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Navigate: Advanced Budgeting Task-Based/Hourly Budgets



Stay tuned for future offerings of this course.


Dates/Times: ​

  • Day 1: TBD
    Time:  8:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Day 2: TBD
    Time:  8:30 - 11:30 am

Participants are also invited to attend optional virtual “Office Hours” with the instructors for assistance with the homework assigned at the end of Day 1. 

Attendance at both Day 1 and Day 2 sessions, and completion of the homework assignment are required. Participants who attend both sessions and complete the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Achievement available in My LINC.

This course is limited to 25 participants.

Application and Requirements

Application is required. The Navigate Team and course instructors will review applications and select participants.

Applicants should have experience preparing general budgets for sponsored reseach in their current U-M positions, with approximately two or more years of on-the-job experience. In addition, participants should have completed the Navigate Fundamentals course, Budgeting Basics course or have equivalent on the job experience with budget preparation for sponsored reserarch.

How to Apply

Application Requirements

  • Obtain approval from your supervisor before applying
  • Submit a complete course application form

Selected Participant Requirements

  • Attend both class sessions
  • Complete all assignments (including in between sessions homework)
  • Complete session evaluation

Target Audience

The Navigate: Advanced Budgeting Task-Based/Hourly Budgets course is recommended for intermediate research administrators:

  • with approximately two or more years of on-the-job experience;
  • who have been exposed to and regularly produce basic budgets for sponsored research proposals;
  • are familiar with various appointment types included in sponsored project budgets, including faculty (U-year and 12-month), staff, and graduate students;
  • are familiar with how to calculate common budget elements including Facilities & Administrative (indirect) costs and modified total direct costs (MTDC).

Important! Participants should have proficiency in Excel - including building and using standard Excel formulas (e.g., SUM) and linking worksheets.

Course Content

This course exposes the learner to more advanced budgeting topics than those found in Navigate: Fundamentals and Navigate: Budgeting Basics courses. It is designed to provide immersive complex task-based and hour-based budget development and preparation training to the learner actively engaged in research administration.

Learners will participate in class walk-through demonstrations, discussions of budget-building and problem-solving strategies typical in the context of proposal submission, and then complete a reinforcing budget development homework assignment.

By the end of this course, learners will master the building of a moderately complex task-based and hour-based budget and have access to job aids and Excel templates for use in developing similar budgets in their own positions. 

Budget attributes in this course include: 

  • Department of Transportation (DoT) (multi-year, < $1M) budgets for sponsors with mixed effort/appointments in budgets including 12-month, U-Year, and pool (with SVH) appointments;
  • multiple methods of fringe rate calculation based on sponsor requirements and appointment types;
  • conversion of effort from percent (%) effort to loaded labor hour(s); and
  • loaded labor rates included on a task-based, multi-year budget with a base budget period and option years.

Additionally, participants will receive reinforcement and practice in multiple appointment types, including:

  • University-year (U-year)
  • 12-month
  • Graduate Student Research Assistants (GSRAs)
  • Temp Hourly
  • Building loaded labor hour budgets for task-based submissions
  • Orientation to nuances of Department of Transportation (DoT) submissions
  • Tips and tricks for participation from faculty in developing and planning for complex budgets

Course Fee

The course fee is temporarily waived.


For questions on Navigate and other training initiatives, please contact the Training Team at [email protected].