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Less information, more skeptical

2009-08-30 20:44:30 | æ™‚事ネタ(海外)
数日前から、IAEA の理事会ではイランの核開発状況に関する報告書を閲覧してるらしい。
・Safeguards Reports on Iran and Syria Circulated (2009年8月28日 IAEA)

この報告書では、イランがウラン濃縮作業を続けてる傍ら、IAEA への査察について協力してると書いてあるとか。
これに関して、米国防省の広報官である Ian Kelly 氏がイランについて非難してたのだが・・・。
・US: Iran not fully cooperating with IAEA
(2009年8月29日 PressTV)

Kelly 氏は、問題の報告書についてサックりと斬った上で、核開発に関してイランを非難していた。
以下、2009年8月29日分 Press TV の記事から、Kelly 氏の発言部分を引用しておく。

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However, Kelly reacted to the report, saying, "I wouldn't read too much into that."

"As I understand it, it's just in one facility. It's not the kind of broad access that the IAEA has been looking for," he said.

"We are very concerned that they are not addressing the concerns of the international community," Kelly said.

"They say that they want to have the right to a civilian nuclear energy program, but they also have the obligation to show the world that that is indeed what they intend to do."
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・Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and 1835 (2008) in the Islamic Republic of Iran(2009年6月17日 IAEA;.pdfファイル)

ってことで、2009年6月17日分 IAEA の報告書より、『F. SUMARRY』の一部を(長いけど)引用しておく。

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20. Iran has not, however, implemented the modified text of its Subsidiary Arrangements General Part, Code 3.1, on the early provision of design information, and has continued to refuse to permit the Agency to carry out design information verification at IR-40[重水炉のこと].

21. Iran has not suspended its enrichment related activities or its work on heavy water related projects as required by the Security Council.

22. Contrary to the request of the Board of Governors and the requirements of the Security Council, Iran has neither implemented the Additional Protocol nor cooperated with the Agency in connection with the remaining issues which give rise to concerns and which need to be clarified to exclude the possibility of military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.
Unless Iran implements the Additional Protocol and clarifies the outstanding issues, the Agency will not be in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran.

23. The Agency believes that it has provided Iran with sufficient access to documentation in its possession to permit Iran to respond substantively to the questions raised by the Agency.
However, the Director General urges Member States which have provided documentation to the Agency to work out new modalities with the Agency so that it could share further information with Iran since the Agency’s inability to share additional information with Iran, and to provide copies or, if possible, originals, is making it difficult for the Agency to progress further in its verification.
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ま、イランが核査察に協力的でないのは納得できるが、23. の IAEA 加盟国へ情報提供を呼びかけてるってどういうこった?
というのは、西側諸国[日本含む]やイスラエルは、IAEA の ElBaradei 事務局長や IAEA 自体への不信感を抱いてるため、情報提供が進まないらしい。
・Yossi Melman / The IAEA report on Iran lacks the bottom line (2009年8月30日 Haaretz.com)

以下、2009年8月30日分 Haaretz.com の記事から、後半部分を(略

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It is no secret that there are disagreements over the report, and Haaretz has reported more than once that ElBaradaei's deputy, Olli Heinonen, would like the reports to state unequivocal facts.
However, as is common in an international bureaucratic organization, efforts are being made to maintain the impression of unity, with differences being kept under wraps.

Israel decided last year to take its gloves off in dealing with ElBaradaei and charged him with hiding important information that is neither mentioned in the reports nor is its significance noted.
In other words, the reports are failing to connect the dots.

In Israel and the West, they are also not accepting the justifications that often appear in the report, that the IAEA cannot publish some of the information it has received from various sources, because it has been asked not to make it available to Iran.

This time the IAEA blamed "unidentified sources" for feeding the media with false information and distorted interpretations.
The announcement, made by a spokesman for the organization, took aim at Israel and reports in Haaretz that argued that ElBaradaei was hiding information, and that senior officials in the organization had insisted the information should be included in the current report.
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IAEA にイランに関する(核開発の)データを出さないで IAEA を非難するってのは、どこかで見たような光景じゃね~?



