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2011-08-24 22:26:25 | ãƒ‘レスチナかイスラエルか
・OPT: Palestinians feel the pinch as Arab donors stay away(2011年8月22日 IRINNEWS)

オスロ合意(Oslo Accordance)以降、パレスチナ暫定政府(PA)や Hamas は世界各国から資金援助を受けてきた。
そのため、PA の財政は資金援助の状況で大きく左右される、という不安定要因があったりなかったり。
実際、今年に入って、アラブ諸国などからの資金援助が滞ったことで、PA の財政はイッパイ×2になった模様。
以下、2011年8月22日分 IRINNEWS『OPT: Palestinians feel~』から、暫定政府の広報担当こと Ghassan Khatib 氏の発言+αを(略

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“The PA’s financial situation has deteriorated due to shortfalls in donor financing, and revenue collection has been lower than budgeted,” International Monetary Fund (IMF) representative Udo Kock in Jerusalem told IRIN.

Although the reasons for the shortfalls are difficult to gauge, he says.
“Mostly Arab donors are not paying,” Ghassan Khatib, spokesperson for Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad’s office, told IRIN.

Foreign donations account for just over a quarter of the total Palestinian budget of US$3.7 billion used to pay salaries and for other government spending.

The PA budget has been missing about $35 million monthly in donor payments since the start of the year, said Khatib.
He estimated the total unpaid amount since January to be about $300 million.

According to the PA finance ministry, between January and July, 33 percent of required external budget support has been disbursed, instead of the 58 percent that should have been disbursed during this period.
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毎月 3500万米国ドルの資金援助がない、か。
なんか、資金援助が続いていて PA 側の金銭感覚がマヒしてる気がする。

・・・と、各国からの資金援助 -- 開発プロジェクトとして行われることも多い -- が続くことは、結果としてイスラエルによるパレスチナの占領を長引かせている、という指摘もあったりする。
・Donors help keep Palestinians in cages(2011年8月16日 Electronic Intifada)

↑の(長い記事で)Charlotte SILVER 氏は、パレスチナで行われてきた開発計画とかを批判していた。
その上で、資金援助を行ってきた各国はオスロ合意によるヨルダン川西岸地区分割の影響を見落としていた、という Peter LUNDBERG 氏(スウェーデン国際開発協力庁 所属:Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)のコメントを引用していた。
以下、2011年8月16日 Electronic Intifada『Donors help keep~』から、その部分を(略

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“Donors and the PA have been too focused on state-building, which is important, but they are going to lose critical parts of the land,” Lundberg said.
“Development should help Palestinians stay on their land; too many have left [their land in] Area C.”

Because implementing projects in Israeli-controlled Area C are logistically burdensome and in many cases impossible, donors are inclined to contribute to projects in Area A.

According to Lundberg’s statistics, there has been an exodus of Palestinians from Area C mostly due to the impossible living conditions Israel has created and the predatory nature of surrounding settlements.
Israel does not allow communities to be connected to sources of water or electricity and refuses nearly every request for a building permit, thus leading to the destruction of water-collecting devices, schools and homes.
In contrast, settlements sitting next to these Palestinian villages are afforded free-running water, electricity, roads and expanding infrastructure.

In 1967 there were approximately 200,000 Palestinians living in the Jordan Valley, which is designated Area C, except for the Palestinian city of Jericho.
Today, there are only 56,000, 40,000 of whom live in Jericho (in Area A), according to statistics from the international aid agency Save the Children.

The devastating picture that these statistics reveal is that donors have been complicit in aiding Israel’s process of cantonizing the West Bank into the 18 percent that comprises Area A.
By doing so they have helped to surrender the majority of the West Bank’s land and agriculture — which could form the basis of a genuine self-sustainable Palestinian economy and state — to Israel’s control.
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・パレスチナのNGOから表明された「平和と繁栄の回廊」構想に関する声明(2009年4月5日 パレスチナ情報センター)

・スイカが戻ってきた(パレスチナ)-接木技術の導入で産地復活へ-(2011年7月8日 jica.or.jp)
・During Annual Consultations with MoPAD Japanese Government Pledges Continued Support to Several Development Projects(2011年7月21日 mopad.pna.ps)


しかも、西岸地区ですらイスラエルに分断された状態(Gaza 地区は言うに及ばず)での「独立国家」とは何の冗談だか、と言いたくなる。

一部 URI の修正・・・。


