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Related to keep: keep busy
 (kēp)v. kept, keep·ing, keeps
1. To retain possession of: kept the change; must keep your composure.
2. To have as a supply: keep spare parts in case of emergency.
a. To provide (a family, for example) with maintenance and support: "There's little to earn and many to keep" (Charles Kingsley).
b. To support (a mistress or lover) financially.
4. To put customarily; store: Where do you keep your saw?
a. To supply with room and board for a charge: keep boarders.
b. To raise: keep chickens.
6. To maintain for use or service: an urbanite who didn't keep a car.
7. To manage, tend, or have charge of: Keep the shop while I'm away.
8. To preserve (food).
9. To cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action: tried to keep the patient calm.
a. To maintain records or entries in: keep a yearly diary.
b. To enter (data) in a book: keep financial records.
a. To detain: was kept after school.
b. To restrain: kept the child away from the stove; kept the crowd back with barriers.
c. To prevent or deter: tried to keep the ice from melting.
d. To refrain from divulging: keep a secret.
e. To save; reserve: keep extra money for emergencies.
12. To adhere or conform to; follow: keep late hours.
13. To be faithful to; fulfill: keep one's word.
14. To celebrate; observe: keep the Sabbath.
1. To remain in a state or condition; stay: keep in line; keep quiet; kept well.
2. To continue to do: keep on talking; keep guessing.
3. To remain fresh or unspoiled: The dessert won't keep.
4. To restrain oneself; hold oneself back: I couldn't keep from eavesdropping.
Phrasal Verbs: 1. Care; charge: The child is in my keep for the day.
2. The means by which one is supported: earn one's keep.
a. The stronghold of a castle.
b. A jail.
keep at
To persevere in work or an action.
keep down
1. To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding: keep the revolutionaries down.
2. To hold under control or at a reduced level: Keep your voice down.
3. To refrain from vomiting: Although seasick, I managed to keep my food down.
keep off
To stay away from.
keep to
To adhere to: keep to the original purpose.
keep up
Idioms: 1. To maintain in good condition: kept up the property.
2. To persevere in; carry on: We asked her to stop talking, but she kept it up. To preserve or sustain: kept up the appearance of friendship.
3. To continue at the same level or pace: The snow kept up all day.
4. To continue to pay off (a financial obligation).
5. To match one's competitors, colleagues, or neighbors in success or lifestyle: couldn't keep up with his friends who went into business.
6. To remain adequately informed: loved to keep up on the gossip.
for keeps
1. For an indefinitely long period: gave the ring to me for keeps.
2. Seriously and permanently: We're separating for keeps.
keep an eye on
1. To watch over attentively; mind.
2. To watch closely or carefully: keep your eye on the ball.
keep an eye out
To be watchful.
keep a stiff upper lip
To be courageous or stoic in the face of adversity.
keep company
1. To carry on a courtship: a couple who kept company but never married.
2. To socialize or associate: keeps company with some tough thugs.
keep (one's) chin up
To be stalwart, courageous, or optimistic in the face of difficulty.
keep (one's) eyes open/peeled
To be on the lookout.
keep (one's) nose clean Informal
To stay out of trouble.
keep pace
To stay even with others, as in a contest.
keep (someone) company
To accompany or remain with.
keep the wolf from the door
To avoid the privation and suffering resulting from a lack of money: Both spouses had to work in order to keep the wolf from the door.
keep time
1. To indicate the correct time.
2. Music To maintain the tempo or rhythm.
keep to (oneself)
1. To shun the company of others: She kept to herself all morning.
2. To refrain from divulging: He kept the news to himself.
[Middle English kepen, from Old English cēpan, to observe, seize.]
Synonyms: keep, retain, withhold, reserve
These verbs mean to have and maintain in one's possession or control. Keep is the most general: We received a few offers but decided to keep the house. Retain means to continue to hold, especially in the face of possible loss: Though unhappy, he retained his sense of humor. Withhold implies reluctance or refusal to give, grant, or allow: The tenant withheld his rent until the owner fixed the boiler. To reserve is to hold back for the future or for a special purpose: The farmer reserved two acres for an orchard. See Also Synonyms at observe.
These verbs mean to have and maintain in one's possession or control. Keep is the most general: We received a few offers but decided to keep the house. Retain means to continue to hold, especially in the face of possible loss: Though unhappy, he retained his sense of humor. Withhold implies reluctance or refusal to give, grant, or allow: The tenant withheld his rent until the owner fixed the boiler. To reserve is to hold back for the future or for a special purpose: The farmer reserved two acres for an orchard. See Also Synonyms at observe.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(kiËp)vb, keeps, keeping or kept (kÉpt)
1. (tr) to have or retain possession of
2. (tr) to have temporary possession or charge of: keep my watch for me during the game.
3. (tr) to store in a customary place: I keep my books in the desk.
4. to remain or cause to remain in a specified state or condition: keep the dog quiet; keep ready.
5. to continue or cause to continue: keep the beat; keep in step.
6. (tr) to have or take charge or care of: keep the shop for me till I return.
7. (tr) to look after or maintain for use, pleasure, etc: to keep chickens; keep two cars.
8. (tr) to provide for the upkeep or livelihood of
9. (tr) to support financially, esp in return for sexual favours: he keeps a mistress in the country.
10. to confine or detain or be confined or detained
11. to withhold or reserve or admit of withholding or reserving: your news will keep till later.
12. (tr) to refrain from divulging or violating: to keep a secret; keep one's word.
13. to preserve or admit of preservation
14. (sometimes foll by: up) to observe with due rites or ceremonies: to keep Christmas.
15. (tr) to maintain by writing regular records in: to keep a diary.
16. (when: intr, foll by in, on, to, etc) to stay in, on, or at (a place or position): please keep your seats; keep to the path.
17. (tr) to associate with (esp in the phrase keep bad company)
18. (tr) to maintain in existence: to keep court in the palace.
19. (tr) chiefly Brit to have habitually in stock: this shop keeps all kinds of wool.
20. how are you keeping? how are you?
21. keep tabs on informal to keep a watchful eye on
22. keep track of See track15
23. keep time See time42
24. (Cricket) keep wicket to play as wicketkeeper in the game of cricket
25. you can keep it informal I have no interest in what you are offering
26. living or support: he must work for his keep.
27. archaic charge or care
28. (Architecture) Also called: dungeon or donjon the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
[Old English cÄpan to observe; compare Old Saxon kapÅn to look, Old Norse kÅpa to stare]
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(kip)v. kept, keep•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to hold or retain in one's possession, either permanently or temporarily.
2. to hold in a given place; put or store: to keep mints in a dish.
3. to maintain (some action), as in accordance with duty: to keep watch.
4. to cause to continue in a given position, state, course, or action: to keep a light burning.
5. to maintain in condition or order: to keep a lawn mowed.
6. to maintain in usable or edible condition; preserve: to keep meat by freezing it.
7. to hold in custody or under guard, as a prisoner.
8. to cause to stay in a particular place; detain: The work kept me at the office.
9. to have readily available for use or sale: to keep machine parts in stock.
10. to maintain in one's service or for one's use: to keep a car and chauffeur.
11. to associate with: to keep bad company.
12. to have the care, charge, or custody of: She keeps my dog when I travel.
13. to refrain from disclosing: to keep a secret.
14. to withhold, as from use; reserve: to keep the best wine for guests.
15. to restrain or prevent, as from an action: to keep a pipe from leaking.
16. to control; regulate: to keep one's temper.
17. to maintain by writing: to keep a diary.
18. to record regularly or consistently: to keep attendance figures.
19. to observe; obey or fulfill (a law, rule, promise, etc.).
20. to observe (a season, festival, etc.) with formalities or rites.
21. to maintain or carry on, as an establishment or business; manage.
22. to guard; protect: He kept her from harm.
23. to maintain or support: Can you keep a family on those wages?
24. to take care of; tend: to keep an herb garden.
25. to raise and provide for the care of as owner: to keep goats.
26. to remain in (a place, spot, etc.): Please keep your seats.
27. to maintain one's position in or on: to keep a job.
28. to continue to follow (a path, course, etc.).
v.i. 29. to continue in an action, course, position, or state: to keep going; to keep calm.
30. to remain in a particular place: to keep indoors.
31. to continue without damage or spoilage: Will the milk keep for another day?
32. to admit of being reserved for a future occasion: The rest of the story will keep.
33. to stay as specified (fol. by away, back, off, out, etc.): Keep off the grass.
34. to restrain oneself; refrain (usu. fol. by from): Try to keep from smiling.
35. keep at, to persevere in.
36. keep back,
a. to hold in check; restrain.
b. to stay away from.
37. keep down,
a. to maintain at an acceptable level; control.
b. to prevent from advancing or flourishing.
c. to avoid regurgitation of.
38. keep on, to persevere.
39. keep to,
a. to conform to: to keep to the rules.
b. to confine oneself to: to keep to one's bed.
40. keep up,
n. a. to perform as swiftly or successfully as others.
b. to persevere; continue.
c. to maintain in good condition or repair.
d. to stay informed.
41. board and lodging; support.
42. the innermost and strongest structure or central tower of a medieval castle; dungeon.
Idioms: 1. for keeps,
a. with the understanding that winnings are retained by the winner.
b. with serious intent or purpose.
c. permanently; forever.
2. keep to oneself,
a. to remain aloof from the society of others.
b. to hold (something) as secret or confidential.
[before 1000; Middle English kepen, Old English cēpan to observe, heed, watch, take]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. used as a transitive verb
If you keep something or someone in a place, you cause them to remain in that place. The past tense and -ed participle of keep is kept.
Where do you keep your keys?
The doctors kept her in hospital for another week.
To keep someone or something in a particular state means to cause them to remain in that state.
The fire kept them warm.
They had been kept awake by birds.
2. used as an intransitive verb
To keep in a particular state means to remain in that state.
They've got to hunt for food to keep alive.
3. used with an -ing form
Keep can be used in two different ways with an -ing form.
You can use it to say that something is repeated many times.
The phone keeps ringing.
My mother keeps asking questions.
You can also use it to say that something continues to happen and does not stop.
I turned back after a while, but he kept walking.
The fire is still burning. I think it'll keep going all night.
For emphasis, you can use keep on instead of 'keep'.
Did he give up or keep on trying?
Be Careful!
Don't say that someone or something 'keeps to do' something.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: kept
Gerund: keeping
Imperative |
keep |
keep |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | keep - the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood" resource - available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed amenities, comforts, conveniences, creature comforts - things that make you comfortable and at ease; "all the comforts of home" maintenance - means of maintenance of a family or group meal ticket - a source of income or livelihood subsistence - minimal (or marginal) resources for subsisting; "social security provided only a bare subsistence" |
2. | keep - the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress castle - a large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack stronghold, fastness - a strongly fortified defensive structure | |
3. | keep - a cell in a jail or prison | |
Verb | 1. | keep - keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes" pressurise, pressurize - maintain a certain pressure; "the airplane cabin is pressurized"; "pressurize a space suit" preserve, uphold, carry on, continue, bear on - keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions" hold over - keep in a position or state from an earlier period of time conserve - keep constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary change; "Energy is conserved in this process" preserve - keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing; "preserve the forest and the lakes" distance - keep at a distance; "we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living" housekeep - maintain a household; take care of all business related to a household keep apart, sequestrate, set apart, isolate, sequester - set apart from others; "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on" stay off, keep off - refrain from entering or walking onto; "keep off the grass"; "stay off the premises" keep up - maintain a required pace or level; "He could not keep up and dropped out of the race" keep off, avoid - refrain from certain foods or beverages; "I keep off drugs"; "During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day" keep out, shut out, exclude, shut - prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country" keep in - cause to stay indoors |
2. | keep - continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight" act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" preserve, uphold, carry on, continue, bear on - keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions" hold - remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching" keep going, run on - continue uninterrupted; "The disease will run on unchecked"; "The party kept going until 4 A.M." ride - continue undisturbed and without interference; "Let it ride" continue - continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch" | |
3. | keep - retain possession of; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married" hold over, carry over - hold over goods to be sold for the next season have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard" deny, refuse - refuse to let have; "She denies me every pleasure"; "he denies her her weekly allowance" deduct, withhold, recoup - retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments; "My employer is withholding taxes" save, preserve - to keep up and reserve for personal or special use; "She saved the old family photographs in a drawer" salt away, stack away, stash away, store, hive away, lay in, put in - keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat" store - find a place for and put away for storage; "where should we stow the vegetables?"; "I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some" keep back, retain, hold back, hold - secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the right to disagree" hold open, keep open, save, keep - retain rights to; "keep my job for me while I give birth"; "keep my seat, please"; "keep open the possibility of a merger" withhold, keep back - hold back; refuse to hand over or share; "The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room" keep back, retain, hold back, hold - secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the right to disagree" lose - fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense; "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat" | |
4. | keep - stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles" defend - be on the defensive; act against an attack keep - hold and prevent from leaving; "The student was kept after school" keep out, shut out, exclude, shut - prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country" hold - keep from departing; "Hold the taxi"; "Hold the horse" keep away - prevent from coming close; "I tried to keep the child away from the pool" blank - keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning | |
5. | keep - conform one's action or practice to; "keep appointments"; "she never keeps her promises"; "We kept to the original conditions of the contract" make good - act as promised; "make good on promises" breach, infract, transgress, violate, go against, offend, break - act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises; "offend all laws of humanity"; "violate the basic laws or human civilization"; "break a law"; "break a promise" | |
6. | keep - stick to correctly or closely; "The pianist kept time with the metronome"; "keep count"; "I cannot keep track of all my employees" | |
7. | keep - look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone" have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard" conserve, maintain, preserve, keep up - keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction; "We preserve these archeological findings"; "The old lady could not keep up the building"; "children must be taught to conserve our national heritage"; "The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts" | |
8. | keep - maintain by writing regular records; "keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes" | |
9. | keep - supply with room and board; "He is keeping three women in the guest cottage"; "keep boarders" lodge, accommodate - provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester" | |
10. | keep - allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature; "We cannot continue several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"; "She retained her composure"; "this garment retains its shape even after many washings" sustain, keep up, prolong - lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up the good work" persist in, continue - do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move" | |
11. | keep - supply with necessities and support; "She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep" patronage - support by being a patron of reseed - maintain by seeding without human intervention; "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely" have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard" carry - keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years" | |
12. | keep - fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time" | |
13. | keep - behave as expected during of holidays or rites; "Keep the commandments"; "celebrate Christmas"; "Observe Yom Kippur" commemorate, mark - mark by some ceremony or observation; "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade" mourn - observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one | |
14. | keep - keep under control; keep in check; "suppress a smile"; "Keep your temper"; "keep your cool" hold - keep from exhaling or expelling; "hold your breath" confine - prevent from leaving or from being removed | |
15. | keep - maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger; "May God keep you" protect - shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; "Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain" keep - look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone" | |
16. | keep - raise; "She keeps a few chickens in the yard"; "he keeps bees" farm, produce, raise, grow - cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here" herd - keep, move, or drive animals; "Who will be herding the cattle when the cowboy dies?" | |
17. | keep - retain rights to; "keep my job for me while I give birth"; "keep my seat, please"; "keep open the possibility of a merger" | |
18. | keep - store or keep customarily; "Where do you keep your gardening tools?" keep - have as a supply; "I always keep batteries in the freezer"; "keep food for a week in the pantry"; "She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator" store - find a place for and put away for storage; "where should we stow the vegetables?"; "I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some" | |
19. | keep - have as a supply; "I always keep batteries in the freezer"; "keep food for a week in the pantry"; "She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator" have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard" keep - store or keep customarily; "Where do you keep your gardening tools?" | |
20. | keep - maintain for use and service; "I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips" | |
21. | keep - hold and prevent from leaving; "The student was kept after school" | |
22. | keep - prevent (food) from rotting; "preserved meats"; "keep potatoes fresh" freeze-dry - preserve by rapid freezing and subsequently drying in a vacuum; "freeze-dry the strawberries" conserve - preserve with sugar; "Mom always conserved the strawberries we grew in the backyard" dehydrate, desiccate - preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip" pickle - preserve in a pickling liquid salt - preserve with salt; "people used to salt meats on ships" refrigerate - preserve by chilling; "many foods must be refrigerated or else they will spoil" cure - prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats"; "cure pickles"; "cure hay" corn - preserve with salt; "corned beef" ready, prepare, cook, fix, make - prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please" stay fresh, keep - fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. remain, stay, continue to be, go on being, carry on being Keeping cool out here requires cold drinks plus a hat.
2. (usually with from) prevent, hold back, deter, inhibit, block, stall, restrain, hamstring, hamper, withhold, hinder, retard, impede, shackle, keep back Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things.
3. (sometimes with on) continue, go on, carry on, persist in, persevere in, remain I turned back after a while, but he kept walking.
4. hold on to, maintain, retain, keep possession of, save, preserve, nurture, cherish, conserve We want to keep as many players as we can.
hold on to retain, lose, give up, abandon, discard
hold on to retain, lose, give up, abandon, discard
5. store, put, place, house, hold, deposit, pile, stack, heap, amass, stow She kept her money under the mattress.
6. carry, stock, have, hold, sell, supply, handle, trade in, deal in The shop keeps specialised books on various aspects of the collection.
7. comply with, carry out, honour, fulfil, hold, follow, mind, respect, observe, respond to, embrace, execute, obey, heed, conform to, adhere to, abide by, act upon I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.
comply with ignore, disregard
comply with ignore, disregard
8. record, report, write, document, log, chronicle, take down, set down Eleanor began to keep a diary.
9. support, maintain, sustain, provide for, mind, fund, board, finance, feed, look after, foster, shelter, care for, take care of, nurture, safeguard, cherish, nourish, subsidize She could just about afford to keep her five kids.
10. raise, own, maintain, tend, farm, breed, look after, rear, care for, bring up, nurture, nourish This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.
11. manage, run, administer, be in charge (of), rule, direct, handle, govern, oversee, supervise, preside over, superintend His father kept a village shop.
12. delay, detain, hinder, impede, stop, limit, check, arrest, curb, constrain, obstruct, retard, set back `Sorry to keep you, Jack.'
delay detain, free, release, liberate
delay detain, free, release, liberate
13. stay fresh, be suitable, be safe to eat, remain flavoursome Whatever is left over will keep for 2-3 weeks.
14. associate with, mix with, mingle with, hang out with (informal), hang with (informal, chiefly U.S.), be friends with, consort with, run around with (informal), hobnob with, socialize with, hang about with, fraternize with I don't like the company you keep.
1. board, food, maintenance, upkeep, means, living, support, nurture, livelihood, subsistence, kai (N.Z. informal), nourishment, sustenance I need to give my parents money for my keep.
for keeps (Informal) forever, permanent, for all time, for always, for evermore, for good and all (informal), till the cows come home (informal), till the end of time, till Doomsday Whatever you gain now will be for keeps.
keep at it persist with it, continue, carry on, keep going, stick with it, stay with it, be steadfast, grind it out, persevere with it, remain with it `Keep at it!' Thade encouraged me.
keep away stay away, hold back, stand back, rest away, wait away Keep away from the doors while the train is moving.
keep off something avoid, steer clear of, dodge, get away from, shun, eschew, sidestep, shirk from I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.
keep on about something go on about, go on and on about, ramble on about, rant on about, talk constantly about He kept on about me being `defensive'.
keep on at someone nag, badger, pester, hassle (informal), harry, provoke, plague, harass, berate, bend someone's ear (informal), be on your back (slang), henpeck She kept on at him to get some qualifications.
keep someone down oppress, burden, depress, harass, dispirit, take the heart out of No matter what a woman tries to do, there is some barrier to keep her down.
keep something back
1. hold back, hold, save, set aside, husband, store, retain, preserve, withhold, hang on to, conserve, stockpile, hoard, lay up, put by Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a few for decoration.
2. suppress, hide, reserve, conceal, restrain, cover up, withhold, stifle, censor, repress, smother, muffle, muzzle, keep something under your hat Neither of them is telling the whole truth. They're both keeping something back.
3. restrain, control, limit, check, delay, restrict, curb, prohibit, withhold, hold back, constrain, retard, keep a tight rein on I can no longer keep back my tears.
keep something down restrict, limit, check, curb, fix, specify, restrain, demarcate, delimit The prime aim is to keep inflation down.
keep something from someone hide something, keep someone in the dark, conceal something, mask something, keep something secret, obscure something She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.
keep something up
1. continue, make, maintain, carry on, persist in, persevere with They can no longer keep up the repayments.
2. maintain, sustain, uphold, perpetuate, retain, preserve, prolong keeping up the pressure against the government
keep to something observe, follow, obey, stick to, respect, honour, mind, comply with, heed, conform to, adhere to, abide by Keep to the speed limit.
keep up keep pace, match, compete, contend, emulate, persevere Things are changing so fast, it's hard to keep up.
2noun tower, castle, stronghold, dungeon, citadel, fastness, donjon the parts of the keep open to visitors
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language â Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb3. To supply with the necessities of life:
Idiom: take care of.
4. To have or put in a customary place:
5. To remain fresh and unspoiled:
7. To control, restrict, or arrest:
9. To reserve for the future:
10. To carry out the functions, requirements, or terms of:
Idiom: live up to.
11. To act in conformity with:
Idiom: toe the line.
12. To mark (a day or an event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing:
keep back
phrasal verb
keep offphrasal verb
keep on
To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks:
Idioms: hang in there, keep going , keep it up.
keep out
phrasal verb
keep upnoun
1. The means needed to support life:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Äuvatikloniti sestalno Äinitizadržati
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giữtiếp tục
[kiːp] (kept (vb: pt, pp))A. TRANSITIVE VERB
When keep is part of a set combination, eg to keep an appointment. to keep a promise, to keep one's seat, look up the noun.
1. (= retain) [+ change, copy] → quedarse con; [+ receipt] → guardar; [+ business, customer, colour] → conservar
you must keep the receipt → debe guardar el recibo
you can keep the change → quédese con la vuelta or (LAm) el vuelto
is this jacket worth keeping? → ¿merece la pena guardar esta chaqueta?
he is to keep his job in spite of the incident → va a mantener or conservar el trabajo a pesar del incidente
this material will keep its colour/softness → este material conservará su color/suavidad
to keep sth for o.s → quedarse con algo
if this is fashion, you can keep it! → ¡si esto es moda no la quiero ni regalada!
you must keep the receipt → debe guardar el recibo
you can keep the change → quédese con la vuelta or (LAm) el vuelto
is this jacket worth keeping? → ¿merece la pena guardar esta chaqueta?
he is to keep his job in spite of the incident → va a mantener or conservar el trabajo a pesar del incidente
this material will keep its colour/softness → este material conservará su color/suavidad
to keep sth for o.s → quedarse con algo
if this is fashion, you can keep it! → ¡si esto es moda no la quiero ni regalada!
2. (= save, put aside) → guardar, reservar
I'm keeping this wine in case we have visitors → voy a guardar or reservar este vino por si tenemos visitas
ask the shop to keep you one → pide en la tienda que te reserven uno
I was keeping it for you → lo guardaba para ti
I'm keeping this wine in case we have visitors → voy a guardar or reservar este vino por si tenemos visitas
ask the shop to keep you one → pide en la tienda que te reserven uno
I was keeping it for you → lo guardaba para ti
3. (= have ready) I always keep a torch in the car → siempre tengo una linterna en el coche
keep this by you in case of emergencies → guárdate eso para un caso de emergencia
keep this by you in case of emergencies → guárdate eso para un caso de emergencia
4. (= store, put) (gen) → guardar; (in museum) → conservar
where do you keep the sugar? → ¿dónde guardas el azúcar?
keep it somewhere safe → guárdalo en un sitio seguro
you must keep it in a cold place → debes conservarlo en un sitio fresco
where do you keep the sugar? → ¿dónde guardas el azúcar?
keep it somewhere safe → guárdalo en un sitio seguro
you must keep it in a cold place → debes conservarlo en un sitio fresco
5. (= house) the puppies were kept in cramped conditions → tenÃan a los cachorros hacinados
the tarantulas were kept in cages → las tarántulas estaban metidas en jaulas
the prisoners were kept in a dark room → los prisioneros estaban encerrados en una habitación oscura
he keeps his wives in separate houses → tiene a sus mujeres alojadas en casas separadas
the tarantulas were kept in cages → las tarántulas estaban metidas en jaulas
the prisoners were kept in a dark room → los prisioneros estaban encerrados en una habitación oscura
he keeps his wives in separate houses → tiene a sus mujeres alojadas en casas separadas
6. (= detain) → tener
keep him in bed for a couple of days → tenlo en cama un par de dÃas
to keep sb in prison → tener a algn preso
he was kept in hospital over night → lo tuvieron una noche en el hospital, le hicieron pasar la noche en el hospital
illness kept her at home → la enfermedad no le permitió salir de casa
to keep sb doing sth → tener a algn haciendo algo
keep him in bed for a couple of days → tenlo en cama un par de dÃas
to keep sb in prison → tener a algn preso
he was kept in hospital over night → lo tuvieron una noche en el hospital, le hicieron pasar la noche en el hospital
illness kept her at home → la enfermedad no le permitió salir de casa
to keep sb doing sth → tener a algn haciendo algo
7. (= delay) → entretener
I mustn't keep you → no quiero entretenerte
don't let me keep you → no le entretengo más
what kept you? → ¿por qué te has retrasado?
am I keeping you from your work? → quizá tienes trabajo y yo te estoy entreteniendo
I mustn't keep you → no quiero entretenerte
don't let me keep you → no le entretengo más
what kept you? → ¿por qué te has retrasado?
am I keeping you from your work? → quizá tienes trabajo y yo te estoy entreteniendo
8. (= have) [+ shop, hotel, house, servant] → tener; [+ pigs, bees, chickens] → criar
he keeps a good cellar → tiene una buena bodega
he keeps a good cellar → tiene una buena bodega
10. (= support) [+ family, mistress] → mantener
to keep o.s → mantenerse
the extra money keeps me in beer and cigarettes → el dinero extra me da para (comprar) cerveza y cigarrillos
our garden keeps us in vegetables all summer → el huerto nos da suficientes verduras para todo el verano
to keep o.s → mantenerse
the extra money keeps me in beer and cigarettes → el dinero extra me da para (comprar) cerveza y cigarrillos
our garden keeps us in vegetables all summer → el huerto nos da suficientes verduras para todo el verano
11. (= fulfil, observe) [+ promise, agreement, obligation] → cumplir; [+ law, rule] → observar; [+ appointment] → acudir a, ir a; [+ feast day] → observar
to keep the Sabbath → observar el sábado judÃo
to keep the Sabbath → observar el sábado judÃo
12. (= not divulge)
to keep sth from sb → ocultar algo a algn
keep it quiet → de esto no digas ni una palabra
keep it to yourself → no se lo digas a nadie
but he kept the news to himself → pero se guardó la noticia, pero no comunicó la noticia a nadie
to keep sth from sb → ocultar algo a algn
keep it quiet → de esto no digas ni una palabra
keep it to yourself → no se lo digas a nadie
but he kept the news to himself → pero se guardó la noticia, pero no comunicó la noticia a nadie
13. (= maintain)
13.2. WITH ADJECTIVE → mantener; (less formal) → tener
"keep Britain tidy" → mantenga limpia Gran Bretaña
to keep sth clean → conservar or mantener algo limpio; (less formal) → tener algo limpio
she always keeps the house very clean → tiene la casa siempre muy limpia
to keep o.s. clean → no ensuciarse, mantenerse limpio
cats keep themselves clean → los gatos son muy limpios
exercise keeps you fit → haciendo ejercicio te mantienes en forma
keep the sauce hot (in recipe book) → mantener la salsa caliente
I'll keep your supper hot → te guardaré la comida caliente
to keep inflation as low as possible → mantener la inflación tan baja como sea posible
to keep sth safe → guardar algo bien, guardar algo en un lugar seguro
try to keep your head still → intenta no mover la cabeza
to keep sth warm → mantener algo caliente
the garden is well kept → el jardÃn está muy bien cuidado
see also fixed A3
see also happy A3
see also post B4
"keep Britain tidy" → mantenga limpia Gran Bretaña
to keep sth clean → conservar or mantener algo limpio; (less formal) → tener algo limpio
she always keeps the house very clean → tiene la casa siempre muy limpia
to keep o.s. clean → no ensuciarse, mantenerse limpio
cats keep themselves clean → los gatos son muy limpios
exercise keeps you fit → haciendo ejercicio te mantienes en forma
keep the sauce hot (in recipe book) → mantener la salsa caliente
I'll keep your supper hot → te guardaré la comida caliente
to keep inflation as low as possible → mantener la inflación tan baja como sea posible
to keep sth safe → guardar algo bien, guardar algo en un lugar seguro
try to keep your head still → intenta no mover la cabeza
to keep sth warm → mantener algo caliente
the garden is well kept → el jardÃn está muy bien cuidado
see also fixed A3
see also happy A3
see also post B4
14. (= hold)
to keep sb at it → obligar a algn a seguir trabajando
I'll keep you to your promise → haré que cumplas tu promesa
see also counsel A1
to keep sb at it → obligar a algn a seguir trabajando
I'll keep you to your promise → haré que cumplas tu promesa
see also counsel A1
15. (= prevent)
to keep sb from doing sth → impedir que algn haga algo
what can we do to keep it from happening again → ¿qué podemos hacer para evitar que se repita?
to keep o.s. from doing sth → contener las ganas de hacer algo, aguantarse de hacer algo
to keep sb from doing sth → impedir que algn haga algo
what can we do to keep it from happening again → ¿qué podemos hacer para evitar que se repita?
to keep o.s. from doing sth → contener las ganas de hacer algo, aguantarse de hacer algo
17. to keep o.s. to o.s. → guardar las distancias
1. (= remain)
try to keep calm → intenta mantener la calma
to keep fit → mantenerse en forma
it will keep fresh for weeks → se conservará fresco durante semanas
to keep healthy → mantenerse sano
keep very quiet → no hagas nada de ruido
you must keep still → tienes que estarte or quedarte muy quieto
to keep together → no separarse
he was jumping up and down to keep warm → estaba dando saltos para mantener el calor
try to keep calm → intenta mantener la calma
to keep fit → mantenerse en forma
it will keep fresh for weeks → se conservará fresco durante semanas
to keep healthy → mantenerse sano
keep very quiet → no hagas nada de ruido
you must keep still → tienes que estarte or quedarte muy quieto
to keep together → no separarse
he was jumping up and down to keep warm → estaba dando saltos para mantener el calor
1.2. WITH PREPOSITION/ADVERB keep in the left lane → sigue por el carril de la izquierda
she kept inside for three days → no salió en tres dÃas
she kept inside for three days → no salió en tres dÃas
2. to keep doing sth
2.1. (= continue) → seguir haciendo algo
he kept walking → siguió caminando
I keep hoping she'll come back → sigo esperando que vuelva
you must keep moving → no pares
keep smiling! → ¡no te desanimes!
keep going! → ¡no pares!
he kept walking → siguió caminando
I keep hoping she'll come back → sigo esperando que vuelva
you must keep moving → no pares
keep smiling! → ¡no te desanimes!
keep going! → ¡no pares!
2.2. (= do repeatedly) → no hacer más que hacer algo
he keeps mentioning his uncle → no hace más que mencionar a su tÃo
I keep thinking I'll wake up in a minute → no hago más que pensar que es todo un sueño
she keeps bursting into tears → está todo el tiempo echándose a llorar
he kept interrupting us → no paraba de interrumpirnos
I keep forgetting to pay the gas bill → siempre se me olvida pagar la factura del gas
you mustn't keep looking at your watch → no debes estar todo el tiempo mirando al reloj
he keeps mentioning his uncle → no hace más que mencionar a su tÃo
I keep thinking I'll wake up in a minute → no hago más que pensar que es todo un sueño
she keeps bursting into tears → está todo el tiempo echándose a llorar
he kept interrupting us → no paraba de interrumpirnos
I keep forgetting to pay the gas bill → siempre se me olvida pagar la factura del gas
you mustn't keep looking at your watch → no debes estar todo el tiempo mirando al reloj
3. (in directions) (= continue) → seguir
to keep straight on → seguir todo recto or derecho
keep due north until you come to → siga en dirección norte hasta que llegue a ...
"keep left" → circule por la izquierda
to keep straight on → seguir todo recto or derecho
keep due north until you come to → siga en dirección norte hasta que llegue a ...
"keep left" → circule por la izquierda
4. (= not go off) [food] → conservarse fresco, conservarse bien
fish doesn't keep very well → el pescado no se conserva muy bien
an apple that keeps → una manzana que se conserva bien
fish doesn't keep very well → el pescado no se conserva muy bien
an apple that keeps → una manzana que se conserva bien
5. (= wait) → esperar
the news will keep till I see you → la noticia puede esperar hasta que nos veamos
it can keep → puede esperar
the news will keep till I see you → la noticia puede esperar hasta que nos veamos
it can keep → puede esperar
1. (= livelihood, food) I got £30 a week and my keep → me daban 30 libras a la semana y comida y cama
I pay £50 a week for my keep → la pensión me cuesta 50 libras a la semana
to earn one's keep → ganarse el sustento (fig) → justificar el gasto
in a poem every word must earn its keep → en un poema cada palabra debe estar justificada
I pay £50 a week for my keep → la pensión me cuesta 50 libras a la semana
to earn one's keep → ganarse el sustento (fig) → justificar el gasto
in a poem every word must earn its keep → en un poema cada palabra debe estar justificada
3. (= permanently) for keeps → para siempre
keep ahead VI + ADV (in market) → mantenerse al frente; (in race) → mantenerse en cabeza
to keep ahead of sb (in market, race) → mantenerse por delante de algn
to keep ahead of sb (in market, race) → mantenerse por delante de algn
keep at
1. to keep at sth (= persevere with) → perseverar en algo
despite his problems he kept at his studies → a pesar de sus problemas siguió perseverando en los estudios
keep at it! → ¡ánimo!, ¡no te aflojes! (LAm)
despite his problems he kept at his studies → a pesar de sus problemas siguió perseverando en los estudios
keep at it! → ¡ánimo!, ¡no te aflojes! (LAm)
2. to keep at sb: she kept at him until she got an interview (= pester) → no paró hasta que le concedió una entrevista
I kept at them until they paid → seguà insistiendo hasta que me pagaron
I kept at them until they paid → seguà insistiendo hasta que me pagaron
B. VT + PREP he wanted to rest but I kept him at it until he had run an extra 100 metres → querÃa parar a descansar pero seguà animándole y corrió otros 100 metros
keep away
A. VT + ADV → mantener alejado, mantener a distancia
the police kept the crowds away → la policÃa mantuvo a la multitud alejada or a distancia
keep him away! → ¡que no se acerque!
vitamin C helps keep colds away → la vitamina C ayuda a no pillar resfriados
to keep sb away from sb/sth → mantener a algn alejado de algn/algo
they kept him away from school (= stopped him going) → no le dejaron ir al colegio; (because ill) → no lo llevaron al colegio, lo tuvieron en casa
keep medicines away from children → mantener los medicamentos fuera del alcance de los niños
the police kept the crowds away → la policÃa mantuvo a la multitud alejada or a distancia
keep him away! → ¡que no se acerque!
vitamin C helps keep colds away → la vitamina C ayuda a no pillar resfriados
to keep sb away from sb/sth → mantener a algn alejado de algn/algo
they kept him away from school (= stopped him going) → no le dejaron ir al colegio; (because ill) → no lo llevaron al colegio, lo tuvieron en casa
keep medicines away from children → mantener los medicamentos fuera del alcance de los niños
B. VI + ADV → no acercarse
keep away! → ¡no te acerques!
keep away from the fire → no te acerques al fuego
he promised to keep away from drink → prometió no tocar la bebida
he seems to be keeping away from me → parece que me evita
you keep away from my daughter! → ¡no te vuelvas a acercar a mi hija!
he can't keep away from the subject → siempre vuelve al mismo tema
keep away! → ¡no te acerques!
keep away from the fire → no te acerques al fuego
he promised to keep away from drink → prometió no tocar la bebida
he seems to be keeping away from me → parece que me evita
you keep away from my daughter! → ¡no te vuelvas a acercar a mi hija!
he can't keep away from the subject → siempre vuelve al mismo tema
keep back
2. (= withhold) [+ part of sth given] → guardar, quedarse con
keep back some of the parsley to garnish → guárdate parte del perejil para adornar
keep back some of the parsley to garnish → guárdate parte del perejil para adornar
B. VI + ADV keep back, please! → ¡no se acerquen, por favor!
keep well back from the bonfire → no te acerques a la fogata
I kept well back → me mantuve bien alejado
keep well back from the bonfire → no te acerques a la fogata
I kept well back → me mantuve bien alejado
keep down
1. (= not raise) she kept her eyes down → no levantó los ojos
keep your head down or you'll get shot → no levantes la cabeza o te dispararán
you'll have to keep your head down for 48 hours (fig) → tendrás que mantener al margen durante 48 horas
see also head A1, A2
keep your head down or you'll get shot → no levantes la cabeza o te dispararán
you'll have to keep your head down for 48 hours (fig) → tendrás que mantener al margen durante 48 horas
see also head A1, A2
2. (= control) [+ anger, rebellion] → contener, reprimir; [+ weeds] → no dejar crecer; [+ dog] → sujetar
3. (= limit) [+ prices, spending, temperature] → mantener bajo; [+ costs, inflation] → mantener al mismo nivel
could you keep the noise down? → ¿puedes hacer menos ruido?
you must try to keep your weight down → tienes que intentar no subir de peso
could you keep the noise down? → ¿puedes hacer menos ruido?
you must try to keep your weight down → tienes que intentar no subir de peso
4. (= hold back)
5. (= oppress) [+ spirits] → oprimir
keep in
1. (= prevent from going out) → impedir que salga, no dejar salir
to keep a child in after school → dejar a un niño castigado después de las clases
to keep a child in after school → dejar a un niño castigado después de las clases
1. [fire] → mantenerse encendido
2. to keep in with sb → mantener buenas relaciones con algn
keep off
A. VT + ADV (= keep distant, repel) put a cloth over it to keep the flies off → pon un trapo encima para que no se posen las moscas
he kept his hat off → no se puso el sombrero
keep your hands off! → ¡no toques!
he kept his hat off → no se puso el sombrero
keep your hands off! → ¡no toques!
1. (= keep away from) keep your dog off my lawn → no deje que el perro me pise el césped
keep your feet off the grass → no pises la hierba
keep your hands off my daughter → no toques a mi hija
they want to keep young people off the streets → quieren evitar que los jóvenes pierdan el tiempo vagabundeando por las calles
measures to keep people off the unemployment register → medidas para que la gente no entre en las listas del paro
he couldn't keep his eyes off her → no podÃa apartar los ojos de ella
keep your feet off the grass → no pises la hierba
keep your hands off my daughter → no toques a mi hija
they want to keep young people off the streets → quieren evitar que los jóvenes pierdan el tiempo vagabundeando por las calles
measures to keep people off the unemployment register → medidas para que la gente no entre en las listas del paro
he couldn't keep his eyes off her → no podÃa apartar los ojos de ella
keep on
1. (= not take off) [+ hat, coat, gloves] → no quitarse
3. (= retain) [+ house] → conservar
B. VT + PREP (= restrict to) keep him on light foods for the next few days → que sólo tome alimentos ligeros en los próximos dÃas
he was kept on bread and water for three days → durante tres dÃas sólo le dieron pan y agua, le tuvieron a pan y agua durante tres dÃas
he was kept on bread and water for three days → durante tres dÃas sólo le dieron pan y agua, le tuvieron a pan y agua durante tres dÃas
1. (= continue) → seguir, continuar
to keep on doing sth (ceaselessly) → seguir or continuar haciendo algo; (repeatedly) → no dejar de hacer algo
he keeps on hoping → no pierde la esperanza → sigue teniendo esperanzas
keep on along this road until → siga por esta carretera hasta ...
he keeps on ringing me up → no deja de llamarme por teléfono
she keeps on having migraines → tiene contÃnuos ataques de migraña
to keep on doing sth (ceaselessly) → seguir or continuar haciendo algo; (repeatedly) → no dejar de hacer algo
he keeps on hoping → no pierde la esperanza → sigue teniendo esperanzas
keep on along this road until → siga por esta carretera hasta ...
he keeps on ringing me up → no deja de llamarme por teléfono
she keeps on having migraines → tiene contÃnuos ataques de migraña
2. (= talk) she does keep on → no para de hablar
she keeps on about how much money they've got → no hace mas que hablar or siempre está hablando de todo el dinero que tienen
he keeps on about her being stupid → no hace más que decir que es una estúpida
she keeps on about how much money they've got → no hace mas que hablar or siempre está hablando de todo el dinero que tienen
he keeps on about her being stupid → no hace más que decir que es una estúpida
3. (= nag) she does keep on → es muy machacona
he kept on about me being selfish → siguió dale que te pego con que soy egoÃsta
she keeps on at me about my cheap clothes → siempre me está dando la lata con que llevo ropa barata
I kept on at him about the leaking tap → le dije una y otra vez lo del grifo que perdÃa agua
she keeps on at him to look for a job → le está siempre insistiendo que busque un trabajo
he kept on about me being selfish → siguió dale que te pego con que soy egoÃsta
she keeps on at me about my cheap clothes → siempre me está dando la lata con que llevo ropa barata
I kept on at him about the leaking tap → le dije una y otra vez lo del grifo que perdÃa agua
she keeps on at him to look for a job → le está siempre insistiendo que busque un trabajo
keep out
A. VT + ADV (= exclude) [+ person, dog] → no dejar entrar
we were kept out of the room → no nos dejaron entrar en la habitación
to keep sb out of trouble → evitar que algn se meta en lÃos
to keep sb out of the way → sacar a algn de en medio
this coat should keep out the cold → este abrigo tiene que proteger del frÃo
have some brandy to keep out the cold → tómate un coñac para entrar en calor
let's keep my mother's behaviour out of this! → no metamos lo del comportamiento de mi madre en esto
let's try to keep lawyers out of this → no nos metamos con abogados
we were kept out of the room → no nos dejaron entrar en la habitación
to keep sb out of trouble → evitar que algn se meta en lÃos
to keep sb out of the way → sacar a algn de en medio
this coat should keep out the cold → este abrigo tiene que proteger del frÃo
have some brandy to keep out the cold → tómate un coñac para entrar en calor
let's keep my mother's behaviour out of this! → no metamos lo del comportamiento de mi madre en esto
let's try to keep lawyers out of this → no nos metamos con abogados
B. VI + ADV (= not enter) → no entrar, quedarse fuera
please keep out of the hall until further notice → por favor no entren en el hall hasta nuevo aviso
"keep out" → prohibida la entrada
to keep out of trouble → no meterse en lÃos
to keep out of sb's way (= avoid) → evitar encontrarse con algn; (= try not to annoy) → procurar no molestar a algn
you keep out of this! → ¡no te metas en esto!
please keep out of the hall until further notice → por favor no entren en el hall hasta nuevo aviso
"keep out" → prohibida la entrada
to keep out of trouble → no meterse en lÃos
to keep out of sb's way (= avoid) → evitar encontrarse con algn; (= try not to annoy) → procurar no molestar a algn
you keep out of this! → ¡no te metas en esto!
keep to
A. VI + PREP [+ promise] → cumplir con; [+ subject, schedule, text] → ceñirse a
to keep to the left/right → circular por la izquierda/derecha, mantenerse por la izquierda/derecha
to keep to the main roads → no salir de las carreteras principales
to keep to one's room → no salir de su habitación
to keep to one's bed → guardar cama
to keep to one's diet → no salirse de la dieta
they keep to themselves → guardan las distancias
to keep to the left/right → circular por la izquierda/derecha, mantenerse por la izquierda/derecha
to keep to the main roads → no salir de las carreteras principales
to keep to one's room → no salir de su habitación
to keep to one's bed → guardar cama
to keep to one's diet → no salirse de la dieta
they keep to themselves → guardan las distancias
see keep A14
see keep A14
keep together
A. VT + ADV [+ team] → mantener unido; [+ papers, photographs] → mantener juntos
it has been hard to keep the team together → ha sido difÃcil mantener al equipo unido → ha sido difÃcil hacer que el equipo siguiese junto
we try to keep families together → intentamos mantener a las familias unidas
it has been hard to keep the team together → ha sido difÃcil mantener al equipo unido → ha sido difÃcil hacer que el equipo siguiese junto
we try to keep families together → intentamos mantener a las familias unidas
keep under VT + ADV
2. (= keep anaesthetized) [+ patient] → tener anestesiado
keep up
1. (= hold up) [+ shelf] → sostener, sujetar; [+ stocking, trousers] → sujetar
to keep one's spirits or morale up → mantener la moral alta
to keep one's spirits or morale up → mantener la moral alta
2. (= continue) [+ tradition] → mantener; [+ correspondence, subscription, standards, pressure] → mantener; [+ payments] → no retrasarse en
keep up the good work! → ¡bien hecho!, ¡sigue asÃ!, ¡sÃguele dando! (LAm)
keep it up! → ¡sigue asÃ!, ¡ánimo!
he'll never keep it up! → ¡no va a poder seguir asÃ!, ¡no aguanta! (LAm)
it's difficult to keep up a relationship when you're far apart → es difÃcil mantener una relación cuando se está alejado uno del otro
keep up the good work! → ¡bien hecho!, ¡sigue asÃ!, ¡sÃguele dando! (LAm)
keep it up! → ¡sigue asÃ!, ¡ánimo!
he'll never keep it up! → ¡no va a poder seguir asÃ!, ¡no aguanta! (LAm)
it's difficult to keep up a relationship when you're far apart → es difÃcil mantener una relación cuando se está alejado uno del otro
1. (= continue) [weather] → seguir, mantenerse
2. (= maintain level) (in race etc) → mantener el ritmo, no quedarse atrás; (in comprehension) → seguir (el hilo)
share prices have kept up well → los precios de las acciones se han mantenido bien
to keep up with sb (in race) → seguirle el ritmo a algn; (in comprehension) → seguirle el hilo a algn
to keep up with the class (Scol, Univ) → mantenerse al nivel del resto de la clase
it's important to keep up with your languages → es importante que mantengas el nivel de los idiomas
to keep up with the times → ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al dÃa
I try to keep up with the news/with current affairs → intento estar al dÃa de las noticias/los temas de actualidad
to keep up with demand → responder a la demanda
wage increases have kept up with inflation → las subidas salariales se han mantenido al nivel de la inflación
to keep up with the Joneses → no ser menos que el vecino
share prices have kept up well → los precios de las acciones se han mantenido bien
to keep up with sb (in race) → seguirle el ritmo a algn; (in comprehension) → seguirle el hilo a algn
to keep up with the class (Scol, Univ) → mantenerse al nivel del resto de la clase
it's important to keep up with your languages → es importante que mantengas el nivel de los idiomas
to keep up with the times → ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al dÃa
I try to keep up with the news/with current affairs → intento estar al dÃa de las noticias/los temas de actualidad
to keep up with demand → responder a la demanda
wage increases have kept up with inflation → las subidas salariales se han mantenido al nivel de la inflación
to keep up with the Joneses → no ser menos que el vecino
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈkiːp] vb [kept] (pt, pp)
(= retain) → conserver, garder
Make sure you always keep your receipts → Assurez-vous de toujours conserver vos reçus., Assurez-vous de toujours garder vos reçus.
She would probably not be able to keep her job → Elle ne parviendrait probablement pas à conserver son travail., Elle ne parviendrait probablement pas à garder son travail.
You can keep it → Tu peux le garder.
Make sure you always keep your receipts → Assurez-vous de toujours conserver vos reçus., Assurez-vous de toujours garder vos reçus.
She would probably not be able to keep her job → Elle ne parviendrait probablement pas à conserver son travail., Elle ne parviendrait probablement pas à garder son travail.
You can keep it → Tu peux le garder.
(= store) → ranger
[+ head, hand, foot, eyes] → garder
He kept his hands in his pockets → Il gardait ses mains dans ses poches.
I kept my eyes closed → Je gardais les yeux fermés.
I kept my eyes on the ground → Je gardais les yeux fixés sur le sol.
He kept his hands in his pockets → Il gardait ses mains dans ses poches.
I kept my eyes closed → Je gardais les yeux fermés.
I kept my eyes on the ground → Je gardais les yeux fixés sur le sol.
[+ diary] → tenir
to keep a record of sth → enregistrer qch
We keep a record of the totals → Nous enregistrons les totaux.
We keep a record of the totals → Nous enregistrons les totaux.
(= feed) [+ one's family] → faire vivre, assurer la subsistance de
He doesn't earn enough to keep his family → Il ne gagne pas assez pour faire vivre sa famille.
to keep o.s. → assurer sa propre subsistance
He earns just enough to keep himself and his children → Il gagne juste assez pour assurer sa propre subsistance et celle de ses enfants.
He doesn't earn enough to keep his family → Il ne gagne pas assez pour faire vivre sa famille.
to keep o.s. → assurer sa propre subsistance
He earns just enough to keep himself and his children → Il gagne juste assez pour assurer sa propre subsistance et celle de ses enfants.
[+ promise] → tenir
I always keep my promises → je tiens toujours mes promesses
to keep one's word → tenir parole
I always keep my word → je tiens toujours parole
I always keep my promises → je tiens toujours mes promesses
to keep one's word → tenir parole
I always keep my word → je tiens toujours parole
to keep an appointment → être présent à un rendez-vous, venir à un rendez-vous
I won't be able to keep my appointment for this afternoon → Je ne pourrai pas être présent à notre rendez-vous de cet après-midi., Je ne pourrai pas venir à notre rendez-vous de cet après-midi.
I won't be able to keep my appointment for this afternoon → Je ne pourrai pas être présent à notre rendez-vous de cet après-midi., Je ne pourrai pas venir à notre rendez-vous de cet après-midi.
[+ secret] → garder
Can you keep a secret? → Peux-tu garder un secret?
to keep sth to o.s. → garder qch pour soi
Keep this to yourself → Garde ça pour toi.
Keep it to yourself, it's meant to be a surprise → Garde ça pour toi, c'est censé être une surprise.
to keep sth from sb → cacher qch à qn
Can you keep a secret? → Peux-tu garder un secret?
to keep sth to o.s. → garder qch pour soi
Keep this to yourself → Garde ça pour toi.
Keep it to yourself, it's meant to be a surprise → Garde ça pour toi, c'est censé être une surprise.
to keep sth from sb → cacher qch à qn
to keep o.s. to o.s. (= isolate o.s.) [loner] → rechercher la solitude
[+ chickens, bees, pigs] → élever
(with adjectives) → maintenir
We must keep the cable taut → Nous devons maintenir le câble tendu.
Keep your back straight
BUT Tiens-toi droit.
to keep a place clean → maintenir un endroit propre
to keep a room tidy → maintenir une pièce en ordre
to keep sth to a minimum → réduire qch au minimum
Keep costs to a minimum → Réduisez les coûts au minimum., Maintenez les coûts au plus bas.
to keep sb happy (= please) → faire plaisir à qn
We must keep the cable taut → Nous devons maintenir le câble tendu.
Keep your back straight
BUT Tiens-toi droit.
to keep a place clean → maintenir un endroit propre
to keep a room tidy → maintenir une pièce en ordre
to keep sth to a minimum → réduire qch au minimum
Keep costs to a minimum → Réduisez les coûts au minimum., Maintenez les coûts au plus bas.
to keep sb happy (= please) → faire plaisir à qn
(with gerund) to keep sb waiting → faire attendre qn
Sorry to have kept you waiting → Désolé de vous avoir fait attendre.
Sorry to have kept you waiting → Désolé de vous avoir fait attendre.
(= prevent) to keep sb/sth from doing sth → empêcher qn/qch de faire qch
to keep sth from happening → empêcher que qch n'arrive, empêcher que qch arrive
to keep sth from happening again → empêcher que qch ne se reproduise, empêcher que qch se reproduise
Maybe that will help us to keep it from happening again → Voilà qui nous aidera peut-être à empêcher que cela ne se reproduise.
to keep sth from happening → empêcher que qch n'arrive, empêcher que qch arrive
to keep sth from happening again → empêcher que qch ne se reproduise, empêcher que qch se reproduise
Maybe that will help us to keep it from happening again → Voilà qui nous aidera peut-être à empêcher que cela ne se reproduise.
to keep good time [clock, watch] → être juste
[food] → se conserver
(= remain) (in a certain state or place) → rester
Keep still! → Reste tranquille!
Keep quiet!
BUT Tais-toi!.
to keep warm → se réchauffer
It's not always easy to keep warm → Ce n'est pas toujours facile de se réchauffer.
to keep busy → s'occuper
I prefer to keep busy → Je préfère m'occuper.
Keep still! → Reste tranquille!
Keep quiet!
BUT Tais-toi!.
to keep warm → se réchauffer
It's not always easy to keep warm → Ce n'est pas toujours facile de se réchauffer.
to keep busy → s'occuper
I prefer to keep busy → Je préfère m'occuper.
how are you keeping? (= how are you) → comment tu te portes?
to keep doing sth (= continue) → continuer à faire qch
Keep walking until you come to the bridge → Continuez à marcher jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez au pont. (= do time after time) → faire qch tout le temps
I keep forgetting my keys → J'oublie tout le temps mes clés.
I keep making the same mistake → Je fais tout le temps la même erreur. (= be unable to stop)
Since I read it, I keep thinking about it → Depuis que je l'ai lu, je n'arrête pas d'y penser.
to keep going (= persevere) → continuer à aller de l'avant
The only way you keep going is to develop the right frame of mind → La seule façon de continuer à aller de l'avant est d'adopter le bon état d'esprit.
Keep walking until you come to the bridge → Continuez à marcher jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez au pont. (= do time after time) → faire qch tout le temps
I keep forgetting my keys → J'oublie tout le temps mes clés.
I keep making the same mistake → Je fais tout le temps la même erreur. (= be unable to stop)
Since I read it, I keep thinking about it → Depuis que je l'ai lu, je n'arrête pas d'y penser.
to keep going (= persevere) → continuer à aller de l'avant
The only way you keep going is to develop the right frame of mind → La seule façon de continuer à aller de l'avant est d'adopter le bon état d'esprit.
[castle] → donjon m
(= food) enough for his keep → assez pour (assurer) sa subsistance
I need to give my parents money for my keep → Je dois donner à mes parents une participation aux frais de nourriture.
to keep at it (= continue trying) → persévérer
It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it → Plusieurs tentatives seront peut-être nécessaires mais cela vaut la peine de persévérer.
I need to give my parents money for my keep → Je dois donner à mes parents une participation aux frais de nourriture.
keep at
vtto keep at it (= continue trying) → persévérer
It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it → Plusieurs tentatives seront peut-être nécessaires mais cela vaut la peine de persévérer.
keep away
[+ visitors, tourists] → faire fuir, éloigner
The rain is keeping visitors away → La pluie fait fuir les touristes.
to keep sb away from sth [+ place] → éloigner qn de qch
It's impossible to keep fans away from the flat → Il est impossible d'éloigner les fans de l'appartement.
The rain is keeping visitors away → La pluie fait fuir les touristes.
to keep sb away from sth [+ place] → éloigner qn de qch
It's impossible to keep fans away from the flat → Il est impossible d'éloigner les fans de l'appartement.
[+ pest, danger] → éloigner, maintenir à l'écart
an electrical field to keep sharks away → un champ électrique pour éloigner les requins, un champ électrique pour maintenir les requins à l'écart
to keep sb away from sth [+ danger, drugs, temptation] → tenir qn à l'écart de qch
to keep sb away from sb [+ dangerous person] → tenir qn éloigné de qn
to keep sth away from sth [+ object] → tenir qch à l'écart de qch; [+ animals, pests] → maintenir à l'écart de qch
Keep animals away from the kitchen → Maintenez les animaux à l'écart de la cuisine.
an electrical field to keep sharks away → un champ électrique pour éloigner les requins, un champ électrique pour maintenir les requins à l'écart
to keep sb away from sth [+ danger, drugs, temptation] → tenir qn à l'écart de qch
to keep sb away from sb [+ dangerous person] → tenir qn éloigné de qn
to keep sth away from sth [+ object] → tenir qch à l'écart de qch; [+ animals, pests] → maintenir à l'écart de qch
Keep animals away from the kitchen → Maintenez les animaux à l'écart de la cuisine.
vi (gen) → se tenir à l'écart; (from dangerous thing) → ne pas s'approcher, se tenir à distance
Keep away! → N'approchez pas!
to keep away from sth [+ place] → se tenir à distance de qch; [+ drugs, temptation] → se tenir à l'écart de qch; [+ fire, dangerous area] → se tenir à distance de qch
They kept away from the forest → Ils se tenaient à distance de la forêt.
Keep away from central London → Ãvitez le centre de Londres., Tenez vous à distance du centre de Londres.
to keep away from temptation → ne pas s'exposer à la tentation
Keep away! → N'approchez pas!
to keep away from sth [+ place] → se tenir à distance de qch; [+ drugs, temptation] → se tenir à l'écart de qch; [+ fire, dangerous area] → se tenir à distance de qch
They kept away from the forest → Ils se tenaient à distance de la forêt.
Keep away from central London → Ãvitez le centre de Londres., Tenez vous à distance du centre de Londres.
to keep away from temptation → ne pas s'exposer à la tentation
keep back
(= hold back) [+ crowds, tears] → retenir
(= control) [+ prices, spending, unemployment, inflation] → maintenir au plus bas; [+ noise] → maintenir à un niveau acceptable
We must try and keep costs down → Nous devons essayer de maintenir les coûts au plus bas.
We must try and keep costs down → Nous devons essayer de maintenir les coûts au plus bas.
(in stomach) [+ food] → garder
to keep one's head down → garder la tête basse
[person] → se baisser, rester baissé
keep in
(= keep in house) [+ invalid, child] → garder à la maison
They kept her in hospital overnight → Ils l'ont gardée à l'hôpital pour la nuit.
They kept her in hospital overnight → Ils l'ont gardée à l'hôpital pour la nuit.
(= protect from) [+ dust, insects] → protéger de; [+ rain] → abriter de
At least it will keep the rain off → Au moins, ça nous abritera de la pluie.
Cover them with plastic bags to keep the dust off → Couvre-les avec des sacs en plastique pour les abriter de la poussière.
At least it will keep the rain off → Au moins, ça nous abritera de la pluie.
Cover them with plastic bags to keep the dust off → Couvre-les avec des sacs en plastique pour les abriter de la poussière.
keep your hands off! → bas les pattes!
"keep off the grass" → "pelouse interdite"
to keep sb/sth off sth [+ animal, child] → empêcher qn/qch d'aller quelque part
Keep your dog off my lawn! → Empêchez votre chien d'aller sur ma pelouse!
to keep sb off sth → interdire à qn l'accès à qch, empêcher qn d'aller quelque part
You have no right to keep people off your land → Vous n'avez aucun droit d'interdire aux gens l'accès à vos terres., Vous n'avez aucun droit d'empêcher les gens d'aller sur vos terres.
"keep off the grass" → "pelouse interdite"
to keep sb/sth off sth [+ animal, child] → empêcher qn/qch d'aller quelque part
Keep your dog off my lawn! → Empêchez votre chien d'aller sur ma pelouse!
to keep sb off sth → interdire à qn l'accès à qch, empêcher qn d'aller quelque part
You have no right to keep people off your land → Vous n'avez aucun droit d'interdire aux gens l'accès à vos terres., Vous n'avez aucun droit d'empêcher les gens d'aller sur vos terres.
vi [rain]
Luckily the rain kept off → Par chance, la pluie n'a fait que menacer.
to keep on doing sth (= continue to do) → continuer à faire qch
He kept on reading → Il a continué à lire. (= do time after time) → ne pas arrêter de faire quelque chose
The car keeps on breaking down → La voiture n'arrête pas de tomber en panne.
Luckily the rain kept off → Par chance, la pluie n'a fait que menacer.
keep on
vi → continuerto keep on doing sth (= continue to do) → continuer à faire qch
He kept on reading → Il a continué à lire. (= do time after time) → ne pas arrêter de faire quelque chose
The car keeps on breaking down → La voiture n'arrête pas de tomber en panne.
keep out
[+ intruders, terrorists] → empêcher d'entrer
[+ draughts, wind] → empêcher d'entrer
to keep out of trouble → rester dans le droit chemin
vi → rester en dehors
Keep out of this! → Reste en dehors de tout ça!
"keep out" → "défense d'entrer"
Keep out of this! → Reste en dehors de tout ça!
"keep out" → "défense d'entrer"
keep to
vt [+ agreement, rule, plan] → respecter
He didn't keep to our agreement → Il n'a pas respecté notre accord.
You've got to keep to the speed limit → Vous devez respecter la limitation de vitesse.
He didn't keep to our agreement → Il n'a pas respecté notre accord.
You've got to keep to the speed limit → Vous devez respecter la limitation de vitesse.
[+ path, road] → rester sur
keep up
(= match pace of walker, vehicle) → arriver à suivre
Matthew walks so fast I can't keep up → Matthew marche tellement vite que je n'arrive pas à suivre.
Wait for me. I can't keep up → Attends-moi, je n'arrive pas à suivre.
to keep up with sb (in race, when walking) → se maintenir à la hauteur de qn
She had to hurry to keep up with me → Elle devait se dépêcher pour se maintenir à ma hauteur.
Matthew walks so fast I can't keep up → Matthew marche tellement vite que je n'arrive pas à suivre.
Wait for me. I can't keep up → Attends-moi, je n'arrive pas à suivre.
to keep up with sb (in race, when walking) → se maintenir à la hauteur de qn
She had to hurry to keep up with me → Elle devait se dépêcher pour se maintenir à ma hauteur.
[student] (in class) → suivre
to keep up with [+ classmates] → se maintenir au niveau de
I can't keep up with the rest of the class → Je n'arrive pas à me maintenir au niveau du reste de la classe.
to keep up with [+ classmates] → se maintenir au niveau de
I can't keep up with the rest of the class → Je n'arrive pas à me maintenir au niveau du reste de la classe.
[wages, pensions] → suivre
Inflation is high but our pensions aren't keeping up → L'inflation est élevée mais nos retraites ne suivent pas.
to keep up with sth (= match level of) → se maintenir au niveau de qch
to keep up with demand → faire face à la demande
Supermarkets can barely keep up with demand → Les supermarchés peuvent tout juste faire face à la demande.
to keep up with inflation [wages, pensions] → s'aligner sur l'inflation
Inflation is high but our pensions aren't keeping up → L'inflation est élevée mais nos retraites ne suivent pas.
to keep up with sth (= match level of) → se maintenir au niveau de qch
to keep up with demand → faire face à la demande
Supermarkets can barely keep up with demand → Les supermarchés peuvent tout juste faire face à la demande.
to keep up with inflation [wages, pensions] → s'aligner sur l'inflation
to keep up with sth (= keep abreast of) [+ news, events] → se tenir au courant de qch
Well done, keep it up! → C'est bien, continue!
(= maintain) [+ standards] → conserver
It's important to keep up our standards → Il est important de conserver nos exigences de qualité.
to keep up appearances → sauver les apparences
They haven't so much money now but are desperately trying to keep up appearances → Ils n'ont plus beaucoup d'argent aujourd'hui mais ils essaient désespérément de sauver les apparences.
It's important to keep up our standards → Il est important de conserver nos exigences de qualité.
to keep up appearances → sauver les apparences
They haven't so much money now but are desperately trying to keep up appearances → Ils n'ont plus beaucoup d'argent aujourd'hui mais ils essaient désespérément de sauver les apparences.
[+ payments] → continuer à s'acquitter de
(= prevent from going to bed) → tenir éveillé
We were kept up by the noise from next door → Le bruit dans l'appartement d'à côté nous a tenu éveillés.
We were kept up by the noise from next door → Le bruit dans l'appartement d'à côté nous a tenu éveillés.
Well done, keep it up! → C'est bien, continue!
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vb: pret, ptp <kept>When keep is part of a set combination, e.g. keep in mind, keep house, keep goal etc, look up the noun. For combinations of keep with adverbs and prepositions, e.g. keep in, keep on, keep up etc, see also the phrasal verbs section.
= retain → behalten; you can keep this book → du kannst dieses Buch behalten; I canât keep that number in my head → ich kann die Nummer nicht behalten, ich kann mir die Nummer nicht merken; he wanted to keep the dog for another week → er wollte den Hund noch eine Woche (bei sich) behalten; to keep a place for somebody → einen Platz für jdn frei halten; to keep oneâs place in a book → sich (dat) → die Stelle im Buch markieren; to keep a note of something → sich (dat) → etw notieren; to keep oneâs temper → sich beherrschen; to keep a grip on something (fig) → etw unter Kontrolle halten; you can keep it! (inf) → das kannst du behalten or dir an den Hut stecken (inf)
= maintain in a certain state, place etc → halten; to keep somebody at work → jdn bei der Arbeit halten; he kept his hands in his pockets → er hat die Hände in der Tasche gelassen; to keep good health → sich guter Gesundheit erfreuen; the garden was well kept → der Garten war (gut) gepflegt
? to keep sb/sth doing sth to keep somebody waiting → jdn warten lassen; keep her thinking that ⦠→ lassen Sie sie in dem Glauben, dass â¦; canât you keep him talking? → können Sie ihn nicht in ein Gespräch verwickeln?; to keep the traffic moving → den Verkehr in Fluss or am FlieÃen halten; to keep a machine running → eine Maschine laufen lassen; to keep the conversation going → das Gespräch in Gang halten; keep it going! (Brit) → leg dich ins Zeug! (inf), → gib alles! (inf)
? to keep sb/sth + ADJ to keep oneâs dress clean → sein Kleid nicht schmutzig machen; to keep somebody quiet → zusehen or dafür sorgen, dass jd still ist; thatâll keep them quiet for a while → das wird für eine Weile Ruhe schaffen; just to keep her happy → damit sie zufrieden ist; to keep somebody alive → jdn am Leben halten; to keep oneself busy → sich selbst beschäftigen; to keep oneself warm → sich warm halten
? to keep sb/sth doing sth to keep somebody waiting → jdn warten lassen; keep her thinking that ⦠→ lassen Sie sie in dem Glauben, dass â¦; canât you keep him talking? → können Sie ihn nicht in ein Gespräch verwickeln?; to keep the traffic moving → den Verkehr in Fluss or am FlieÃen halten; to keep a machine running → eine Maschine laufen lassen; to keep the conversation going → das Gespräch in Gang halten; keep it going! (Brit) → leg dich ins Zeug! (inf), → gib alles! (inf)
? to keep sb/sth + ADJ to keep oneâs dress clean → sein Kleid nicht schmutzig machen; to keep somebody quiet → zusehen or dafür sorgen, dass jd still ist; thatâll keep them quiet for a while → das wird für eine Weile Ruhe schaffen; just to keep her happy → damit sie zufrieden ist; to keep somebody alive → jdn am Leben halten; to keep oneself busy → sich selbst beschäftigen; to keep oneself warm → sich warm halten
= have in a certain place, look after → aufbewahren; where does he keep his money? → wo bewahrt er sein Geld auf?; where do you keep your spoons? → wo sind die Löffel?
= put aside → aufheben; Iâve been keeping it for you → ich habe es für Sie aufgehoben; Iâm keeping the best ones for Christmas → die besten hebe ich für Weihnachten auf
= detain → aufhalten, zurückhalten; I mustnât keep you → ich will Sie nicht aufhalten; what kept you? → wo waren Sie denn so lang?; whatâs keeping him? → wo bleibt er denn?; to keep somebody prisoner → jdn gefangen halten; to keep somebody in prison → jdn in Haft halten; they kept him in hospital over night → sie haben ihn über Nacht im Krankenhaus behalten; it kept her in bed for a week → sie musste deswegen eine Woche im Bett bleiben
= have, look after shop, hotel, restaurant → haben, unterhalten, führen; bees, pigs etc → halten; to keep servants → sich (dat) → Diener halten; he keeps an excellent cellar → er hat einen ausgezeichneten Weinkeller
? to keep sb in sth to keep somebody in clothes (person) → für jds Kleidung sorgen; I couldnât afford to keep you in drink → ich könnte deine Getränke nicht bezahlen
? to keep sb in sth to keep somebody in clothes (person) → für jds Kleidung sorgen; I couldnât afford to keep you in drink → ich könnte deine Getränke nicht bezahlen
= support → versorgen, unterhalten; I earn enough to keep myself → ich verdiene genug für mich (selbst) zum Leben; I have six children to keep → ich habe sechs Kinder zu unterhalten; he keeps a mistress → er hält sich (dat) → eine Geliebte
= be faithful to, observe promise → halten; law, rule → einhalten, befolgen; treaty → einhalten; obligations → nachkommen (+dat), → erfüllen; appointment → einhalten; to keep a vow → einen Schwur halten, ein Gelübde erfüllen; to keep Lent/the Sabbath → das Fasten/die Sonntagsruhe or den Sabbat (ein)halten; to keep late hours → lange aufbleiben
= guard, protect → (be)hüten; sheep etc → hüten, aufpassen auf (+acc); God keep you! (old) → Gott befohlen! (old) ? keep from VT b
US = continue to follow road, path → weitergehen or -fahren, folgen (+dat); direction → einhalten; to keep oneâs course → (den) Kurs (ein)halten
US = remain in to keep oneâs room → auf seinem Zimmer bleiben; to keep oneâs seat → sitzen bleiben
= continue in a specified direction to keep (to the) left/right → sich links/rechts halten; to keep to the left (Aut) → auf der linken Seite bleiben, links fahren; to keep to the middle of the road → immer in der Mitte der StraÃe fahren; keep on this road → bleiben Sie auf dieser StraÃe; keep north → gehen/fahren Sie immer Richtung Norden
= remain in a certain state, position → bleiben
? to keep + ADJ to keep fit → fit bleiben, sich in Form halten; to keep quiet → still sein; to keep silent → schweigen; to keep calm → ruhig bleiben, Ruhe bewahren
? to keep doing sth (= not stop) → etw weiter tun; (repeatedly) → etw immer wieder tun; (constantly) → etw dauernd tun; to keep walking → weitergehen; he kept lying to her → er hat sie immer wieder belogen; if you keep complaining → wenn Sie sich weiter beschweren; she keeps talking about you all the time → sie redet dauernd von Ihnen; keep going → machen Sie weiter; I keep hoping sheâs still alive → ich hoffe immer noch, dass sie noch lebt; I keep thinking ⦠→ ich denke immer â¦
? to keep + ADJ to keep fit → fit bleiben, sich in Form halten; to keep quiet → still sein; to keep silent → schweigen; to keep calm → ruhig bleiben, Ruhe bewahren
? to keep doing sth (= not stop) → etw weiter tun; (repeatedly) → etw immer wieder tun; (constantly) → etw dauernd tun; to keep walking → weitergehen; he kept lying to her → er hat sie immer wieder belogen; if you keep complaining → wenn Sie sich weiter beschweren; she keeps talking about you all the time → sie redet dauernd von Ihnen; keep going → machen Sie weiter; I keep hoping sheâs still alive → ich hoffe immer noch, dass sie noch lebt; I keep thinking ⦠→ ich denke immer â¦
food etc → sich halten; that meat wonât keep → dieses Fleisch hält sich nicht or bleibt nicht gut
? keep ahead vi → vorne bleiben; to keep ahead of oneâs rivals → seinen Konkurrenten vorausbleiben vt sep to keep one step ahead of the others → den anderen einen Schritt voraus sein
? keep at vi +prep obj
? keep away vi (lit) → wegbleiben; (= not approach) → nicht näher herankommen (→ from an +acc); keep away! → nicht näher kommen!; keep away from that place → gehen Sie da nicht hin; he just canât keep away from the pub → es zieht ihn immer wieder in die Wirtschaft; I just canât keep away → es zieht mich immer wieder hin; keep away from him → lassen Sie die Finger von ihm; he just canât keep away from her → er kann einfach nicht von ihr lassen vt (always separate) person, children, pet etc → fernhalten (from von); to keep something away from something → etw nicht an etw (acc) → kommen lassen; keep your hand away from the cutting edge → kommen Sie mit Ihrer Hand nicht an die Schneide; keep them away from each other → halten Sie sie auseinander; to keep somebody away from school → jdn nicht in die Schule (gehen) lassen; business kept him away for three months → er war aus geschäftlichen Gründen drei Monate weg; whatâs been keeping you away? → wo waren Sie denn so lange?
? keep back vi → zurückbleiben, nicht näher kommen; keep back! → bleiben Sie, wo Sie sind!, treten Sie zurück!; please keep back from the edge → bitte gehen Sie nicht zu nahe an den Rand vt sep
? keep down vi → unten bleiben; keep down! → duck dich!, bleib unten! vt sep
? keep from vt +prep obj
? keep in vt sep
? keep in with vi +prep obj → sich gut stellen mit; heâs just trying to keep in with her → er will sich nur bei ihr lieb Kind machen
? keep off vi (person) → wegbleiben; if the rain keeps off → wenn es nicht regnet; âkeep off!â → âBetreten verboten!â vt sep
? keep on vi
? keep out vi (of room, building) → drauÃen bleiben; (of property, land, area) → etw nicht betreten; keep out of my room! → geh/komm nicht in mein Zimmer; âkeep outâ → âZutritt verbotenâ; to keep out of the rain/sun → nicht in den Regen/die Sonne gehen; to keep out of sight → sich nicht zeigen; (hiding) → in Deckung bleiben; to keep out of danger → Gefahr meiden; to keep out of debt → keine Schulden machen; that child canât keep out of trouble → das Kind kommt immer in Schwierigkeiten; to keep out of somebodyâs affairs → sich nicht in jds Angelegenheiten einmischen, sich aus jds Angelegenheiten heraushalten; you keep out of this! → halten Sie sich da or hier raus! vt sep
? keep to vi +prep obj
? keep together vi (= stay together) → zusammenbleiben; (as friends, community etc) → zusammenhalten; (singers, oarsmen etc) → im Einklang or Takt sein vt sep → zusammen aufbewahren; (= fix together, unite) things, people → zusammenhalten; (conductor) orchestra → im Takt halten
? keep under vt sep people, race → unterdrücken; subordinates → streng behandeln, an der Kandare haben; (= keep under anaesthetic) → unter Narkose halten vi (under water etc) → unter Wasser bleiben
? keep up vi
? keep ahead vi → vorne bleiben; to keep ahead of oneâs rivals → seinen Konkurrenten vorausbleiben vt sep to keep one step ahead of the others → den anderen einen Schritt voraus sein
? keep at vi +prep obj
(= nag) → herumnörgeln an (+dat); keep at him until he says yes → lass ihm so lange keine Ruhe, bis er ja sagt
vt +prep obj to keep somebody at a task → jdn nicht mit einer Arbeit aufhören lassen; to keep somebody (hard) at it → jdn hart rannehmen (inf), → jdn an der Kandare haben; they kept him at it all day → sie haben ihn den ganzen Tag hart rangenommen (inf) ? keep away vi (lit) → wegbleiben; (= not approach) → nicht näher herankommen (→ from an +acc); keep away! → nicht näher kommen!; keep away from that place → gehen Sie da nicht hin; he just canât keep away from the pub → es zieht ihn immer wieder in die Wirtschaft; I just canât keep away → es zieht mich immer wieder hin; keep away from him → lassen Sie die Finger von ihm; he just canât keep away from her → er kann einfach nicht von ihr lassen vt (always separate) person, children, pet etc → fernhalten (from von); to keep something away from something → etw nicht an etw (acc) → kommen lassen; keep your hand away from the cutting edge → kommen Sie mit Ihrer Hand nicht an die Schneide; keep them away from each other → halten Sie sie auseinander; to keep somebody away from school → jdn nicht in die Schule (gehen) lassen; business kept him away for three months → er war aus geschäftlichen Gründen drei Monate weg; whatâs been keeping you away? → wo waren Sie denn so lange?
? keep back vi → zurückbleiben, nicht näher kommen; keep back! → bleiben Sie, wo Sie sind!, treten Sie zurück!; please keep back from the edge → bitte gehen Sie nicht zu nahe an den Rand vt sep
(= hold back) person, hair, crowds, enemy → zurückhalten; water → stauen; tears → unterdrücken; to keep somebody/something back from somebody → jdn/etw von jdm abhalten
(= withhold) money, taxes → einbehalten; information, facts etc → verschweigen (from sb jdm); (from parent, husband etc) → verheimlichen, verschweigen (from sb jdm); I know youâre keeping something back → ich weiÃ, dass du mir etwas verheimlichst or verschweigst; they are keeping back the names of the victims → die Namen der Opfer werden nicht bekannt gegeben; keep some cheese back to sprinkle over the top → behalten Sie etwas Käse zum Darüberstreuen zurück
(= make late) → aufhalten; pupil → dabehalten; I donât want to keep you back → ich möchte Sie nicht aufhalten
(= hold up, slow down) → behindern; being with the slower learners is keeping him back → weil er mit schwächeren Schülern zusammen ist, kommt er nicht so schnell voran
? keep down vi → unten bleiben; keep down! → duck dich!, bleib unten! vt sep
(lit) → unten lassen; (= hold down) → unten halten; head → ducken; eyes → gesenkt halten; keep your voices down → reden Sie leise or nicht so laut
people, revolt → unterdrücken; dog → bändigen; rebellious person → im Zaum or unter Kontrolle halten; rabbits, weeds etc → in Grenzen or unter Kontrolle halten; you canât keep a good man down → der Tüchtige lässt sich nicht unterkriegen
taxes, rates, prices → niedrig halten; spending → einschränken; costs, wages → drücken; to keep numbers down → die Zahlen gering halten; to keep oneâs weight down → nicht zunehmen
? keep from vt +prep obj
sb → hindern an (+dat); (from going, doing sth) → abhalten von, hindern an (+dat); I couldnât keep him from doing it/going there → ich konnte ihn nicht daran hindern or davon abhalten, das zu tun/dort hinzugehen; to keep somebody from falling → jdn am Fallen hindern; to keep oneself from doing something → sich (davor) hüten, etw zu tun; shyness keeps him from making new friends → er ist zu schüchtern, um neue Freunde zu gewinnen; what can we do to keep it from happening again? → was können wir tun, damit es nicht noch einmal passiert?; the bells keep me from sleeping → die Glocken lassen mich nicht schlafen; keep them from getting wet → verhindern Sie es, dass sie nass werden; this will keep the water from freezing → das verhindert, dass das Wasser gefriert; you shouldnât keep them from their work → Sie sollten sie nicht von der Arbeit abhalten
(= protect) to keep somebody from something → jdn vor etw (dat) → bewahren; to keep somebody from harm → jdn vor Schaden (dat) → bewahren
(= withhold) to keep something from somebody → jdm etw verschweigen; piece of news also → jdm etw vorenthalten; can you keep this from your mother? → können Sie das vor Ihrer Mutter geheim halten or verbergen?
vi +prep obj to keep from doing something → etw nicht tun; (= avoid doing also) → es vermeiden, etw zu tun; she bit her lip to keep from crying → sie biss sich (dat) → auf die Lippe, um nicht zu weinen; she couldnât keep from laughing → sie musste einfach lachen ? keep in vt sep
schoolboy → nachsitzen lassen; Iâve been kept in! → ich musste nachsitzen!; his parents have kept him in → seine Eltern haben ihn nicht weggelassen or gehen lassen
feelings → zügeln
stomach→ einziehen
vi (= stay indoors) → drinnen bleiben ? keep in with vi +prep obj → sich gut stellen mit; heâs just trying to keep in with her → er will sich nur bei ihr lieb Kind machen
? keep off vi (person) → wegbleiben; if the rain keeps off → wenn es nicht regnet; âkeep off!â → âBetreten verboten!â vt sep
dog, person → fernhalten (prep obj von); oneâs hands → wegnehmen, weglassen (prep obj von); to keep oneâs mind off something → nicht an etw (acc) → denken; keep him off me → halten Sie ihn mir vom Leib; keep your hands off → Hände weg!; keep the dog off the couch → lassen Sie den Hund nicht aufs Sofa; to keep somebody off drugs → jdn von Drogen fernhalten; to keep somebody off the streets (fig) → jdn davon abhalten, auf der StraÃe zu landen
jacket etc → ausbehalten; hat → abbehalten
vi +prep obj → vermeiden; âkeep off the grassâ → âBetreten des Rasens verbotenâ; keep off the whisky → lassen Sie das Whiskytrinken ? keep on vi
(= continue) → weitermachen, nicht aufhören; to keep on doing something → etw weiter tun; (repeatedly) → etw immer wieder tun; (incessantly) → etw dauernd tun; he keeps on swearing → er flucht dauernd; keep on talking! → reden Sie weiter!; if you keep on like this → wenn du so weitermachst; keep on trying → versuchen Sie es weiter; I keep on telling you → ich sage dir ja immer; the rain kept on all night → es regnete die ganze Nacht durch; he kept on crying the whole night → er hat die ganze Nacht unaufhörlich geweint
(= keep going) → weitergehen/-fahren; keep on past the church → fahren Sie immer weiter an der Kirche vorbei; keep straight on → immer geradeaus
to keep on at somebody (inf) → dauernd an jdm herummeckern (inf); they kept on at him until he agreed → sie haben ihm so lange keine Ruhe gelassen, bis er zustimmte
to keep on about something (inf) → unaufhörlich von etw reden; thereâs no need to keep on about it (inf) → es ist wirklich nicht nötig, ewig darauf herumzuhacken (inf); donât keep on so! (inf) → hören Sie doch endlich auf damit!
vt sep servant, employee → weiterbeschäftigen, behalten
coat etc → anbehalten; hat → aufbehalten
? keep out vi (of room, building) → drauÃen bleiben; (of property, land, area) → etw nicht betreten; keep out of my room! → geh/komm nicht in mein Zimmer; âkeep outâ → âZutritt verbotenâ; to keep out of the rain/sun → nicht in den Regen/die Sonne gehen; to keep out of sight → sich nicht zeigen; (hiding) → in Deckung bleiben; to keep out of danger → Gefahr meiden; to keep out of debt → keine Schulden machen; that child canât keep out of trouble → das Kind kommt immer in Schwierigkeiten; to keep out of somebodyâs affairs → sich nicht in jds Angelegenheiten einmischen, sich aus jds Angelegenheiten heraushalten; you keep out of this! → halten Sie sich da or hier raus! vt sep
person → nicht hereinlassen (→ of in +acc); light, cold, rain, enemy etc → abhalten; this screen keeps the sun out of your eyes → diese Blende schützt Ihre Augen vor Sonne; how can I keep the rabbits out/out of my garden? → was kann ich tun, dass die Kaninchen nicht hereinkommen/nicht in meinen Garten kommen?
to keep somebody out of danger/harmâs way → jdn vor Gefahr/Gefahren schützen; I wanted to keep him out of this → ich wollte nicht, dass er da mit hereingezogen wurde; to keep somebodyâs name out of the papers → jds Namen nicht in der Zeitung erwähnen; keep him out of my way → halte ihn mir vom Leib; they kept him out of their plans → sie haben ihn von ihren Plänen ausgeschlossen
? keep to vi +prep obj
to keep to oneâs promise → sein Versprechen halten, zu seinem Wort stehen; to keep to oneâs bed/oneâs room → im Bett/in seinem Zimmer bleiben; keep to the main road → bleiben Sie auf der HauptstraÃe; to keep to the schedule/plan → den Zeitplan einhalten, sich an den Zeitplan/Plan halten; to keep to the speed limit → sich an die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung halten; to keep to the subject/point → bei der Sache or beim Thema bleiben; to keep to the script → sich an den Text halten, am Text bleiben
to keep (oneself) to oneself → nicht sehr gesellig sein, ein Einzelgänger sein; they keep (themselves) to themselves (as a group) → sie bleiben unter sich
vt +prep obj to keep somebody to his word/promise → jdn beim Wort nehmen; to keep something to a minimum → etw auf ein Minimum beschränken; to keep something to oneself → etw für sich behalten; keep it to yourself → behalten Sie das für sich; keep your hands to yourself! → nehmen Sie Ihre Hände weg! ? keep together vi (= stay together) → zusammenbleiben; (as friends, community etc) → zusammenhalten; (singers, oarsmen etc) → im Einklang or Takt sein vt sep → zusammen aufbewahren; (= fix together, unite) things, people → zusammenhalten; (conductor) orchestra → im Takt halten
? keep under vt sep people, race → unterdrücken; subordinates → streng behandeln, an der Kandare haben; (= keep under anaesthetic) → unter Narkose halten vi (under water etc) → unter Wasser bleiben
? keep up vi
(tent, pole) → stehen bleiben
(rain) → (an)dauern; (weather, hurricane etc) → anhalten; (prices, output, standard) → gleich hoch bleiben; (morale, strength, determination) → nicht nachlassen
to keep up (with somebody/something) (in race, work, with prices) → (mit jdm/etw) Schritt halten, (mit jdm/etw) mithalten können (inf); (in comprehension) → (jdm/einer Sache) folgen können; they bought it just to keep up with the Joneses → sie kauften es nur, um den Nachbarn nicht nachzustehen; to keep up with the times → mit der Zeit gehen; to keep up with the news → sich auf dem Laufenden halten; I havenât kept up with my French → ich bin mit meinem Französisch ganz aus der Ãbung gekommen
(= stay in touch) to keep up with somebody → mit jdm in Kontakt bleiben; we havenât kept up at all since she went abroad → wir haben nichts mehr voneinander gehört, seit sie im Ausland ist
vt sep pole, tent → aufrecht halten; the life belt kept him up → der Rettungsring hielt ihn über Wasser; to keep his trousers up → damit die Hose nicht herunterrutscht
(= not stop) → nicht aufhören mit; study etc → fortsetzen, weitermachen; quality, prices, output, friendship, tradition, custom → aufrechterhalten; subscription → beibehalten; payments etc → weiterbezahlen; workrate, speed (= maintain) → halten; (= endure) → durchhalten; I try to keep up my Spanish → ich versuche, mit meinem Spanisch nicht aus der Ãbung zu kommen; to keep up a correspondence → in Briefwechsel bleiben; to keep oneâs morale up → den Mut nicht verlieren; he kept their morale up → er hat ihnen Mut gemacht; keep it up! → (machen Sie) weiter so!; he couldnât keep it up → er hat schlappgemacht (inf)
Collins German Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[kiːp] (kept (vb: pt, pp))1. vt
a. (retain, maintain) → tenere
keep the change → tenga il resto
he keeps himself to himself → se ne sta per conto suo
to keep sb busy → tenere qn occupato/a
to keep time (clock) → andar bene
to keep sth clean → tenere qc pulito/a
to keep a place tidy → tenere un posto in ordine
she keeps herself fit → si tiene or si mantiene in forma
the garden is well kept → il giardino è tenuto bene
he has kept his looks → è ancora un bell'uomo
to keep sb waiting → far aspettare qn
keep him at it! → spingilo a continuare!
to keep the engine running → tenere il motore acceso
I'll keep you to your promise → ti farò mantenere la promessa
to keep sth from sb (fig) → tenere qc nascosto/a a qn
to keep sth to o.s. → tenere qc per sé
keep it to yourself or under your hat (fam) → tienilo per te
keep the change → tenga il resto
he keeps himself to himself → se ne sta per conto suo
to keep sb busy → tenere qn occupato/a
to keep time (clock) → andar bene
to keep sth clean → tenere qc pulito/a
to keep a place tidy → tenere un posto in ordine
she keeps herself fit → si tiene or si mantiene in forma
the garden is well kept → il giardino è tenuto bene
he has kept his looks → è ancora un bell'uomo
to keep sb waiting → far aspettare qn
keep him at it! → spingilo a continuare!
to keep the engine running → tenere il motore acceso
I'll keep you to your promise → ti farò mantenere la promessa
to keep sth from sb (fig) → tenere qc nascosto/a a qn
to keep sth to o.s. → tenere qc per sé
keep it to yourself or under your hat (fam) → tienilo per te
b. (put aside) → mettere da parte; (store) → tenere, conservare
keep it in a safe place or somewhere safe → tienilo in un posto sicuro
"keep in a cool place" → "conservare in un luogo fresco"
keep it in a safe place or somewhere safe → tienilo in un posto sicuro
"keep in a cool place" → "conservare in un luogo fresco"
c. (detain, restrain) → trattenere
to keep sb in prison → tenere qn in prigione
I mustn't or don't let me keep you → non voglio trattenerti
what kept you? → come mai sei in ritardo?
to keep sb from doing sth → impedire a qn di fare qc
to keep sth from happening → impedire che qc succeda
to keep o.s. from doing sth → trattenersi dal fare qc
you're keeping me from my work → mi stai impedendo di lavorare, così non riesco a lavorare
keep him from school → non mandarlo a scuola
to keep sb in prison → tenere qn in prigione
I mustn't or don't let me keep you → non voglio trattenerti
what kept you? → come mai sei in ritardo?
to keep sb from doing sth → impedire a qn di fare qc
to keep sth from happening → impedire che qc succeda
to keep o.s. from doing sth → trattenersi dal fare qc
you're keeping me from my work → mi stai impedendo di lavorare, così non riesco a lavorare
keep him from school → non mandarlo a scuola
d. (fulfil, observe, promise, vow) → mantenere; (law, rule, Lent) → osservare; (treaty, agreement) → rispettare; (Christmas, Easter) → celebrare
to keep an appointment → rispettare un appuntamento
to keep an appointment → rispettare un appuntamento
e. (own, have, also) (Comm) (stock) → avere (Agr) (animals) → allevare
f. (support, family) → mantenere
he earns enough to keep himself → guadagna abbastanza per mantenersi da solo
to keep sb in food and clothing → nutrire e vestire qn
he earns enough to keep himself → guadagna abbastanza per mantenersi da solo
to keep sb in food and clothing → nutrire e vestire qn
g. (accounts, diary) → tenere
to keep a record or note of sth → prendere nota di qc
keep a note of how much you spend → segnati quanto spendi
to keep a record or note of sth → prendere nota di qc
keep a note of how much you spend → segnati quanto spendi
2. vi
a. (continue) → continuare; (remain) → stare, restare
to keep (to the) left/right → tenere la sinistra/la destra
to keep straight on → continuare dritto/a
to keep to (promise) → mantenere (subject, text) → attenersi a
to keep doing sth → continuare a fare qc
to keep fit → tenersi or mantenersi in forma
to keep in good health → mantenersi in buona salute
keep going! → forza!
to keep at sb (fam) (pester) → non dare pace a qn
to keep at sth (fam) (continue) → continuare a fare qc
keep at it! (fam) → continua, dai!
to keep still → stare or rimanere fermo/a
to keep quiet → stare zitto/a
to keep together → rimanere insieme
to keep from doing sth → trattenersi or frenarsi dal fare qc
to keep to one's room/bed → rimanere in camera/a letto
they keep to themselves → si tengono in disparte, stanno per conto loro
to keep (to the) left/right → tenere la sinistra/la destra
to keep straight on → continuare dritto/a
to keep to (promise) → mantenere (subject, text) → attenersi a
to keep doing sth → continuare a fare qc
to keep fit → tenersi or mantenersi in forma
to keep in good health → mantenersi in buona salute
keep going! → forza!
to keep at sb (fam) (pester) → non dare pace a qn
to keep at sth (fam) (continue) → continuare a fare qc
keep at it! (fam) → continua, dai!
to keep still → stare or rimanere fermo/a
to keep quiet → stare zitto/a
to keep together → rimanere insieme
to keep from doing sth → trattenersi or frenarsi dal fare qc
to keep to one's room/bed → rimanere in camera/a letto
they keep to themselves → si tengono in disparte, stanno per conto loro
b. (in health) how are you keeping? → come stai?
I hope you're keeping well → spero che stia bene
she's keeping better → sta meglio
I hope you're keeping well → spero che stia bene
she's keeping better → sta meglio
c. (food) → mantenersi, conservarsi (fig) (wait) this business can keep → quest'affare può aspettare
3. n
keep away
1. vt + adv to keep sth/sb away from sb → tenere qc/qn lontano/a da qn
they kept him away from school → non l'hanno mandato a scuola
they kept him away from school → non l'hanno mandato a scuola
keep back
1. vt + adv
a. (crowds, tears, money) → trattenere
b. (conceal, information) to keep sth back from sb → nascondere qc a qn
keep down
1. vt + adv
a. (control, prices, spending) → contenere; (anger) → controllare, contenere; (dog) → tenere a bada; (rebellion) → soffocare, reprimere; (population) → opprimere
you can't keep a good man down → una persona valida prima o poi emerge
you can't keep a good man down → una persona valida prima o poi emerge
b. (food) → trattenere, ritenere
2. vi + adv → tenersi giù, stare giù
keep in
1. vt + adv (invalid, child) → tenere a casa (Scol) trattenere un alunno oltre l'orario scolastico, per punizione; (stomach) → tenere dentro; (elbows) → tenere giù
keep off
2. vt + prep (dog, person) → tenere lontano/a da
keep your hands off that cake → non toccare quella torta
keep your hands off that cake → non toccare quella torta
3. vi + prep "keep off the grass" → "non calpestare l'erba"
keep on
1. vi + adv (continue) → continuare
keep on along this road until ... → continui per questa strada finché...
to keep on doing sth → continuare a fare qc
to keep on at sb about sth (nag) → non dare pace a qc per qc
don't keep on so!, don't keep on about it! → basta! smettila!
keep on along this road until ... → continui per questa strada finché...
to keep on doing sth → continuare a fare qc
to keep on at sb about sth (nag) → non dare pace a qc per qc
don't keep on so!, don't keep on about it! → basta! smettila!
keep out
1. vi + adv (not enter) → restare fuori
"keep out" → "vietato l'ingresso"
to keep out of trouble → tenersi fuori dai guai
to keep out of a quarrel → non immischiarsi in una lite
you keep out of this! → non immischiarti!
"keep out" → "vietato l'ingresso"
to keep out of trouble → tenersi fuori dai guai
to keep out of a quarrel → non immischiarsi in una lite
you keep out of this! → non immischiarti!
2. vt + adv (exclude, person, dog) → tenere fuori
this coat keeps out the cold → questo cappotto protegge dal freddo
to keep sb out of trouble → tenere qn lontano dai guai
this coat keeps out the cold → questo cappotto protegge dal freddo
to keep sb out of trouble → tenere qn lontano dai guai
keep up
1. vt + adv
a. (continue, tradition, subscription) → mantenere
I did French at school, but I haven't kept it up → non ho più studiato francese dai tempi della scuola
keep up the good work! → bravo, continua così!
he'll never keep it up! → non ce la farà mai!
I did French at school, but I haven't kept it up → non ho più studiato francese dai tempi della scuola
keep up the good work! → bravo, continua così!
he'll never keep it up! → non ce la farà mai!
b. (maintain, property) → mantenere
c. (hold up) → tenere su, sorreggere
to keep up one's spirits (fig) → tenersi su di morale, non perdersi d'animo
the noise kept me up all night → il rumore mi ha tenuto sveglio tutta la notte
to keep up one's spirits (fig) → tenersi su di morale, non perdersi d'animo
the noise kept me up all night → il rumore mi ha tenuto sveglio tutta la notte
2. vi + adv
a. to keep up with sb (in race) → mantenersi al passo con qn (fig) (in comprehension) → seguire qn; (by correspondence) → mantenere i rapporti con qn
to keep up with sth (work, payments, price rises) → tener dietro a qc
to keep up with the times → mantenersi al passo con i tempi
to keep up with the Joneses (fig) → non essere da meno dei vicini
to keep up with sth (work, payments, price rises) → tener dietro a qc
to keep up with the times → mantenersi al passo con i tempi
to keep up with the Joneses (fig) → non essere da meno dei vicini
b. (weather) → continuare; (prices) → mantenersi allo stesso livello
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(kiËp) â past tense, past participle kept (kept) â verb1. to have for a very long or indefinite period of time. He gave me the picture to keep.
2. not to give or throw away; to preserve. I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?
3. to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position. I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?
4. to go on (performing or repeating a certain action). He kept walking.
5. to have in store. I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.
6. to look after or care for. She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.
7. to remain in good condition. That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.
8. to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc). She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.
9. to hold back or delay. Sorry to keep you.
10. to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone). He has a wife and child to keep.
11. to act in the way demanded by. She kept her promise.
12. to celebrate. to keep Christmas.
noun food and lodging. She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep â she kills all the mice in the house.
Ëkeeper noun1. a person who looks after something, eg animals in a zoo. The lion has killed its keeper.
2. a goalkeeper.
Ëkeeping noun care or charge. The money had been given into his keeping.
Ëkeep-Ëfit noun a series or system of exercises, usually simple, intended to improve the physical condition of ordinary people, especially women. She's very keen on keep-fit but it doesn't do her much good; (also adjective) keep-fit exercises.
Ëkeepsake (-seik) noun something given or taken to be kept in memory of the giver. She gave him a piece of her hair as a keepsake.
for keeps permanently. You can have this necklace for keeps.
in keeping with suited to. He has moved to a house more in keeping with his position as a headmaster.
keep away to (cause to) remain at a distance. Keep away â it's dangerous!
keep back1. not to (allow to) move forward. She kept the child back on the edge of the crowd; Every body keep back from the door!
2. not to tell or make known. I feel he's keeping the real story back for some reason.
3. not to give or pay out. Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals; Will they keep it back every week?
keep one's distance to stay quite far away. The deer did not trust us and kept their distance.
keep down1. not to (allow to) rise up. Keep down â they're shooting at us!
2. to control or put a limit on. They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.
3. to digest without vomiting. He has eaten some food but he won't be able to keep it down.
keep one's end up to perform one's part in something just as well as all the others who are involved.
keep from to stop oneself from (doing something). I could hardly keep from hitting him.
keep going to go on doing something despite difficulties.
keep hold of not to let go of. Keep hold of those tickets!
keep house (for) to do the cooking, housework etc (for). She keeps house for her brother.
keep in1. not to allow to go or come out or outside. The teacher kept him in till he had finished the work.
2. to stay close to the side of a road etc.
keep in mind to remember and take into consideration later.
keep it up to carry on doing something at the same speed or as well as one is doing it at present. Your work is good â keep it up!
keep off1. to stay away. There are notices round the bomb warning people to keep off; The rain kept off and we had sunshine for the wedding.
2. to prevent from getting to or on to (something). This umbrella isn't pretty, but it keeps off the rain.
keep on to continue (doing something or moving). He just kept on writing; They kept on until they came to a petrol station.
keep oneself to oneself to tell others very little about oneself, and not to be very friendly or sociable.
keep out not to (allow to) enter. The notice at the building site said `Keep out!'; This coat keeps out the wind.
keep out of not to become involved in. Do try to keep out of trouble!
keep time (of a clock etc) to show the time accurately. Does this watch keep (good) time?
keep to not to leave or go away from. Keep to this side of the park!; We kept to the roads we knew.
keep (something) to oneself not to tell anyone (something). He kept his conclusions to himself.
keep up1. to continue, or cause to remain, in operation. I enjoy our friendship and try to keep it up.
2. (often with with) to move fast enough not to be left behind (by). Even the children managed to keep up; Don't run â I can't keep up with you.
keep up with the Joneses (ËdÊounziz) to have everything one's neighbours have. She didn't need a new cooker â she just bought one to keep up with the Joneses.
keep watch to have the task of staying alert and watching for danger.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ ÙÙبÙعÙد٠عÙÙÙ, ÙÙبÙÙÙÙ, ÙÙØÙÙÙظÙ, ÙÙسÙتÙÙ ÙرÙÙ nechat si, stále nÄco dÄlat, zdržovat se blive ved med, gemme, holde, holde (sig) aufbewahren, behalten, sich halten, ständig διαÏηÏÏ, μÎνÏ, ÏÏ Î½ÎµÏίζÏ, ÏÏ Î»Î¬ÏÏÏ guardar, mantenerse, mentener, seguir pitää, pysytellä, säilyttää, tehdä jtak alinomaa t. jatkuvasti garder, ne pas arrêter de, rester à l'écart Äuvati, kloniti se, stalno Äiniti, zadržati conservare, continuare a, stare lontano, tenere ・・・ãç¶ãã, ・・・ããã¾ã£ã¦ãã, æã¡ç¶ãã, è¿ã¥ããªã ë°ë³µíë¤, ë³´ê´íë¤, ì ì§íë¤ bewaren, blijven, doorgaan met, houden beholde, fortsette, holde, oppbevare trzymaÄ, utrzymywaÄ, wciÄ Å¼ coÅ robiÄ, zatrzymywaÄ continuar, guardar, manter деÑжаÑÑÑÑ, пÑодолжаÑÑ, ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑанÑÑÑ, Ñ ÑаниÑÑ behÃ¥lla, fortsätta, förvara, hÃ¥lla à¹à¸à¹à¸, à¸à¸à¸£à¸±à¸à¸©à¸²à¹à¸§à¹, à¸à¸³à¹à¸£à¸·à¹à¸à¸¢à¹à¸, à¸à¸¢à¸¹à¹à¸«à¹à¸²à¸à¸à¸²à¸ devam etmek, saklamak, tutmak, uzak durmak giữ, tiếp tục 使çå¨, ä¿å, ä¿æ, éå¤åMultilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vi. [a record] mantener; [guard] guardar;
to ___ down â limitar;
to ___ from â absternerse de, guardarse de, evitar;
to ___ off â alejarse, apartarse;
to ___ on â continuar;
to ___ quiet â estarse quieto-a, quedarse callado-a;
to ___ up â mantener, continuar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Keep the door locked
- How long will it stay fresh? (US)
How long will it keep? (UK) - Keep to the path
- Keep the change
- May I keep it?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009