That's a very good point! And so true.I sometimes wonder if dogs train us, he does something, gets a treat, so he does it again…for example, whenever my dog goes away too far, I call her, she comes and gets her treat, I now think she intentionally goes away far so I call her and she gets a treat , also, she doesn’t like coming inside, she is a guard dog and loves sitting at the fence, watching the going ons and barking whenever something comes by, my neighbors get peeved if my dog barks all the time so I give her a treat whenever she comes inside, I sometimes feel she intentionally slips outside, just to get called in to get a treat so, who is training who
My Sheltie runs straight in his crate at night when DH and I come to bed, he knows he will get a little treat when he does this. And every day he gets fed his second meal at noon, and about 20 till he will sit in front of me and stare at me! It is so disconcerting! I hold my phone in front of my face so he can't see my eyes and after a bit he will go away but then he comes back, lol. He knows if he stares long enough I will give in and feed him early. Definitely a case of the dog training the owner!