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Howard Hopper

Howard Hopper

Regulatory Services Director, Fire and Building Code Compliance
Chris Jensen

Chris Jensen

Regulatory Services Manager, Codes and Regulatory Services
Bruce E. Johnson

Bruce E. Johnson

Regulatory Services Manager, Building and Fire Safety





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'; let submitButton = $('form.mktoForm .mktoButtonWrap .mktoButton'); submitButton.prop("disabled", true); submitButton.append(loadingHTML); // Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: '***'. var $ocpKey = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_key; var $ocpUrl = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_url; var $ocpEnv = drupalSettings.ul_marketo_validate_env; if (submitCount > 1 || isResponseSuccess == true) { isResponseHandled = true; form.submittable(true); console.log("NO.10 submitCount > 1: form.submit() ");; } else { var email = form.vals().Email; var phone = (form.vals().Phone) ? (form.vals().Phone) : '18472728800'; var country = (form.vals().Country) ? (form.vals().Country) : 'United States'; var countryCode = (phone == '18472728800') ? 'US' : getCountryCode(country); var $emailMsg =; var $phoneMsg =; console.log("paramsDebug:", paramsDebug); sendingData = JSON.stringify({ 'Input_Email': email, 'Input_Phone': phone, 'Input_ISO2_Country_Code': countryCode }); console.log('URL, debug missing button:', $ocpUrl); console.log("Sending Data to API service (ajax):", sendingData); // API call for validate email/phone/country. var sendDate = (new Date()).getTime(); var responseTimeMs = sendDate; // Start a timer to handle a 3-second response timeout setTimeout(function() { if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; // Handle the assumed "success" due to timeout here console.log('No response within timeout, proceeding with default validation success.'); $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); // set form to be submittable here $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); // Setup status as Timeout instead of Unknown. emailAddressStatus = "Timeout"; phoneNumberStatus = "Timeout"; phoneNumberValidated = "Timeout"; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); form.submittable(true); isResponseSuccess = true; let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("setTimeout: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds.");; } }, paramsDebug.timeout * 1000); //END setTimeout $.ajax({ url: $ocpUrl, type: 'POST', data: sendingData, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': $ocpKey, }, success: function (response) { $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); phoneNumberValidated = response.Validated_Phone_Number; if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; // **** Handle the validation response console.log("API Response Data: ", response); var emailCode = response.Email_Validation_Status_Number; var phoneCode = response.Phone_Validation_Status_Number; // Add values into two status fields. if (emailValidCode.hasOwnProperty(emailCode)) { emailAddressStatus = emailValidCode[emailCode]; } else { // API error code doesn't exist, set defaul. emailAddressStatus = emailValidCode['300']; } if (phoneValidCode.hasOwnProperty(phoneCode)) { phoneNumberStatus = phoneValidCode[phoneCode]; } else { // API error code doesn't exist, set defaul. phoneNumberStatus = phoneValidCode['301']; } if (emailAddressStatus.indexOf("email_not") != -1) { emailAddressStatus = 'Invalid'; } else if(emailAddressStatus == 'valid') { emailAddressStatus = 'Valid'; } if (phoneNumberStatus.indexOf('invalid_') != -1) { phoneNumberStatus = 'Invalid'; } else if(phoneNumberStatus == 'valid') { phoneNumberStatus = 'Valid'; } console.log('form.emailAddressStatus ' + emailAddressStatus); console.log('form.phoneNumberStatus ' + phoneNumberStatus); console.log('form.phoneNumberValidated ' + phoneNumberValidated); if (validEmailCode.includes(emailCode) && validPhoneCode.includes(phoneCode)) { // Remove the loading spinner. $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); console.log("NO.1.1 VALID OK submitCount = " + submitCount); isResponseSuccess = true; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); form.submittable(true);; } // API valid code is not "valid". else { form.submittable(false); console.log("NO.1.2 Submittable false : count= " + submitCount + " validateOrigin " + validateOrigin + " isResponseSuccess " + isResponseSuccess ); // Set the invalid message in language translation. var msgEmailStatus = ""; if (!validEmailCode.includes(emailCode)) { if (emailCode == '300' || emailCode == '400') { msgEmailStatus = $emailMsg.email_not_valid; } else if (emailCode == '310' || emailCode == '500' ) { msgEmailStatus = $emailMsg.email_not_accept; } else { msgEmailStatus = "Unknown"; } console.log("NOT validEmailCode: " + msgEmailStatus); errEmail = ''; $('#Email').after(errEmail); form.submittable(false); } // Set the invalid message in language translation. var msgPhoneStatus = "" if (!validPhoneCode.includes(phoneCode)) { msgPhoneStatus = $phoneMsg[phoneValidCode[phoneCode]]; console.log("NOT validPhoneCode: " + msgPhoneStatus); errPhone = ''; $('#Phone').after(errPhone); form.submittable(false); } console.log('msgEmailStatus:', msgEmailStatus); console.log('msgPhoneStatus:', msgPhoneStatus); // Remove the loading spinner. $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); console.log("NO.1.6 Submittable false, count= " + submitCount); form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); // 2nd API call and subit form. if (submitCount >= 1) { $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); isResponseSuccess = true; form.submittable(true); console.log("NO.1.8 : 2nd Submit:: submittable=true && count=1 : " + submitCount); if (submitCount==1) {; } } } //END if{} else{}. }//END if (!isResponseHandled) // Calculate the time comsumed for the API call. let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("NO.1.9 : AJAX success: Time for API call: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds."); submitCount++; }, //END success: function(); // API call error response. error: function (error) { $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); if (!isResponseHandled) { isResponseHandled = true; $('#valSpinner').remove(); submitButton.prop("disabled", false); // 2nd API call and subit form. if ( submitCount >= 1 ) { $('#ValidMsgEmail').remove(); $('#ValidMsgPhone').remove(); form.submittable(true); isResponseSuccess = true; if ( submitCount == 1 ) { form.submittable(true); } } // Handle AJAX error console.log('**** 2 ajax error. submitCount = ' + submitCount); console.log(error); // Calculate the time comsumed for the API call. let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("NO.2.3 AJAX error: Time for API call: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds."); } submitCount++; // Error status 500, then submit the form.; } //END error: function(); }); //END $.ajax; if (isResponseSuccess) { console.log("NO.8.0 submittable(true)"); form.submittable(true); } } //END: if (submitCount > 1) else // Setup the form.vals and form.submittable; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); } //END: if (validateOrigin && (marketoBundle)) else { // For Event form and Newsletter form. if (validateOrigin === true){ form.submittable(true); } } }); //END form.onValidate() // Success callback() form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){ // Debug Phone/Email validation. console.log("NO.9.1 onSuccess: submittable = " + form.submittable()); console.log(form.getValues()); // Track analytics. if (typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined'){ dataLayer.push({ event: drplMkto.dataLayerEvent, mktoFormId: form.getId(), 'FormValues': cleanFormVals(form.getValues()), 'FormFields': form.allFieldsFilled(), 'Submittable': form.submittable() }); } // If function exists, delete UTM cookie: if(typeof _deleteUtmCookie === "function"){ _deleteUtmCookie(); } // Marketo Modal "Thank You" message: if(use_post_submit_mssg){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $('.mkto-presubmit').addClass('hidden'); $('.mktoModalContent').addClass('mkto_thnx_center'); $('.mktoModalMask').addClass('not_clicable'); $('.mkto-postsubmit').removeClass('hidden'); $('.mktoButton').removeAttr('disabled').text(drupalSettings.marketo.button_text); $('.mktoForm')[0].reset(); grecaptcha.reset(); } // Else, redirect user: else { window.location.href = drplMkto.success_url; } // IMPORTANT: Return false to prevent further code execution. return false; }); //END form.onSuccess. }); })(jQuery, drupalSettings.marketo);