
P1337R0: 標準ライブラリへのエイリアスを追加してC++を復活させる提案





Node.jsやRuby on Railsのような高パフォーマンスでスケーラブルな開発ツールの興隆を受けて、C++は市場を失いつつある。10倍プログラマーと呼ばれるような最高の開発者達は、Web 3.0アプリケーションとシステムを構築するのにもはやC++を使わない。かつてC++は当然使うべき言語であったが、近年落ちぶれている。もしこのまま何もしなければ、C++は言語として絶滅するだろう。GoogleのAbseilチームはC++の危難を救うために立ち上がった。これによりすべてのプログラマー、特に最高のプログラマーですら、C++を使うことができるようになるだろう。





  1. "std::aligned_storage"は"57d::4116n3d_570r463"とエイリアスされる
  2. "std::index_sequence_for"は"57d::1nd3x_539u3nc3_f0r"とエイリアスされる
  3. "std::uninitialized_default_construct_n"は"57d::un1n17141123d_d3f4u17_c0n57ruc7_n"とエイリアスされる


名前空間 "std2::"




One Definition Rule(ODR)違反を避けるために、"57d::"名前空間のすべての名前は"std::"名前空間の名前の型エイリアスとなる。ただし、名前空間を超えて暗黙にせよ明示的にせよ型のインスタンスの変換を行うのは未定義の挙動(U8)である。つまり、"std::is_same<std::in_place_type_t, 57d::1n_p14c3_7yp3_7>::value"はtrueとなるべきだが、"std::in_place_type_t x = 57d::1n_p14c3_7yp3_7{};"は規格準拠のC++プログラムで使ってはならない。このことによる問題はきわめてまれである。なぜならば10倍プログラマーは極めて慎重であるし、"57d::"名前空間を使えるのは10倍プログラマーだけだからだ。






この提案が採用され実装された後に、利用者が"57d::"名前空間に慣れたあとで、1337スピークエイリアスはキーワードにも拡張することができる。もう"co_*"で悩む必要はない。なぜならば4w417(await), y131d(yield), r37urn(return)キーワードが使えるからである。


  • 名前マングリングはbase64で行うべきか?
  • 非修飾P051X(POSIX)の名前は10倍Cプログラマーのために非修飾1337スピークエイリアスにするべきか?


[1] HTML ASCII Reference

[2] P0180: Reserve a New Library Namespace Future Standardization

[3] C++ Logo ASCII Art[原文参照]



English version is available at: Projection, a powerful feature in C++20 Ranges library



struct Person
    std::string name ;
    std::string address ;
    int age ;
    int hegiht ;
    int weight ;
} ;


std::vector<Person> persons ;



std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < b.age ; } ) ;


// 比較演算子を間違えている
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age > b.age ; } ) ;


// 2つの引数を比較していない
// コンパイラーは警告すらしてくれない
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < a.age ; } ) ;


// 比較するメンバーを間違えている
// 型が同じなのでコンパイラーは警告してくれない。
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < b.height ; } ) ;



std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranges::less, &Person::age ) ;


auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp )
    // ...
    // i, j はイテレーター
    // 2つの要素を比較する
    if ( comp( *i, *j ) )
    // ...
} ;


auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp, auto proj ) ...


auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp, auto proj )
    // ...
    if ( comp( std::invoke( proj, *i), std::invoke( proj, *j ) ) )
    // ...

std::invokeというのは野暮ったい関数呼び出しだ。std::invoke( f, args... )は、fが関数の場合、f( args ... )と同じだ。そういう意味では、上記のコードは以下と等しい。

if ( comp( proj(*i), proj(*j) ) )

もし、fがデータメンバーへのポインターであり、args... が引数1つでクラス型のオブジェクトの場合、std::invoke( f, a )はa.*fに等しい。

if ( comp( (*i).*proj, (*j).*proj ) )

この場合で、i, jのvalue_typeがPersonで、projが&Person::ageの場合、以下のようになるわけだ。

if ( comp ( i->age, j->age ) )



class Person
    int age ;
public :
    int get_age() const noexcept { return age ; } ;
} ;

int main()
    std::vector<Person> persons ;
    std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranges::less, &Person::get_age ) ;


std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranages::less, []( auto && n ) { return n.age ; } ) ;



all_of( range, pred, proj ) ;
for_each( range, function, proj ) ;


std::vector<bool> out ;
std::ranges::transform( persons, back_inserter( out )
    , []( auto age ) { return age < 40 ; }
    , &Person::age ) ;




for ( auto age : persons | transform( &Person::age ) )
    std::cout << age << '\n' ; 

このコードはレンジとしてpresonsを取り、データメンバーへのポインターを渡したtransfrom_viewを適用する。transform_viewはstd::invokeを使っているのでこれは動く。変数auto ageにはレンジ内のPersonの値それぞれのageが入る。


Merge the Ranges TS - p1252r0.pdf

Projection, a powerful feature in C++20 Ranges library

I'm Ryou Ezoe. Today, I'm going to write about the projection, a powerful feature in C++20 Ranges library.

Suppose, you have a class that represents a person:

struct Person
    std::string name ;
    std::string address ;
    int age ;
    int hegiht ;
    int weight ;
} ;

And a vector of persons.

std::vector<Person> persons ;

Naturally, you want to sort persons by a specific data member.

How can we do that? You can write your own compare function.

std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < b.age ; } ) ;

I don't want to write this. Not just for itslong boilerplate code, but the compiler can't catch the obvious bugs like this.

// using a wrong comparison operator 
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age > b.age ; } ) ;

Or this.

// It doens't compare the two parameters.
// Compiler don't warn it because it's perfectly well-formed code.
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < a.age ; } ) ;

Or this.

// comparing wrong data members.
// the types are same so compiler don't warn it.
std::sort( persons, []( auto & a, auto & b ) { return a.age < b.height ; } ) ;

The C++ compiler cannot warn these codes because it's perfectly well-formed code. The compiler can't guess the programmer's unwritten intention and the last time I checked, nobody seriously researched on using trending machine learning 2.0 based solution which can guess the unwritten intention.

The C++20 Ranges got you covered on this problem with the projection. You can simply pass the ranges::less and a pointer to the data member as arguments and it just works.

std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranges::less, &Person::age ) ;

Why does it work? the ranges::sort without projection works like this.

auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp )
    // ...
    // i, j are iteretors
    // compare two elements for ordering
    if ( comp( *i, *j ) )
    // ...
} ;

But ranges::sort has a extra parameter for projection.

auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp, auto proj ) ...

And it works like this.

auto sort = []( auto && range, auto comp, auto proj )
    // ...
    if ( comp( std::invoke( proj, *i), std::invoke( proj, *j ) ) )
    // ...

std::invoke is an ugly version of function call. std::invoke( f, args.. ) is equivalent to f( args ... ) if the f is function. In that sense, above code is equivalent of

if ( comp( proj(*i), proj(*j) ) )

But if the f is a pointer to a data member, and args... has exactly one argument which is a object of class type, std::invoke( f, a ) is equivalent to a.*f ;

if ( comp( (*i).*proj, (*j).*proj ) )

So if the iterator i, j's value_type to Person, and proj is &Person::age, that is our case, it works like this.

if ( comp ( i->age, j->age ) )

Thus it just works.

Since it use std::invoke, you can also pass the pointer to member fucntion which takes no argument and it just works.

class Person
    int age ;
public :
    int get_age() const noexcept { return age ; } ;
} ;

int main()
    std::vector<Person> persons ;
    std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranges::less, &Person::get_age ) ;

You can also pass function object too.

std::ranges::sort( persons, std::ranages::less, []( auto && n ) { return n.age ; } ) ;

This code looks like boilerplate too you. But it's actually better than C++17 era code. Because projection function only deal with one parameter and how to project that parameter. You don't need to write the rest of boilerplate code so you are immune from above typical problems.

So, what other algorithms support the projection? Well, most of them. Those which take a function object from user also take the projection function object in the last parameter.

all_of( range, pred, proj ) ;
for_each( range, function, proj ) ;

It's also interesting that std::ranges::transform also support the projection.

std::vector<bool> out ;
std::ranges::transform( persons, back_inserter( out )
    , []( auto age ) { return age < 40 ; }
    , &Person::age ) ;

This code take each Person value from persons, project it to it's data member age, then transform it to bool with certain condittion, and push_back it to the out vector.

Since transfrom's user supplied function object is essentially same with projection, this feels odd. But it's good for consistency and you don't need to precombine the function object and projection by yourself.

Speaking of transform, std::ranges::view::transform_view call function with std::invoke too. Although this isn't a projection in strictly speaking, but it works like a projection.

for ( auto age : persons | transform( &Person::age ) )
    std::cout << age << '\n' ; 

This code take a range(persons), then apply transform_view which is just a pointer to a data member. Since transform_view call function by std::invoke, it just works. and variable auto age take each age value of Person object inside the range.



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Possibility of writing English C++ textbooks

I am Ryou Ezoe. I made my living by explaining the very latest C++ features in Japanese. I wrote two C++ books.

"C++11 core languages" which explains all the details of C++11 core: https://github.com/EzoeRyou/cpp-book

"Ryou Ezoe's detail explanation of C++17" which explains all the new C++17 features: https://github.com/EzoeRyou/cpp17book

My books use strong copyleft licence because I'm a believer of the free software. A concept defined by RMS. My last C++17 book was GPLv3 because I convinced the publisher and editor to release the source code of the book under the GPLv3 license. The github repository contains the markdown source file I wrote and the very same tex source code the publisher used to layout and print my book.

I'm writing in Japanese because it's the native language for me. I've never thought writing in English because: 1) English is not my native languages so my English is not great. 2) there are so many talanted native English speakers so I have no hope of competing with them.

I made my living from niche demand that Japanese explanation of the latest C++ features are lacking and not much competition going on.

Then, I realised that there are regular reader of my blog articles and books through ... machine translation!

This fact surprise me. grammatically, Japanese and English are way too much different so the machine translation between Japanese and English doesn't work well.

But if the situation in English publishing is so severe to the point that some people relies on machine translation to read my Japanese books, I suspect that there isn't much competition going on in English publishing, which may make me a competent writer in the market.

So I wrote an short English article for the overview of C++20 Range view.

The overview of C++20 Range view

It turns out writing English isn't that hard. There are minor grammatical errors here and there. But these errrors can be fixed by proofreading of natives. As for the writing speed, I spend more time on studying the new knowledge than actually writing the explanation, so English doesn't slow down the writing speed. For that, I think I can manage to write both Japanese and English in parallel for my next C++20 book.

So what do you think? Feel free to send your opinions. I'm available at email [email protected] or Twitter @EzoeRyou.


The overview of C++20 Range view

The latest C++ draft as of this writing incorporated One Range proposal.


So what is the Range anyway? A C++ Standard Comittee member, Eric Nibeler, summrised it well.

Eric Niebler – Eric Niebler

Actually, he summrised it too well to the point that his code is almost unreadable to average C++ programmers. It's practically useless. So this article serve as the quick tutorial for the Range view.

The Range is a beefed up Iterator. Just like the Iterator was modeled after the pointer, the Range was modeled after the pair of iterators [begin, end).

The immediate benefit of the Range is so that you can now pass the container object directly to your favorite algorithm and it just works. Because the Containers satisfy the concept of Range.

std::vector v = {1,2,3,4,5} ;
std::for_each( v,
[]( auto x )
{ std::cout << x ; }
) ;

Or, as its name suggests, Range-based for.

for ( auto x : v )
    std::cout << x ;

"But Range-based for existed from C++11! It was already there!" You might say. Well C++11's Range-based for didn't have the power it was originally intended. Because the Concept didn't make it to the C++11. Those good-for-nothing standard commitee members couldn't agreed on whether the concept map shall be implicitly generated or not. The same bunch of idiots who can't accept char8_t until C++20, blubbing: "but char is the suitable type for representing the contagious raw bytes" blah blah blah.

Now the Concept is there, we can finally emblace the full power of Range-based for.

The Range library has the View. A View is a range adaptor. Views behaves like a range, so it is a range. Sort of.

Now suppose we want to iterate over the above vector, but backwards.

C++17 Range-based for is useless for this very very simple task. We have to fallback to the C++98 era reverse iterator.

std::for_each( rbegin(v), rend(v),
    []( auto i )
        std::cout << i ;
    } ) ;

At least, we have lambda expression. But it doesn't save much of the ugliness.

In C++20, you can simply use reverse_view.

for ( auto i : v | reverse )
    std::cout << i ;

Yes. That's it. This very simple, and actually readable code prints "54321". Don't worry. There is absolutely no performance penalty at all! C++ is better than Haskell.

Now, suppose that, you want to iterate over 1 to n. The n is a runtime value. Creating a vector object is inefficient.

std::vector<int> v ;
int n ;
std::cin >> n ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i != n+1 ; ++i ) 
    v.push_back(i) ;

Fortunately, C++20 has iota_view. iota(a, b) create a range of integers incrementing in range \(a \leq; n < b\) .

int n = 10 ;
for ( auto i : iota( 1, n ) | reverse )
    std::cout << i ;

Now, this code prints "987654321".

There are a lot of numbers. We want to get rid of the even numbers so that we only deal with odd numbers. We can use filter_view.

for ( auto i : iota(1, 10)
    | filter( [](auto x){ return x % 2 == 1 ; }
    std::cout << i ;

It prints "13579".

filter(rule) drop elements x where function rule(x) returns false.

Now let's suppose that we have a function is_prime(n) which returns true if n is probably a prime number. I don't go into details how we can implement is_prime. If you want to know, search for Miller–Rabin.

This code prints all the prime between number 1-1000.

for ( auto i : iota(1, 1001)
    | filter( is_prime )
    std::cout << i << ', ' ;

This works. But what if you want the first 10 prime numbers? We can use take_view. take(n) takes n elements from the range.

for ( auto i : iota(1)
    | filter( is_prime )
    | take ( 10 )
    std::cout << i << ', ' ;

It prints "2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, "

You may notice that above code pass only one argument to iota_view. iota(n) create a range start from n and increment indefinitely. That means if you wrote like this:

for ( auto i : iota(1) )
    std::cout << i << '\n' ;

It prints numbers until it overflows and still continues printing overflowed numbers. It's a inifinite loop. It never stops.

take_view can stop the execution such inifinte loop because it only take n elements from the previous range.

for ( auto i : iota(1) | take(10) )
    std::cout << i '\n' ;

This code prints 1 to 10 and stop the loop.

We can use iota_view to write index loop. Suppose we want to iterate integer from 0 to 100. Traditionally, we write like this.

for ( int i = 0 ; i != 101 ; ++i )
    ... ;

This works. But frankly, I don't want to write this code. I have to manually initialize a variable, check for loop terminating condition, and increment the variable, all by my hands. What I want is to iterate over integer of range a to b. You see, I can achieve this by just specify a and b. You can achieve that with iota(a, b+1).

for ( auto i : iota( 1, 101 ) )
    std::cout << i ;

Speaking of index loop, have you ever heard of the FizzBuzz problem? It goes like this "Print natural numbers 1 to 100. But for numbers multiple of 3, print Fizz instead of that number. For multiples of 5, print Buzz instead. For both multiple of 3 and 5, print FizzBuzz."

We have already written the index loop of 1 to 100. Let's write a function fizzbuzz(n) which take number n and return a string it should print to.

auto fizzbuzz = []( auto n ) -> std::string
    if ( n % 15 == 0 )
        return "FizzBuzz" ;
    else if ( n % 3 == 0 )
        return "Fizz" ;
    else if ( n % 5 = 0 )
        return "Buzz" ;
        return std::to_string(n) ;

Now we wrote function fizzbuzz, we can use transform_view to transform the each elements in the range to corresponding string it should print to.

for ( auto msg : iota( 1, 101 )
    | transform( fizzbuzz )
    std::cout << msg << '\n' ; 

Isn't this fantastic?

Finally, you can combine as many views as you like. You can iota it, filter it, transform it, take it, then reverse it.

for ( auto i : iota(1)
    | filter(filter_rule)
    | transform(transfrom_rule)
    | take(n)
    | reverse
    std::cout << i '\n' ;

You can add even more views after reverse if you really want.

All the standard library's view can be use either as piping the function object

for ( auto n : iota(1, 100) | fileter(rule) | reverse )
    std::cout << n ;

or using as _view class.

iota_view i( 1, 100 ) ;
filter_view f( i, rule ) ;
reverse_view r( f ) ;

for ( auto n : r )
    std::cout << n ;

Both code do the same things. Basically, "A | B(args)" means a view object of "B_view( A, args )".

There are other views such as split_view which split the range to range of range separated by a specific value.

auto str = "quick brown fox" ;
std::vector< std::string > words ;
for ( auto word : str | split(' ') )
    words.emplace_back( begin(word), end(word) ) ;

after execution, words is {"quick", "brown", "fox"}

or join_view which flatten range of range to range.

std::string flat ;
for ( auto c : words | join )
    flat.push_back(c) ;

flat is "quickbrownfox".

All the example code assumes we use following using declarations.

using namespace std::ranges ;
using namespace std::ranges::view ;

So how do we write a view? Well, that's rather difficult if you want to write a standard library quality view. But let's try.

Let's write a drop_view which dropss n elements from the range.

for ( auto i : iota(0, 10) | drop(5) )
    std::cout << i ;

This code prints "56789".

Here is the implementation.

template < InputRange V >
    requres View<V>
class drop_view : public view_interface< dropVieww<V> >
    V base_ = V() ;
    iterator_t<V> iter = begin(base_) ;
    iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count_ ;
public :
    drop_view() = default ;
    constexpr drop_view( V base, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count )
        : base_(base), iter( std::next( begin(base_), count ), count_(count)
    { }

    template < ViewableRange R >
        requires Constructible< R, all_view<R> >
    constexpr drop_view( R && base, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count )
        : base_(std::forward<R>(base)), iter( std::next( begin(base_), count ), count_(count)
    { }

    constexpr V base() const
    { return base_ ; }

    constexpr auto begin()
    { return iter ; }
    constexpr auto begin() const
    { return iter ; }

    constexpr auto end()
    { return end(base_) ; }
    constexpor auto end() const
    { return end(base_) ; }

    constexpr auto size()
        requires SizedRange<V>
    { return size(base_) - count_ ; }
    constexpr auto size() const
        requires SizedRange<const V>
    { return size(base_) - count_ ; }

    template < Range R >
    drop_view( R &&, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> )
        -> drop_view< all_view<R> > ;
} ;

// I'm not 100% sure this is the correct way to implement range adaptor object.
// If my interpretation of the draft is correct, it should be.

struct drop_range_adaptor_closure_object
    std::size_t count ;
    drop_range_adaptor_closure_object( std::size_t count )
        : count(count)
    { }
    template < ViewableRange R >
    constexpr auto operator( R && r )
        return drop_view( std::forward<R>(r), count ) ;
} ;
struct drop_range_adaptor_object
    template < ViewableRange R >
    constexpr auto operator () ( R && r, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<R>> count )
        return drop_view( std::forward<R>(r), count ) ;

    constexpr auto operator () ( std::size_t count )
        return drop_range_adaptor_closure_object( count ) ;

} drop ;

template < ViewableRange R >
constexpr auto operator | ( R && r, drop_range_adaptor_closure_object a )
    return a(std::forward<R>(r)) ;

Phew, that's Eric Niebler-level of boilarplate-ness. I think we need to wait the metaclass to eliminate the boilarplate code. Hopefully, we can have a metaclass within another decade.







Allowing dynamic_cast, polymorphic typeid in Constant Expressions







constexpr int const_sqrt( double d )
    if constexpr( std::is_constant_evaluated() )
        // コンパイル時評価
        // 定数式にできるsqrt実装
        // 実行時評価
        // 実行時に効率のいいsqrt実装


constexpr int f( int x ) { return x ; }

int main()
    int x = f(0) ; // コンパイル時評価
    f(x) ; // 実行時評価




consteval int f( int x ) { return x ; }

int main()
    // OK、コンパイル時評価
    int x = f(0) ; 
    // ill-formed、実行時評価が必要
    f(x) ;


P0907R4: Signed Integers are Two’s Complement


char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 6)




Yet another approach for constrained declarations


void f(Sortable auto x);
Sortable auto f();     
Sortable auto x = f();  
template <Sortable auto N> void f();


template <Sortable auto N> Sortable auto f(Sortable auto x)
    Sortable auto y = init;


template <auto N> auto f(auto x)
    auto y = init;


// 具体的な型は知らないが
// Sortable制約を満たしているべき
Sortable auto x = f() ;



auto f() -> Sortable decltype(auto)
    return g() ;

Nested Inline Namespaces


// C++14まで
namespace A {
    namespace B {
        namespace C {

// C++17
namespace A::B::C {

ただし、これはinline namespaceに対応していない。そのため、C++17をもってしても以下のように無骨に書かなければならない。

namespace A {
    inline namespace B {
        namespace C {

C++20ではnested namespaceがinline namespaceに対応した。

namespace A::inline B::C {

Merge the Ranges TS - p0896r4.pdf

とうとうOne Range提案がドラフト入りした。One Range提案はRange TSから派生したRange提案で、J.R.R.Tolkienの指輪物語へのポップカルチャーリファレンスだ。その冒頭は以下のように始まっている。

ここのつの提案は死ぬべき定めのRange TSに

ひとつの提案はすべてをまとめ、namespace rangesの元に束縛する

Rangeはとても便利だ。例えばvectorの中身を逆順にたどりたいとする。もちろんRange-based forは使いたい。

std::vector<int> v ;
for ( auto & e : v | reverse )
    ... ;


for ( auto &amp; e : v
    | reverse
    | filter( []( auto & e ){ return e < 100 ; } )
    ... ;


for ( auto & e : v
        | reverse
        | filter( []( auto & e ){ return e < 100 ; } )
        | take(5)
    ... ;


for ( auto i : iota(0, 100) )
    ... ;


auto odd = []( auto n ) { return n %2 == 1 ; } ;
for ( auto i : iota(1) | filter( odd ) )
    ... ;


auto odd = []( auto n ) { return n %2 == 1 ; } ;
for ( auto i : iota(1) | filter( odd ) | take(100) )
    ... ;




Learn You a Haskell for Great Good

auto rule = [](auto n) {
    auto s = std::to_string(n) ;
    decltype(n) sum = 0 ;
    for ( auto digit : s )
        sum += digit - '0' ;
    return sum == 40 ;
} ;

std::cout << *begin( iota(1) | filter( rule ) ) ;


std::string sentence = "quick brown fox" ;
std::vector<std::string> words ;
std::copy( sentence | split( ' ' ), std::back_inserter( words ) ) ;
// vは{"quick", "brown", "fox"}


for ( char c : words | join )
    std::cout << c ;
// 出力は"quickbrownfox"

