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Unsere Auswahl an kostenlosen Spielautomaten beinhaltet die berühmtesten Titel der Branche, also fühlen Sie sich frei, dem Spiel beizutreten, das Spiel zu beginnen und sich bereit zu machen, zu gewinnen. Spiele sind für viele sichere Praktiken verfügbar, bis Sie genügend Erfahrung gesammelt haben und bereit sind, um echtes Geld zu spielen. TOP 3 Anbieter - (Aktualisiert: 23.10.2018) Was dich dazu
I was checking out this new web site by these guys called 280 North. Essentially, they built a web version of Keynote and they are calling it 280Slides. It looks really slick/nice and they did a great job with the UI. Out of curiosity, I called up Firebug to see what Javascript framework was used. I was quite surprised to find a lot of requests for â.jâ files. It turns out that these guys loved Ob
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework. Style: Easy to customize. Position: Complete control over tooltip positions. Round: Configurable rounded corners, no PNG images required. Speech bubble effect! Works on all modern browsers. = Note: This plugin is no longer actively developed, please consider moving to my latest jQuery ba
The following is an excerpt of ScrewUnit's new copious documentation: Writing Good Tests A great test maximizes these features: it provides documentation, explaining the intended functioning of the system as well as how the source code works; it supports ongoing development, as you bit-by-bit write a failing test and make it pass; it supports later refactorings and prevents regression as you add o
About inputEx is a javascript framework to build fields and forms. It uses no html (it is the opposite of unobtrusive librairies): All the fields and forms are configured using json. It provides a very efficient abstraction for building interactive web applications. For detailed informations, have a look at our complete documentation. It is built on top of the YUI library (2.5.1) and currently sup
Simon Willison, 6th May 2008 Links and resources from a three hour tutorial presented at XTech 2008. Download PDF: xtech-unobtrusive-jquery.pdf (3 MB) Tools: Firebug extension Insert jQuery - bookmarklet, drag to your browser toolbar jQuery API docs Demos: Sidenote popup in JavaScript Sidenote popup with jQuery Restaurant map with microformats (accompanying article) labels.js with
JavaScript Fu extends Rails with a few facilities to better integrate JavaScript into Rails development: 1. The notes and statistics rake tasks compass JavaScript files in the public/javascript directory: $ rake notes public/javascripts/controls.js: * [782] [TODO] improve sanity check $ rake stats | Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M | [...] | JavaScript | 7287 | 6322 | 0 | 0 | 0
SproutCore is an open-source framework for building blazingly fast, innovative user experiences on the web. Install Sproutcore View on GitHub New Tutorial to Help You Get Up and Running! You've heard all about SproutCore and now it's time to see for yourself. It's easier than ever to get started with our new tutorial. In it you'll learn: How to install SproutCore on your machine How to build your
YUI Blog Development YUI 2.5.0 Released â Big upgrades to DataTable, new Layout Manager, Flickr-style multi-file Uploader, and more YUI 2.5.0 Released â Big upgrades to DataTable, new Layout Manager, Flickr-style multi-file Uploader, and more The YUI Team just released version 2.5.0 of the library. We've added six new components â Layout Manager, Uploader (multi-file upload engine combining Flash
ä»ãGreasemonkeyã®ã½ã¼ã¹ãèªãã§ããå®éã«ã©ããã£ã¦user scriptãå®è£ ããã¦ãããã®è¾ºããèªãã ã ããããç©åãéã®ã°ãã¼ãã«é¢æ°ã .... "GM_"ã¨æ¥é è¾ãä»ãããã®ã¯ãã¾ã許ãããããããConfigé¢æ°ï¼ã¨ãããã¯ã©ã¹?ï¼ã¯æ¢ãã¦ãããããããããã«å¼ãã§ããgetScriptFileé¢æ°ãã°ãã¼ãã«ãããã«getScriptDirãã°ãã¼ãã«ã ã ããããConfigã¯ã©ã¹ã®å¼ã³åºãã«new Config(getScriptFile("config.xml"))ã¨ãã¦ããããConfigã¯ã©ã¹ã®å®è£ 㯠function Config(){ this.onload = null; this.scripts = null; this.configFile = getScriptFile("config.xml"); } ã¨ãªã£ã¦ãã¦ãå¼æ°ãå ¨ãæå³ããªãã¦ã
j-j-j-jQuery. Itâs on everyoneâs lips, right? You love it or you hate it, or youâve never tried it but you love it, or youâve never tried it but you super-hate it. Yeah, we know. Well, PJ and I launched FamSpam a bit ago and made the bold move of powering all the jabbascript with jQuery. We even wrote our own Facbeook-style lightbox library in jQuery (Facebox). So while this is a Ruby blog, indulg
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