Project goals

The Chromium project is the open source project on which Chrome is built, and on which other browsers are also based: Samsung Internet, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, and last (to join the project) but not least, Microsoft Edge. The project enables all those different browsers to share a single implementation of the web platform, and at the same time, keep their unique characteristics and focus.

Blink is the rendering engine used by Chromium. It is the part of the project that descends from WebKit (the rendering engine Safari uses), and which is mostly (but not exclusively) responsible for the Chromium’s Web Platform implementation. The goal of Chromium and Blink inside it is to continuously improve the web platform as a whole.

How does Blink improve the web platform?

  • By improving its predictability through testing and infrastructure, making sure developers have to spend less of their time tackling browser-specific issues and more of their time… well, developing.
  • By removing user hostile features, features that increase the platform’s complexity or make its implementations less secure.
  • By adding platform capabilities that enable web developers to innovate and create web experiences that meet and exceed their users’ expectations and needs.

If we want the web to thrive in the long term, we need to make sure that our users consider it safe and pleasant to use, and that it supports all the capabilities developers need in order to easily make their users (and businesses) are happy.

Any improvement to the platform needs to take backwards compatibility and cross-browser interoperability into account. There’s a lot of web content out there that will never change. The risk of breaking some of it needs to be weighed against the user benefits of shipping that new feature or removing that risky old one. Similarly, in cases where Blink is the first engine to ship a feature or to remove it, we should make sure other browser vendors can follow. We do that by ensuring shipped features designs are widely reviewed, and have specifications and tests to guide future implementers.

The Chromium project is rather large, and is being worked on by many different entities. Therefore it needs to control which features get shipped, while being even-handed in that decision process. We achieve that through a simple process that guides contributors as they evolve the platform to ensure maximum long-term compatibility and interoperability.

What features get worked on?

Chromium is an open source project that’s being worked on by over 2000 engineers from ~55 different organizations. Of course, Google is responsible for the bulk of Chromium - 92% of commits to the project (data) come from Google,  although about 20% of contributors are not Google-affiliated.
With a project of this magnitude, each of the involved companies and contributors are naturally pushing their own slightly different agenda and priorities. Even within Google’s Chrome team there are multiple ways to prioritize which problems are most urgent to tackle and solve. One area that is consistent, is that we work with the ecosystem and developer partners to understand and address their needs. We do that by creating compatibility dashboards, collaborating with frameworks, and observing development patterns in the wild.

The MDN survey is a great example of how the ecosystem can help shape the priorities that a browser vendor has. We’re still in the process of analyzing the results, but it was clear that compatibility is a top priority for developers and we will commit to keep improving on it. We also plan to create more ways to gather structured data on developer needs and hardships.

As you can imagine, with all these priorities from different contributors, it's important for us to be clear about how a feature goes from inception to shipping.

So, what are the typical phases of creating a new web platform feature and shipping it in Chromium?

The very first step before getting started would be to figure out what we need to be working on and which user or developer problems are the most burning ones. That is typically done by talking to partners, looking at current development patterns and consulting with web developers and framework authors to get a better understanding of what the platform can do better to address their and their users’ needs.
Once we know which problem we want to tackle, we can start incubating it!

What does “incubating” mean?

Over the years, we found that the best way to design and prototype a new platform feature is through incubation - getting a strong grasp of the use cases a feature is trying to solve as a first step, and then rapidly iterating over the design in a public forum that includes browser engineers and domain experts. Only once we are certain that a feature solves important use-cases and have high confidence that it solves it the right way, we bring that feature to an official track at a Standard Development Organization, such as a W3C Working Group, the WHATWG, or TC39.

Not all incubations turn up to be standards though. Some incubations fail and some prototypes never make it out to the hands of users. That is perfectly fine and by design. The web platform cannot afford features that don’t solve real user or developer problems to creep in, and we want to make sure those features never make it to be a permanent part of the platform. 

Step 1 - Initial research
At this phase, we establish a better understanding of the problem space, by gathering up the specific use-cases we want our future solution to tackle and the constraints under which the solution must operate.

At the end of that phase, engineers are expected to publish an explainer that outlines the above, and maybe have a very rough sketch of what a solution may look like. The explainer is published in a relevant public forum (e.g. the WICG discourse) in order to solicit feedback from the web community at large. Such feedback can include missed-out use-cases, further constraints that can impact the design, or simply statements of support for solving the problem.

It’s important at this stage to focus on the problem, and not over-index on any one possible solution - and this is one of the places we haven’t always been perfect.

Step 2 - Design & Prototype

Now that we have better grip of the problems we’re trying to solve and the constraints in which we operate, we can start designing the feature and what it may look like. Ideally, the design team would include browser engineers from interested vendors as well as problem space experts from the web developer or framework developer community.

Once we have an initial rough design, it might be a good idea to start building and committing  code (behind a flag and turned off by default) in order to better understand the solution’s feasibility and complexity.

That’s when engineers should send out an “Intent to Prototype” email to blink-dev (previously, “Intent to Implement”), in order to notify the relevant code owners that work is underway in that area. Note that such an intent doesn’t mean that the feature is shipping soon, or that it will ship at all for that matter. It just means that this is a problem space that’s being explored, and code is landing to that end. 

That’s also a good point in time to make sure the feature will get a wider review, by filing for a TAG review.

Step 3 - Experiment & iterate

Once code starts to land behind a flag, it’s a good time for interested web developers to start playing around with the solution by turning on the feature flag and testing it out.
Feedback on the initial implementation is critical in order to make sure the eventual design would work well for developers and users alike.
For some features, such experimentation is enough for developers to get a good handle on what’s the solution looks like, and how well it addresses the problem.

In other cases, it’s critical to gather data from the field regarding the solution, to see how well it works in broader deployment to fulfill user’s needs, or get a better understanding of its performance characteristics at scale.

Step 3.5 - Origin Trial

In those cases, a browser engineer can request an Origin Trial (by sending out an Intent to Experiment email), which enables interested developers to test the feature out in broader deployment to users who have not turned on the feature flag. Once an Origin Trial is in place, developers can register for the trial, and enable the feature (in production) for their domains. That enables them to gather data on the user impact of the feature, and report it back to the design team, confirming or refuting their assumptions regarding the solution’s viability.

Note that an Origin Trial is a temporary experiment, and there’s a good chance that the feature will significantly change before it will be enabled by default, or even that the effort will be dropped altogether. Developers interested in participating should take that into account, and not rely on the feature being available to their users beyond the scope of the trial.

Step 4 - ship it!

Once the previous steps were completed with success and the team believes the feature is ready to be turned on by default, that’s when they can submit an Intent to Ship.

That’s a part of the process that’s a bit more strict.

In order to ship a feature by default, engineers need approval for the feature to ship from 3 API owners.

What’s an “API owner”?
API owners are a set of trusted Chromium engineers, who are responsible for enforcing the Blink process guiding principles. Each feature we’re trying to ship has some user and developer benefits, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be working on it. Shipping new features can introduce interoperability risks, if other browsers don’t follow us. The API owners are tasked with applying our compatibility and interoperability principles and help evaluate each shipping feature with regards to its risk/benefit tradeoff. They then provide their approval on “Intent to Ship” threads for new shipping features, if they think the benefits outweigh the risks. Those approvals are provided in the form of “LGTM” (“Looks Good To Me”) replies on intent threads.

Note that LGTMs are not required for Intent to Prototype. For an Intent to Experiment, approval from a single API owner is sufficient, as the risk they pose is fairly contained.

As part of the “Intent to Ship” request, chromium engineers need to provide clear signals regarding the risk and benefit tradeoff of the feature.

  • The feature needs to have a solid specification and a comprehensive cross-browser test suite in order to minimize interoperability risk.
  • Signals from other browser vendors as well as from wide review forums (such as the TAG) are taken into account, alongside signals from the web developer community and partners who are planning to use the feature.
  • If the feature went through an Origin Trial, a report outlining the results is also important to better understand the benefits.

Note that the fact that an “intent to ship” is sent indicates the team’s estimate of the feature being ready to ship, but it does not necessarily mean that the feature will ship shortly, or at all.

Some features take a long time to go through the intent process, in order to prove that the risk they pose is low enough to justify shipping. Others get held up addressing feedback from other vendors or from wide-review forums. 

In other (rare) cases, features can be rejected by the API owners, and their proponents then need to look for alternative ways to resolve the problem, which won’t hit the same concerns that got their initial intent rejected.

Removing features

Finally, while adding new feature certainly grabs most people’s attention, an equally important part of the intent process is to deprecate and remove legacy web platform features. In those cases, the main risk is breaking existing content, and the benefits are typically around improving user’s security, privacy and performance. The project’s willingness to take some compatibility risk and remove features is critical to our risk/benefit calculus also when launching features first - if we got it wrong and late feedback causes us to change course, we typically can figure out a path to deprecate those features to get us back on track to interoperability.


The Chromium’s project goal is to make sure the web platform remains a healthy and successful platform.
For that, we believe the platform needs to make significant progress in the face of shifting developer and user expectations, as well as adapt to the changing market forces and constraints. At the same time, we need that progress to be done in a responsible manner both inside the Chromium project and when it comes to our collaboration with the wider ecosystem.

The Blink process’ role is to keep the balance between those different requirements, and to help ensure the web is a thriving platform for generations to come.

Posted by Yoav Weiss, Wrangler of processes and Advocate of developers.

As the largest open ecosystem in history, the Web is a tremendous utility, with more than 1.5B active websites on the Internet today, serving nearly 4.5B web users across the world. This kind of diversity (geography, device, content, and more) can only be facilitated by the open web platform.

Users uniquely experience the Web as one as they navigate from site to site, and thus the responsibility is with all of us to work on delivering quality experiences that reach all.

At this year’s Chrome Developer Summit (CDS), we are focusing on giving developers the capabilities to reach the bar that our users demand. To help further foster the diversity and capability for web developers, we’ve been working closely with the ecosystem to make enhancements to the web platform, improve developer experience, and make meaningful updates to the browser itself.

Enhancing the versatility of the Web

Our vision is to make loading disappear for all our users. At I/O this year, we previewed Portals, which allows developers to create seamless experiences by pre-rendering content and optionally embedding it in the page to change the way users navigate across the web. We’re pleased to see the new style navigation from early partners like Fandango have been testing on their site already. Portals is available behind the chrome://flags/#enable-portals flag for developers to experiment with.
Fandango Portals demo

At CDS this year, we’re previewing Web Bundles, an infrastructural API that will allow developers to distribute their web content across any format - email, FTP, or even USB, without any compromises. Not only does this unlock delivery of web content at lightning fast speeds, it will also allow for peer-to-peer distribution even when users are offline. In the future, APIs like Background Periodic Sync and Content Indexing will allow developers to proactively cache and surface relevant web content for people even if they’re not on an active internet connection. Web Bundles is now available behind the experimental flag, and the other two are now available as origin trials.

Consumption of web content has never been more diverse; while the rise of mobile-first in developing markets has been well documented, we’re now seeing an increase in cross-device computing with the youth across the globe. We’re committed to making the platform powerful enough for developers to create amazing modern experiences that users expect while taking advantage of the frictionless of the web. By focusing our efforts on enabling fully capable web applications, we’ve been working to bring many primitives to the platform, including:  

  • SMS Receiver, allowing web apps to retrieve two-factor SMS messages.
  • Contact Picker, which will allow people to share web content to their contact lists, bringing social media and communication capabilities to web apps.
  • Native File System API, enables web apps to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user's device. This allows developers to build powerful web apps that interact with files on the user's local device, like IDEs, photo and video editors, text editors, and more.

There’s a lot more that we’re working on in this space and we can’t wait to see what you build with these capabilities. You can read all about our latest work in our blog on supporting new web experiences.

Enabling developer success no matter the framework or CMS

As web developers, we’re on a collective journey providing people their best, unique web experience. This collective responsibility makes accurate, actionable data on the health of the web increasingly important.

CDS gives us a checkpoint to see how we are doing and have a discussion on where we go next. We use the HTTP Archive to see how the web is built and the Chrome User Experience Report to see how it is experienced. Over the past year, we’re seeing a positive growth in the percentage of sites with fast First Contentful Paint and fast First Input Delay, our core metrics for loading and interactivity.

Measuring user experience quality is multi-faceted, today we introduced two new metrics to give developers a holistic view of how their sites are performing. Largest Contentful Paint (how quickly users see the most meaningful page content) and Cumulative Layout Shift (how stable a page feels).

Now, data is great, but insights that lead to fixes and improvements are better. We often get asked “What do I do with this information?” We’ve collaborated with many experts from the community on The Web Almanac, to give developers a holistic view of the health of the web. We launched over 17 chapters today and we’re excited to continue to identify and share more such insights.

Developers work incredibly hard to move their performance metrics in the right direction, so we are looking at ways to reward developers for going the extra mile. Today we are sharing some early explorations which surface speed signals in Chrome’s UI.

Frameworks, libraries and CMS’es form a critical part of the developer ecosystem and we’re keen to support them on their journey of creating instant and seamless for their users. Earlier this year we created Lighthouse Stack Packs for WordPress and React to support their developer ecosystems in build fast and reliable sites, and today we’ve increased the coverage include Angular, AMP as well as the ecommerce CMS, Magento, bring more actionable insights to developers irrespective of the tools developers use.

We’ve been excited to see that the Framework Fund has supported a number of meaningful projects that make it easier to hit the performance bars by default, and we’re looking forward to seeing more projects being funded this year.

Finally, we have launched Lighthouse CI to make sure that developers are given insights for each pull request. Developers can quickly hook up Lighthouse CI to their build pipeline to get a rich diff of the changes that they made and the impact it had on the quality of their site.

Making the browser work for you

We believe the web is for everyone, no matter their device type, internet speed or purchasing power.  To help ensure the platform remains accessible to all, we’re investing in performance and memory improvements to the browser, including bringing new features like Image Lazy Loading that is now going to be available to Chrome Lite users by default, and Paint Holding, shipping soon in Chrome.

The web needs to be a safe and trustworthy place for everyone. Furthering our initiatives around HTTPS encryption, we began working with the community to start blocking all mixed content - insecure HTTP subresources on HTTPS pages - by default, and also experimenting with DNS over HTTPS, which offers better security and privacy by encrypting the traffic between the browser and DNS provider

We are also following up on our I/O promise to make our existing third-party cookie controls more visible. Starting with the Chrome M79 Beta, we’re experimenting with a toggle for controlling third-party cookies on the Incognito New Tab Page. We are also working on redesigning our settings pages to make access to this control easier in regular mode. And finally, apart from continuing to make progress to improve the existing cookies infrastructure, we’re also continuing to develop our Privacy Sandbox, a secure environment for content that also protects user privacy.

We want to thank the entire web community for their continued investment in a platform that is so impactful to so many people around the world. We believe it is our collective responsibility to elevate the web experience for every user and in that spirit, let's celebrate the 'We' in Web.

Posted by Dion Almaer, Web Developer Ecosystem