Configuring anti-virus database updates
You can define these policy settings only for Android devices.
To configure anti-virus database updates:
- Open the policy properties window:
- In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Cloud Console, select Devices > Policies & profiles. In the list of group policies that opens, click the name of the policy that you want to configure.
- In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Cloud Console, select Devices > Mobile > Devices. Click the mobile device that falls under the policy that you want to configure, and then select the policy on the Active policies and policy profiles tab.
- In the policy properties window, select Application settings > Database update.
- In the Database update section, configure the schedule of automatic database updates on the user's device.
Select one of the following options:
- Disabled
Automatic updates of anti-virus databases will be disabled.
- Daily
Anti-virus databases will be updated every day.
If you select this option, you can also specify the time of update in the Update time field.
- Weekly
Anti-virus databases will be updated once a week.
If you select this option, you can also specify the time of update in the Update time field and the day of the week when you want to run update in the Day of the week drop-down list.
On Android 12 or later, the app may perform this task later than specified if the device is in battery saver mode.
- Disabled
- In the Database update source section, specify the update source from which Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android receives and installs anti-virus database updates:
- Kaspersky servers
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android will use a Kaspersky update server as an update source for downloading anti-virus databases to the user's device.
- Administration Server
Available only if you use Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android will use the repository of Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server as an update source for downloading anti-virus databases to the user's device.
- Other source
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android will use a third-party server as an update source for downloading anti-virus databases to the user's device.
If you select this option, you must specify the address of an HTTP server in the Use another server as an update source for anti-malware databases field.
- Kaspersky servers
- If you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android to download anti-virus database updates according to the update schedule when the user's device is roaming, select the Allow database update while roaming check box in the Update anti-malware databases while roaming section.
- Click the Save button to save the changes you have made to the policy and exit the policy properties window.
Mobile device settings are configured after the next device synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center.
Updates functionality (including providing anti-virus signature updates and codebase updates), as well as KSN functionality will not be available in the software in the U.S. territory from 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 10, 2024 in accordance with the restrictive measures.