arduinna: a three weeks for dreamwidth dreamsheep, in blue (3w4dw dreamsheep)
I'm avoiding Tumblr on accounta spoilers for pretty much everything, especially POI and Iron Man. Which is sad! Because I'd just started getting back into checking Tumblr when I realized it was spoiler season and had to stop.

OTOH, I've been noticing here and there that it's Three Weeks for Dreamwidth time again ([community profile] three_weeks_for_dw), so I figured I'd take that as a (slightly belated) spur to try posting every day for the duration, see if I can get back in the posting habit.

If there's something you want to see from me, let me know; otherwise I'll just prattle on about whatever comes to mind. *g*

Like, for instance -- new POI tomorrow! and also Elementary! \o/

And the fact that in the last POI ep, Trojan Horse, )

I am still boggled at how fannish I am about Person of Interest; it's been a long time since I was this invested in something, long enough that I thought that level of fannishness was pretty much done with for me, and I'm sort of wallowing in it. All my buttons, they are pushed. ♥ fandom ♥

OTOH, I still haven't seen this week's Once Upon a Time; I'm just not quite in the right headspace for it.

But I watched Grimm thanks to the usual sources, and )

Nonfannishly, I dropped pretty much every reality show I've been watching for years -- they're stale, I'm bored, and they were nothing but time-wasters as a result. And then somehow I fell into watching The Voice. I ff through basically every bit of backstory and backstage chatter to get to just the singing, and am enjoying the heck out of it.

Oh, and speaking of, I've seen some people worried that Grimm's move to Tuesday is an attempt to kill it off -- I think it may be an attempt to save it. It'll air after The Voice, which is NBC's biggest show (it's the most-watched broadcast tv show, period, and the only one of NBC's shows to make it into the top 25). That's a hell of a good lead-in.

(Although there's really something to be said for SF/F fans having been trained to expect their shows to be on Fridays...)
arduinna: a three weeks for dreamwidth dreamsheep, in blue (3w4dw dreamsheep)
[personal profile] dorinda wanted to hear about the writing process for True Gold, the Peacemakers story I wrote for her for Yuletide 2007. I've never done one of these before, and am not sure I'm approaching it right, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

So, hm. )
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
There's a meme going around for sparking posts for Three Weeks for Dreamwidth:

What kind of topics/entries would you like to see me posting about? Any particular questions you've always wanted to ask me but have resisted because the answer would be a huge essay? Ever want to wind me up and watch me go on a particular topic? Anything you've heard me say "I should write that entry about _________ I've been meaning to write" and have been patiently waiting for?

This is only sort of relevant to me, since it's not like I've ever posted that much, but I'll go with the spirit of it: since I plan on trying to post at least semi-regularly for 3W4DW, does anyone have any requests? Fic prompts, etc., are also fine. I make no promises about answering everything, but I'll give a shot at what I can.
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