Mar. 8th, 2019

arduinna: Cartoon Walter and William Bell from Fringe, with the thought bubble "how wonderful!" (wonderful)
I've been on vacation this week, and had intended to spend it playing around in layouts and webpages over on Hubzilla and basically trying to catch up over there. Instead I've been poking at AO3 customizations, and dusting off my old pinboard, and have spent most of the last two days sorting pinboard tags into bundles. This is ridiculous, and yet has made me so happy. \o/ I do not currently have so much as a single unbundled tag!

Which will change as soon as I finish sorting out the AO3 stuff (in this case in particular, a bookmarklet to post to pinboard directly from AO3), because the eventual plan is to have redundant copies of fanworks bookmarks & recs, which means there's an unholy amount of copying back and forth in my future. But they will be all tidy and organized, yessss.
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