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Basic and Industrial Chemicals

Comprehensive management, transparency, sustainability and safety solutions for manufacturers of basic and industrial chemicals.

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Science and data-based solutions for chemical materials

Basic and industrial chemicals are the foundation of our manufacturing industry around the world today. These chemicals, including materials like monomers, sulfuric acid and propylene, are essential for many global manufacturing and production processes today. From the mass producers of these building-block chemicals to the downstream users, accurate and complete data management is paramount for the safety and traceability.

At UL Solutions, we recognize the challenges manufacturers face, and our breadth and depth of knowledge throughout the many industries allow us to identify solutions for securing and transferring data with confidence and insight. Our services cover everything from initial product development to finished production market entry, allowing UL Solutions’ global team to help you meet your customers’ expectations and specific requirements and satisfy regulations that often change from one region or industry to the next, and still remain focused on sustainability.

Along with our extensive experience surrounding these chemicals and materials that are the building blocks of manufacturing, we also understand the entire chemicals supply chain. Whether you are looking for advanced methods of chemical toxicological assessment to improve your processes or evaluate ingredients, or you are working toward a more transparent supply chain, UL Solutions’ experts can help. Together, we can work with your team to help you anticipate challenges before they arise, so you can save time, comply with regulations, keep production running, and demonstrate brand integrity in the increasingly competitive global market. 

Creating trust and transparency for basic and industrial chemicals 

Supply chain integrity is essential to ensuring the quality of a finished product and building strong relationships with both upstream suppliers and downstream customers. Unfortunately, an increase in counterfeit basic and industrial chemicals making their way into supply chains has added to the complexity.

Transparency throughout the entire product supply chain helps build confidence and trust among suppliers and customers. At UL Solutions, we understand the challenges associated with basic and industrial chemicals — often mass-produced for numerous uses and industries — and the need to demonstrate the composition of materials without disclosing any proprietary data.

Wherever you are in the product development process, we can help you understand what you need for market readiness and work with you to complete all necessary steps.


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form.submittable(true); isResponseSuccess = true; if ( submitCount == 1 ) { form.submittable(true); } } // Handle AJAX error if (paramsDebug.debug == 1) { console.log('**** 2 ajax error. submitCount = ' + submitCount); console.log(error); } // Calculate the time comsumed for the API call. if (paramsDebug.debug == 1) { let receiveDate = (new Date()).getTime(); responseTimeMs = (receiveDate - sendDate) / 1000; console.log("NO.2.3 AJAX error: Time for API call: " + responseTimeMs + " seconds."); } } submitCount++; // Error status 500, then submit the form.; } //END error: function(); }); //END $.ajax; if (isResponseSuccess) { if (paramsDebug.debug == 1) { console.log("NO.8.0 submittable(true)"); } form.submittable(true); } } //END: if (submitCount > 1) else // Setup the form.vals and form.submittable; form.vals({ "emailAddressStatus": emailAddressStatus, "phoneNumberStatus": phoneNumberStatus, "phoneNumberValidated": phoneNumberValidated, }); } //END: if (validateOrigin && (marketoBundle)) else { // For Event form and Newsletter form. if (validateOrigin === true){ form.submittable(true); } } }); //END form.onValidate() // Success callback() form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){ // Debug Phone/Email validation. if (paramsDebug.debug == 1) { console.log("NO.9.1 onSuccess: submittable = " + form.submittable()); console.log(form.getValues()); } // Track analytics. if (typeof dataLayer !== 'undefined'){ dataLayer.push({ event: drplMkto.dataLayerEvent, mktoFormId: form.getId(), 'FormValues': cleanFormVals(form.getValues()), 'FormFields': form.allFieldsFilled(), 'Submittable': form.submittable() }); } // If function exists, delete UTM cookie: if(typeof _deleteUtmCookie === "function"){ _deleteUtmCookie(); } // Marketo Modal "Thank You" message: if(use_post_submit_mssg){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $('.mkto-presubmit').addClass('hidden'); $('.mktoModalContent').addClass('mkto_thnx_center'); $('.mktoModalMask').addClass('not_clicable'); $('.mkto-postsubmit').removeClass('hidden'); $('.mktoButton').removeAttr('disabled').text(drupalSettings.marketo.button_text); 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