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Advancing the Energy Transition

We help customers innovate for a more sustainable future. Discover how UL Solutions supports renewable power production, transmission and use while maintaining an unwavering commitment to safety.

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In pursuit of energy decarbonization

The shift from a fossil fuel-charged world to a future powered fully by clean, renewable sources will happen. It simply must. Safety must live in the heart of energy transition. If the way we produce, store and use energy isn’t safe, it’s not sustainable for those who work on the grid or plug in the charger.

At the same time, if the energy we use isn’t sustainable, it’s not safe for people today — or generations to come.

This is the challenge: How can energy innovators rise to the demand for sustainability without sacrificing safety or performance?



What we offer for energy transition innovators


Safer electrification is literally in our company’s DNA. It’s why we were founded in 1894 and remains a central principle in our larger mission: a safer, more secure and sustainable world.

Here’s how UL Solutions helps companies today establish and advance energy transition and eco-friendly transportation strategies while still keeping safety at the center:

Icon of a checklist

Outlining requirements

Our work helps bring safety science to life. By driving conversations among regulators, manufacturers and other key stakeholders, UL Solutions helps accelerate standards development during this time of rapid evolution in renewable energy, the built environment and decarbonization of transportation worldwide.

Icon of a computer with an upward trending line graph

Growing confidence

We help innovative customers identify and mitigate risk and grow market confidence through our portfolio of trusted UL Marks.

Lightbulb icon

Illuminating opportunity

We help accelerate innovation to help unlock the limitless potential of energy transition guided by decades of experience from electrification experts, pioneering methodologies and advanced laboratory facilities.



Comprehensive services for safer, sustainable energy transition

Overhead view of a wind turbine

Decarbonized power generation

We offer software, guidance and support to power producers of all sizes, as well as their partners, to reduce uncertainty in renewable projects and help accelerate a clean energy transition.

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Two engineers having a discussion in front of pipes at a gas storage plant

Safer and more sustainable energy storage

We recognize the transformative potential of battery storage and offer comprehensive strategies to mitigate risks before, during and after manufacture, installation and use.

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Wind turbines positioned on a plain next to electric grid towers

Modernizing the power grid in the energy transition

We help advance the transition to a modern, decentralized power grid through validation and testing services to demonstrate grid code compliance and grid integration.

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Upward view of trees against glass skyscrapers

Energy transition and the built environment

We offer customers a comprehensive understanding of emerging standards and technology that help safely advance energy resilience.

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Person plugging their electric vehicle into a charger

Decarbonization of transportation

We connect automotive and mobility innovators with transformative software, training and consulting services that help advance the supply of electrified vehicles without compromising safety.

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We are committed to energy transition 

Our undeniable climate crisis drives inventors around the world to make meaningful advances in clean energy generation, storage and transmission, decarbonized transportation infrastructure and the built environment. 

While this progress is both critical and notable, the safety and security threats that jeopardize people, property and data must be proactively addressed. 

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Meet the experts

Kenneth Boyce

Vice President, Principal Engineering

Throughout his 40-year-career at UL Solutions, Ken Boyce has helped shape engineering approaches to safety science challenges in many industries, including renewable energy generation, storage and transmission. He’s passionate about many areas of safety science, including the fight against climate change and the generational importance of involving youth in STEM careers.

More about Ken

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