- THE CURE RELEASED A SINGLE FOR THEIR UPCOMING ALBUM! THE ALBUM WILL BE RELEASED ON NOV. 1! The song, "Alone", sounds like it's a lost track from Disintegration. Which, as everyone knows, is their very best album, no I will not be taking questions at this time. 

- Due to construction at the building the studio is in, my brow tattooing appointment that was last week is happening this week. I am very excited.

- Manager meetings to do end-of-year review calibration are both fascinating and stress inducing. I had many stress dreams last week, of the I am back working at Fred Meyer and no one believes me when I tell them I no longer work there, stop paging me to cashier variety. Do Not Want.

- I will be in Seattle next week because of a week-long "offsite" at the office. (It's offsite for the folks traveling, but all the technical writers are going "This should be called an onsite, dammit". Because the travel to & from home to the office would 1) be terrible, and 2) mean I would have to get up ridiculously early, I decided to pay for a hotel room downtown. Why am I paying for it instead of charging it to the company? Because I don't live far enough away to qualify for doing that. Hmmph. 

- I am super SUPER tempted to buy this sterling silver fidget ring. It has bats! And onyx! I realize I don't need more jewelry, but I need something to constantly fidget with, so this would be a good solution for when I'm not wearing long necklaces. I'll probably buy it if I can find a discount code. (I signed up for the mailing list/new customer discount code, but it never showed up.)
danabren: DC17 (Default)

From: [personal profile] danabren

I love the ring.

Stress dreams about work are The Worst.
archersangel: (life on-line)

From: [personal profile] archersangel

would a fidgit cube be useful for you? instead of buying more jewelry. it has various things to do & can be put into a handbag or pocket.
m_cobweb: (witch & stars)

From: [personal profile] m_cobweb

You're enabling me again, I hope you're proud of yourself. ;-) (It will take me some time to choose just one ring, though, so there's that.)

The Cure email sent me down a rabbit hole of learning about vinyl mastering, because now that my turntable is working again, I care. Concluded: I don't need the half-speed master because too much of the bass will be lost. So that saves me a little money, which I can put towards a ring, haha.
staxxy: TEA! (tea)

From: [personal profile] staxxy




I think the ring is lovely.... but which finger will you wear it on? like ... which ring will be sacrificed for the replacement?
tactilemuse: (Default)

From: [personal profile] tactilemuse

The new Cure song is so good and I cannot wait to hear more. The ring is gorgeous!! I think you should get it,

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