Solution architecture
Kaspersky Security for Mobile includes the following components:
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android mobile app
The Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android app ensures protection of mobile devices against web threats, viruses, and other programs that pose threats. It supports interaction between the mobile device and the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server using Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android Administration Plug-in
The Administration Plug-in of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android provides the interface for managing mobile devices and mobile apps installed on them through the Administration Console of Kaspersky Security Center.
- Kaspersky Device Management for iOS Administration Plug-in
The Administration Plug-in of Kaspersky Device Management for iOS provides an interface for managing mobile devices connected by means of the iOS MDM and Exchange ActiveSync protocol through the Administration Console of Kaspersky Security Center.
The architecture of the Kaspersky Security for Mobile integrated solution is shown in the figure below.
The architecture of Kaspersky Security for Mobile
For details on Administration Console, Administration Server, Exchange Server, and iOS MDM Server, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.