Defining certificate settings

December 19, 2024

ID 218624

You can use Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Cloud Console to configure the lifetime, automatic updates, and password protection of mobile certificates.

To define mobile certificate settings:

  1. In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Cloud Console, select Devices > Mobile > Devices.
  2. Select Manage certificates.
  3. Select Certificate settings.
  4. In the Generate mobile certificates window that opens, you can configure the following:
    • Certificate validity period (days)

      Certificate lifetime period in days. The default lifetime of a certificate is 365 days. When this period expires, the mobile device will not be able to connect to the Administration Server.

    • Reissue when certificate will expire in (days)

      The number of days remaining until the current certificate's expiration during which Administration Server should issue a new certificate. For example, if the value of the field is 4, Administration Server issues a new certificate four days before the current certificate expires. The default value is 1.

    • Reissue certificate automatically if possible

      If possible, certificates will be reissued automatically. If this option is disabled, certificates must be reissued manually as they expire. By default, this option is disabled.

    • Prompt for password during certificate installation

      The user will be prompted for a password when the certificate is installed on a mobile device. The password is used only once—during installation of the certificate on the mobile device. The password will be automatically generated by the Administration Server and sent to the user by email. You can specify the password length in the Password length field.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes and close the window.

The specified settings will be used by Kaspersky Security Center for creating, updating, and protecting mobile certificates.

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