大吉祥寺PM 2024
全文検索は一般的に知られていますが、検索エクスペリエンスで非常に重要な役割を果たしています。ただし、日本語など、一部の言語では、全文検索を実装するのが難しい場合があります。このブログでは、日本語で全文検索を実装する際の課題を探り、Elasticsearchでこれらの課題を解決する方法をいくつか示します。 全文検索とは? Wikipediaより、下記が定義となります。 全文検索とは、コンピュータにおいて、複数の文書(ファイル)から特定の文字列を検索すること。「ファイル名検索」や「単一ファイル内の文字列検索」と異なり、「複数文書にまたがって、文書に含まれる全文を対象とした検索」という意味で使用される。 全文検索は、現在多くのデジタル体験を強化するものです。全文検索は、データセット内に隠れている可能性のある単語やフレーズを見つけようとしてくれます。例えば、ネットショッピングして「phone」を検
小西秀和です。 私は2020年5月に当時12個あったAWS認定をすべて取得していたことで、2020 APN ALL AWS Certifications Engineerと2020 APN AWS Top Engineerに選出していただくことができました。 ※この記事の投稿後、2021、2022、2023年のJapan AWS All Certifications Engineer(旧称:APN ALL AWS Certifications Engineer)、Japan AWS Top Engineer (Services)(旧称:APN AWS Top Engineer)にも選出していただけました。 その後も再認定やバージョンアップされた新規認定を取得し、2022年4月末時点で受験できる12個と廃止されたが有効期限のある2個の合計14個のAWS認定を保有しており、今後も再認定と新規認
How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love (English Edition) 作者:Ury, Logan Piatkus Amazon 久しぶりに洋書の紹介。 本書のタイトルは How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love (『独身のまま死なないために:愛を探すための驚きの科学』)。副題に"科学"という単語が含まれている通り、著者のローガン・ウライは行動科学者。 ハーバードで心理学を学び、Google社で行動経済学者のダン・アリエリーとチームを組んで研究した(その研究の成果は『予想どおりに不合理』に取り入れられている)後に、「自分がこれまでに学んできた行動科学のツールを恋愛関係にも応用
First, we need to constrain the element's width; by default, elements in Flow layout will expand horizontally to fill the available space, and we can't really center something that is full-width. I could constrain the width with a fixed value (eg. 200px), but really what I want in this case is for the element to shrinkwrap around its content. fit-content is a magical value that does exactly this.
研修中に「マイクロサービス」の解説をしていると,たまに「モノリス分割」に関する質問が出てディスカッションをすることがある.当然ながら万能な分割アプローチはないけど,例えば DDD (Domain-driven design) などのアプローチを選択するなど,選択肢はいろいろある.そして最近「モノリス分割」に役立つアプローチを紹介した martinfowler.com の記事「How to break a Monolith into Microservices」を読んだ. 具体的には以下の「計8種類」のアプローチが紹介されている.原著を翻訳するのではなく,あくまで個人的なメモとしてまとめる.なお,日本語も個人的に載せているため,参考程度にしてもらればと! Warm Up with a Simple and Fairly Decoupled Capability(シンプルかつ分離された機能で準
Do You Really Need Redis? How to Get Away with Just PostgreSQL There’s a tried-and-true architecture that I’ve seen many times for supporting your web services and applications: PostgreSQL for data storage Redis for coordinating background job queues (and some limited atomic operations) Redis is fantastic, but what if I told you that its most common use cases for this stack could actually be achie
Go Mistakes Book Details Go言語でありがちな間違い The Coder Cafe もし私の本を楽しんでいただけたなら、私の最新プロジェクトにもご興味があるかもしれません。The Coder Cafeは、コーダー向けの日刊ニュースレターです。 Feeling overwhelmed by the endless stream of tech content? At The Coder Cafe, we serve one essential concept for coders daily. Written by a senior software engineer at Google, it's perfectly brewed for your morning coffee, helping you grow your skills deeply. このページは
How to installHere is where the magic is. Add these 4 lines of code to your bashrc or zshrc file. if [ -d "$HOME/.bookmarks" ]; then export CDPATH=".:$HOME/.bookmarks:/" alias goto="cd -P" fiAdditionally, you need to create the directory in your home folder or wherever it suits you, just remember to update the CDPATH variable above. mkdir ~/.bookmarksHow to useTo add a new bookmark, you just need
AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
I won't deny there may well be cases where a microservices-first architecture makes sense, but I think they're few and far in between. The vast majority of systems are much better served by starting and staying with a majestic monolith. The Prime Video case study that blew up the internet yesterday is but the latest illustration. Maybe once you reach the scale of Netflix or Amazon, there are areas
How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and Vercel Postgres Prisma is a next-generation ORM that can be used to access a database in Node.js and TypeScript applications. In this guide, you'll learn how to implement a sample fullstack blogging application using the following technologies: Next.js as the React frameworkNext.js API Routes for server-side API routes as the backendPrisma as
A few years ago most API designers, developers, and technical writers would have had very little reason to bump into JSONPath, but its starting to get more and more relevant as more tools and standards start relying on it. So what is JSONPath, what is it used for, and how can you get up to speed with using it? JSONPath is a query language that can be used to extract data from JSON documents, which
Do “outline speedrunning”: Recursively outline an MVP, speedrun filling it in, and only then go back and perfect. This is a ~10x speed up over the ‘loading-bar’ style (more on that below) Don’t just read this article and move on. Go out and do this for the very next thing you make so you can get in the habit of doing it. (btw, here, speedrunning just means doing something as fast as possible) Outl
Occasionally my machine will have a kernel_task instance max out the CPU: This can last from minutes to sometimes hours. The machine is effectively unusable in this state. Restarting doesn't help; a new kernel_task pops up again until it finishes whatever it's doing. How can I find out what this process is doing?
最近の趣味はもっぱら L7 より下のお勉強、な @yucao24hours です。 梅雨入りもどこ吹く風の暑いある日、いつものように git pull を実行すると、以下のような警告が出るようになりました。 $ git pull warning: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is discouraged. You can squelch this message by running one of the following commands sometime before your next pull: git config pull.rebase false # merge (the default strategy) git config pull.rebase true # rebas
I've created and consumed many API's over the past few years. During that time, I've come across good and bad practices and have experienced nasty situations when consuming and building API's. But there also have been great moments. There are helpful articles online which present many best practices, but many of them lack some practicality in my opinion. Knowing the theory with few examples is goo
Happy new year everyone! Last month, before the holidays I wanted to run a Windows 11 VM on Hyper-V to run a few tests on Windows containers in a different environment than my local machine. However, it took me some time to get that VM up and running, simply because I forgot about the new hardware requirements for Windows 11 and that I had to get them configured before I installed the new OS in it
Do you want to automatically move files from one folder to another on your Windows or Mac computer? Well, you can do it pretty easily on both types of computer. This guide covers how to automate your file transfer tasks on Windows and macOS. Why Move Files From One Folder to Another Automatically? There are many reasons you would want to set this up. It might be that your Downloads folder gets clu
How to Set Up a Python Project For Automation and Collaboration [ engineering production python productivity 🔥 ] · 20 min read As your Python project gets larger in scope, it can become difficult to manage. How can we automate checks (e.g., unit testing, type-checking, linting)? How can we minimise collaboration overhead (e.g., code reviews, consistency)? How can we maximise developer experience