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Related to conformation: confirmation


The spatial arrangement of a molecule achieved by rotation of groups about single covalent bonds, without breaking any covalent bonds; the latter restriction differentiates conformation from configuration (as in anomers and related stereoisomers) where a bond or bonds must be broken in going from one form (configuration) to another. Conformation is one of the most important aspects of sugar chemistry and is basic to an understanding of the chemical properties of sugars. Compare: configuration.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The spatial arrangement of a molecule achieved by rotation of groups about single covalent bonds, without breaking any covalent bonds.
Compare: configuration
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The docking of the chitosan+quercetin system generated nine different conformations for quercetin (chosen as a ligand) around the chitosan molecule.
Because the genetic superiority and generation intervals for four paths of selection were measured, the previously intended yearly genetic gain ([DELTA]G/year) for each milk production and conformation trait was computed according to the method of [4]:
The trace of the conformation tensor can be related to the mean square chain extension as follows [24]:
All of fungal polysaccharides have complex chemical composition and chain conformation, and their bioactivity is related to their molecular properties and water-solubility [9].
These molecular mechanics are applied in CHARMM, AMBER, and ECEPP [10, 11] energy functions and are found superior in modelling the fine conformation of proteins.
The championships are a conformation championship and two agility championships.
7 (BNA): A lecture on the fundamentals of Horse Conformation will be presented by national equine judges Mahmood Faraj and Elias Faraj as speechmakers, dealing with various general aspects of horse conformation.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate and analyze the values for genetic trend of birth, yearling, and mature weights of cows, weight gains from birth to weaning and after weaning, and the conformation, finishing precocity, and musculature visual scores at weaning and yearling in a program for genetic improvement of Nellore cattle.
These correlations can be reduced to a matrix differential equation, and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the equation will specify the lowest energy conformation of the molecule being studied.
[3] that whether the acidic 5'-GMP helix is left- or righthanded depends critically on the sugar pucker conformation. That is, a C2'-endo sugar pucker would favor a left-handed helix but a C3'-endo conformation would result in a righthanded helix.