Configuring events about the installation, update, and removal of apps on users' devices

February 27, 2025

ID 224230

You can define these policy settings for Android and iOS devices.

If you use Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, the list of types of events that occur on your users' devices, and that are sent to Kaspersky Security Center, does not include the installation, update, and removal of apps on the devices. This is because such events occur often and these events may replace other important events in the Kaspersky Security Center database when the events count limit is reached. They may also affect the performance of Administration Server or the DBMS, and the bandwidth of the internet connection with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

If you nevertheless want to store events of this type and be notified about them, proceed as described in this section.

To configure events about the installation, update, and removal of apps on users' devices:

  1. In the settings of a policy, on the Event configuration tab, add the An app has been installed or removed (list of installed apps) informational event type to the list of events that are stored in the Administration Server database.

    For more details on configuring events, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help.

  2. Enable the Send a list of installed apps on all mobile devices option.

Events about the installation, update, and removal of apps on users' devices are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center database. You are notified about these events.

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