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1. the general form, shape, or appearance of an object.
2. in chemistry, the arrangement in space of the atoms of a molecule.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The general form of a body and its parts.
2. chemistry the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. The configuration of a compound (for example, a sugar) is the unique spatial arrangement of its atoms such that no other arrangement of these atoms is superimposable thereon with complete correspondence, regardless of changes in conformation (that is, twisting or rotation about single bonds); a change of configuration requires the breaking and rejoining of bonds, as in going from d to l configurations of sugars. Compare: conformation.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The arrangement of parts or elements in a pattern or form, as:
a. Chemistry The structural arrangement of atoms in a compound or molecule.
b. Computers The way in which a computer system or network is set up or connected.
c. Psychology Gestalt.

con·fig′u·ra′tion·al·ly adv.
con·fig′u·ra′tive, con·fig′u·ra′tion·al adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


1. The general form of a body and its parts.
2. chemistry The spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. The configuration of a compound (e.g., a sugar) is the unique spatial arrangement of its atoms, on which no other arrangement of these atoms can be superimposed with complete correspondence.
Compare: conformation
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
A daily scan of your entire environment can pinpoint risky configuration drifts before something bad happens.
Definition 2.16 Configuration 6.2: A 6 point set of type(4, 2) where 4 points in the first convex layer form a trapezoid and the 2 points inside the trapezoid are symmetrically placed in opposite triangles formed by the diagonals.
Definition 2.17 Configuration 7.1: A 7 point set of type(3,4) where the 3 points of the first convex layer are in different I regions of the parallelogram formed by the 4 points in the second convex layer.
In addition, the installation process of a third party add-on involves manual configuration of different entries in Mozilla Firefox, which is a complex task requiring a high level of expertise and experience with configuring MF.
In addition, even when using AD, system administrators have to manually configure each web browser setting to achieve the same configuration option in all web browsers.
Now, Fujitsu has added the configuration block function, which displays shape images for each component, and displays the relationship between units as a chart.
The new version, which adds functionality for creating product assembly configurations visually, will commence global availability(1) to the manufacturing industry, starting today.

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