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Templates & Job Aids

Discover a collection of customizable templates and job aids to assist the research administration community with their tasks.


Title: Research Administrator Onboarding Checklist Template for Managers

Description: This document serves as a template and starting point for managers to develop an onboarding plan for recently hired research administrators.


  • Open the link to the Google sheet template. Make sure you are signed in to your Google account.
  • Once the template is open, click on File in the top menu.
  • Select Make a copy from the dropdown menu.
  • A dialog box will appear asking you to name your copy and choose its location / folder in your Google Drive. Click Make a copy to finalize.
  • You now have your own editable copy of the Google sheet template. You can modify it as needed.

Job Aids

A collection of job aid materials developed by or shared with the Navigate Training Program.  This document will continue to be updated as more resources become available. 


For questions about the Navigate program or other training and professional development related to sponsored research, contact [email protected].