the most; not for myself (ha, no, I'm not looking that far ahead), but for Dad.
The nurse from the breast center and I are playing phone tag. The test results have landed in my MyChart account, but I want to go over them with a medical professional before I feel relieved or scared. Which is great in theory, but the Brain Raccoons are chittering loudly.
So, yeah. Numb, angry, scared. That's where I'm at. Oh, and yesterday I sob-sang along with "Famous Last Words" by MCR. THREAT LEVEL: BANDOM all the way.
The nurse from the breast center and I are playing phone tag. The test results have landed in my MyChart account, but I want to go over them with a medical professional before I feel relieved or scared. Which is great in theory, but the Brain Raccoons are chittering loudly.
So, yeah. Numb, angry, scared. That's where I'm at. Oh, and yesterday I sob-sang along with "Famous Last Words" by MCR. THREAT LEVEL: BANDOM all the way.
From: tiggymalvern
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From: sistawendy
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Jesus. It's horrible to say, but my parents' deaths have eliminated some huge worries.
From: staxxy
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